My Little SISTER Joined Our Minecraft Server!

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my little sister has arrived on our minecraft server it's her very first time logging into minecraft and she has a lot to learn from punching wood to finding her first diamond she's going to learn from me her big sister but when she gets pranked for her first time my friends will know that chaos my little sister can create does she have what it takes to be a master at minecraft stick around and find out oh wanna help me teach my little sister minecraft then be sure to like and subscribe all right just gotta get a few more hey what are you doing here i'm gathering wood to fix my house but i i told you this was i planted these trees i know but you know i'm cutting down these trees uh okay um well you know you could ask i wouldn't mind sharing it's just i feel like i feel like chopping down trees is too slow you know what i mean it's too slow you can only chop down one tree at a time i i think we need a more efficient way and um that involves setting it on fire come on yeah this is how you uh harvest wood at the fish's speeds what okay you can't get wood that fast it's gonna burn the wood what do you think it's gonna do i am going to burn the trees and get the wood and you know oh actually hang on i wanna come take a look at it now that that is true mining efficiency that is not even mining we're jumping down wood oh come on you gotta admit this is a great idea no ian i don't think it's a great idea oh you know what what it's fine you know what you know what is that when did you log into the server oh i never logged out sweetheart okay uh so what's up do you need help oh i do thank you so much for asking me huh you'll always help me when mommy asked right anything at all mom of course perfect come on out darling okay what you brought my sister my little sister of course i did now you're going to watch afia while i go mining she's been a cute little stinger haven't you darling she's been stealing my diamonds all right now wait i don't agree with you um okay hey little sis how are you doing after it's so good to see you it's good to see you too why is there fire over there um that's the natural part of minecraft it's your first day isn't it have a pony please a pony i don't have a pony right now uh but you know what do you mean you don't have a pony uh there is no pony uh i there are ponies in minecraft but i don't have one right here right now uh but i wanted a pony ride uh i don't have a pony for pony ride i wanted a pony ride can you carry me and pretend you're a pony uh okay all right you know what fine fine fine all right so pepsi's yeah i'm so excited to show you all of the server all right ignore zane he just gets a little carried away from time to time especially when it comes to ponies but this is noy's house okay you'll meet him later this is my house it is super nice look how cute it is it's purple i like it i know isn't it we'll make like a little like maybe a pink hat how about oh it's you hang on i have no idea what you did before with the thing in the woods but i will get my revenge i've got wait i know what is this guy oh why are there two of you i think the one is there the one is there why are you screaming so much i was trying to take a nap oh hi there uh who's this so guys noah ian this is alfia i'd like you to meet my little sister she's due on the server oh great thank you it's nice to meet you hang on is she is she anything like you because if so then she's alone absolute angel oh he's gonna have so much fun here welcome to the server little one we're gonna have so much fun together we're gonna go mining and go check out things and then go pet puppies and stuff so uh yeah your first upsies oh i have her first up she she's my little sister i take care of her okay look plus i am the responsible you look cool guys juice okay so um i'm actually going to get her a nap right now because i think okay okay well i need one plus i need to figure out what we're going to do today okay i wasn't expecting you to be here so we got to figure that out okay hey before you do head off can i talk to you about something yeah privately oh okay yeah uh stay right there after you okay be nice ian yeah so i wanted to ask you i know you're really good at secret bases and i was trying to i wanted to build one for myself that uh you know my cookie bought and i have a puppy there and tell me how you could um you know maybe uh build something like that okay so first off you're going to need to dig underground okay that's the best place to hide him because ian he can't like explode underground that well okay uh but uh but you also want to use like secret doors you know entrances the ones that i have and that kind of stuff uh so that way you will be uh you'll be fine you know just just in case okay yeah you won't be able to get into it if i make any secret doors right no he's always trying to steal my stuff he won't as long as you need him [Applause] well i