Anxiety, Worry, and What-If's: Rewiring Anxiety Through Intentional Risk Assessment: Acceptable Risk

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Today we're in my garden and we're going to be  talking about dealing with "what ifs". So your brain   is super extra at imagining danger, but if you let  anxiety and "what ifs" make your choices, your world   is going to shrink and you're going to feel more  anxious and powerless. So instead, we're going to   talk about regaining your power through careful  risk assessment and choosing acceptable risk.    This video is sponsored by Better Help, where  you can get professional, affordable, counseling   online for around $65 a week. Check out the link  in the description for 10% off your first month.    So here's another of the most common questions  I get on my Rewiring the Anxious Brain video;   so people ask 'what if the dog bites you?' Now in  that video I was explaining how when you avoid   something it makes your anxiety go up and this  is really harmful when you avoid something that   feels dangerous but is actually safe. So this is  something like public speaking or taking a test   or asking for a raise. In that video the example I  used was being afraid of dogs and then I explained   how gradual exposure can help you overcome  that fear by gradually spending time with dogs.    But of course, when making a video  about anxiety, the anxious people   watching this video are going to say 'but  how can I do that? What if the dog bites you?'   Now many people with anxiety focus on the  worst case scenario instead of focusing on   the potential for growth and healing and that's  because when your brain is in anxiety mode   it's attuned to threats, it only notices and pays  attention to the potential dangers around you,   but dogs can actually be dangerous. So when  you're in anxiety mode, the one in a thousand   chance of getting bit by a family's pet dog,  feels like a serious, immediate, most likely   occurrence. In anxiety mode our brain is going to  assume the worst about so many things. It might   ask questions like 'what if everyone hates me?' or  'what if I get covid from my groceries?' or 'what   if that car swerves into my lane?' and it's really  easy to get wrapped up in all of the "what-ifs".   It's easy to get so wrapped up in them that  you completely lose sight of your goals,   like overcoming anxiety, or visiting your son who  has a dog. But there are some practical steps you   can take to manage your brilliantly anxious  brain instead of letting anxiety run your life.    So first, realize that your brain's most natural  job is to "prevent dying", to keep bad things from   happening to you and unlike other mammals that are  mostly instinctual about these things, so they'll   run away from an immediate threat like a tiger,  but then they'll relax when the threat is gone,   our brain has the ability to imagine danger in  the future, to remember danger in the past, and that   makes us feel like we're in danger in the present  moment. But just because our brain is really good   at imagining dangers doesn't mean that avoiding  those fears is the way for us to live a good, happy   life. I think most people with anxiety can see how  feeling anxious all the time and avoiding stuff   is making their lives worse. If you let anxiety  and "what-ifs" make your choices your world will   shrink and you'll feel more anxious and powerless.   So what I think that people were really asking is:   'Should I spend time with dogs if there's a risk of  getting bitten?' 'Should I face my fears if there's a   risk that they could come true, like is it worth  it?' and this question is really about living a   good life and I can guarantee you one thing,  if you let fear and anxiety make your choices,   then your life is going to suck. You'll feel out  of control and your anxiety is going to increase.   So instead, regain your power through careful  risk assessment and choosing acceptable risk.    When I was in college studying the illustrious  field of recreation management and taking really   intense classes like mountain biking, we had a  couple of classes on risk management, which is   basically how to run a recreation program that  kept people safe while also helping them to do   cool things like rock climbing and mountain  biking. So I learned how to go rock climbing   in the safest way, how to tie the right knots and  how to use the right anchors, how to use equipment   safely and how to make good decisions and I've  gone rock climbing literally thousands of times   without any injuries to me or my friends or my  clients, but even the most carefully prepared   and managed activities come with risk. I can  control the ropes and the anchors and the knots   but there's always the risk of a rock  falling and hitting you on the head   or an incredibly rare gear failure. So if, when all  of those people asked me, 'what if the dog bites me?',   if they were saying 'I can't face my anxiety  because there's risk involved, I'll only do a form   of treatment that's 100% safe and comfortable' then  we need to talk about risk and anxiety acceptance.    We can't avoid all risk. Not only would trying  ruin our lives but, it's just it's not possible.    So, if you avoid everything dangerous by staying  home all the time, then you risk dying of obesity   and heart disease and loneliness. By  staying home you miss opportunities to work   and play and laugh and love. It's really easy to  see this if we use covid as the example right,   with covid, if you choose to socially distance you  protect yourself from the virus but the level of   social distancing that you choose determines how  many social activities you miss out on and if you   go to the extreme level of never going anywhere  of completely isolating yourself from everyone or   not picking up groceries because those have a risk,  then you could starve to death right, so that's the   very extreme end of this, but even on the moderate  end of social distancing comes with some risks   which many of us are accepting right. So when you  miss out on social activities you risk worsening   anxiety and depression. Now I'm not saying that  you shouldn't