AI Championship Finals - King of Arabia 2 | Barbarian vs Rehoboam

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we're just going to go in here and click game one so just to give some insight now um pause why is it not pausing let's click to let's go to capture age actually so rehoboam and barbarian are both two ais now i wouldn't know what level to give them in terms of elo but both of them are artificial intelligence meaning they are computers essentially controlling these civilizations now rare hobo can only play let me fix the settings there they can only play franks so king of arabia finals ai tournament so rehoboam will only be playing franks what we're bearing goes uh preparing goes for random every time what we are essentially gonna do we're gonna look at this and this is the final so we're casting two ais there's no emotions involved here but dirty frank picker indeed uh but i'm interested in let me get rid of this i'm interested in seeing um how this how essentially they're playing right whether they make human decisions if there's anything special about their builds or how they uh progress the game and so forth that's essentially what i'm curious about seeing so far look at the scouting here this scout is acting a bit weird keeps going back and forth in this area a lot okay lumber cam coming up house seems fairly straightforward for rehoboam so far robots are taking over indeed four on the lumber camp to go to wood we are barbarian with an uh low evil legend dear border or idle villagers on the border not great not great only one villager on wood as the chinese two on the straggler trees for barbarian here ah what is this so much idol time on the boars okay they fixed it but the goats are awkwardly placed still but okay arm coming up here the barbarian is pushing deer what a beast they killed a farm not sure who crewed this oh the guy who lured the boar went immediately to build a farm afterwards interesting berries for the frank player very straightforward build from the frank ai so far i think barbaron is cutting a few corn i'm pushing deer with chinese is obviously very nice very helpful not putting enough wheels on bearers yet well little bit faster second number cam makes sense loom is queued up now another house oh frank player going to gold what is this not how you play frank's ai uh the red player barbarian is the one that is made by the max pushing deer is the rehoboam as well nice second lumber camp three on goal though is this archer play from a rehoboam chinese player with 14 wood new one gold barracks is coming up this is not a greatest use of villagers because they will always be filters stuck i want to see what they're scouting here rehoboam has just scouted his own map at this point he hasn't moved over the middle barbarian has scouted his own map to a certain extent and then go to rehoboam's map the max is the pro player to max yes the maximum zoom is the one who created the barbarian ai so double range and double bit x guys you should learn the build order from rehoboam this is beautiful beautiful build order see them the barbarian with one range frank picker i know right double range from barbarian as well not enough gold though to make mass archers i'm gonna guess there will be some skirms involved there double bedex from barbarian obviously a rehoboam doesn't need it blacksmith as well double archer production here they're doing a good job of not being housed wait wait wait wait what is this next level wait what's this mind game rehoboam just made what three archers then he pulled all the villagers off of gold what did you see i was making skirms i mean he saw rangers did he see archer to make him make a decision now he's making range archers and sperms interesting 16 wheels on wood farming setup is looking good picking off the scout very nice micro here both players are playing quite cast passive barbarians just keeping his units outside of range rojo boom just sitting in his base i like the equal development of rehoboam better so far more farms early on double skirmish is now in the queue rehoboam with no no villages on gold as um as an armor upgrade coming in as well are they ever gonna fight let's put forex excuse me they might not move out until castle age at this point with how how they're sitting at home massive wood transition there plenty of some wood for rail boom in the feudal age like their builds and production everything is pretty solid right but they do i would say horse color now they do struggle with the eagle transitions it's a bit much at times oh wait wait wait wait wait we have the barbarian oh look at this double kills you see that you see how he's microing he's he's hitting he's spreading his arrows he's shooting like two units at the same time look two kills two kills sick player this guy right but yeah we're bearing with a sneaky archer attack he killed one villager but he lost the whole arm in return so rehoboam is definitely in a better spot right now and now rahboom sees his opportunity to go for a counter attack 28 skirms and six archers coming in and barbarian with a weird lumber camp he has a lot of skirms as well and they're kind of indecisive here on whether they won't do it whether they should fight or not okay food is looking very good for barbarian now cass lady seems quite close i'm not sure what happened to the foodie of rehoboam it's like they stopped making farms or or making too many food units one archer picked up there look at the micro cafe the way they used to move it the