A New Linux Experience

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so there's something interesting happening in the linux space specifically the linux desktop space i've started watching some of linus tech tips and i think eposvox both are you know linux noobs but coming into the space and and giving it a fresh set of eyes which if you've been in linux for a while it just well it just works a little differently than everything else and i wanted to jump on the desktop real fast just to kind of show you an idea for maybe fixing a lot of the things that happen in linux so here is my desktop environment and it's not really a desktop environment it's a linux without it and it just uses a window manager and a lot of times what happened when i was in just different things and i was looking around was when i looked through linus and eposvox's videos they've released yet i think linus is still working on kind of getting everything done i will say looking at that new user experience a lot of their gripes was things just didn't work or they would install too many packages and then it would just get real wonky or they'd make some setting changes like everyone does when they come to linux and breaks their system and i wanted to fix that i one thing that stood out was hey if you're on steam and i think i have steam on here let's just pull up steam i wanted to see what would happen if i created something that didn't have a desktop environment but instead was based on server with a window manager because linux server is really really good linux desktop is this cobbled together frankenstein mess where you might be using all these different packages and then at the end of the day it just doesn't work the way a lot of folks want it to because they don't know all the packages or they don't know which one to go to so they blindly start installing stuff and it breaks their system so linux desktop in a lot of ways some some could make the argument is less stable than windows or mac for a new user i should say asterisk but i wanted to make something like this and what it is is based completely off of well i need to install 32-bit libraries for steam to go but i wanted to base it completely off of debian but not just a stable version of debian because a lot of the packages in there are old and i wanted to put it to the testing branch now i've run debbie and sid which is on like the development branch like the bleeding edge but i think the testing branch i've never even heard of anybody really having a problem with the testing branch so it's almost like a rolling release with newer packages and that would be the base and i think too many people are focused on distribution and they end up installing a fork of a fork uh meaning you've got debian you got arch and pretty much everything's forked off of that yes there's fedora and some other odds and ends um open souza and some other ones that frankly just don't matter because they're just a little weird when it comes to getting guides working on them so usually debian and archers where most people settle in the linux realm and i wanted to do it off of debian uh specifically debbie and testing because i think we could create an amazing experience that locks the user in and then makes scripts to do everything else instead of having this full-blown desktop environment and that's really what i want to do with this right here now you might be looking it's kind of ugly right now because i haven't really cleaned up like the polybar and really themed out a lot of things here but i really wanted to get in here and start adding exactly what a new user might need and then they don't have to break their system by installing a bunch of packages or worry about doing a massive update on arch after they installed a bunch of crap through the aur everything would just be there and it would stay there and it would be very very stable and the reason why i kind of had this idea one i was talking to my new hire at work dak big shout out to him but you know he said you know i'm on there but sometimes you know it's easier just to come back into windows and i'm like yeah i find myself doing the same thing because i've been a windows user for 20 something years and i was like you know what what if there's just like a stable perfect distro with everything on it and i was like i can do that we could do that and everyone always helps out whenever i'm live streaming this creation of this tool to say hey oh you missed this or you need to check this out and some of it's not very helpful but some of it is and i love that and i think what we can do is make a distro like this which you might be thinking well as tiling window manager a lot of people aren't going to want that and that's true but where linux shines is its uniqueness instead of trying to be like a windows or a mac why don't we teach people how to just feel freaking awesome when they use their computer like when i'm on here and let me let me get this and i have like my little split keyboard i can't really see it with this little split keyboard here and i'm in my tiling window manager and i'm jamming out i gotta say it's the best i ever felt on a computer i feel like this mastermind genius behind the scenes that's just making something completely awesome even though i'm like editing some file and vim or something you know it's something minor that i think anybody in the world can do and really the only thing keeping your average normie from doing a split keyboard with all the tiling window manager goodness is the barrier of entry it's so damn high and i mean high a lot of people don't want to do that and a lot of the stuff i look up and say hey how do i make my desktop look like this or oh look at that rice it looks amazing i'm going to see how to modify my desktop in that way it ends up just a cobbled mess or better yet you just can't get there because the instructions are incomplete