socially distance, I'm saying that   every choice comes with costs and we need to be  intentional about those costs instead of driven   by anxiety. So social distancing is a choice that  I'm making, while wholly accepting the costs, but   I'm choosing a degree of social distancing that  still lets me go you know, pick up groceries and   occasionally see a very small group of people. What  I am saying is that if you want to live a full   and meaningful and happy life, you need to make a  choice based on what we value instead of letting   anxiety choose for you. So let's go back to the  rock climbing example, there are different levels   of danger within rock climbing. There's bouldering  and gym climbing which are relatively safest,   then there's top roping, which is where the rope  is connected at the top already and you are just   belayed from the bottom, um it is really very safe,  but it comes with a few uh risk factors, which   come with outside climbing, which is you know, the  very rare risk of gear failure or a slightly more   likely risk of you know, getting a sunburn, getting  stung by a bee, or a rock falling and hitting you   on the head, so this is you know, top roping is  really very safe. With top roping when you fall,   you really just fall a couple inches due to rope  stretch, because that rope is being held tight and   you're being held very secure. With lead climbing,  you start at the bottom and you clip into anchors   as you go up the rock face. So this is a little  bit more dangerous because however far you've gone   from your last anchor you're gonna fall twice that  far if you slip and fall. So there's a little bit   more chance of like a sprained ankle, of getting  you know bumps and bruises, but most likely you're   not going to die. Now the next most dangerous level  of rock climbing is free soloing and free soloing   is very dangerous, because if you slip or you fall  from a height, you are going to hit the ground.   Now deciding whether to climb and how  to climb are choices within my control,   but all of these activities come with the  risks outside of my control like environmental   conditions, falling rocks, and the risk of  human error. Alex Honnold chooses to free solo.    He did what I think is one of the most impressive  physical and mental athletic performances in the   history of the world by climbing El Cap without  ropes, but in order to do that he risked falling to   his death. Now if you talk to Alex you'll know that  he has made a careful and intentional choice to   accept that level of risk in his life. When I climb, I choose to rope up, I'm a very safe climber. I   climbed for five to six years, three to four times  a week, so like thousands of times without a single   serious accident, but in order to climb I do risk  sprained ankles and rock falls and you know the   very rare potential risk for equipment failure and  for me that is my level of acceptable risk because   climbing made my life better. Climbing helps me  think clearly and solve problems and develop   grit and face my fears. I'm actually afraid of  heights, but I enjoy climbing so I accept that.   Now some people choose not to climb because it  doesn't add value to their life or the value it   adds isn't worth the pain or the risk and that's  okay too, as long as it's an intentional choice.    So really, dealing with "what-ifs" is all about  making an intentional choice about acceptable risk   and the value it has in your life, the value  of that activity, whatever it has in your life.    In my mind it's much greater risk to live your  life in fear and reacting only to anxiety and   trying to avoid anxiety in such a way that you  no longer have choice in your life, you're not   choosing what you want to be doing in your  life, you're choosing just to avoid anxiety.    So I'll use another example. I used to be quite  afraid of spoiled milk. I had a couple bad   experiences and ever after that I was scared  to drink milk after it had been opened for a   couple of days. So for years I just threw the milk  out if it had been opened for a couple of days.    Now this was probably an irrational fear, but it  was with limited consequences. For me it wasn't   worth the time and the energy to overcome this  fear because the costs on my life were so low, it   was like a buck a week to just you know throw out  milk that I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. I   was able to live a good life, and not drink older  milk. It wasn't worth it for me to spend a lot of   time facing that anxiety because the cost was like  a dollar a week for me to just throw out old milk.    But going back to the dog example, if you are  missing out on important things in your life like   visiting a family member with a dog or avoiding  going out for walks because of fear of dogs or if   you run away screaming and crying from safe dogs  that you see, then at some point you have to make   a conscious choice about what is most valuable for  you and this is called risk acceptance and it's an   important part of managing anxiety. If you don't  have dogs and you have no friends with dogs then   you miss out on little because of dog avoidance,  then then cool, like make the choice to avoid dogs,   but don't let anxiety decide for you. Everything  has a risk. You have to make choices about risk   instead of letting anxiety make your choices for  you. Make choices about what you want your life to   be about instead of simply trying to avoid anxiety.   What do you want your life to be about? Choose to   live in a way that runs toward your values instead  of simply running away from discomfort or anxiety.    Now real quick side note, just want to  remind you that just because something   feels dangerous doesn't mean that it is. The fear  center of our brain is more instinctual than   rational, so sometimes what feels dangerous isn't  actually dangerous. So for example I once worked at   a treatment program that did a lot of recreational  therapy. We went climbing and rappelling, we would   do hiking, biking and horseback riding, we went  rafting down rivers, and we would do ropes courses.   Now guess which was our most dangerous activity.   