way the units move is like mass mouse clicking it would take a pro player just mass clicking to get those movements that the ai is doing so easily like it's like they're clicking every time every second here is a click you see the way they're moving and it's also there it also seems like there might be clicking spam clicking attack move or or a patrol even at some points so castle age is coming for both players barbarians moving to stone as well now still just making crossbows and skirms i have to say rehoboam is in a way better position right now but a little bit awkward with their units usage and show apm i could actually show that apm yeah their apm is just off the charts you cannot see it second thesis for barbarian another range even monastery as well with some monks units are just spread all over the place rehoboam is going for a big attack now skirmisher coming in crossbow is in plus two armor bob can arrow look at the micro they're killing three and four units at the same time how many are targeted now one two three four one two three four units are targeted what the hell this is so broken that is so broken it's like it's like it's like their move commanding with attack move or patrol but they're not attacking until they want to if that makes sense second the hell is this tc you can definitely work on those that's a nice tc third tc for boom okay look look look oh yeah there's no ballistics oh no ballistics feels bad man oh i've only had ballistics barbarians still keeping up with the village account though but rehoboam has a massive military advantage the monk is coming in for conversion let's go i don't think you should fight here barbarian why is he going back again like this is just so insane one two units targeted one two three units targeted this is nuts micro [Music] well safe to say barbarian barbarian is like doubt at the moment just yeah it's like lyrigan's doubt let's say like that rojo bomb is leery barbaron is doubt 70 no 82 to 17 kd madness 44 mil 39 village account is not far away though i saw mangano though stable transition real boom with the place but there let's see mangano coming in do we oh wait wait wait how do we split against the mangoness split micro not reho bomb just turned into doubt just like that what they don't know how to play against mankind else we found the counter to a rehoboam guys never mind what i said this was leery wait what this is so strange to me they micro so insanely well and then there's some one manganese scorpion and suddenly there is no micro at all okay more stone three tc for both players see the knight transition though how strong this is gonna be plus two armor is on the way it's only one stable though but he has 15 knights no two stables yes 50 knights sitting in the tc fourth tc as well farm tc what we call those sharing the wood line another stable from rehoboam what's the decision making process like right now imperial age seems to be on the cards for boom indeed the cavalier 44 farmers they can scold on top another archery range here for barbarian fiat cavaliers should dominate here i'm not sure if barbarian will switch to albert ears in time will be my guess at the moment rob i'm doing a good job spreading out on a map looks like they're having a hiatus now in terms of fighting another few stables here knights are finally moving oh those knights should absolutely crush this it's just it's just how many crossbows 16 crossbows there's no ballistics for either player and there's this is 15 knights with plus two armor and plus two attack this should be easy clean up for oh burberry is so doubt man so pikeman research upon the knights coming in like this where baron is researching pikeman immediately hey he identifies that he cannot get the castle up that is very very nice now barbarian has a village elite five-minute upgrade is researched how many barracks do we have we only have one barracks though castle is coming up rehoboam is imperialist though this has to be a rail bombs game right cavalier on the way immediately last armor upgrade barbarian with the equally the question is now just okay what's the decision making process for rehoboam upon hitting the imperial age so also getting the upgrades for cavalier and the armor picking up relics however going back home [Music] that doesn't seem to be the right play barbarian doing armor upgrade for some reason for cavalry also being raided at the same time though still no ballistics for either player ram a ram coming in from the corner village is fighting back why not why not okay so okay i'm curious now so cavalier is finished and he immediately go immediately goes to attack imperialist is on the way for barbarian armor upgrade is done blast furnace is on the way paladin not waiting for paladin still producing some cavalier although paladin might be the next step okay how do they respond to this four stables two barracks there's gonna be camel no he's gonna light kev barbarian is trying to do another castle here being raided now though scene's over right oh this is quite wasteful just sit on the cast like this seems like a rehoboam rehoboam is absolutely crushing 170 pop to 125. barbarian goes for another castle on the front although cavalry numbers are getting low and that's right before paladin kathram masonry but baron is struggling on 100 villagers paladin is in how does this game now last for another hour for baron struggling on a hundred population boom is crushing doing albedaire as well this has to be over right i feel like they look worse