Antique jewellery Box Unboxing And Estate Sale Finds! Source With Me!

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you know [Music] oh boy uh I hit the snooze button twice and I did not sleep last night oh boy I have a big day it is an estate sale that I have been looking forward to for at least two weeks it is in Long Valley New Jersey it is very old money over there property's been in the same family for generations and I'm already like 20 minutes later than I should be because I hit snooze so and then after that I have a meeting with a man in his 70s in the same area and he has jewelry from his mother and his grandmother so big day today action-packed not a lot of time to spare I will see you when I get to the estate sale morning good morning foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I think that's it for now prices for what I have because otherwise if I should keep looking or not yeah okay okay thank you so much all right thanks oh look it's pretty land I'm still working on jewelry I've been trying all morning Oh you mean to get are you the price lady yes oh good you can give me some prices I have a bowl here okay and also what kind of forms of payment do you take cash only as you go through see this is broken so I'm going to put that one back okay so we're not going to do that one this is Sterling so it's 20. okay um okay well um I'll put 20 on it and then you can decide okay that's perfect and that way I'm helping you do your thing too well not so much today but we'll see what we've got here okay I mean if I don't take it at least it'll be marked yeah that's what I'm saying yeah you have a good eye I've been doing this a long time long long long time and I I never took my Loop out I'm doing it blind I'll take my Loop out now yeah this is 20. this is 18. okay but yeah I'm glad to see that you're arranging it because some things are not you know not all silver is the same no I'm looking for the 925 and all of that too yeah yeah and uh signed pieces okay like the lady today while ago about a few beautiful good morning oh that's nice is Art is it like relatively uncommon or interesting looking or it's very interesting let's see oh yeah let's that's it those are signed Joseph Warner that's an old piece costume yeah it's stamped stamped let me see the front turn it over let me see the front oh yeah oh did somebody in the restaurant tell you to come yes we'll do eight on this okay all right once I get prices I'm gonna redo okay because it's it's not fair to to say yes without even knowing the price you know what I mean no and and we couldn't price all this jewelry it was crazy yeah entangling and tangling I I'm dangling a lot of this is marked so this says this is awesome okay these are not marked these are markings yeah okay anything you decline put in there okay well I'll put this early about you where it was okay thank you you don't want this one nope I'll put it back just sitting here for now and I'll go through it okay I think we're done this is the last one okay I'm gonna put these back where I go I'm at this corner you don't want this one either it's not marked oh oh so kitty cat s yeah this was fine will there be more put out tomorrow well this is it it'll just be put out it'll just it'll be yeah I mean there might be things mixed and you know it's worth looking I kind of went through mine isn't even hunger on the bottom this is 90. oh is it yeah it's supposed to be 100. wait one two three you're right yeah I know I would have candidate again look at that she's got a bag for you yeah you have a bag of jewelry you don't have any paper or anything do you okay I have tissue what are you talking about yeah I just want to make a couple of burritos sure yes that's my that's my eyesight we got here yeah all right let's clean this oh you're such a mom I am alone I got the paper I got the bag here my weekly flank is making sure I'll take everything that since I pay for it excited or confused and don't forget to lose can you roll it up so it doesn't touch itself I will come back tomorrow you may go on a budget well you make your you know I for me I do collect those but I I would feel guilty I would try and resell right yes what about you Mike you agree definitely okay so that estate sale is fantastic uh I got five or six pieces I think uh really really beautiful pieces of vintage or antique jewelry silver mostly some Native American and I spent a hundred dollars um I'm gonna go back tomorrow and right now I'm on my way to see Alan Alan is in his 70s and he has jewelry he says mostly costume from his mother and his grandmother so I'm on my way to do that now and it's going to be quick because it's auction night tonight um it's Friday right now if you're watching this uh on Sunday it's actually Friday so um I don't know if uh if he'll be comfortable with the camera but I'm gonna try and get some of it on video for you what is it Francois Motorola the same box is eleven hundred dollars nine hundred dollars I've got examples for 1200. look at the couching words yes isn't it beautiful his signatures over here is that not amazing that is so when we were bidding on it I thought it was small like a regular jewelry casket oh it's huge look at the Nouveau lines yes he was very instrumental in Art Nouveau I love this very instrumental like