guess he had something to do yeah probably thanks now i guess i'll leave you to get a nap welcome to the server little one bye talk to you guys later yes did you beat up ian [Music] yes did you take his gold did he have any diamonds yeah i'll give it to you though you know what i'll let it pass this time all right come on let's go let's go this way we gotta go take a nap okay trust me nuts i'm not tired trust me and mom left me in charge okay so come on let's go let's go oh my gosh okay fabian what are you doing here i'm thirsty oh okay i want some water okay well uh if you go to the chest outside there is a oh sorry let me figure it out i want you to get it for me no no no you got it all right i i i'm here i just wanted five more minutes okay five more minutes okay i'll get it myself okay i'll be there to help you in a moment oh she's stamped or so she's so nice oh my gosh [Music] i really should get up oh hello you got your water you're a big girl now i didn't get some water but i thought you might be thirsty too wait why not oh my gosh are you not fine it's fine it's fine i get it i get it i wake up okay come on come on inside let's go you just leave the water there it's fine i always wanted to pull in my in my room anyway just give me so cute you can uh thank you for the water oh you made breakfast i did i come downstairs to the kitchen you'll see it okay all right let's go to the kitchen i want to see your breakfast show me your breakfast let me see which okay okay okay come on let's go i want to see what you did show me your breakfast look at your bro okay uh okay oh oh it smells so good delicious oh okay it's where is the breakfast did it burn i tried to make something yummy and i think it burned in the fire i guess so and also you burned my furnace that's the first in minecraft okay um so you know what how about we have something even better okay like like better than fire for breakfast okay so how about we have the most specialist thing potatoes here you can have one and i have a thumbs bear right well i don't want this i don't want a potato are you my sister uh yeah yeah the same mom yes that's true okay all right different taste that's fine it's fine did you have any other breakfast little sis that you wanna you wanna share oh what is that oh my room what's that um but it's still good uh did you oh no did you make this with love by any chance uh-huh of course i did oh that's so sweet i am crying for joy i love broccoli so much okay all right i'm gonna eat this girl i'm doing this for you but you're doing it for me and not doing it for yourself no i'm doing it for you okay i got this i like it i love it i'm glad you like it [Music] um [Applause] how's it going um this is um yeah there's nothing what what's up ian you're so predictable look i think my little sister's trying to prank me wait wait wait she she pranks she's good to see you she's kind of working on it's her first day and wait did you did you just say i was good at pranking no no i i did not i never did anyway anyway she's probably an amateur anyway you know because you're an amateur yes that's what i meant are you just mad that she took your gold and diamonds and everything no and i'm totally not planning a revenge or anything like that [Laughter] wait a minute my sister oh that's right i gotta be watching her oh what is she doing downstairs oh what is she doing downstairs oh no oh no i'm really scared i'm really scared what is she doing downstairs ah let's see wait a minute my kitchen is right next to okay okay okay okay my kitchen she's in my room oh no that's where i keep my that's right oh no no no okay okay okay okay please please don't let her be down here i'll have to do something like this and there all right perfect all the traps are gone okay um let's see no no no no no no no did you read that did you read this i did you did no what did it say you can't read what does it say i'm not telling you i don't know anything that i know i'm not telling anything [Music] what does a plus a mean you know what fine can't believe you read my minecraft diary you know what okay so we're gonna try to play panicking in minecraft i don't know how this is gonna go but we're gonna do our best okay okay i'll do my best okay i'm gonna go like this we stand up and then put your arms out [Music] keep practicing okay hold on hold on hey how's how's it going it's going good uh are you trying to blow up my house again bye no no no no no no i'm not trying to blow up your house listen listen i i i was thinking about it earlier and yeah i'm sorry about the whole prank thing uh the tnt i wanted to invite both of you over to my place for for for a little picnic where you can have some cake cake i like cake um so i i i don't know if it's good right now to have that i mean we want cake i just don't think it's a good idea right now okay because knowing yeah i love cake wow i thought you were better than this huh yeah isn't it obvious little sister she doesn't want you to have any cake no that's