Thrift Store Drama - I Laughed I Cried! Thrift With Me!

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[Music] big Thrift and see what's there [Music] okay so this is made in Mexico but it's a  vintage modernist piece so I'm gonna get that   in the box and then there's a bracelet I  mean you just never know here this is great I really love this I think I have  to get it there's no saucer well these are so mid-century cool oh this is a score 175 retail okay so I  just looked at this now that I know that   I was a jerk I mean you know the  lady at the littlest Iceberg and   it's Friday it's auction day so I was gonna go  to American Thrift oh It's been more than a week   since I've been there it's been like two weeks or  more and I need a fix but I can't I've run out   of time so I'm gonna head over to Hackettstown  Trinity Thrift in Hackettstown because I love   them they're really small I always score there  if I wait you know like if I go every week I   don't find things but it's been now three  weeks or almost a month so I feel like I'm   gonna get lucky so let's go on over to Trinity  Thrift for a quick Thrift and see what's there oh that's an empty space  I'm not used to seeing this candlestick 15 and it's probably worth a fortune  I have no idea what it is I like this St Patrick's Day these are beautiful oh my and oh my gosh there's more there  they got the best China we really do okay   and the luck of the Irish the luck of the Irish  will it be with me oh this is pretty I like that and it is marked but yeah we'll pick that up that's fabulous that's  a yes Ralph Lauren okay like this yeah that is   crystal that's lucite this is this reminds me of  an old Vogue bead and it's supposed to be doubled   because you see that so that looks nice too oh  I like that I never noticed that before okay   uh two things and I've been here  one minute anything good over here well Maureen say hi to the people you look fantastic as always it's a great belt I always check the oh should get over to the um the jewelry right  away but there's a bunch of people there so   I'm just waiting a second for it to clear out  what is this this is beaded oh that's cool beaded   it is a beaded Obi belt oh yeah we're gonna  pick that up okay time to get a cart all right more modern [Music] oh this is very 80s looking Safari Inc Los Angeles made in Italy um that  is definitely vintage but it looks like new   but it is vintage it's weird that it never tanned   that's like the naked leather before  it um it's kind of amazing all right got a lot of belts I should  get to First this is bonded   leather you see bonded leather all right  anything interesting this is so vintage   there's some very vintage ties which I'm  just not in the mood for today oh this is for jg hook all right oh that's tiny oh that's  a tiny one but that's cute a little purse watch oh no it's not it's just it's a little  purse bracelet that's interesting   all right let's see oh these those are cool oh I love the knot right the knot ring is  great oh yeah there's some things oh that   bangle is fantastic oh it's a good day I haven't  been here in weeks so I'm glad because they've   had time to refill and oh my gosh what is that  back there that looks like I don't know it could   be new it could be Thomas Mann we don't know  we're gonna find out the the knot ring [Music]   and um the bangle in the front that this yes  and then also the one with like the turquoise   actually that bar if you could just bring the  bar up that would be great so this is beautiful that's a very modernist looking bangle all right  there's a Mark I will check that this looks like   more contemporary sort of QVC or something but  I love that it's a heart and a knot so that will   look at two this one is kind of vintage Mexico  inlaid so we'll look at that with a loop as well this is like a Pandora type thing all right all  right stand by I'm going to get the okay so this   is made in Mexico but it's a vintage modernist  piece so I'm gonna get that this is 925 inlay this   is older than this one and it has an older Mark  also Mexico I'm gonna get that this is Pandora   it's marked a-l-e and it's 18 and I just I'm  not as inspired by it because it's Pandora so   I'm going to say no to that one and I'm going  to keep looking can I see the 10 karat gold   um in the box and then there's a bracelet that's  a link bracelet in the back that's 50. okay   so this is 50 huh and it's 10 carats  in the Box yes that one thank you that's eight dollars all right you can put those  back thank you very much you're always so nice   um how about this one in the front yes thank you that's a good price for it it's just who you  know do you have 50 it's the person who wants   to spend 50 when the day they see it you know  okay so this is nine two five dollars fifteen   and it's a pretty chain but it's I think the  beads would make it hard to hang things from   it so I'm gonna pass on that can I see  this tray yes please thank you [Music] waxed right you get the drawer wax D40  that's what my husband said oh mine too   WD-40 spread it the sliding glass doors if we have a bird feeder oh it's pretty  I'm gonna look at that with the blue   it doesn't last people this is interesting oh  look at that that's like reversible resistance   this is like reversible it's pretty  and that is 18. um oh what's this a   little Mexican hat these are cool this is  beautiful this looks like old Judith Jack that is 25. can we see that yes 25 okay not too  inspired by that right now these are pretty these   are old you know what these go with the bracelet  these go with the bracelet I'm sure it came from   the same person we will say yes to that actually  I'm liking this more and more that is pretty yeah   what else we can find [Music] those are nice  respond it wasn't okay all right not really   seeing anything else all right I always try and  remember to check the things on top sometimes   if you know what to look for you can get very  lucky and let's see if there's anything here   sometimes oh these are beautiful these  are probably silver those are great this is like some kind of cool cat eye that's  cool we'll pass on that little chandeliers these are fun these are this is the  this is where I found what I thought   was lucite costume and turned out to  