or they've used a gajillion different custom modifications when we're you know compiling a bunch of programs and they're just not there uh there's so many things that you see and what i think i'm gonna do i know this is what i'm going to do not what i think but i know this is what i'm going to do is i'm going to create this and then i'm going to make a guide of how easy it is to install and then modify the way users use their computer because once you get into here and you start flipping through here and you're you're launching into stuff you're going in your browser you're quitting you're pulling up a bunch of terminals you're doing all that it feels just amazing and i want more people to feel that without all the pain and suffering of setting it all up tediously over days if not weeks maybe even to fail but i'm gonna set it up to where you just launch it and then when you want to change something i just you run a script and that script will fix these configuration files to your pc that's really the end goal with this distribution i really want to make it amazing i really want people to use it in a way that they never use their computer before because i think only probably like one percent of linux users have probably used this type of setup and it's the best i've ever felt being on a computer and i want other people to feel that too so that's the whole purpose of this it'll still be called debian testing i mean i'm not going to say hey it's going to be a new distro so to speak but it will be based off the granddaddy what everything else is based off of it'll have all the packages you need you shouldn't need to install anything i'm going to basically game on it i'll get everything going exactly as it should be and then we'll create an iso we'll do some stuff with this to where everything's great and that's really what i want to get to that's where we're at um and this is something that's probably going to take a couple weeks so obviously videos and stuff like that might might be a little sparse here and there i'm gonna try at least stick to my one video a week but this is really what i'm dedicating a lot of my time to and i imagine it'll take uh at least a month probably close to christmas uh that we see more of a final finished product that's probably bundled too i normally would just do an image and this time around i will be doing a full iso bundling it up like you would see so many other linux distros do but i'm just gonna call it debbie and debbie and done right or whatever i don't know we'll take a poll and figure it out on a live stream but you're gonna see quite a few of my live streams tuesday and friday is usually when i live stream over on the main channel and uh i absolutely love this and i want more people to experience uh the minimal nature of it all even though this is 1600 packages with a whole bunch of stuff in it uh it's still quite a bit lighter and it feels just amazing with you know it's only using like a gig of ram and i think i even have brave open too yeah i have brave open so that's probably using like probably 800 800 megs of that that gig of ram uh but i wanted people to actually see this because this feels like an amazing desktop and better yet people can't break it as easy as other stuff and they can update it as much as they possibly want there's not going to be any oh well you installed something from the aur or oh this is compiled this dependency is missing none of that garbage we're going to we're going to do it right because i really feel like i'm sick of distros and i'm sick of people just forking a fork of a fork and then just botching it up and i think no nay i know we can do better and i wanted to see take a stab at it because at the end of the day this is not a great experience for a new user as shown by eposvox and linus as new users they're not necessarily technical but pretty technical i'd say far more technical than your average user and if they're not figuring out or they're having such a difficult time we're doing something wrong and that's where i'm at so yeah i'm gonna try and do something and set it up the way i think a windows user would but with a slight twist and modifying it to where most people will have to get used to keyboard shortcuts and instead of the mouse and keyboard orientation but have like a little cheat sheet you just pull up when you forget those keyboard shortcuts and then it teaches them to use a computer differently and it'll teach them just something completely better but i've rambled too long i just kind of want to give a little sneak peek over here it's been a little bit since my last video and i just have all this rattling around and it's something that i'm just extremely passionate about and i want to kind of give folks an idea of what i'm doing with it because just installing kde or installing some other desktop environment i think will just end in disaster again for many new users and instead of emulating some other system the true power of linux is the terminal is the server experience and for those that want to expand into that and have a stable desktop environment experience or stable desktop experience i'll make scripts that you can just run here have basically everything done through the terminal but in script form so you're not sitting there pounding around and looking up hey how do i do this in terminal and make it very friendly and also very easy for users to get into because too long has tiling window manager set on the back burner and basically just been walled off from the normies of the world because they can't install it and get it configured properly and with that let me know your thoughts down in the comments section and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 73,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: Fa9-rU83KGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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