Pranking The DAYCARE Babysitter In Minecraft!

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How does she draw on her hair like that? It's stands, not a single piece

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Getix792 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
my minecraft mom has left us with our new babysitter and we are the cutest and most best-friended kids on our server but when the babysitter starts to break our mom's rules me and my friends will call absolute chaos for our babysitter if you're nice we're super sweet but if you're mean we're the most mischievous kids around no more nap time no more baths and no more babysitters we'll get to do whatever we want can we move the server and stop our babysitter let's find out also if you want to help us out be sure to like and subscribe thanks guys this is gonna be the best sleepover ever our parents let us have a sleepover yeah i'm so excited wait do you actually like please what does that work no no no no no my mom said that this is going to be like a play date sleepover okay not like a regular sleepover she's gonna like have food and stuff and wait what okay new babysitter so welcome to your first date now i have to tell you my adorable angel can be missing what's going on completely with my little aphmau you should be perfectly fine now food is in the fridge make sure they get to bed early okay get to bed early on top of that my number one rule no boys allowed in my house i would never now i'm off miss kawaii chan good luck babysitting my little angel baby hi how are you taking care of today i don't wanna be sick where did everyone go if she can't see me then i can't see her [Music] and if you look at her you're no i'm not that's silly okay all right you know what fine fine if you have to babysit us uh my my mom said that you have to give us cookies that's what she said right yeah yeah yeah i don't think so i don't remember i'm kidding how about i take you out to the playground i love the playground oh my god wait what's that about a playground i don't i don't know what's going on oh my gosh i got my stuffy i got puerto rico i got like stuffy oh my gosh come on puppy wait what all right come on okay okay okay okay get it in the car i'm gonna go in the back come on come on we're getting in the van everybody in the van i guess miss kauai i don't know if this is a good idea i'm sure it'll be fine it'll be great [Music] so much [Music] these went extinct a bajillion years ago that's a lot of numbers are you a bajillion years old no i'm not a bajillion years old then how do you know that what are you ladies yeah miss kawaii might be a jillion years old though miss quiet are you are you a bajillion no i'm not a bajillion and one i'm a bajillion and negative two oh that's really old [Music] i'm not a grandma i am an aunt at best all right guys two minutes is over let's go home [Music] [Music] you'll keep us safe from the tigers so we can keep playing guys come on we gotta go home come on in in the van everybody get in there i'm sitting in the back though oh do i have to do maybe i'll give you cookies i found the seat miss kawaii if you breathe on earth [Music] [Applause] okay okay okay can we have cookies now uh if you get in the house toys okay everybody can we go to the playground again it's your babysitter you're gonna have to uh make us um dinner yeah yeah yeah cookies for dinner like cookies and cookie accessories oh pierce what's that in your pocket what oh uh don't throw anybody okay i wasn't planning on it but now that you mentioned me it's kind of fun isn't it yes guys why are you yelling uh uh i'm here i i meant to give it to you i just did i gave it to you a little harder what did you do i did it a little i need my dirty done what we don't know we don't need to call 911 no we don't aphmau no you don't [Music] i don't yeah it everyone has their carrots this kawaii can we at least have meat well you have to eat your veggies first then we'll see about the meat [Applause] [Music] won't cook for us because she doesn't know how to cook okay here forget the carrots okay pierce go hunt for something that we can eat okay like a meat okay [Music] welcome to my kitchen look i know how to work everything in the kitchen okay this is this is gonna be good pierce where are you did you bring the stuff i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming it took a while but i got it what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get i i got a fish and a bucket give me give me the fish there you go oh look it's just like my goldfish over don't worry about that okay watch this so miss miss coitro we got a fish here all right and then i'm gonna turn on the oven okay because i'm allowed to do that all right as a toddler yeah okay all right yeah be very careful though [Applause] [Applause] oh now there's water everywhere yeah there is water everywhere that's a lot of water can we go swimming now [Music] sure no no no no you can't swim you didn't you didn't wait 30 minutes after you ate wait wait oh there's fish what is [Music] fish is okay wait then what do i have i don't know oh that's not good all right fish didn't go through the world this is my friend oh wait no no no no [Music] is breaking the rules and being a bad girl she said my mom said no boys allowed we're boys though just that problem uh maybe she means like big boys i'm sorry you're not oh i mean yeah we're little boys okay i'll see you i'll see you in a few yeah oh like old boys oh hey guys miss kawaii [Music] to help me watch you guys no not boys boy it's time for a bag [Applause] i thought he was going to watch us it's still damp yeah but you guys are shh it's nice kitchen is still on fire okay yeah [Music] all right yep it's time for bed time [Music] pierce is already sleepy so all of you get always that's because pierce is a nerd he's a sleep nurse everybody else go to sleep befo get on your mat i'm on my man i'm gonna head on down you guys sleep i'm not even tired good night lucky guys guys guys she's gone guys my