100 DAYS as a DRAGON In Minecraft!

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me and my friends get separated in a dragon's lair in minecraft and inside i find a rare dragon gem but this gym has a 100-day dragon first now i have to live with a dragon for 100 days but the hardest part is i need to keep it a secret from all of my friends being a dragon can be tricky especially when my friends want to hunt all the dragons on the server but i'll learn how to become the greatest dragon in minecraft can i keep my dragon secret for 100 days or will living as a dragon becomes too big of a secret let's find out oh don't be scared it's just me be sure to like subscribe thanks look at this place my goodness are we lost ah we're exactly this is the new hub obviously anywhere we go it's where we it's it's friends we make along the way that's what the hub is right yep like this pig for dinner no no absolutely it's getting late we gotta get back to the hub and find shelter somewhere okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait hold on one space what is this it's birdy and fiery there's ham next to it which is delicious so everything's that means it's a good place to be definitely what this is a dragon's lair you know what doy i think oh great oh yeah where there's dragons there's treasure come on we gotta go we gotta do this i don't think it's a smart idea you know the dragons from the dragon ball are super powerful and we only have like we have just iron axes we just came out here to get some stuff i i don't think it's a good idea to go in tell you what if you're too scared that's okay you can wait for us out here but we'll go in ourselves all right yeah fine don't worry we'll keep you safe we'll get all the diamonds and emeralds just a gold treasure all right see ya let's go if you need anything yeah i will i will fine i'll go join them i'll go join them because i don't want any mups to spawn wait for me um pierce maybe they're down here wait what's that is that a slime oh that's a what this is so worth it oh my gosh well they were so right dragons do have a lot of look at all these emeralds and all the diamonds oh this is awesome oh you would go so crazy oh and pierce the noise look at all this treasure this is amazing is that where person we are what is this oh what is this it's a dragon's gem hmm i mean maybe it's super rare let me just uh let me just grab it huh [Music] you've been cursed by the dragon for a hundred days oh this isn't good oh this isn't good this isn't good i gotta fight i gotta find person away i gotta fight person oh no i gotta tell them wait a minute this could be really cool maybe i can get us back home faster oh this is gonna be so cool where are they huh maybe i should have brought something more than an axe they give you the heavy jeebies they're just the only white people jerks they hoard all the treasure that they steal and then they breathe fire and burning villages wait this other dragon oh no they're the dragons get that dragon dragon oh god are you hearing f-bow down there you're okay and not eaten by a dragon i think it was a cute little black and purple dragon that was and then you slayed it right uh i mean would you say that dragon if you saw it yes with reckless abandon ooh okay scary i don't like them well you don't have dragon slobber over here so you probably didn't get eaten fried drinks we actually slayed that dragon and it's gone now so yeah we don't have to worry about it wait what it flew away and it was creepy yeah that's like that's incredible i can't believe you're so good against dragons why do we think you're the first one up to a mean nasty dragon like that that's amazing thanks uh but now let's let's get this treasure and head out okay oh yeah okay yeah yeah of course of course diamonds and emeralds and something that's not a diamond or anything i'll take a gold block back in but i'll leave the rest that's you know dead weight honestly so there i was standing in the cave i went my i had everything ready to go and then everything just went silent as the dragon came in it swooped down and tried to take noise but i fought him off with my own bare hands i remember you guys fighting together isn't that what happened yeah yeah i mean no i eventually helped out but of course it was you know his little pierce that that got the first couple of shots hang on are you saying that pierce's story isn't completely accurate hang on pierre said they didn't find any gold is is that true it's so true okay there i of course i'd give you goldie and of course yeah there was no gold you should be fine oh oh very funny trying to light us on fire while we're having a fun time fishing together whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey you can't just leave these fires kicking around here it's actually the new flint and steel that i have for uh what for oh no i can't what do you mean flint and steel pretty effective flint and steel there yeah great can i have it uh no if you're a flint okay how about this if your flint and steel can can make this tnt go off you can have it there you go okay well it seems easy enough yeah here we go right there maybe wrapped up okay i have only been a driver for one day but you know what at least i managed to keep it a secret [Music] it's a new day oh it's so good oh wait wait huh huh oh no not there's not it's not again i can't control it okay come on this isn't fair oh oh that's not good what was that driving oh no there's a drone oh there it is follow that dragon oh this isn't good this isn't good this isn't good oh wait okay i'm gonna get out of here show it attacked my house and i chased it yeah we saw yeah wait did you try to chase it down with a pickaxe you silly billy yes