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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter today is a really exciting day at leland because sean vendetta who made the beautiful medieval costumes for us before has agreed to come back because we are planning our costumes for a bridgeton party which will be our easter party this year so i suspect it might be a small party because of covert but we're still going to be dressing up and going ahead with it so i have to run downstairs to see sean and there's going to be a dress fitting we also have to look for lovely fabrics that we could use for the finished dress good morning sean so i'm here i am so so excited about this i'll be trying to look at all photographs and stuff of um regency period yes as well as bridgette dresses just to get ideas um yeah i think i've got a good one and french royalty as well oh i like this mixture so that sounds pretty perfect and then we can do the men as well i am so excited because like we're used to having women's dress up things here but to see the guys like dressed up like that would be amazing yeah i'm really excited it's gonna feel like i will be in one of those period dramas yeah yeah that's from your dream starring in a period drama philip jamson at the chateau de la land right bridgeton needs lava well fair enough and shall we go up to the chamber ruse and try on some things up there because i've set up a little um temporary sewing studio oh we have a little boudoir right let's go to the sewing boudoir let's go oh sean this is heaven oh to walk in here and see the sewing machine and the dressmaker's dummy and i love this dress and this is just a fabric that you had yes it was just uh i bought quite a lot of it and it's actually too thin for a lot of things but for example i thought it was perfect oh i think it's perfect it's exactly the same colorways as in bridgeton as well it's so perfect i love it so on this one i just put elastic here just for the sample uh but we'll put a cuff there once we've got it measured properly and then on the back of this one i've put gathers here oh it's beautiful on natties i've just done it straight straight so you can have an option of which one yeah see what looks better yeah um there we go but the one thing i was noticing on all the dresses is that this is very narrow so we need to get that exactly right yeah statement of the dresses to have a very narrow bodice i'm so looking forward to trying it on [Laughter] oh whoa okay outside the window you can see huge changes to the trees in the dry moat and i will just as i'm trying on the dress with sean go back in time and show you dan and brian starting work on the dry moat and you can see the difference here and then later this afternoon we'll go down and chat to them and look at the difference up close that's amazing look how it's opened up the garden i can hear the wonderful sound of a chainsaw and i think that there is clearing going on in the dry moat let's go and see if dan's down there hi dan hello oh my goodness i can't believe how much you've done hi dan you're not alone hi brian hi how are you really good and you good looking warm down here well do you know this is the first time i've properly seen the walls of the dry moat this is crazy what you've done you're looking pretty please dad it's a big difference it's huge absolutely huge difference wow i come in with a chipper on wednesday and thursday yeah he's going to operate it as well okay so he's that's why we're piling all that so there's some a bit too big for us to do yeah um so we'll have to leave then okay and then david wanted some of the big ones left anyway so if you leave everything that's too big and then he can decide what we keep and what we get a specialist to remove i mean there's not many there's only maybe about five i'd say okay yeah some of these are absolute bmotts and they're covered in mistletoe this is really exciting mommy's not gonna believe it when she sees this so you two are here all week amazing well the whole moat's going to be cleared what's the plan yeah fantastic thank you all right see you later see you later i mean look at everything they've taken out already so much the chipper is going to be working overtime hello hello natty what do you think he looked like a princess not before not just only now that's so beautiful i really love it i love the colors i love the ones i love the fabric just wear these i can't wait to see it on you yeah we should probably both put them on at the same time don't try yours yeah sure yes yes much sweeter yeah we've done that on purpose you see we've uh oh you're not going for his circle accuracy right it's like okay and budgeting don't go no no no no no no no no no accuracy either this feels so special thank you so much a different style yeah different era absolutely are you enjoying it [Music] [Laughter] it was michael potts's idea it was a great job yeah michael said we must do bridgeton for easter and you want to do it by halves so sean was the only option the neckline is actually very open yes so it would come straight across and almost to the side there i think i would like that keep this band as narrow as possible little bit of cleavage like josephine and a big square opening yeah but hers also has these amazing uprights i love the ruffled i know but how is that done is that even possible i have no idea let's go really i think i love it because then it just frames that oh it does it's square it's such a dramatic yeah um so yeah that would be so we'll have a go at that so that will really but also the lace does continue along the front in a sort of a uh more of a ruffled effect rather than okay handling out so that's something else to bear in mind though so we can go actually really low because making more demure would definitely raise it up a little bit more so okay we could probably go lower i think let's go for drama over full-on excellent but don't you wish we could just keep these because honestly i just love ourselves as well because he doesn't want to have a dress done in this style but i think it's such a shame i think she should have friends me too i think just because just for the day can i just arrange for her to have one anyway and i'll deal with it and then we'll just force that into it yes are you starting to think about your costume phillip yes