mom has a stretch room i'm asleep what wake up wake up wake up wake up my mom has a strict rule we are not allowed to have any big boys in the house do you think sane is a big boy he might be a big boy and the thing is is that he is a big boy coming here and he's gonna say miss kauai chan oh and that means she'll get in trouble yeah yeah yeah yeah but not just any trouble she's an adult she'll she'll have to face real life consequences she'll go to jail yeah she'll go to jail my mom's doing no yeah do you think they're gonna try holding hands okay okay that's really scary i don't like that i like that we gotta come on what do we do okay we gotta find a way to scare them off maybe if we just go over there and see let's go see what he's doing let's go see what they're doing wait was that the doorbell oh the doorbell come on in hey kauai chan um listen i really want to talk to you about it is this a good time right now your big boys are afraid uh responsibility commitment let's go okay okay well listen there's something i [Applause] oh [Music] i don't know i don't know if it was nice to see her mad like that you guys stay in here i'm going to put these down wiggles what is she doing nice and safe all right good night good night uh-oh guys what does she do she pointed us in that's not good you locked us out i can't get out guys like i gotta go potty [Music] pierce if you gotta go potty okay what here i'm gonna pull it you guys pull me okay all right all right and we'll pull it off okay all right i'll pull you anyway yeah pull me pull me ready three two one oh my pants okay no you guys did it all right come on guys let's go here's the bathroom though i really do have to go you're so strong i think the bathroom no that's that's not bad here i got it guys you found the potty okay yeah he really had to go i got washed my hands okay okay wash your hands enough i did okay okay let's keep that door shut okay okay maybe she's oh gosh she's over here oh my gosh wait where should i get you oh she's asleep she's asleep okay all right guys i have a plan all right you know what princess the real miss kawhite she is a princess but the real miss kawaii chan would never do bad things this is the wrong kawaii chan so yeah i know all right so here's what we're gonna do you guys set up some traps and i'm gonna use these crayons let me use these crayons okay lucy's crayon yeah yeah i used up some traps noise go get dirty go get dirty i have an idea okay okay all right go go go everyone break free tonight we'll set up uh we'll set up a trap yeah go ahead yeah yeah yeah yeah several shenanigans lay down guys i got it i got it real good i got it but we set up toys and i'll do my part brb noise okay no he's doing pretty good noi loves jumping in muddy puddles perfect where'd he go where'd he go [Music] with me you no he likes jumping in muddy puddles ew no bad noise oh nice what happened wait you're supposed to be sleeping um you know miss kauai if that is your real name um you know well no i got stinky so now he needs a bath yeah yeah come on it's bath time i'll see your babysitter and you were laying down i don't think that's what you're supposed to do yeah that's illegal we were all nabbing oh careful miss come on no out get it get in the bath okay all right all right no there's a shark in there let me show you see there's no shark there's nothing wrong with look closer you them look closer you gotta get inside what okay what what guys that's a weird bubble bath shark [Music] what's wrong guys i think we have no other choice miss kauai-chan isn't going away and she's not the real one she's the bad one i think we should run away just for right now okay okay okay okay all right shh can i bring puerto rico with me you can bring all your stuff actually get your sleeping bags and everything you just relax like grab that yeah yeah you're right you're right just be quiet all right and then we can go save the real miss kiwi chad yeah yeah yeah but we gotta camp out you know i had suspicions ever since she became purple that she was fake would you have faced [Music] probably a kid oh it's carrots she's going to harm us with carrots that is too many vegetables oh man i wish i had this earlier for those uh munchkins she could she called me a munchkin she called us mushkins because we're going to only my mom she's gonna punch on us she's gonna munch up all right come on guys keep going i have a secret oh yeah let's go let's go back look see i have it all set up and look oh best plan ever we're running away and uh yes i'm ready to camp yeah i've got everything set up good good perfect i got so i got i got some crayons right here okay all right all right all right oh you know what i actually grabbed some of this it's raw pork chops from before yeah oh yeah oh this is gonna be the best sleepover ever now see my mom didn't we can take care of ourselves nobody else sitter yeah there's no ginger geez guys guys and while we wait for the meat to cook cookies [Music] [Applause] yeah no puerto rico's back there i know no there's something next to puerto rico uh pierce what are you talking about [Applause] the tigers [Applause] no no it's right you want a cookie [Applause] oh okay can cats climb trees i don't know i don't think so i don't think a cat can use a ladder i don't know here [Applause] whoa did she save us [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] can you even see here [Music] my bad
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,986,256
Rating: 4.8570905 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau daycare babysitter, aphmau babysitter, minecraft babysitter, minecraft, aphmau daycare, aphmau in daycare, aphmau funny daycare pranks, pranking your friends in minecraft, minecraft aphmau funny moments, aphmau pranks, aphmau baby challenge, minecraft baby challenge, aphmau friends, aphmau baby, aphmau has a baby, aphmau is a baby, aphmau prank friends, aphmay
Id: 74jhnXiMvxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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