AoE2 Zombies!

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Hey guys! Spirit of the law here. I want to show off a scenario that is quite popular, but I think it's still under played and it's Zombies Awakening or Zombies for short. Now it's based around the idea of two players being the hunters and everyone else being the prey you can see me here in blue and we're just running away, and we're gonna wall like crazy, and we're gonna build towers, and it's gonna Hopefully defend us from the zombies. Now, who are the zombies? It's two of these players here, and they're basically trying to collect relics at the moment, and then they're gonna start buying units. And you can see what the zombies looked like 1500 HP; 200 attack. It's kind of crazy and but normally you would think of as a wall or double wall and you're safe. Not so much in this map and things actually get even worse because if we check it out, they are gonna be able to buy units and then upgrade them upgrades like spies or 50 extra attack. But also we have increased speed, extra armor [and] extra HP. It's gonna add up real fast, and they're gonna be able to take out our walls in one hit. So how do we stop that? Well, we get some gold and we get upgrades of our own so we can get extra towers, we can get extra attack on our archers, we can get extra defense on our walls and the idea is we hide and we build and we upgrade and hopefully we can survive for two hours . Now, I'm up here at the top and one of the strategies you can do is actually team up with somebody else. I'm walling up this side, and if you follow along you'll notice that the cliff actually protects us for most of this and orange is walling up on this side though. He seems to have kind of given up part way through he should probably... Yeah, keep going with that another strategy is to actually split your units and that's what I've done over here I have a second villager, that's over here, and she's sort of walled herself in and you'll notice again when these situations a lot of this is all cliffs and so she only has two ball two areas and control all of this so when I can afford it, I'm gonna have another town center here. And we're gonna have two town centers going and actually add a lot more town centers than that. Now, another thing that you have to remember is that we all have a main villager. And if the main villager dies we lose. And same thing with the zombies they have a main zombie and like this one for example, so hotkey him if I can it was he Brophy, so hotkey him. He starts off kind of damaged, but he has a lot of monks that are gonna heal them up. And the monks are also collecting relics from around the map. Now, if we look at their view they don't actually know where we are. So we're hiding at the moment and they're gonna find us as they go around and try to collect relics, though we can also collect those relics as well. One thing is I had noticed that he has actually found gray so gray is not long for this world unless he walls up a lot more than that. This is more appropriate walling that you'll notice and as Japanese I get free fortified walls. You get different bonuses in this game than you normally do and he also has fortified walls cause he already built. How does he have fortified walls? I guess Byzantines do as well and gray is gonna want the fortified walls and he's gonna want a wall a lot more than *spooky music plays* this and here's the zombie. That zombie looks like it's at low health, but watch the damage that it does. That's 200 damage per attack and extra fast attack. There goes the town center, and he's X-ing (flaring) us to try to come help him and I don't think that's... Yeah, you can't fight these zombies and once his main villager goes down, gray is eliminated. So this is the kind of danger that we're seeing is you can't fight them with units you have to fight them with walls and towers and thing is like that villager doing a little dance. Happy little dance. She's just happy or maybe she's panicking I think she's panicking. I think she's like, "Oh my god. The zombies are gonna come, the zombies are gonna come..." Just relax Lee Don't worry, but just just keep balling and so the idea is that we're gonna get so many upgrades on our towers We're gonna have like 500 extra attack, and they're gonna have 10,000 And about 10,000 yeah 10,000 for 20,000 gold they get 10,000 extra HP. I mean the scale of this game is Crazy, and you can't tell just by looking how strong something is anymore, and meanwhile he's going out here with his archers. Archers are scary and one thing about archers is they can actually fire over the cliffs and take out buildings and every raise and every kill that the zombies get they get more gold which means even more upgrades. But their main strategy at the moment (I'm just going to speed this up) is to go out and get relics and each of these monks cost them a little bit of gold, but they're definitely worth it and meanwhile while they're getting the relics, of course, they're gonna find people as well. Take a look at everybody's base while we're just hanging out. So here in green We got SpoOkyMagician and you might recognize him from my scenario editor tricks video. He made that particular scenario, and so it's glad to have a game with him, and he's doing the really mass wall strategy but it's over a pretty wide area which if you think about it, they really only have