Apple Motion: "Data Vortex" Tutorial

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hi this is Simon Abdal and welcome to another tutorial for motion 5 and today we're going to be taking a look at creating this project so a few interesting techniques in here and so let's get started first of all I'm going to set up my project it's going to be 1920 1080 24 frames a second 10 seconds long let's open it up so the first thing I want to do is I want to come to generators text generators and I want to look for numbers and I'm going to bring that into this group let's come to the inspector I'm going to set the alignment to Center let's come over to generator and leave the animate button switched on I'm gonna set Lee starts to zero and the end to 1 and then I'm going to step forward one frame from the start of my timeline and hit o on the keyboard so that shortens that whole thing down to just two frames and then I'm going to select that right click and make clone layer and I'm going to turn off that original numbers layer then I'm going to come to object replicate so that's with the clone selected object to replicate so let's set up the size I'm going to set the width to 400 and the height to 1080 then what I want to do is I want to come down here click on let's open it up so we can read all the names I'm going to select the random start frame button I'm going to set hold frames to 6 and hold frames randomness to 4 and now if we play that you can see those zeros and ones are cycling nicely in a random fashion ok we need to increase the number of rows so let's go for I think this is going to be 20 that should do us let's set the columns to ten what I'm also going to come back to my numbers here format and it's going to reduce that size I'm going to go for sixteen instead of the default so we've got some nice little numbers here all cycling like that okay so this replicator I'm going to call replicator language did replicator there hold for left I'm going to duplicate it right click duplicate call this one replicator Center right click duplicate and I'm going to call it right ok so this right hand one I'm going to set to 540 on X and the left hand one to negative 541 X so now we've got it looking like that I'm just going to hit the random seed button for the left and right versions so they're not uniform and that makes it all a little bit more interesting so I'm going to select that group properties open up the rotation and set the X rotation to negative 45 let's have at it leaning away from us make it easy to visualize our scene okay I'm not going to make a new group so objects a new group and into this new group I'm you to add generators generators concentric shapes and it brings up this rather dazzling set of concentric circles so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set the width to 200 and that's just about all we need to do on this and then we're going to come to filters blur Gaussian blur and let's just increase the amount to 64 so we've got a degree of softness here so I'm going to quickly label up these groups so this one down here called numbers that's one I'm going to call circles right there's one more thing we need to do and that's we need to make yet another group in your group and I'm going to move it to the back of the composition like that and now I want to add a color solid so in the latest version of motion so this version is five point four point three you can come to generators and you can select color solid from up here instead of having to go down into generators generators the sub sub folder so let's try using that one and here's why I am so annoyed the default width and height of this is one pixel by one pixel now obviously the old color solid if you select it from the other place it comes in at the project dimensions so this is absolutely no use to anybody we have to reset it to the actual project dimensions okay so I'm going to change the color to black so we're all good to go on that and then I'm going to come to my concentrate shapes layer here and we're going to apply that same X rotation so negative 45 and then I'm going to set the blend mode to darken and you can see that's applied a darkening effect to those rings but we're gonna make it more interesting we're going to make this quasi 3d by selecting the numbers group coming to filters distortion and selecting bump map and then we're going to take our concentric shapes layer and drag it into the bump map source well and I've just set the direction to zero and we don't want quite so much let's set the amount to point zero five but you can see as well as we do that we can effectively displace those numbers up or down depending on that amount value okay that's going to be good for us let's just let's just change the opacity of this layer let's go for something like just just off a hundred percent so it's creating that darkening effect but we're not losing too much so now let's start to make a little bit more interesting let's select this numbers group come to filters color and select levels and I'm going to select the red and then just bring down that value there it's the same with Green just so we get a bit of colorization in there next I want to select the replicators or one of the replicators anyway and come to behaviours replicate a sequence replicator I'm going to add position parameter and I'm going to set the Y value to one four five and you can see those numbers are moving upwards what we want to do is increase the spread to a hundred percent and then they'll slide upwards over the duration like that so I'm going to apply that same sequence replicated to the right hand group so I'm going to hold down the alt or option key and drag it to replicator right and then I'm also going to add it to the middle one but this one I'm going to set the Y value to negative one four five so these are going in opposite directions like that because this is nice animation like that next time we had to make another new group I'm going to select my circle tool and I'm going to draw a circle in the middle like that I'm going to reset the transform set the X rotation to negative 45 like so and I'm going to come to shape geometry let's set this radius to 150 and let's then duplicate that right-click duplicate it's going to style let's turn off film turn on outline let's have a width of 65 let's come to the geometry set that radius to 400 let's duplicate that again right click duplicate let's set the radius to 600 this time so then I'm going to make yet another group which it's a new group at the top there I'm going to select that circle there and drag it option drag