than extreme ai um barbarian beat extreme ai one versus four if i read correctly gg well played all right so rojo boom takes game one now keep in mind rehoboam only plays frank's barbarian plays random sieve so chinese might not be the best save for barbarian i don't know i'm not sure either four one or one versus four i'm not sure about that exactly let me see if i can find the answer to that what that was again um so barbarian air is developed by finnish export to max it's considered the strongest ai you can face in the game while the ais can't play directly in the ranked ladder it's estimated to be around 1200 elo on de as of today there are 20 working de's barbarian beat the in-game extreme ai four to one in the semifinals so we're bearing one four one in the semifinals so um yeah so barbaron is definitely better than the extreme ai i don't think there's anything to see in the stats i cannot click any of this for some reason all right let's uh go back to let's find the next games that was game one check out game two see how how different it plays with the if the uh barbarian barbarian got huns now and rehoboam is still frank's wait difficulty is set below hard so my plane will be weaker i'm not sure what that is supposed to mean but we can see rehoboam is created by the knight panda [Music] unknown map detected robo may bug out that's weird wait so what is the art are they both being played on standard difficulty i guess message from real boom is outdated um are they both playing on standard difficulty question mark if anyone knows i like this that they're putting the goat in the middle so this should be extremely efficient look look how efficient that is he's moving no he's keeping sick some food see next ghost gold will be placed immediate right in the middle perfect this is ai versus a i yes could be a i learned to make excuses barbara message is a bug okay they're both on extreme but barbie hasn't been updated officially for de and it still shows messages like that okay so this is extreme difficulty for both okay as well it looks like this village is being spam clicked you see that looks like someone is sitting there with a mouse and right clicking non-stop it feels like a rehoboam has extremely high apm and a mouse that can be multiple places at once so huns see if hans or baron will play different now hans i wonder as well if railbone will go for archers again or if they actually mix up the play like does it also know a scout opening for example pushing deer as last time same as barbarian second lumber camp yeah looks like they have one build that they're going for rehoboam again not scouting the map at all except his base barbarian is scouting the map mr barracks lucifer we appreciate that i'm glad i'm able to help you out in that way awesome uh that's 88 thank you for the seven months by the way i'll pish code things for the prime red hot chili panna thanks for the five months as well aspin oh eight thanks for the prime jubilee with the whole whole year johnny crank with eight months thank you thunder troll with the fire strikingly with the seven the goat thief with the prime omar nola with the 13 months thank you very much uh someone's asking if i can try to only for ai again i don't think it makes sense because i think it's impossible double range from ai again double range from so barbarian rehoboam they're both built having quite a similar build this time rehoboam is being aggressive though with this first few archers i'm not sure i wonder what the decision-making process is there is it because he found the opponent last time it took him a long time to find his opponent now he's being aggressive right away so he has done flashing and armor barbaron has only done fletching peanuts thank you for the sub there as well they're both microwaving like gods if they engage again now this is high level micro really solid micro why is ai sitting in the range this makes no sense yo barbarian what is this send your units out man you're being attacked that's a bit strange from barbarian uh oh the scout picked off a villager sick now the archers are going back so this obviously is not human-like decision-making here what i do notice though from the ais is that they have these big transitions to wood right 197 wood and this will be switched over to farms eventually right but i do notice that it goes for both sides i think last game i saw that mostly with rehoboam but now i see barbarian doing it and there we go now they're switching them off wood and putting them on farms as they got the resources and barriers as well ooh rehoboam being aggressive here coming in with eight arches now again with full upgrades barbarian has arch armor now so the skirmish would be very good see the micro now oh that is brave micro from rehoboam oh that is brave he hasn't lost the unit yet what okay i lost one now two units okay three four okay it looked amazing for a minute there but now he's losing everything oh horse color for barbarian yeah i see that i was nuts bro for a little while there but this lumber camp is not the best one barbarian but uh okay i like the development of the economy for very ho ho boom early future it's pretty solid in few days you want to get farming economy of the market this time okay interesting you want to get the farming going really fast and rehoboam is doing a really good job with that or baron as well though to the fair philosopher mccasland thank you so much for the tier 3 sub 11 months as well thank you so so much for that uh rehoboam only