to get through one of these layers of wall and all the rest is kind of useless that's sort of the nature of walls. So what you would ideally want to do here, and let's see if I can... I can't really get an example that here But you want to fill it in... whoa spamming in the chat and what you want to do is you want to wall this in is in the most narrow place as possible and then have a bunch of towers. There's no towers here, so nothing's really deterring them at this point but again I don't mind the ideas just making a whole lot of fortified walls, but just watch how fast oh this is irregular, so this isn't one of the main zombies so not every zombie has crazy stats. But just some of them, maybe I can go back Yeah, so the main zombie has the crazy stats but not every single one they make does they have to upgrade them one at a time, so he's gonna give up. Fair enough, I don't think he was gonna get through that and we got the triple Town Center, so you can make lots of Town Center's, lots of villagers, lots of gold and again gold is what you use to upgrade stones what you use to make towers. You should probably be taking a lot of stone and then usually [you] want more than one villager doing this and you want to have a lot of towers there. But this is gonna stall them for a little bit and he's kind of combined bases with red. Red's stealing some of the relics which you got to be careful because if they see relics are missing in a spot. They'll know you're there, but at the same time if there's two different zombies sometimes they don't know which one grabbed which so unless they're really coordinated, they won't necessarily pick up on that and he's taking all the stone. That's a good idea and make lots of towers he hasn't done that yet. He's walled... This is probably a better place to wall and maybe he can wall both, but this sort of thing... really it looks like a ton of walls, but they only have to get through five of them. And then this one connects along, and I've also started building here. This isn't my main base, but if go through here, I've started a sort of secondary base here, and I'm gonna be walling up and this is one of those really nice ones so it's really thin and gonna be putting some towers there. And we have yellow right here. Yellow has another really small area, but again doing that mass wall and tower thing. [The towers are] not upgraded yet, but you'll notice the attack starts getting a little bit crazier and purple has found me. They only know about me and green at this point And I think they're looking at green and saying that's a lot of walls we're gonna need some more upgrades to get through that and making some saboteurs that's a good choice, and these are also you notice look at these upgrades so an extra 100 HP and moving out an extra 20 attack as well and teal seems to be focusing on green and Purple is sort of massing up again. I'm blue. He has gone after my walls It looks like a saboteur, but I have my guard towers here. So one thing about this you'll notice it's very difficult to tell who's gonna win an engagement and things will go down way faster than you think they're going to like this wall. I'm gonna have it on triple speed... or whatever this fast speed is. But these walls are going down fast every attack is taking down it's like 75 HP and Killing the deer (NOOO) come on man, killing the deer... Wow, jerk move But yeah, I agree what's going around this way I think this looks kind of like a pain to cut through you should probably keep going though but I think this walls been done up yeah, and a lot more Wow, never stop walling that's basically the key and up here I've got more keeps or a guard towers and we've got more fortified walls. I've really expanded my economy here. I'm a really big fan of going kind of crazy with... with that stuff and here's my main villager. I've put them up in the tower just to keep them alive and these guys attacking they're just hanging out there these guys are hanging out here. Again, they don't know where everything is, but I think that's them X-ing they just saw our two mining camps unfortunately so they do know that we're up here. They're a little bit slow though. One thing you want to do is you want to tack a little bit faster, and you want to take out at least a couple they did take out great, but you want to take out a couple of players as soon as possible. And we keep going so they're just waiting getting the upgrades when they get the gold so this is him and he's only got a thousand gold right now kind of ten thousand gold is a lot just to understand the scale of things and fifty thousand gold is enough to upgrade a whole army and but just a couple thousand gold doesn't really matter that much. Who got spies I wonder... that's interesting. Oh. Okay, I think orange got spies, so now he knows what's up. He didn't actually tell us anything about that... that I remember so that's interesting And it's just a zombie minion and sending over the main zombie That's definitely what you want to do is get him involved early on We have to be really careful cuz if he dies they actually lose They have the main zombie just like we have a main villager, and if that guy goes out, I mean you never know the damage the towers are gonna do. This is another sort of grimy part of this game is taking down walls. You have to individually click them. Yeah, that main zombie, it just takes it out and