It was the driving. Driving to these activities   actually statistically had a higher risk than  the activities we were doing, but which of these   activities felt most dangerous? Climbing right,  being up high, those are the scariest activities.    And you want to know which activity was the second  most risky, the one that had the most accidents and   injuries and the highest risk and actually the  highest cost for insurance? Horseback riding. So   it's important to remember that just because  something feels dangerous doesn't mean that   it's actually dangerous. We have to turn our  brain back on and make a conscious choice about   you know what level of risk we're willing to  accept and when we face that anxiety a lot of   times it goes away. Now anxiety usually exaggerates  the danger of certain types of activities things   that our brain is like biologically programmed to  avoid things like heights, wild animals, and bugs,   social interactions, things like that right. Just  because something feels dangerous doesn't mean   that it actually is dangerous. Anxiety can inform  your decisions but don't let it make the choices   for you. Through practice, and knowledge, and gradual  exposure, we can bring things that are normally   terrifying into our realm of safety. So check out  my exposure hierarchy video to learn more about   the you know, breaking these tasks down into little  steps and doing this, because facing our fears is   really important to living the life that we value  instead of just living a life where we let anxiety   run the show. If your family has a dog, a safe dog,  then the risk level is low and the benefits are   high and that's an example of a time when you can  choose to accept the remote risk of getting bitten   and and the anxiety that comes with that you know,  it's worth it to face that in order to spend time   with the people that you love and when you face  that fear, over time your anxiety will go down. Now   if something crazy happens and the dog happens to  bite you then you'll either realize that it wasn't   that bad after all and and your anxiety will go  down or you'll reevaluate your choices and then   hopefully make an intentional choice about whether  to continue to interact with that dog or not.    If your neighbor has a crazy, dangerous, aggressive  dog, you may make the conscious choice to avoid   that dog and that neighbor because the level of  risk doesn't outweigh the benefits of interacting   with that neighbor. If a person you really care  about has a dog that genuinely seems dangerous   then again, you'll need to step back and weigh the  risks and the benefits and again, make a conscious   choice about what level of risk you're willing to  accept. But make that decision based not on fear   but on what is most important to you. Is it safety?   Is it spending time with them, or is it some kind   of compromise between the two? Maybe you'll spend  time with them, but not with their dog. What this   really comes down to is looking at your anxiety,  looking at your "what-if" thoughts from an observer   position when you're able to notice them from a  vantage point instead of looking through them, then   you can make a choice about what you're going to  choose to act on and what you're going to accept.    Then choose to do something meaningful, something  that's in line with the life that you want to live.   Living a life that you value is most likely going  to include discomfort and anxiety. Making youtube   videos is anxiety provoking for me, but I do it  because it makes a small positive difference   in the world and so that's an acceptable  risk, it lines up with my personal values,   and over time it's gotten easier for me so I  don't feel so anxious about it. Abraham Lincoln   and Winston Churchill felt tremendous anxiety  at times about continuing their respective wars.    When they saw the loss of life and the pain  and the suffering of the people impacted,   but they chose a path based on their values and  their beliefs and the recognition that avoiding   that anxiety would actually make things worse. So  I bet, that most people doing good, feel anxiety   and while there is always the chance that the  worst may happen the the choice you make, the   decision you make about how much risk you accept,  should be based on your values and on conscious   risk management skills instead of just on fear,   so your life is bigger, it has more meaning and   more purpose than just avoiding fear. If you want  to overcome anxiety and take care of your life,   then you need to spend some time figuring  out what you want your life to be about   instead of just anxiety avoidance. If you want  to overcome anxiety and take control of your   life then you need to spend some time figuring  out what you want your life to be about instead.    What good do you want to bring to the world?   Is it kindness? Is it love? Is it education?   Is it a kickbutt invention? or Is it a happy  family? When you take the time to step back   and look at what you really value, then it makes it  worthwhile to face your fears, accept the "what ifs",   take courage, and boldly move forward. I know  that facing your anxiety can be scary, but in   the long run it's worthwhile and as you  do it your anxiety is going to decrease.    Hope you found this video helpful, thank you for  watching, and take care. If you appreciate mental   health skills in concise little packages, please  consider supporting this channel on Patreon.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 203,719
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Keywords: rewiring the anxious brain, rewiring the anxious brain, rewiring the anxious brain part 5, rewiring the anxious brain youtube, rewiring the anxious brain udemy, rewiring the anxious brain emma mcadam, rewiring the anxious brain therapy in a nutshell, rewiring the anxious brain neuroplasticity and the anxiety cycle, anxiety risk, anxiety risks, anxiety, mental health, psychology, stress, anxiety disorder, anxiety risk factors, risk management, acceptable risk, what ifs
Id: KGigeZp2Pls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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