plays franks unfortunately okay now ai deciding to send archers i say ai it's barbarian now the barbarian ai is sending arches forward one archer there five washes to the side okay it's coming to the middle as well not running back leaving the skirms at home interesting castle oh baby like rehoboam using the market selling wood to click to the castle age even market abusing dirty cheeky ai now adding stable as well triple range for uh barbarian because i wonder if they will switch to cav archers because that's kind of what i imagined they would have coded into barbarian playing hans one skirmisher is that just scouting or just to be annoying could be just scouting oh micro another archer is that just let me see i wonder if this is just scouting off this actually just trying to collect intel on where the military is i don't know if there's any logical solution or explanation for that so a minute and a half ish lead to castleage for real boom power on the woodland as well doing every unit there fourth lumber camp yo barbara you need to slow down with your lumber camps no armor for the cavalry so i guess it's one range crossbow i'm just excited to see a rail boom micro honestly yeah also keep in mind uh barbarian is insane on user patch or back to work on a bubbly it's way way better there i think there are limitations on defender edition still that means that barbarian is not able to show its full potential you can say so they made a stable but they didn't make any knight units here and there's a crossbow there i wonder if that's keeping the armor from attacking but this guy's kind of glitching out because he's cast now with 23 crossbows and he's not attacking very odd second town center hmm made two nights now as well see barbarian there's 18 skirms oh it's making cabbages okay crossbow baldkin elite skirmishers and cav watchers in the queue he's going couches they know how to play hans but all the military is just sitting at home from both players right now i really wonder if this guy is messing up the ai's way of thinking that he's stuck looks like barbarian wants to attack potentially yep indeed second tc university we didn't see ballistics at all last game i wonder if he might see it now do you think the max uses ai to finance build orders i don't think so no not great micro here by the barbarian but rare boom as always clean good micro and barbarian is going back after that engagement a lot of farm tc from real boom all right the close game still but you just feel like rehoboam is setting himself up better for a long term player right that's what it feels like anyway and also there's a university being made but ballistix is nowhere to be seen still okay speaking of so he's doing plus two armor and ballistics no bloodlines though for the couch and look at this this is so broken look at the micro from the crossbows two two arches down four six and hey a barbarian again too afraid to attack night transition as well behind this and barbarian has thrown away all these cowardly numbers twice now doesn't give me much hope for barbarian ai with the huns he just made a teaser there but he switched put it there instead change into old military rules because night numbers are high okay 21 crossbow 16 knights under the town center or baron ai is coming forward once again he has ballistics now see barbara micro i i guarantee you guys barbarian is based off of doubt doubt is what roberton is created from with the way his mic went now he's just going back again barbarian seems extremely indecisive no bloodlines either no husbandry okay bloodlines immediately but knights plus two knights no they actually plus one about to be plus two another plus two knights to so many skirmishes crossbow numbers are very low cavachu's numbers are low there is a monk however looks like rehoboam micro is a bit worse when it's multiple units like when it has knights in the mix it's not as impressive as without understable passing army under the town center just sitting on the hill uh inania at havana too with the prime minister two months thank you very much you try to micro nice and crossbows then village count 13 lead for rail bone robot thinking about imperial age but looks of it or baron again being brave and moving out what do you want to bet that he's going to go back home again he's going to fight he's going to lose his car watches then he's going to go back home that seems to be focusing the skirms there we go we're going back home again imperial is on the way pikeman upgrades for robon not sure why what is triggering him to do the pikemen upgrade he has one barracks not making any pikemen either or baron is in big trouble imperialis is about to come in from real boom [Music] another attack from barbarian village accounts are similar now no two numbers still an advantage for barbarian but imperialist this is probably a good time though for barbarian to fight but yeah why fight we're just gonna go back again right now imperial cavalier last armor upgrade we're repeating the story of the last game so far imp is on the way for barbarian population are similar no upgrades are in yet so this is a good fight for barbarians so far once this kicks in though it's gonna be bad see that was amazing for barbarian robum lost all his knights and he's just now finished last armor upgrade this is looking like a way closer game so far than the first game cavalier is done still not attacking castle is being built like economy transitions and such seems very like human-like in many ways but use