green is just walling like Mad. He's thrown is whole economy into just walling this up, but they [teal] can take it down faster and you can walk. And pulling back probably a smart idea. What kind of HP is he at now? That's smart, using the monks to heal them up so we got solid upgrades Unfortunately, I think he lost a lot of the earlier round, because you only get the upgrades on current units. It's not on future ones. so you kind of want to get those upgrades as late as possible. And teal, I keep saying teal but it's more cyan than teal technically, and he's really pushing hard on this side I kind of like the idea of using the main zombie to cut through the walls and then you send in all of your minions usually a bit weaker to finish him off. And what are you up to purple? Just hanging out with your thousand... Your thousand HP, I think. And meanwhile I've kind of given up on walling this I don't really care about this too much. If he gets in, it's a lot of free kills and free building razes, but I'm sort of done with the resources there and at this point, I'm feeling pretty good. We're a little more than halfway down the game. Usually it's a little slow at the start, and it speeds up a little bit later. But they're [teal's army] getting in I don't know how much longer Spooky's gonna be able to hold this off, so he's kind of getting out of here these are a lot of watchtowers. These aren't upgraded at all so that's not particularly scary and his main zombie again, 1,500 [HP] These zombies [zombie minions] have 32 armor, that's... That's pretty crazy in terms of normal scale for these units. He's got to keep going though, he's got to keep cutting with that main... main zombie, and if you're green you just got to get out of here right now. Yep, wall that up, and I think he's doing the mass... mass migration thing just trying to get out. That's probably the smart idea. And has purple done anything? I think you did attack at some point. Come on man, and still looking for relics notice these guys are gonna have a ton of relics. They do have a maximum that they can carry in each of those so he can have a couple more relics in here. Once you're in the late game though, the gold comes mostly from the kills so every one of these villagers he kills, he gets a hundred gold and he's really got to put those on attack though, so there's a chance. Run green! He's running and ran into the monks. I don't know what happens if he gets conversions, so we're gonna see. Probably doesn't keep them. He's gonna try and fight. Problem is those monks have a lot of HP and a lot of armor so every hits doing one damage and they have, looks like eighty. I think it says 80 HP Alright so never mind. He's gonna run away from that and He's kind of stuck though so we're gonna start repairing the castle. That's not gonna work. These minions, well they're not that tough. Honestly they could have a few more attack upgrades. Where's the main one? That's the question. Oh. It's in there. Oh, and he's just feeding them to the main guy. *laugh* Oh man that you got to run all together, together, teamwork guys. I'm sure we've seen a zombie movie, teamwork sacrifice people. Don't just *sigh of disapproval* They're just standing there to be keep standing there. Here's purple. He's just not... Not interested in doing anything with that army. I guess he's over here helping us heal. And together they're getting a lot of gold so we have... Take a look at their gold that's going up by a hundred every time he kills one and twenty three thousand. That's a lot He's gonna have some good upgrades coming on those units. He doesn't even really need this castle. What he needs is to take out a main villager, although the main villager I'm sure is one of these. Think it should have a thousand extra HP. I don't know which one it is, but I assume it's one of those. Unless... switch off from that And these zombies just got a lot of upgrades. You can tell all that gold went to good use and taking these out. It's kind of a poor sportsmanship, but you could delete these villagers before he gets a chance to kill them, that's sort of a form of flaming, so you don't really want to do that if it's just kind of a casual game. I imagine it's sort of rules against that and you can see what's happening for us over here. We're just going... going ham on towers over here I like this. The problem is he's [yellow] run out of resources in his main spot. So probably what I do is break a line of these walls send your guys out, wall it back up start getting some other resources like I'm trying to expand around the map. I'm also not sure about this two against green thing that usually isn't the best idea for the zombies, especially if you're just gonna sort of siege me over here. You might as well go. I think he thinks this is my main base although He's seen kind of blue all over the map, but I imagine he thinks this is my main base and he could probably attack this already. He's just giving me more time to really bloom and build up so something to keep that... I'm just keep in the back your mind as the zombies that, yes, you're waiting for your army to get bigger, but you're also letting them get more tower upgrades. And... pretty soon. I mean we're coming up Yes. So we're three-quarters down the time technically in the game, though things are gonna slow down or I should say they're gonna speed up, so I'm gonna slow down near the