that's pretty hardcore i don't think afman knows how to how to handle dragon yeah don't don't worry about that though tell you what next time you see a dragon you just let us know okay we'll we'll we'll hate it yeah we'll take care of the dragon i will make sure i lay low you guys are on this you can smell a dragon from miles away i'll see you guys later oh yeah absolutely we can starving but normal minecraft food isn't doing it for me anymore and i really want some more of those tasty gems wait what's happening to me oh yes i'm a dragon you know what i just gotta go oh wait ian has a lot of treasure that's right he always says treasure belts let's see uh now that i know how to control this i can maybe transform back let's see perfect okay all right i just got to go to indian's house now she's gotta find the dragon every pair says there's no gold but no i said they're schooled and then i don't know what to believe but don't worry i've got my weapons i'm building an armor set i'm going to go find a dragon and get the cult for myself [Music] and then everything's going to be just fine hey hey did you know there's a dragon on the server oh i am making it my life's goal to haunt it uh don't you have like a new life school every other day so it's okay you do you but you know what you know what uh oh my gosh [Applause] wait a minute oh i smell something over here what is that oh i think it's coming from right here but how do i maybe i mind the thing oh beautiful oh look at all this treasure oh this is gonna be so great this don't mind if i do oh my goodness this is pretty all right here we go and back to normal i will get you dragon oh hey ian not yet but i will someday and all the treasure will be mine don't try to have a lot of treasure somewhere well how'd you know about that i was asking okay i'll see you later bye [Music] oh so delicious i gotta go mining more often someone broke into my secret treasure vault it wasn't a secret treasure fault it was a refrigerator wink yeah i'm starting to think i'll never find a cave it's been a few days ah the smell looks pretty what is that oh this looks so perfect look at this oh this is beautiful oh i love it there's this spot oh i can make a lot of things happen here okay i can make this into a nice little area pretty sure i thought i saw it fly this way you know but are you sure this is such a good idea we're gonna find that dragon and then i'm gonna shoot with my bow and there like like that are you kidding sure that's such a good idea absolutely we have to take down that dragon and take its treasure uh yeah sure to keep the hub safe right okay so uh first things first let's set up camp we're gonna stay here till that dragon appears i know it's gonna be around here no matter how long it takes are you kidding me it is absolutely fine you know what i was going to use my stuff for myself but i guess i have to use a few supplies that i brought for you know pranks and stuff hmm start making this look more like home perfect all right oh it wasn't too long it took me a little bit to start moving in it's going to look a lot nicer later but for now let's see what those two are up to they made a camp oh no ah you know what it's fine it's fine because i made a stairs not i just didn't focus on my cape i focused on this and if i come over here i can finish the top and i have my little oh if i leave them up here i could probably get rid of them with a stair trap that i have all right perfect let me finish this up bam bam bam and that is set there ian shouldn't see it if i'm good let's go see what they're up to in five more minutes no there are dragons to be hunted in this area now i appreciate you setting up the camp you know i feel like you could have done a better job but you know that's not where we're here we're not here all night getting coal and wood for the campfire you pack nothing and i appreciate that and i didn't pack nothing i packed weaponry now let's go dragon hunting let's see if they can even make it up those stairs in the first place now i know you and pierce had your big dragon adventure i want that adventure too and that's good dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon all right gotta keep my toes humans are smarter than i thought wait a minute i'm only under a cut you better not be hunting dragons without me oh give me a break ian they're coming back again all right now that i've been a dragon for about 60 days now i i think i need a minion because i'm super powerful and i'm glad it gets in my head [Applause] over there come on come on um what in the name of minecraft what are you doing out there i'm just uh i'm just doing some exercise you know trying to get real bump and just really try to prep myself for fighting the dragon you know it's uh i don't think that's right you want to get down from there you're not thinking real sense okay right now no no no no no i'm thinking fine you'll see i just keep these things going i can get things moving and eventually i'll take off and if i can take that off and i can figure out where everybody's gone cause casey's basically i was missing and i just think i can start flying if i'm here forever yeah he's left we're supposed to be hunting the dragons not becoming them well wait you know what baby i takes what i don't want ian no if he does why don't i just make him my minion all right pierce enough nonsense get down right now fly just like a dragon so i can find all those strikes no no abuse you really shouldn't do that guys [Applause] of course wait you can talk yeah i can talk wait why do you sound like one of my people i know uh just how about how about you put two and two together huh i what do you mean oh hey what what whoa is this like a your dragon lair are