AOE2:DE | TheViper & TaToH vs 6 Extreme AI!

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wait so your Bulgarians right yes no humans and play the Kip Chuck mm-hmm hi dad unit man was it that unit is too good it's a nice unit I like it imagine they had bracer pretty many did you give that to Maggie I like ten of those true the story has like super love yeah it feels like we're playing Buble like original Age of Empires again you know start used to be like it before you surpass only if multiplayer no continuum you have it in single player as well that's weird you could also just put like caps lock like this to have secret right option it's gonna look terribly anyway my map sucks when I go Portuguese yeah they have duties I should have gone they don't have they're Korean students Celts laughs Incas burgers lots of good stuff [Music] mean cows yeah not sure if I like it honest it's like it's boost for some sips to have more food right Britain's tartare is gonna get more food from those sheep such as cows of course it's the same for every other save as well but even better for some sips yeah of course it's nice in that regard like it's just imagine all them our cows and your news Britain's it's been a big boost [Music] well they are possible and grid I will talk about there is grid already in the game I don't like the way it looks though small trees is definitely a mod that's gonna be available so don't have to worry about that God okay I was making the house I got scared for a sec so you're going ago a few lachemann arms or just see long story I'll go see keep check we are gonna get absolutely demolished but wait oh just so you know because there we're giving them too much room to breathe you're gonna get absolutely smashed well you might kill one guy maybe too but remember there's four others I lost my scouts great you have rhinos now if I was wondering rhinos and elephants around them as well now way is super close to me if I can cast it off him actually could be really nice some dog on my legs hello stop it's just yes and what if they sign I go full field pressure will get here quick so we going up see creepers resting everywhere that to actually be nice I have a bad feeling about this game I like that you're confident sorry I'm just trying to be I'm being realistic here I think we're gonna go rekt the same mindset every time I team Jordan for a game Oh could I use the multiple names here three I could have used three names from our teammates he was back it was good as long as it lasted I don't think yes tried it'd be a whole story over again big trees are still a pickle yeah I will once there's a small trees Moroccan installed I will definitely do that don't know this pattern I'm sure what that pattern is about it was never Beck it was never back it was all a scam oh boy next a wood man still probably fast cast Laurent it always make a stable yeah may need many stop disguise attacking me man I want to lose the villager cuz he has he's in futile age my little just stuck he's cool my bill such a lamer and that is running out oh wow that's weird did you run away now good luck again this is a oh man so annoying well your barracks ma'am you go what you see first they will go for America No no to the Lucia farm here yes no we're both like on the where the guy is farming like the like there's one farm missing a lot of filmy you see the full farm right I cannot see this farm at work I do this I got you so you can see this one yes okay I only see it's missing a 30% 66% of its foundation you sent help please he's fighting the other village as well catalyst disaster strategy man is cast lazy ho no I'm being attacked by all the scouts man why they're not attacking you because I'm not attacking man I'm proactive okay can I get out of there now Oh I was looking in so yellows down oh I have to go oh it's exactly your finally you know that now you can like see sympathic I click attack this card and then see if they would and when they get really nice it should take I need to remove this the cookies for the that's scary man there doesn't they don't care about the cat so many nights Lauren what he sorta Berberis or what up keys missing any pics in those actually Purvis and when hold them by their tree okay check the market ROI assume you have not used to mark right I have all I have yeah you look at the market ya think I will take classic relics we need to do damage to more people to happy I'll try Oh God I miss myself man this unit is redonkulous oh you know it is the woman they want I'm on the pocket but we need to do damage to the pocket pocket mister baseball game some vicious [Music] [Music] were you against them Oh everywhere man I mean that's a nothing again we start taking them Jesus damn they're monks everywhere yes what Latino man Congrats one sec dog is barking you check I'm back let's go ready cam doing some damage to the pocket pocket use your shield really spinner I'm going towards screen now another group going with Sorenson yeah I'm getting me now and doing a [ __ ] gotta do it man oh boy he's doing some keep Chuck grants right yeah okay then take that the second is trading in a bit Oh where there's a lot here I pour the corn if I'm close I'm there yeah I'm trying to push the phrase wrong oh boy Green is in that big commute fast service here is Teutons cannot end the world Oh [Music] oh I'm actually being ran first [Music] no connects no still scared for us money Tila same they listed that well I could idle and go up I think I would like to build some more economy first problem is we didn't really kill anyone right well yeah oh yeah oh okay so we killed one way is also hurt a little bit I guess orange is taking a lot of damage now all right yes looks like it's about to get up yeah same market prices are really good by the way now if you want to use market hey ice taking care of that the training man and taking them - come on conics not short curls this is doing it I'll seek Knights but no upgrades to debate yeah what's up ok what oh you resigned yes you got this tattoo at least we can trade as well yeah that's beautiful about that oh he's gonna score pass man score first man leave water essence corpus man yeah yeah yeah he's got style man purple is going for Calvary and still cast this duel what's the castle is open for tumors again for humans do you remember there's a faster step well great you should be here okay purpose up sorry I think orange will later yeah that's good news Tata you're gonna have keep checking your carcinoma oh boy you'll be billed in cursive making tunnel barracks he's going Eagles I destroy you well he's always accent aim what revin pressuring him all the time that's the beauty of the chronic money look at the quarries make a counter you get counted by the phone again Oh so do you think you can make orange design and try to and actually like I said because they can be set correctly you have conics man you're fine daddy how we need to trade man shouldn't we sure we're gonna have gold from gray as well yeah I guess focus on units for now makes more sense I mean you're a long bolt to things they were stallions in the game man I'll send you some keep check laconic anyone oh boy oh boy and we're ready here man oh boy see - yeah I'm sending some examples I'm sending some oh well they act weird as well when they're on the I know if you notice that they tend to act weird like on hills and when