it rather into that group I'm going to set the radius to 100 come over to properties and set the blend mode subtract that cut the hole in the middle of it okay let's call that GRU cut out and let's close it up so this group here I'm going to call glows and I'm going to come to filters blur Gaussian blur and I'm going to set the amount to 220 so these circles that I want to move them vertically a little bit so leave leave the first one where it is at the bottom there this one here I'm going to move up on Y to 150 and this top one here I'll move up on Y to 250 and that gives us this sort of depth effect okay so then let's set the blend mode of this group to screen and let's set that opacity to 50 and again let's come to filters color levels do the same thing let's grab the Reg let's bring that down just work again I'm going to colorize these as we did before bring the red way way down bring the green down as well oops not the blue or green something like that and next we want to make yet another new group I'm gonna call this text grab my text tool and I'm gonna just type data harvesting let's set the alignment to Center and I'm going to come to properties pane in reset the transform okay so we want to come to the texture layout and we want to set the layout method to path and down here we want to come to pass shape and said it's a circle and we'll use a radius of 200 for this we'll come over to format and just reduce the scale of that a bit let's come down to 32 maybe and then select my text copy it and a few spaces and then paste it again let's increase those spaces Tom we got something like that okay then come to properties rotation negative 45 now why is it not in the center we've centered everything up now this is an annoying property or for the a layout circle layout so bearing in mind our radius is 200 we need to come to the transform and we need to set the anchor point to 200 on X and you see that's now centered it up on everything so that's good so let's select that and let's duplicate it let's come to properties let's move it up on Y to 150 so it's at our next layer so we'll come back to the radius and I believe we're going to set this to 400 and again you'll see it pushed it off to the side so we need to reset that anchor point to 400 let's select that text add a few spaces that'll do and again my let's duplicate it let's move it up to 250 okay let's come to layout crease that radius to 600 again you see it's pushed it off to the side we need to correct for that by setting the anchor point to 600 this is something Apple should be thinking about I mean this you really shouldn't have to do that you really want that the layout to be centered from the word go so again come to format let's select that add a couple of extra spaces edit it what we want to do is just give them a little bit of rotation so we're going to select the z-rotation there add parameter behavior rate I'm going to set that reach to 15 I'm going to hold down the Alt key and drag it to the other two and this middle one come back to the rate and I'm going to set zero to negative 15 so it goes the other way so now we've got something that looks like that I want to add some kind of atmospherics to these these glows because they're just looking a little bit bland so again I'm going to make a new group and into this group I'm going to add generators generators clouds again let's set the X rotation to negative 45 so come to the generator let's make this square so I'm going to set the height to 1920 and I want to open up the gradient here and then I would have just click on here a few times so we can make this a little bit more interesting and what we want to do is we want to sort of alternate these Gray's a bit like that and you can see that that with a bit of work we can actually make a much more interesting jet generator effect so horizontal scale vertical scale 12 and this is looking better okay so then what we want to do is we want to set this blend mode to color dodge and now we want to come back into our gradient here and we want to darken these colors these lighter colors way down so much more subtle let's select this layer duplicate and come to properties and let's rotate it through 45 degrees on said then I just want to select this group filters again color color levels want to set that whole group to color Dodge again because of what we've done with that adding that filter come back to the filter just give it a little bit more definition and then we've come back to our glows group here and maybe just reduce that level even further just wanted to be all pretty subtle like that we can adjust the color as well with that levels control so I just want to try and increase the wisp enos of this so I'm going to select the the second clouds layer let's reduce that horizontal vertical scale down to 8 and then what I'm going to do is if you look over here these lighter colored tabs click on them you'll see I've got these little position gradient options there now just bring them in closer to the brighter color do the same with the other one just really tighten up that you just helps to to give give a little bit more whis penis I think you can hopefully see by now this is starting to look a bit more spirally tenderly just much nicer look I think okay so then I think we need to add maybe a light so let's come to an object light switch to 3d just reduce to fall off to one in terms of its position let's let's just increase the Y value 325 something like that we could maybe even just colorize that line just a little bit don't know maybe not you need a little bit of green help cyan rather it depends on what we want to go for I'll go for that okay and then all we need to do is add a camera and really at this point it's up to you I'm going to just set an angle of view I think of 25 and then let's just maybe on the add a ramp to the Z position so let's have know where we might want it to start let's start at 1000 and it's made me realise that our background here of our background black that has been switched to 3d we want to switch that back to 2d so it's just not affected by anything so that's camera is pushing in like that and maybe we just want to add a ramp to the extra rotation so let's do that I'd parameter behavior let's have a stop value of 30 and an N value of -5 so there you have it thanks very much for watching and see you again another time
Channel: Simon Ubsdell
Views: 9,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Motion, tutorial, motion graphics, text, data
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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