be beautiful rock crystal chandeliers   so I always try and remember to check  here these look like Natural Stone um these feel like they're made well what is this like someone's  project okay we're going this way thank you Hi how are you great thank you okay always gonna check now changes are nice these are interesting I'm gonna try there is delicious all right so so far we just have these to check  but I think they're a total score these are like   vintage silver so fun look at this this is an  opalite turtle I love opalite I feel like there's   someone that's going to want the opalite turtle  that's really great this I'm pretty sure they   don't know what it is that looks like not costume  to me so we'll grab all right this is still here this is someone's kind of craft project so is this  this is some vintage blue glass with newer things   this is pretty I you know I didn't expect  it I mean you just never know here this is   this is great someone made this but it's beautiful it's interesting all right we just never know here  it's worth coming in I'm finding a lot of things so this is a total score do you  see how pretty the Goldstone is   and that is silver so that's wonderful this  is Chico's lucite totally fabulous love that this it's very costume but who can resist an opalite turtle on   a leather cord I love that for six  dollars and then this this might be   my favorite today this is a gorgeous  gorgeous Chico's dyed howlite and   um real coin real coins in there so just  amazing do you see that set in love love love   also I just checked these and these are Sterling  aren't they pretty I love them vintage Sterling   okay let's just do a little scan see if there's  anything fun you never know what you're gonna   find this is vintage this is vintage these are  both like very vintage you know so is this one   so look at that so worth looking through  when you see things that have the age   um it's a tip kind of make sure  you see everything then this is checking that that for a second  it looked like Cartier it is not   um okay it's newer okay look at  the rest of the purses over here not seeing anything yeah this is very beat up yeah but worth  looking at just to hone your skill when   you see something like this it  turns out it's not leather see   but the era this is interesting  the wood handle um some damage oh this is an interesting purse it's got some  pieces this is where a key is supposed to be   there is a ring this is also not  leather you can see this is leather this is a pretty purse oh look it's  all suede on the inside what is this   this is a very pretty purse and it's  that kind of leather that's not heavy   you know like sort of what's you know how  like the goyard like this is never heavy and that is made by this is great this is a really cool Brooks Brothers right oh it's 22. I'm Gonna Leave  it and then I'll leave it but it's it's a   good one if you're local and you want to  come back here and grab it grab it amazing amazing I like these actually go this way and I think their  shelf risers because that's not a   candle holder now okay you know what I'm going  to put them like that so people can tell   little houses this I'm learning this is Japan yep Japan yay Dawn's learning this is  nice my favorite YouTuber would love these so pretty black and white some milk glass I feel like this is  really unusual to find this like high one   is twelve dollars that's nice look at this [Music]   pretty thing oh it's so sturdy oh it's  signed what does it say oh my goodness and then in front of it is inlaid mother of pearl  and capiz shells very pretty I just did a quick   Google search on this the signature is actually  Julia Knight right there Julian Knight mother of   pearl this is selling it's sold out you can't  get it anymore it was 175 it is made by Julia   Knight only available at the Julia Knight website  so this is a score 175 retail and it's beautiful   you can see why this is lovely oh my gosh I  love this look at this teacup with the bird ah I really love this I think I have to get it   there's no saucer but I love it I'm gonna  get it I love it I'm gonna use it to hang   earrings from there's a reason there's  always a reason oh my how did I miss this I just got really excited this is glass and what does that say oh wow this is awesome oh  good cooks I thought it was older it has such a   retro look doesn't it Wildwood New Jersey oh my  gosh with the surfboards that's fabulous   the ferris wheel yes yes yes  yes yes someone will want this yeah is that Arabic I'm gonna double check that  it's very nice the gold we'll double check this   okay so I just looked at this with  the loop and that is definitely Arabic   so this came from Egypt and I love it and I'm  gonna buy it um paying at the store did not   go well I behaved really badly at Trinity Thrift  in Hackettstown and I feel really badly about it   um I don't have an excuse I was mean  to somebody and I wasn't aware of   anything about them I didn't know anything about  them and I don't know what their struggles are and   I don't know what they're going through and I can  hurt people with my mouth and that's what I did   and I've been driving back thinking about trying  to get into a better place show you what I bought   there and I spent 163 dollars so here's the  receipt it is really like it's 163 dollars so if I were to have an excuse it would be  that I was spending money there and that   you know the person could have sounded  less suspicious and less argumentative um but again I don't know what she was going  through and no one ever really knows so   I'm just gonna say be careful because if you um  you know if things are going well in your life   and you're stressed out and you know you  have a bad day you know you're in a place   oh let me stop seeing you I'm in a place of   privilege I am worried about a lot of  things that everybody else worries about   but I have my health and I have you know a  decent place to live and a car that works and   anyway um just feeling bad and I just want the  people at Trinity Thrift to know that I know   that I was a jerk I mean you know the lady  at the counter said you were both wrong and   that's probably true but I  don't like hurting people so uh next time you're just  about to be triggered remember you