i've got way too many ideas so you'd be looking at that sort of yeah that's nice and small i think that's good i think that is good so this is the smooth back you've made two versions and then this is the the gathered back because of course oh is that where are you yeah okay yes because i chose a design which was all about the collar and you chose the design with this added over skirt you're beautiful yes you love it now before we go look at the fabrics natty has something to show us yeah this is like beautiful sean so nice i love it oh look at the inside of the hood nice amazing i love it it's exquisite it is fantastic do we get to see you in that yes [Laughter] this is so much fun you did drawings oh yeah this is exactly what i had in mind that's beautiful yes with this lifted collar and you have the original photo that i found yes yeah josephine yes she knew what she's doing they're impressive very impressive it's all about the color and the jewels yes i think that's not josephine i think that must be napoleon's second wife [Music] i want to impress like this entire year now you know can we see it with the hood up yes of course that's excellent exactly the look we were going for you're stunning yeah yeah i love the color and the sleeves oh my gosh it's amazing sleeves nice perfect this is so much yeah it feels perfect and with your hair it just looks meant to be so it's a beautiful gift are these the ones that nutty had chosen they are and we have decided to aim around this one yes yes beautiful they're such elegant shapes yeah and i love your drawings for them yeah i can see her in that and she wants quite a dramatic fabric doesn't she does yes something maybe red or vibrant yeah yeah and actually if you look at any of the bridgeton photos i mean the colors they've used are very vibrant and how about this fantastic color oh yeah so phillip you're going to come talk men's menswear with us so we were asked to send uh a picture yeah things you liked i sent nine because you did so this is what you've come up with so far what do you think of these phillip i really like them you're gonna try something on sure oh yes i'm quite excited to see in the finished fabrics this is very exciting the thought of all the men wandering around la land dressed as they were in bridgeton it's all my christmas has come at once easter why don't men wear jackets that shape anymore so flattering let me just try this out i love these seams that looks so good that curve on the back and so there'll be the opening there yes and there are two inverted pleats on each side yes which we were discussing could actually have a different color fabric oh so that as you're moving you get a little flash of oh yeah i like that there's also uh whether we put a real pocket in or not but there'll be a pocket flap on each side it's very elegant um we've opened this up only to allow for more shoulder yeah shoulder width there i think we need more proof here oh i haven't really seen this sleeve because that's been around the other side for me the whole time i like the sleeves so that will add a different type of shaping but this i think is so elegant it's good doesn't it yeah with just a little ring peeking out underneath yeah that looks perfect it does look really good i mean there's a reason why i did my hair in front of ponytail wrong period that's not going for historical accuracy absolutely no we're going for fun let's have fun with this that fitting was such good fun and whilst sean phillip are getting on with his fitting i'm coming down to see how the men have done in the dry moat and oh my goodness the difference is unbelievable this used to be a wall of trees so it looked as though the garden ended here but in fact you can see it carries on into what is currently empty but as the fishery that hopefully one day will be a pond again so the garden feels so much bigger now i can't believe it they've taken nearly everything down it is amazing i cannot believe it wow what a difference well i would say a week but it's been like three days it's insane today fourth day today oh my [Music] imagine how beautiful it's going to look once we've landscaped on the other side we've got a bridge going all the way across it's nice the view from the chateau now it's just so long isn't it yeah and i get i bet the view of the chateau has transformed i'm gonna go around and have a look in fact i'll come around i'll see you over there i know that you're not really used to seeing the view from this side of the chateau but uh trust me it is transformed it was a wall of trees where now there's just a few huge trees left and you couldn't see beyond at all but i'm going to go around to the other side and show you how different the view of the chateau is because we have no bridge over the moat yet we are going to have to walk out of the property onto the road and all the way around but in the future we'll have a bridge it is such a beautiful beautiful day we're having the most perfect february i'll go and see the men in a sec but i'll leave them working now because i'm really curious to walk around onto the road to see what's happened to the view of the chateau wow you could never see this facade from the road before and i always felt that was a real shame for the people who live in this commune because this is the chateau of their commune this is historically the most important view of it it's the ancient wing it's 15th or 16th century and finally it is visible because i really feel that these buildings are not just to be wrapped up and kept private but they're for everyone to enjoy it's 10 million times better than i thought it would be i know we could never see it before from here what do you think i like it i like it a lot i really do in fact that tree that's blocking the view right in the middle is now bugging me and that's the one you say is hollow isn't it yeah so you think that one's got to go anyway yeah i would have thought so yeah that would be good and then leave the others for height and structure on either side oh i can just about see up in the window shampoo movement in there because philip and sean are trying on clothes because whilst you're clearing out here it's bridgeton in there i know i'd rather be out here so the guy with the chip is coming soon okay great that's going to be fun to see that starting yeah and that'd be