with Alphonse Maria Luca very interesting yeah gorgeous yes I love that box I'm just gonna do a pan of your wonderful do I have a leave my Petticoat out I have a penny go out for tomorrow okay so we'll look through this one first she has love on it it does there's some Sterling in here right immediately I'm drawn to this pansy this is Italian or Spanish can a tell work the Twisted wire um old clasp probably about a hundred years old how old a hundred really maybe maybe a little you know give or take this looks nice I can clean all of this and get it back up to Snuff this is beautiful this looks like yellow glass um it could be a gemstone but as of right now it looks like it because it's so yellow looks like yellow glass that's a beautiful piece um these are lovely these are definitely 20th century you know these aren't like Victorian or anything but they're nice it looks like there's some things Blended in even from the 70s uh I'm sure it's uh electric uh yeah this is like Tibetan or um Philippine or not uh the other one what's the Thailand that's it this looks like Thailand Thailand maybe I know they traveled so this is oh that's missing a stone that's a mount look at this little treasure box this is an earring from the 70s here is a matching one [Music] um a bangle bracelet same time period seven D's we have oh this is a kind of tell this is another camel tail pin that's beautiful that looks old this is drawing me this stone is lovely this interesting this could be Native American okay um oh this I gotta get my Loop out and check for a mark this could be it could be Stuart and I um look at this everybody so pretty [Music] I'm gonna put that aside yeah this is like a box of Sterling I'm running out of room I'm gonna have to slide it okay [Music] this is mid-century this looks like it could be pewter oh this is good this is a good piece really yeah if I think the clasp is broken it looks like yeah the sun portion yeah but it's still beautiful these are beautiful old cab um amethysts and this is a trash skin this looks a trust skin or a truscan style wow this this looks like a matching necklace matching necklace did I not tell you you told me yeah she knows this look at this clasp and it's last right toggle this I think it's not glass I thought it was glass I see I'm looking at it through the camera lens and I see you think so I see inclusions that look like Port Sabbath you might be right see I thought this was a lower uh standard of Sterling and there's one over there that's missing the cabochon do you see the ring yes the ring looks like it was made to match this is awesome now I do see the inclusions you're talking about yeah but I don't know if it's broken or actually yeah they're beautiful looks like trade silver though it doesn't look like a high standard of Sterling oh no no lower yeah but this looks like glass I don't know I mean you guys they match this is a set yeah well that's what you have um the ring is part of that set unfortunately it's missing that's why it's beautiful that's why you test everything this is nice someone had to cut this off their hands and what do you call it turquoise Pawn Silver pawns oh yeah right a coin silver or Pawn Silver this is dragon's breath ass up what did I tell you my hair just spoon and you know what I told him this would make a beautiful ring look at this oh I love that and the color on this dragon's breath it's a beautiful I have a dragon's breath this is stunning this is a rare color it's beautiful isn't it I had these once I didn't realize how rare they were but the dragon's breath this color the lighter color it's like not the blue purple little butterfly oh there's a scatter there's a bunch of scatter pins I saw them looks like a beetle I love that dragon's breath piece and I love the necklace and the bracelet another butterfly there's there's like sets of things in here way do you see what's in there though did you get to the tax code yet no but I bet I know which one it is this is pretty this is like old marcosite there's no clasp on it though did you see the umbrella the Marcus umbrella no wait we're getting oh you didn't see it oh it's still in the box yeah look at this what does this say boy oh boy oh right mythical my goodness okay look at this then we have Taxco this is oh my goodness that's like a two-headed wow fantastic there's the market side umbrella [Music] a treasure isn't that pretty that's amazing look at the size of that it's just pretty it's just pretty and then we have the little cha-chas oh we have a charm bracelet mid-century yeah it's all secret sea creatures oh how fun is that this was interesting did you see this no I didn't get there yet I'm still in the box no I'm gonna sit down because I'm leaning oh oh summer so isn't that beautiful but with gold Goldstone somersa wow with the Cobalt that's this is beautiful with the barrel clasp wow I want to finish the Box sorry this this is Bohemian well it looked like faux Coral it almost looks like a single bracelet probably India yeah right but someone in the seven it's 70s they were they were they were cool they were groovy they were groovy Travelers we'll say they're they were groovy groovy people with the lava lamps yeah lava lamps yeah right hey there's something wrong with patrolling we love Patchouli and we have the knives