really no that's not it i can't believe it she's so jealous of you no no no nice try ian she's my sister you'll never be mad at me oh no so sad that she's got a little sister who's so much smarter and cooler than she is and you won't let her have cake how rude i love you i don't hey hey do you want some cake i do want some cake i don't deserve cake come on everybody you can have cake it's good cake don't worry good taste okay okay what kind of flavor is it um what what's your favorite flavor i like vanilla that one that one's the flavor yeah minecraft see how did you forget what flavor you made she's gotta get it because i i'm just that good at minecraft and baking is everything ready uh yeah the cake that you made i heard there was cake so yeah no no this is the special cake that casey delivered [Applause] casey no it's it's the special cake okay yeah it's very special these cakes are totally fine you know you know what should i should i light the candles should you light the candles i mean i like the candles on the cake everybody loves a cake with candles oh my gosh i hope you enjoyed the cake you pranked my sister if only can prank my sister it's me oh this is unacceptable yeah he kind of does that sometimes he didn't get rid of it oh where'd you get that from it's okay i got from your secret stash and i want you to join in take one let's go let's go let's go how is everybody finding my secret frank chess cause i'm your sister i know you i can't believe you've done this fine fine let's do some sisterly bonding how about that what is that oh [Applause] you know what let's do it oh you're [Music] i know it would she's gonna be one of the best minecrafters ever look at her oh she doesn't blow up the server first oh oh oh right we got some potatoes going for affia i gotta go make my garden look a little bit nicer maybe plant some more potatoes uh let's see maybe she's putting her stuff away hey what was that noise it wasn't me i swear i know i didn't do this i really didn't i really didn't do it after it wasn't you i know exactly who it was we're gonna go pay him a visit that golden ho means one thing it was someone dumb and whose favorite color is that color are you sure that you should do this i mean yeah try to frame my little sister you know what you two have been bad influences today you too what have i done you snuck her cookies i know you did yeah you did i know you did [Music] [Music] for you what do you think get in there it's okay don't worry i am so sorry i didn't mean to be a bad babysitter it's just it's really hard to watch you okay and watch myself you know how much trouble i get into i'm sorry that i was kind of mean to you too i was kind of overboard with those pranks don't worry it's minecraft just have to have fun you know what how about this let's go prank ian and knoy together okay yeah yeah yeah i like that idea i have a great idea [Applause] no [Music] here stand back i'm going to show you how to do this watch open this right and you see how it's going nice huh bye lava lava everywhere okay all right so there we go so we pranked them pretty good huh he wasn't sneaky we weren't very stealthy but you know what we got them back for putting you in the dark pit yeah we did those meanies come here we want to give you a present come on huh [Music] thank you so much not as good as gold but i do like cake [Music] okay there's cake everywhere no that's just good good okay we can also do something like this with the cakes with this like cake it's still cake no no no no [Music] i just wanted to laugh at their faces for a little longer it's okay come on let's go back home come on let's go oh this has been such a great experience with you oh my gosh i can't wait to have like a sleepover tonight yes oh what is that oh my darling mija mommy how is everything you two oh we had so much fun we went mining oh did you and did that mean old blue ian do anything to you darling no no no no no i yeah we we you know we had some really great surviving yeah best babysitter how about babysitting her forever then um can i can i oh well perhaps you can move in with her if you promise to be a good girl while you're here i would love that oh that's wonderful what do you think oh my goodness what do you think oh darn i mom i don't have a house anymore oh no i can't watch you again uh me husband i love him huh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,306,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau sister, aphmau sister joins minecraft, who is aphmaus sister, aphmau family, aphmau family prank, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau sylvanna, does aphmau have a sister, aphmau’s sister in minecraft, aphmau family adopted, aphmau adopted by, family prank challenge, youtuber parents, minecraft sister prank, minecraft youtubers sister, is aphmau a sister, aphmau sister in minecraft, aphmau is a big sister
Id: C7M8JYyXgPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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