good because when you use the chippings in the garden as well so great we've got to drop about four more and then we're going to get in the moat just start chopping up and then see how far we get tomorrow okay great the trees have done enormous damage we can see now as we're up close see the wall that's just here and then it disappears and it all just collapses into a big mound in front of it and then there's more wall over there and better condition i think a lot of our wall has been lost over the last 100 or so years so tree surgeon's coming next week he's going to start all the trees around the chapel great so he's coming for three days i think he said it'd take five to complete it so we're getting so much done dangerous ones i know it's been the hive of activity this week it's crazy how have you found it brian um yeah i'm seeing i'm hearing change from noises in my sleep i'm not surprised i'm definitely hearing chainsaw noises in my sleep in the morning because i actually am hearing noises it's been great to see it open up as we go though yeah i can imagine that must be quite satisfying it is yeah so we have a couple of big ones now looking at the points where we're we're looking at something going to be great when that one's gone because then it's blue yeah yeah i can't wait to get these ones down it must be amazing to be responsible for such a transformation it's nice to be a part of something i mean that's that's beautiful looking at it from here now you know oh someone from bridgeton's just appeared how did the fitting go very well somewhere oh i'll go and film have you seen this it is amazing this is the first time i've seen it and it's yeah it's sharp isn't it great yeah i highly recognize the place honestly i can't believe how much two men have achieved in three days three and a half days it's amazing yeah your machines see you later there it goes another tree is about to come down yes ah well that one's caught in the tree opposite oops i see you watched a tree in a tree dan that's all you're planning to do yeah yeah wedged it right in there it's a new feature and what's your plan on this one what are you trying to get that right just to put a bit of tension this way because because they're all kind of entangled yeah to make sure it falls that's why yeah but matt said he's going to come with a digger in about an hour and just push these last couple over oh great well i might pop back out to see that man all right see you later bye bye [Applause] well it is all happening today ian is coming to drop off everything that he needs to do the roof of the stables i can't believe this so exciting there's work on every corner of the chateau simultaneously hello hello ian you got a thick coat i know i don't know i thought it was going to be cold and it's really not cold so you've brought everything that we need yes you're looking very dapper i like your new facial hair configuration i'm not quite so sure we'll be itchy [Laughter] great well this is fantastic yes just waiting for the lorry to arrive oh so it's not just in the van no no no no it's far larger than that oh wow okay well i've got to run up because selma is in a clothing fitting for bridgeton outfit for easter yeah so a very niche la land thing i'm going to run up a look at that then i'll come back down see you all right make yourself cup of coffee in the kitchen i'm going to take a shortcut through the tower staircase to get to selma's clothes fitting this is an area that i haven't done anything with yet so you can see quite a lot of decorating to do here one day [Music] now we're in the cupboard of the chambra de la tour and here we are in the chamber de la tour bedding waiting to go onto the bed there we just have to bring the new mattress down from upstairs there is proof that i'm getting closer to selma hello oh wow it's all really nice right right it's already exciting at this stage design ah this is the one that you like i like this coat very much this is very something different that's gorgeous just here not over because i want to wear it open yes and then you also see this and shirt and yes i agree did you realize sean that you were coming to a house with such meticulous men the women are just like yes great i love it it's a great start to have a go at um men's clothing yeah yeah really done hardly any of so this is uh yeah this is great super exciting yeah yeah yeah definitely well honestly it it can you look at me a second or something i just uh yeah i mean honestly already just seeing that collar curling down i want aubergine on you've got the sleeve your aubergine i love that color let's have a look it's superb i love the length of the sleeves it's good isn't it yeah it's really good this is one of the most exciting things that we've ever done thank you sean it's rather sad to see it coming off actually yes i liked it on oh philip has his britches on they do bunch up a little at the front right it looks like a bit like camel toe this is definitely a lot of excess fabric down there yeah what have i if they done made like that so you can ride a horse because if you go oh yes go like this oh yeah you're ready for horseback riding but it's going to have the flap here so oh it gets a flap on top of that and just so you can see where the the slaps will be so that'll be split open it'll flat flap down okay and underneath there is a um two pieces that overlap with a button yes something underneath yeah yeah yeah um but this is so complex just like back up and then button it in place that'll be quite cool actually it will be yeah it won't be and if anyone laughs at you you tell them that you're ready to jump on a horse so you're going to try and reduce some of the fabric absolutely okay i really like the color i know this is just the twelve but it's such a good color i think it's because it's it's something that you wouldn't normally wear right yeah see but it works it looks great great really great and with whatever you put at the top which is going to be darker yeah in some fonts so the you know the contrast is is great well speaking of which we go look at fabrics see what you like yes right what are you thinking so i was thinking this one i do love that one i think it's my favorite fabric we have well it's sumptuous and then behind it yes that flash of green uh yeah because look how thin that fabric is it's