and some silver okay so now I'm gonna move it over and we'll sell this looks like Saladin Jade and trade yeah yep this is lovely that's actually your grandmother isn't it does your grandmother's monogram yeah yeah that's really cool did you see the salt spoon this is this great grandma mother was an attorney that's his great grandmother my goodness your grandmother was an attorney yep that's unusual for a woman to do she went to Vassar I like it uh-huh that's Monet oh this is a nice old Monet this is a good period for Monet and she had a hard time getting a job because she was a woman so she opened her own little Law Office in Brooklyn good for her and she made friends with some stock Brokers and did okay did she yeah this is actually glass this is beautiful this is right yeah this is old no I know it's old but it's glass yeah it's beautiful gold but I wasn't sure and I didn't find any marks if you need it it does look like gold yeah if you need a smaller Loop if I have one uh I'll I'll put it aside because I'm just going through everything in one it helps a little bit with small resolution better yeah oh These are nice puzzle Sterling bangle old faux ivory [Music] well this is another butterfly this is um guilt this is Chinese [Music] um this is pretty Berry costume another butterfly they liked butterflies this looks like it could be Mexican or Native American this is another pretty butterfly all right very cool little this will check too that's ancient okay so we're gonna check that um this is also Italy this is a nice micro Mosaic it needs a good clean but that's an old one micro Mosaic from Italy wow and then we'll pan over here and see I can do things pretty fast you yeah and then we have little shirt studs a little I may have another box of this somewhere and then little bits and pieces in here what's this oh this looks as well like it could be gold well check that so the point I was making this my grandmother dressed for work um for her law office so she um you know most days you have to wear jewelry and white gloves this is my Tool Tech this one nothing else really yeah a little lingerie pin that check that oops a little bits and Vibes bits and bobs [Music] okay [Music] good morning up here's the other little matching set of lingerie pins that's cute we got a school pin perhaps [Music] still thing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I haven't uh oh this is this was hidden this looks like the old gold and turquoise oh okay very old we'll test it now to check every little thing oh yeah there is a pocket I see it now okay that is everything this is really nice though I thought this was that is so beautiful this we're gonna put with the other there's a couple of them right here and there's another one somewhere I don't know where the the really super old guy go I just had it next to this one I just have it in my hand right here oh there it is okay all right and then we have the jamisines so cool okay and we're gonna continue to look for Marks over here with a collect them yeah I like the okay I've grouped all these together yeah a lovely a lovely little pieces I love the collection though like just the charm of the collection itself I love the fact that this is just like grandmother's salt spoon yeah that's really neat that is that is really really neat it's really neat you don't see those all the time yeah I think this is very Charming too well it's Victorian so yeah and it has a really neat piece this is nice yeah it's pretty with the old patent yeah yeah I'm gonna guess 19 20 19 25. yeah but yeah those stones were very popular yeah the old flat back kind of yeah yeah flat back Crystal oh same time period right now it's a girl clip it's pretty I said the same thing same time period I know oh boy it's getting dark and it's starting to rain um what an exciting day this has been there is something so magical about an antique jewelry box that is left exactly um as the owner had it you know for so long and you can just see the age of everything inside and the history and it's so magical and romantic and special and those moments are very few and far between even for someone like me who does this all day every day and I love what I do and it's extremely rewarding but it's moments like that that [Music] um that really stand out you know over the course of many decades the moments you remember are moments like that so that was really special I don't know if Alan is going to consign um he might he might not he's going to think about it but it was really fun just to look at everything and now I'm going to show you what I got at the estate sale earlier um blue some really great things I have this I thought this was HSN Nikki Butler this is I love the shape of this uh it's like something I would draw these are beautiful it's a beautiful cab amethyst um with pearls and then Marquee facets actually I have the neck here I thought ahead so you can really see everything I got that um put it here I got um these I think you saw me pick these out these actually say Givenchy hold on Givenchy logo really well made I'm sure they are authentic little Huggy hoops here let me try one more time try this side the lighting is so weird right now um I don't know if I can do well they'll be coming up in a proper haul and um an auction the auctions are twice