end because a lot on this map tends to happen in the last few minutes and both these guys have done a good job of taking out green. And he still got a lot of towers, and we also have a lot of towers and these all have a hundred and 200 extra attack. So you don't really expect it. They're a lot stronger than you might think and they're gonna take out all these units in one shot for sure Trying to trade? Yeah, trade usually doesn't work on this map super well. It's just there's a lot of gold on the map, and you usually don't want things open like this. You want to be blocking this up. Usually you don't worry about trade you do normally have big economies like this though, and you can sell a lot of that. Oh, what happened to yellow? I think yellow... There's nobody even around. I think he probably accidentally deleted one of his villagers which is unfortunate because he probably deleted the main villager (RIP peachfu257) and that ends your game. Right at the same time, I had enough of this so I came out with my arbalests and did a sneak attack against the middle and took out their relics. At this point it's really not a big deal. They're getting a lot of gold from kills and razes at this point, but I thought I'd be cheeky and do that. And you can't upgrade those [monasteries] as well. And I don't know if he would have been able to fight that, but he ran away. So that was good at two goes out. It's really not a game changer. I was just being kind of ridiculous and here though at some point pretty soon, I think he's gonna be pushing over here notice these towers have a hundred to 200 attack, and these have a hundred attack and that's a lot so in comes the main zombie for teal. And... That zombie's down, which means teal is out of the game. I wasn't sure if he left because I destroyed this, but I watched it back and that unit just got crushed by these towers. Meanwhile purple does have much stronger minions, and they're just gonna run in and they're gonna tear this apart. That was an unfortunate choice by teal, especially cause late in the game it gives a lot of gold to each zombie player. Yeah, it is just kind of funny, and that's a lot of towers and those are strong towers and Meanwhile while this is going on, I'm taking my army up because I want to try to fight his guys. At the end of the day if I win this, you know we... we win this fight and we end the siege. If I lose, we give them more gold and maybe we'll make the end game more interesting and it's gonna be doing all right, but these guys have 243 attack and I've got 40 HP. So once they should get in there and start attacking My guys are gonna melt. I'm feeding him so much gold right now. Yeah, I don't know how much that army would have been I think about 8,000 gold if I'm doing that math right that I just gave him. So a good chunk of his gold now is what I just gave him with that army. So, WHOOPS, and Meanwhile he's cutting through here. These... They are going down from the towers, but these guys are pretty strong now. Unfortunately those units are gone so if he wants to get more upgrades, he's gonna have to do it from scratch with new units or with these ones that are here, And this is kind of the tedious part with this game is taking out all the walls, but he's doing it and he's breaking through and meanwhile, he's got all these guys sitting around doing nothing after they beat my army. These guys are cutting 3 he does only have 15 minutes in game to try to kill our main villagers, and I've taken down... what just purple and yellow kind of killed himself. So unfortunately, that's a lot of these units you don't really want to do it in this wave sort of thing. He's got to focus down these walls. Again, he doesn't want to do it with his Where's his main zombie? I have no idea because you don't want to lose the main zombie, I don't know. I [don't] know where the main zombie is. Once he takes this down though, if you can get in here these towers go down because they will auto attack towers. It just won't auto attack walls. And we'll see. I mean, there's only so much time. This sort of wave after wave is probably best for the towers, but at some point at some point he might make his way through there. This is not the ideal strategy though and ideally wants to kind of cut through over here when we have a few, but he's taken the army that's on the right side and I think he's seen, you know, I'm not able to give him much of a fight, so he sent that army over to the other side. And again another minion you can see the minions are taken out really fast these towers have 400 to 500 extra attack. But he has opened it up, and this is a big group of two armies with 10,000 HP 172 armor that's the real... That's the strong part. That's the part that adds up a lot faster than you would think and he's now in here and taking out these towers, and once these towers are gone, these have 600 extra attack, new towers that are built aren't gonna have those stats so once these are taken out, that's really it for red's super towers. And there they go. Man, the chaos... and you can just patrol these units here and they'll automatically do this and so greens like, "Yep! No, I'm out" Meanwhile, just a little bit of micro here. You can see these units are crazy now 300 attack. Are they doing 300 per hit? Yeah, they are and they attack very quickly so we do have five minutes left, though a lot can happen in five minutes and