of military and placement of certain buildings is not uh largest and we're watching the ai finals so this is just ai against ai the two best ais in hvac 2 definitive edition right now it's a rehoboam against barbarian light cab you don't have any light caps sir racer first upgrade life cap is weird but yeah now is the overwhelming moment again and barbarian is not running away right at this point you should micro the cow which is back home wait for your upgrades now he's taking horrible trades paladin is on the way as well for rail bomb yet are seeing a repeat from game one now where paladin might just be the overwhelming do anything then although urban is alive this is obviously weird that they're moving out there to take wood paladin in in five seconds there's 25 of them on the field and this is gonna be the moment where the overwhelm is about to happen see paladin coming in all over the map now villager is dying left and right and barbarian is down to him to pop again yeah like it seems like barbarian is always later to the castle age rehoboam has taken better trades in the castle age and then rail bomb just wins with the earlier in dg well played and rehoboam just wins with the earlier imp and the technology see population very similar throughout the whole face here and then just an imp it just snowballs out of control kd is insanely in favor of real boom you just described frank frank eco i guess barbarian picking up rolex all right a real bomb with a 2-0 lead it's going to get at the moment it looks like we might be in for a i want to say a 4-0 but this pace is looking like real bomb is just better uh real bomb can only play frank's for those wondering while barbarian is playing random civ oh frank war now we're talking i think darkish we're just gonna speed through i'm gonna speed through dark edge a little bit because i think the dark gauge is gonna be quite similar to the previous games both are gonna be scouting the map a little bit pushing deer most likely pushing the air yet i guess he's looking for the last coats before he decides to push the deer i wonder if a barbarian will play frank's different than a rehoboam these are two best die currently these are the two best ai in age of empires 2 defensive edition yes at least they are the two that faces in the finals whether there is like a semifinal ai that would be better or not i can't say i wouldn't be surprised to see it looks like they have built into them that they're going range units no matter what like opening with the archery ranges second number camp from rehoboam as well on gold yeah looks like our chair range opening for no gold wait wait wait wait barbarian is mixing it up boys no gold being taken we might be seeing a stable opening for the first time here okay double range and we have a stable opening okay okay let's see how the barbarian uses scouts baron is setting up the f through the farm eco way faster naturally makes a lot of sense when going scouts or they're just going to sit at home again like this scout's chasing the scout rehoboam is just sitting at home with arches for now trying to get on top of the blacksmith by looks of it okay but bearing is having a little bit of a poke now and looks like is attacking finally with six archers and at the same time barbarian going for the counter attack oh the rail bomb going back again okay that's a bit interesting now to see how the scouts are being used by barbarian okay and on the woodline roblom is not fighting back by the way he's just okay he's fighting back somewhat half of them are kind of fighting back half of them are not one villager down two villages down the arches are now in probably doing insane micro yeah of course yeah barbara should never engage there obviously but okay so he lost three two villagers he's now got a big army lead there are skirmish though being prepared for barbarian skirms and scouts but we're about to see insane a robo micro potentially now this scout is buying a lot of time and now he's moving out again what i'm worried about is that there is no fletching for barbarian and that's a weird lumber camp i need a blacksmith barbarian oh this is going to be ugly look at this micro nerd such a micro nerd yeah without flashing rehoboth will trade amazingly well here this is like patrol it's like he's patrolling with oh there's fletching good timing so to explain that it's like he's patrolling or attack moving on no attack stance and only putting attack stands when he wants to attack which always gives him the perfect angles and not angles that's not the word the perfect grouping and situation and timing or when to want to fight yeah this is looking brutal i don't see how ai did not a barbarian ai stops this armor coming in now as well for the scout so he might be able to with some fletching skirms five skirms and scouts you should be able to kill this clean this up now but he will still do some villages in the process another three four wheels down [Music] and just again amazing micro behind this he's still making ashes at home he has 10 notches at home castle age is getting closer for rehoboam and barbarian is just idle all over the place can i play the winner i mean if i play a rehoboam i know he's going to open he's going to play franks and noah's going to open archers now i can kind of counter it quite easily i would say castle is on the way for a bomb as well look at look at him still microwaving skirms with armor as well this is just crazy always waiting until there is no volley able to come at him