they're fighting units they like fight and then go back and then fight they go back like really inconsistent killing all that right now now go to campus hmm you think they're slinging you might surprise me have you seen score god this unit kills RAM and CMC is so freaking fast man has so ridiculous man miss Feeny's Ornstein maybe we can take here I don't know if we need to trade well yes in case we need to do that right there yeah and you need like fireworks I know I didn't think this it was that good but then we play that arena game right no your hair on nearly and it was like wow well this I play the first time without knowing how much he would how much it was they speak first I thought it was good to be yeah same day it's crazy good okay I feel pretty good spot well great should be dead yeah gray is dead and purpose like constantly sending her sir like one year at a time to try and kill me keep shock like up here so like purple seems to be super busy there it's not doing anything except sending units there today man having a zoomed in the trade line I'm so annoying yeah I don't think we can lose to send more Tata was negativity man I'm positive [Music] the scoffers are arriving home in Amman and I could I have spare resources if you need something or gray is out thank you different units and I see this is so sick man I love it so fun to play the gray is resigned yet these villagers are attacking my ram how does that make sense I wanted to chain the Ltd how do you need a resource I have spared everything and all right damn is valid even slow Palladino smell no problem what I need is done yeah I hate I can't click ulti send you the resource and then space anymore you have to actually click confirm super annoying really yeah but like I did the actual Connick should lose but you lose one one even with the dismounted it's really well 250 yeah nobody expected the leaf chronic to win like overall in Spartan I'm in the 44 HP left we're going to start deleting those you need food by any chance I will meet more castle production Oh purple orange is out free to go tatty Thank You Sean [Music] I guess they're paying a tax faster I don't know the dash cam can lightly faster okay I thought the Connick will actually dominate the pardon some little surprise for you a spare would by any chance it doesn't work at all be for me I need to check that what makes them take bus I have that follow goal the canoes well I'm not with making units except I'm dying and also I have always cold still so my colleagues how does that work well if you convert a chronic and you die - still convert to this amount of chronic border yes all right that leaves you like you have currency mm-hmm and he converts your chronic the dismal is yours all right cool see there's a starry night we'll make one market it is that they built so much stuff to this human FC Chandra as well yes this is me oh yeah poor huh and also you have the Konex on the same group when they dismount they do have that in the car okay all right makes sense but still I mean it'd be good if you know that yeah this is their rambhai of the new expansion spring I want Tattler skip check with the extra heel bones as well luckily Zoltan the room where they're getting on the resources from still seeing how much they've lost that's it we caucus volume on the on the resource I have no idea see it yesterday wet presumes all put on the make sense that we did what [Music] okay purple should be out again shortly when I see your screaming Lex Allah yeah yeah when I might be is fine but if I move a little closer together open well that's a lot of stuff going on there a lot of rapid fire such a beautiful unit can't get over it [Music] use this we just need siege to clean their buildings now very much [Music] actually I didn't research the a brief electronics on the castle so maybe with the everyday win Helena's which are quit a day at the question would for sure help [Music] because I lose the customer do you make a kipchak yet nope yeah I'm like them I'm making them no get the matching ready to get fun [Music] there are some stubborn bastards worth the try where you even get plus three minutes enjoy white guys can only make ten right they realistic the student castle sastra [Music] don't like the way monks work in the I mean they work the same but the way they understand and yeah doesn't doesn't feel like conversions anymore a lady keep the phone ELISA Tuesday killing me how strongly against buildings as well Wow this [ __ ] is nuts ma'am and I have a hundred of them but it still feels with don't colas look daddy Jesus there you can do it 30 where do they get all the resources from that piece can tell it's worthless you guys it down the trade car as Wilier oh not as villager but just count on the gold tab yeah because right I have like 26 3 1 3 well so we'll be around 90 and I have 70 videos yeah name kidneys if I get [Music] so now I make it trigger suddenly that doesn't increase the number can get in that corner yes they are don't know why they're not reading it like play nice Tyler oh dear Alex don't keep my hip tech man Oh laddy mirror goodbye to to go let's go so green until right course we got this I was confident all from starts going for score postman [Music] give me good and zoom conic get benefit like this mountains get benefit from arson read this if you want to take a building down it might make sense to delete your con it and get the dismounted one I need countersue scorpions [Music] it's a coveted cause everything man oh no fire GG come on till you can't blame the guy for trying all those expecting us to lose this especially since we didn't go for cheese strategies as well I'm quite surprised about this we do we do yeah and we think in the past 150 yeah I guess we're better than I thought oh there we go Pattie job victory victory we actually kind of have to play a prop like try hard almost in terms of execution-wise we actually slack off then they become really tough on this card yeah you okay one or two yep okay the Oh breakfast in element I work him as I managed to get there okay dude I only had one arm up quit I forgot to make two armor upgrades no but still and they always seem so redonkulous already and then I did not was the last two armor afterwards even then because they had two arrows yeah fine so fuzzy they have to get three hours I mean it doesn't make citizens their business man yeah like how they get three hours Sunday like with nowhere I agree yes I even didn't have the two armor upgrades I was missing the last two armor upgrades for the unit in it cuz I was wondering when I was fighting the scorpions guys I was wondering why I took so much damage and then I realized it's why I was wondering that I wanted to check after the game and turns out I didn't have the last two armor upgrades make sense and Oh Schatzi mmm you got that Katie wait how does it work with a conic if you if he dies also you lose to two units per conic okay these are you okay this freaking unit and my words that kid either Wow what is AI who makes stupid news with the army like sending in five or time things like that stay with Uncle is now this conic not connect this Kip Chuck classic classic silver player forgetting arm represent oh man damn damn damn damn sick
Channel: TheViper
Views: 164,128
Rating: 4.946866 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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