actually the curtains of the entrance hall but i really love it it's so thin i kind of like this i know it's a little bit of a lured green but i thought it's quite floaty lovely yeah you think that could work yeah yeah and then philip has found uh something that he'd like for the waistcoat wow yeah oh yes that's lovely yeah yeah yeah now what about nattie yeah when i was picking up the fabrics yeah this is the curtain from the castle known to the winter solo yeah and i think that would look really good all right let's go have a look i can't believe we're going to be poaching the curtains now it's like scarlett o'hara it's a really pretty fabric i think it's the same gold we cannot take control of the house to make a dress we have to make another curtain i mean because that won't be staying as a curtain forever but it will be staying as a curtain until this room gets paneled let's keep this for now but i do agree that looks good do we not have any other goldy creamy colors like that anyway we could look in your fabric stash in the yeah of course let's go have a look at that yeah the gold could work yeah well this is the same thing okay no that is uncanny no way but wait oh because i love yellow too yeah i did my shopping thank you very much you have done very well excellent i'm not sure what are we going to choose with sean but uh yeah great take that all through and then let me know what you want i am having the most fun imaginable today and now i'm going to run out and see how ian is getting on i feel as though i can't keep up with events quickly enough it's happening on every side of the chateau today ian hello hello did the lorry come no still wait i haven't missed a lorry no that's good it's french lunch time so snoozing somewhere which part are you gonna tackle fast here okay i think it's so strange seeing matty's thing's gone yes where is marie she is just across here of that little door yeah i think i'm going to go and see how she's going to come and have a look let's see if she's in there lots of little plants on the stairs we must be getting close maddie oh amaryllis i don't think she's in here oh oh she's well set up yes oh it's beautiful but wherever matty goes it's beautiful he does have a gift she's saying she actually prefers this room now i think she should have been here all along yeah she wants to come out here well she's got a lot of space and it's a lot lighter it's more contained isn't it yeah really nice i think so okay this is a sign this is an absolute sign it is the first time this year that i've seen thor make his display and as usual he's just giving me a bottom shot oh come on door okay ian you say i'm going to try and sneak around the other side yes oh no oh you're beautiful what a day spring is in the air it is isn't it i've even taken my coat off yeah it that's it that's it it's spring it's happened we were just looking for you in the new studio so i just saw it oh but it's a bit untidy now it's really pretty oh you've got the most stunning flowers so many i do i love it i was just going there because i need to work with them today okay yeah oh we just missed you yes i just heard a huge crash from the dry moat what on earth just happened matt's got the big digger in here he must have just knocked over a tree i just heard a huge crash damn was that that yeah whoa that's one way of getting them down look at that bit easier that way how's it going it's looking great okay okay amazing i'll come back out tomorrow see how you're getting on look at matt doing a great job of clearing all of those branches i'm gonna have a big bonfire over there it's been the perfect day so much fun and we're going to end it with afternoon tea with sean before she leaves i love this socially distanced afternoon tea sean i cannot believe you made these honey flapjacks i love flapjacks and i had a little rumor that you've also made scones as well okay i love scones but the presentation for the table yay they're delicious i try i'm so peckish that's beautiful you grab marie i grab a rainbow flower studio excellent oh you suggested that you give another dress i know i really want to get a dress for her and then yeah she she said she wouldn't probably wouldn't be wearing it again that's why i showed her reservations so when i told her you said you get it and then it could just be the custom cabinet for the house to have for a party or whatever uh she was quite excited and uh she actually chose the mama fabric so how does it look what's it gonna be like it's gonna be lovely it's gonna the the skirt is gonna be in the plain green yes and then the bodice will be in there ah gorgeous with with sleeves not we want we're not going to do the puff sleeves yeah just do three three quarters length so elegant this is fantastic what it does on her are good flapjacks made by sean with local honey a cup of tea dreams of a new dress and work starting on pretty much every side of the chateau it's a good day at lanland a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la lander brandon and john michael dan banda lauren barnes vince barron cecilia begum denise behrens jill bidwell candace blackburn candace borkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalikani stephen sarah cole zoe dorsey dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first abigail grant fifi greenberg brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff dave and tony henderson jacqueline holmes patricia hubla jimmy kemp nadi kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer lalland morgan lawley victoria lepine jonath lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller kathy norris jc award maureen palmer frank proposke and james snow tomorrow price i mean rahm antonio renee rjb rojek hany ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty sue susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troy renee valelli jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallen james whalen christine wilson winnie de la cockapoo greg wood david young and vervice and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 91,224
Rating: 4.9651127 out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, diy, Bridgerton, historical costumes, costume, costumes, landscaping
Id: E7kJer72ubc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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