you see he only shoots after all the wallets have been fired he will obviously take some hits now and then as well but generally speaking he's just always waiting for the volleys to be done you saw like just that move there this move right here this skirmisher has one hp right look what these archers will do now right he's only going to be one or two arches shooting the skirmisher and the rest of the archers will shoot the villager so look there's two arches shooting that skirm because he has one hp and the rest of them are shooting the villager obviously didn't kill the villager but just the amount of splitting of arrow fire what not so that's the definitely the most impressive part so far is the micro on the riho boom unit that's a weird tower okay these guys will clean this up now but rehoboam is in castlage barbarian is miles away so let's fast forward a bit here see how they respond to this tc crossbow plus two no stable this time oh this is stable still what is that farm yo okay the archers are moving across what is this farm yo tell me man what is that farm gospels are moving across and barbarian is finally now just now barbarian is trying to get the gold hey see how much damage we're losing here okay now we're losing because now diving in damage now even now he's still he's playing okay okay that was only one i guess is one shot in him because if he splits up he won't be able to kill multiple at the same time looks like he only splits fire when he's not able to one shot okay barbarian is dead at least this would have helped if he if uh the knight panda teaches oh you're here tonight panda awesome if you teach rehoboam to do ballistics this is gonna be insane uh it's basically trying to replicate what a human will do making the unit shoot after the enemy is fired walking perpendicular to enemy shots or away from enemy melee units micro itself is actually less complicated to script and the decisions of when and where to micro fair enough fair enough clean clean three tc booming behind this the night switch is happening now the rehoboam is repeating the same strategy over and over again no question about that but it's working what can you say uh hand cart on the way villager difference is huge knights are now in and barbarian is just gonna call it i assume very fast there's just nothing for him to do anymore but it's like there's a force field here but in what like there was a force field where knights couldn't move raise plus two yeah more than half the hills you can fast forward this one it's looking very much like a rehoboam is going to go for a 4-0 sweep here i must say second tc though now it's kind of dying to the townsend which is fine because he's on the way he's in imp he's in him yeah there we go gg this time was just gg not the gg well played it's salty the ai is getting salty okay i was insane yeah all right let's go to what i expect to be the final game of the series it is game four of room against the barbarian ai and we have chinese francs a rematch of game one so let's skip past dark edge a little bit now because we kind of know what they're doing they're both doing very basic dark ages um i would say even you as a pleb no offense twitch chat but i'm talking to all you you guys could probably look at the build order of these ai and be and just copy them and you would learn a basic build order to a certain extent now not everything they do is great but like the build order is solid to the point where you will uh it's a solid build order to learn as an opening score three zero yes correct all right few ledges in for both players uh rehoboam is a little bit slower we have the barracks coming both players we have a repeat of the opening the build orders i expect double range one range second range double range blacksmith probably coming there we go and we have repeat of all the other games so far uh what palette and thanks for gifting a sub tonight panda by the way let me see i want to compare the scouting here uh okay did it scout each other barbarian scouting is really good uh what about that farm first what about that farm for about that first farm at dark age farms and dark age are fine there is often is even advantageous to do farms early because it will give you why is he pinging brow bone just did a ping on the tc mbl would have been tilted so hard uh yeah farms and dark is just not a bad thing eunice in the back blacksmith now barbarian is dealing the blacksmith quite a bit compared to rehoboam yeah again robone with a solid farm development okay so barbarian is moving but brandon is being aggressive again with way less military there's 18 units versus six oh triple kill let's go back i just find it so funny to see how broken that is was it a triple kill only one one of the volleys look now triple kill sick also guys if you want to learn how to micro just watch the rail boom mass germs but i mean so the issue i see with barbarian is the also the waypoint right the baron always just leaves the units right next to the range and the range placement seems completely random without any logic to it so it's uh it's a bit rough this is a good one though for barbarian good good uh spread on the units but again real bomb is just microwaving like a freaking madman like the end the what's it called end cave no this should be such a better fight for barbarian with the spread and everything but rehoboam is just microing like a enclave concave the concave yeah the concave concave should be way better for barbarian but rehoboam is just mic wing