you gonna throw you turn me into soup i don't want to be soup what wait fbao yes it's me you couldn't wait this is starting to make a lot of sense uh everything's really cool i just gotta goodness pierce wake up come on okay all right i am the dragon and i want a minion you want me to be your minion um i mean yeah i guess i've been looking for a new cake yeah sure jerk you know what fine okay uh first you can start off by cleaning up the treasure room okay sure yeah they'll just pocket some of that it's fine he's taking his payment right perfect i'm gonna take it out all right this is dragon lady half out hey all right dragon queen lady bam yes what is it pierce what why don't we go back to the hub though because i ran out of stuff for you to eat and our crops are gone since accidentally burned them yeah that makes sense hey what's happening over there though they just keep coming uh we get a problem in the village now oh they look like you're in a day trap dragon wheat lady i keep firing in yeah dude i got annoying you know what here i'll help save them how about that yeah save them use your special dragon powered black dragon dragon dragon two whites i got enough problems with the zombies skeletons and there's somebody evil okay what is she doing what why is she helping me she's attacking the mob yes here's what is the meaning of this my queen is saving us and saving the day from under destruction uh thank you yeah you should absolutely thank her she said pierre that's fine don't worry you don't have to thank me i'm confused right now no you obviously you need to you know get her something because she can just eat all of you in a heartbeat if they wanted a little damage to the hub but we're okay we're okay the dragon pig queen comes to peace though don't worry but if you want further protection you gotta give us some diamonds you gotta give it a little bit something something you know what i mean yeah [Applause] you know what you will have a surprise for her next time you come back to our village okay that's right thank you dragon queen come on pierce why why are we going this way why can't we fly here because i want to see if they actually took your ward and did the offerings oh yeah but but hey big problem though how are we going to explain that you know you know i i was working the dragon under control of the dragon okay or something like that yeah sure audio control sisters or whatever uh hey hey hey hey where have you been we haven't seen you in weeks um i was mining for stuff we've got some big problems first of all the dragon came back and she saved us oh yay yeah that was um an interesting twist of events um and she asked if we could give her diamonds and emeralds for some reason yeah yeah and pierce you got a lot of explaining to you you were here then you were gone for days you were with the dragon what's all that about oh yeah yeah did you get free from the dragon or something you were just pals with her yeah bella actually was super strong and uh it like saved me from the dragon she's she was like hey dragon go away and the dragon disappeared you know what she the dragon was controlling totally controlling me and so sorry about that you know but hey you know i still know the dragon like we are close but we can still you know i can still do things that you know i could just hand these over and i she definitely likes those diamonds you know wink why'd you just say rank out loud yeah he said that of course not i just i sometimes i say that yeah me and pierce like we we saw your camp down at the dragons i mean i yeah pierce knows where the dragon camp player is just give me those diamonds you know just wait a minute you were mining near where are we at camp [Music] did you find anything good second wait a minute now you are purple the dragon was purple do you know what that means what do you have to call them and change i mean it means that you both kind of like the same color purple which is illegal on the server you know you know how pierce and i are different color blues we cannot have two people who are purple so either the dragon leaves the server or you leave the server oh yeah yeah yeah one of the users that's experienced that's true you know what i feel you ian i get your argument but also oh god what what what betrayal i did not expect this at all uh i can't believe it i'm being taken away yes you brother it's the sunset of the final day of me being a dragon wait wait you're not gonna be a dragon forever you only today no i only had a 100-day curse oh the chris is going to lift once at sunsets did you do everything you wanted everything i think yeah diamonds i made a treasure horde i had a great cave great guy you know i saved people it was great you know you probably have like another minute or two before the sunset goes down you want anything do anything you know one thing i didn't do white i didn't burn down a village oh cool uh wait but our is the disability yes but but you're enough to by the way also uh guys you guys didn't know uh the dragon is is that foul just so you know we know beerus doesn't know what to believe anymore you know i understand why it welcome back you got a lot of explaining to do making me dragon crazy at least you're back to normal so you can't do that anymore oh hey i have my last car left wait what fire fire fire wow well since we have a fire anyone want some fresh pork chops can we can we still read a bedtime story though i feel like we missed that part um sure come on let's go read the story yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,441,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: WeBn8bOueYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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