know that it's probably  not necessary to be mean   I don't like being mean I really don't like being  mean all right um okay so the haul so the things   that I bought today I I did not expect so  so I did not expect to spend 163 dollars   um so I I don't even know how it added up  but but there's a few things that I think   are um you know have a lot of  potential like I I think this   little teacup with the butterfly the flowers and  the bird look at the painting of that bird and   you can kind of see through it like you can see  the light through it so that's what it says on   the bottom I haven't looked it up at all I will  you know I definitely will is that right side up there you go so I love it and you know things like  this if you sell jewelry you can hang earrings   from the rim you know really sweet and I got  the um I got the Monet pin I think what I'm   gonna do is have a Buy It Now sale next week I'm  gonna try and figure out how to do like a pop-up   with buttons so subscribe if you haven't already  and click the thumbs up because if you see   anything here that you want to buy you want to get  notified by YouTube when I do that video so that   you can be the first to grab it because it's all  going to be one of a kind and I'm just going to   put the buttons in the description hopefully if  I can figure out the buttons and also this this this is really nice this is unmarked but it's  made really well it's made like fine jewelry so   um can't wait to research that  more I did get the um this is where   some of the money went this was 30.  all right but I love I love how it   it conform to the wrist and it's older  and it has an older Mark Sterling inlay   and then this modernist Beauty this is so nice  I had to get it that was 25. Sterling Mexico um I got the things to give away the uh  the little the little enamel parrot and   the uh the locket sweet very sweet um  I've got a lot actually you know what   just the Bowl here so this this is  um brutalist this is Iceberg by Hoya   and this is right up my alley I love this kind  of thing so that retails for around fifty dollars   this if you can find it this is assigned Julie  Knight mother of pearl and my gold capiz shells and this um was sold out but it retailed for 175 on the  Julie Knight website so very excited about this   one and I might sell it I mean it's easy to ship  so I might just sell this it's it's fantastic you   could put this on a coffee table put your remotes  on it like it's a beautiful thing um I love that   shape I got the um the beaded obi belt this is  a remarkable thing I cannot wait to research um well there's this this is very fun Wildwood  New Jersey with the ferris wheel and everything   this is so vintage look at the old sticker  very fine but this is the one I really can't   wait to research this has an Arabic um mark on  the back see that look and it's got the gold um painting or foil or whatever they call  it I mean this is fabulous this is vintage   from Egypt Egypt markings cannot wait to look  that one up and then there's more jewelry these   These are um these go with the bracelet  they're really wonderful you can't get   these anymore these are vintage 1970s you can't  get them now not nice hanging from the heart   silver it's not a Lariat it's a pendant it does  not come off the chain it's that Slinky chain   adjustable this is pretty this is  something you wear all the time   and I'm gonna make these fun little by it now's  you know just fun little BIN so I really   will if I can't do the buttons if I can't  do the buttons then you can email or text me   um and if you text me you'll get free text  alerts when I go live and the number is   917-809-7250 text hello Dawn so we can stay  connected this is um Lauren Ralph Lauren it's an older one really great quality  beautiful nothing wrong with this   there is more in the front here hold on pretty great I recognize these these are  actually lucite with gold foil in them   and I've seen them in Vogue jewelry Vintage  Vogue jewelry so you know this really um   puzzled me and I wanted to be able to look at it  more and it didn't have a tag so I got push back   I got very suspicious pushback and  I apologize for what I did next um but anyway there it is really pretty great beads there's some crystals in there too um this turned out to be Sterling and Goldstone  this is beautiful can you see the Goldstone I   love natural um Goldstone which is a glass but  I love what it does and then Sterling findings   this is a cool necklace see it's got the one  sort of asymmetrical from where the the hook is   see that I like that a lot um this this is J crew  I can't go wrong honestly it's the best these   things are the best they're just so wonderful to  play with is who can pass up an opalite turtle yeah he brings me joy how about that this  Chico's lucite gorgeous fun Chico's great I   think a lot of Chico's is good enough to be future  vintage and we will see how that goes the little um very vintage [Music] I love these  I I almost am tempted to keep because   they're so easy to wear these um these  are Sterling look how great they are   and then finally my favorite piece of jewelry did  come from Chico's it is definitely future vintage   I paid five dollars for it and it's  so good this is so good okay look the coins all right dyed howelite  all right dyed howelite um I mean come on and then here's  the back of the ones on the side this is so fun it's so pretty it's so cool to wear   great really great so that's my haul thank you for  watching click like subscribe ring the bell I will   see you in the next one and stay tuned for pop-up  coming up next week instead of an auction bye
Channel: HUDSON VINTAGE - How To Collect And Sell It
Views: 15,001
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Keywords: thrift with me, thrift to resell, vintage jewelry finds, thrift with a vintage expert, jewellery collection, ebay selling, flea market, estate sale, thrift to treasure, come thrift with me, antique shopping, how to find vintage jewelry, jewelry, Hudson Vintage, hudsonvintage, Hudson vintage jewelry, hudson vintage youtube, vintage jewelry, antique jewelry, estate jewelry, ebay
Id: BjrAF2M4wm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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