like a freaking beast double kill now watch double kill it's insane struggles versus drushman arms and towers and walls but most ais don't use these makes sense you have it guys if you want to beat the real bone just go rush my arms or towers yeah and this game is pretty much over just from micro masker micro crazy like builds economy management and everything seems quite equal for both ais right the big difference is the use of the military barbarian use of milter is four out of ten while rio bomb is seven out of ten micro you know so it's uh that's where the biggest difference comment comes into play look at the kd 38 to 12. double kill look at all the dodging here double kill 43 to 13 and also using the market to advance just madness i want to doubt micro against a rehoboam imagine that not the best mining camp but okay power now on the gold yeah castle age is gonna be miles away for funny thing is this game will probably go to him right right oh yeah let's reinforce yeah go back home like uh ryoban will probably be imperial h before barbarian resigns this is not a fair fight losing two three killing everything why are people watching pokemon debbie because people enjoy it there's communities for everything okay releasing the units as well just like this this army alone will win the rest of the game for rehoboam is just just a different level in terms of micro i don't even have to watch the economy or anything anymore just watching these guys micro the game is over another community watching ai's fighting each other it's a community or ai community scripting different ais right that can be a challenge for players the reason this tournament is put up is just to figure out what is the best iai right now now these ais are obviously all of okay uh barbarian called gg here and rio bomb is the winner of the king of arabia finals with a clean 4-0 uh kd 112-31 the point being that any one of you could play against these you can get the ai and you can play against them a winner interview any of you could get these play against the ai and have to have a go at them right i personally do not would not look forward to microwaving against the rehoboam but i think i would kill real bomb simply by attacking where the army isn't and just maneuvering right um yeah but a rehoboam cannot play any other saves than frank's as far as i understand so yeah time for you to play one way two against rihu the only time we saw rio really struggled with the micro was when the mangano came in and the game won right game one the mangano came in and the manga killed the whole army get access to the game rehoboam lost in the semis i do not um i do not know anyways i have done five hours of casting today that's all that my voice can handle hope you guys enjoyed that was interesting i wanted to i wanted to do this first of all because my editor came to me with this opportunity and i was like yeah sure sounds interesting because i wanted to kind of see how how the ai like what are the best ais like in de right now and the builds seem very solid obviously the positioning of certain things military buildings army at times is not human-like and not ideal at least for barbarian but the micro from rehoboam is insane economy development and economy management is quite human-like and very strong or very good but i can see them still losing to certain strategies and decision-making obviously uh most players should be able to beat them simply by making the right decisions and making the right unit at the right time and attacking at the right time and so forth um but yeah still congrats to rehoboam for being the current champion of the uh king of the uh king of the king of arabia i think that's just what it's called in arabia anyone train a real ai like alpha star would reinforce meant learning i don't think so no i i'm not gonna play today guys i'm i'm kind of done now for some reason casting is more exhausting for me than playing just sitting here and talking is hard i can play five six seven hours and i'll be fine but just talking and casting is hard man tomorrow i'm having physiotherapy on my wrist for the first time we're gonna see how that plays out or if we uh how we feel after that hopefully um that can help i'm not expecting it to but it would be nice to see if it makes my wrist feel better in any way there are actually some people working on machine learning ai on siege engineers oh cool awesome equipped to compare things for the whole year alaka aoe things for 44 months and dragon think about three months there um will i stream tomorrow i'm not sure yet i wouldn't rule it out but uh we will see but there will be there'll be a couple of streams over next week i'm kind of just seeing how i feel there and then when i'm streaming these days uh but yeah thanks a lot everyone for watching thanks for all the love and support hope you guys enjoyed the stream and i'm gonna pass on to doubt they're playing the rage forest tournament which is like a black forest with team captains where like one will be captain and you'll pick from a different pool of players and there's been a lot of different teams created from that so yeah again hope you guys enjoyed the stream today i'll see you all next time possibly tomorrow and yeah enjoy bye-bye campaigns this week maybe i'll probably start a young zizka campaign at some point this week yeah probably all right good night guys you
Channel: TheViper
Views: 53,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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