a week Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 p.m actually um my advice is to subscribe because I don't know if the halls and previews will be before the video comes out like I don't know if they're gonna actually make it to auction before the videos get published or after so if you're watching these videos and you see things that you like um click subscribe and click the bell and you'll get notified when the videos come out and you can also text me see look at this this is damasim this is in lovely condition but I haven't seen one like this in this kind of iteration and it has um look it has this kind of I think that's it's an old image right it's a reproduction of an old image and I think it's Mary um and Jesus so I and it's beautiful look at how it's made got that one got this this is lovely I love the shape of this this is just really pretty watery amethyst and kind of Sterling tube beads um and it's adjustable but to me this is like perfect to hang pendants from or enhancers and if you are like really light-skinned or really dark-skinned this is gorgeous it's not I'm not the best person to model it right but if you're like you know uh if you look like Iman or like a Hitchcock blonde then this is going to be amazing you know just and look and I like it when things hang like this I'm realizing like I like it when they make the circles um then we have oh oh my gosh wait no I'm gonna show you the best one now okay this I'm pretty sure that this is authentic antique Etruscan from Italy it has no markings but look all of you people that are experts that know what I'm talking about that you know you know look look at the stones first of all okay look at the height on these things these are moonstones and they're really good ones beautiful and then look up close look at that work right so it could be a etruskin I guess it could also be Israel but no see see they'll see the way that's like the wire the Twisted wire so um and it has this screw clasp the ancient screw clasp so I believe that this is old 800 or 850 it is magnificent magnificent magnificent so excited about that one there's three left excited about this look at this Native American shadow box beautiful malachite I love how the stone is still slightly rough like you can see you know the authenticity of the stone here it is on the back also not marked I will have to test it it does look like Sterling it's on a sterling chain that says Sterling not into five nine two five I mean this I adore um I don't know if you saw me pick it up I did it right before I left it might not have been videotaped this is so beautiful this is MMA FBS so I so MMA of course Museum of Modern Art and I think it was their Faberge collection and this looks real I have to test it I mean it looks like gold over silver it really does and look how look how beautiful it's a for this is a forever piece um I wish it was dated it's not dated I'm going to show you the back the construction okay so this is coming up and then [Music] the last one I have a really good feeling about this first of all look at look at how well this is made look at this chain and then here it is okay this has like a modern art thing I think it was influenced by like um leponia you know the the wekstrom pieces and such look at the back even the way it's constructed I half expected even to find that kind of symbol or signature it is signed I can't make it out um I will do further research I'll try and get the signature in let me see if I can find out which side it's on okay all right it's here there's there's a few Hallmarks um on this side so it looks like it says okay it's a symbol that looks almost like a cross in a circle and then there's script and the script says it almost looks like it says Made Della Dylan Dela marrow or set a d or a j it could be Jules May jewelries or May Denmark I don't know I'll try one more time yeah not happening but anyway here's the actual piece of jewelry and I'm pretty sure that's a diamond and it's not a small diamond but you can see from the construction this is good this is a great piece of Fine Jewelry this is the kind of thing you hope to find at an estate sale and you know when you find things like this it is not the day that you find 50 things but you find one or two really good pieces so that's it so you can text me at 917-809-7250 you can email me at it's also in the description box below all my contact information my socials hauls coming up I'm going to be doing two videos a week until the end of the year so there'll be more it's busy it's the busy season there's a lot to get through so make sure you subscribe or text or both and uh I will see you in the next one thank you for watching bye
Channel: HUDSON VINTAGE - How To Collect And Sell It
Views: 21,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antique jewellery, antique jewelry, vintage jewelry box unboxing, Vintage Jewelry Haul, thrift with me, thrift to resell, source with me, thrift to treasure, come thrift with me, thrift with a vintage expert, how to find vintage jewelry, jewelry, Hudson Vintage, vintage jewelry finds, hudsonvintage, Hudson vintage jewelry, hudson vintage youtube, vintage jewelry, estate jewelry
Id: 5HavXJhF0o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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