I'm now trying to take another shot with this. I've done my arbalests. I now have plus 79, but these guys have 172 extra armor. So I'm trying to lure a couple of his guys in here and try to massacre them in. It kind of did a reverse massacre they basically take out each of mine in one hit and they take 10,000 of my arrows so that's a little silly. We'll just gonna leave my guys to fight that. Meanwhile, green and red are losing their base and they're trying to evacuate. They're trying to trade. I don't know why they're doing that and that over here that's his main villager. Meanwhile, are we still attacking these guys? Yeah, we are and eventually we get down there. I don't know how much gold I gave them a lot these have a hundred or 444 extra attack, that's crazy. Just the arrows, you can just hear how many arrows that is. Finally, we take him down. That was not a cost-effective fight. Meanwhile, purple has broken in You can just imagine what would happen if teal was still here as well, and now he has 100 raisings which means a thousand gold per minute, although don't we only have a minute left? It turns out we actually have a time extension of 10 minutes, so it doesn't actually end too fast. So now in the last 10 minutes, they get spies, they can immediately see everything on the map. They know exactly what's going on, and they're gonna just break through this like nothing, and these units are pretty much unstoppable now. 16,000 HP and constantly increasing, but almost 600 extra attack and almost 200 extra armor and red's main villager goes down. Again, we're just trying to beat out the clock here. We have to go till 2 hours and 10 minutes and move man, move You're against the timer here. Green is up here. I'm not sure what he's doing. We're trying to evacuate the relics. I don't know why we didn't really need those, but I really should be opening, maybe I did open that, I'm not sure if that's open or not, a path to get out and we should be evacuating because the zombies are coming in and they shouldn't be wasting their time with these walls They should be coming in and completely murdering us. Really? there's only three players left. There's green who's building towers right now. and Again, these towers have the regular 11 attack against units with 10,000 HP. It's not gonna go well and even my towers have 400 extra attack, and they can't stop this so now green is dead, and it's down to just me and orange, and we've got five minutes left that we've got to live How huge is it now, that teal died from throwing his guys against the tower without upgrading it And you just see them take down. I mean they just go right through these fortified walls you can upgrade walls. There's actually a bug in this particular version that didn't let us do that. But normally you would upgrade the walls a little bit as well, so you're noticing in this game, we have unusually high tower attack and unusually weak walls But it's the same sort of balance even if you put it into the towers, and he's gonna run up his main chance now. He's only got three minutes, his main chances to try to get one of my main villagers, because if I happen to put one of my mains down here, this whole wall goes down all of my buildings and units are destroyed and he could sneak in. And he's trying to convert my arbalests. I've got another arbalest army. Oh, this was the same one that I tried to choke point him with. But yeah, these arbalests... I felt it was a bit of a victory to take out his buildings. I noticed he's remade them But it felt like a bit of a victory so I went to try to make a last stand over on this ice island here, and you can see he's just coming in his units are extra fast their stats are absolutely insane. This is definitely a matter of time, but we ran out the clock. We've got 20 seconds left until we win and I'd say that was a lot closer than I thought it would be. Here his army comes. I kind of wish we had just five minutes more that he could come out or even just 30 seconds more. He would come up and he would demolish these guys they take one hit each and are doing one damage each to these units including his zombie archer, so that would have been a massacre all these guys got saved by the clock and it really he would have gone right through this and beaten us in just five more minutes. And for anybody who wants to take a look at these stats here and Military... how did I lose so many... Oh yeah right my archers. Yep. That's why I lost so many. Interesting, Teal really didn't have that many... that many units I don't think he made enough units in the game. Sort of my feeling, and I definitely went the most all out for economy and research as well. Wouldn't worry too much about Imperial times, and I did go really heavily into villagers. I just find that getting a lot of economy means you can trade it for a lot of gold and that's really what it's all about is getting that gold So, I hope that was enjoyable and you guys don't have too many zombie nightmares tonight. Thanks for watching guys, and I'll see you next time. **Captions by AppleSlice OH**
Channel: Spirit Of The Law
Views: 921,904
Rating: 4.8324642 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires II, aoe2, aoc, aoehd, strategy game (genre), zombies awakening, custom scenario, vampirism
Id: Hxf0ET3SOdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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