I Thrifted 14K Gold & Black Pearls worth $1000 For $150! Thrift With Me!

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I don't know I've never seen a like that's beautiful that's that's actually a really good find because it's such a unique stone does that say $3 no that's what's in there the top 15 20 and 20 I want to look at them all this is a yes um uh uh uh I can't talk Jamie Harris for uh Tiffany Company say hello Danny hello Danny hello everybody I'm in the passenger seat right now because Danny arriman the niche lady drove here we're about to head into St Vinnie's in Reno first stop we're going to Thrift we're going to find some jewelry find some jewelry stay with us okay so that's where I remember jewelry being I'm going to to go there first this is the better cases oh that's cool purses good purses okay let's see what's here [Music] okay there's jars there's jewelry jars there's jewelry oh my goodness there's jewelry jars let's ask to see them does that say $3 no that's what's in there the top 15 20 and 20 I want to look at them [Music] all that Flor is awesome oh there's a charm bracelet do you see the charm bracelet mhm so the first thing I'd like I'm probably going to buy a lot just so you know the first thing I'd like to see is the big blue topaz ring and then oh that's beautiful that's pretty oh that's 130 must be it's 14 karat but I'm assuming um for that price I'm assuming that's it's lab created just because of the size of the stone it was natural all right well I'm going to check that for signatures okay okay so this is 14 Carrot that's probably little diamonds or whatever but that we don't have the budget for that today so we're going to say no because there's a long trip ahead of us okay but there's so many things here that I know are good prices that I'm dying to see like all that cuff the cuff I don't know I've never seen a stone like that it's beautiful that's that's actually a really good find because it's such a unique stone and we don't know what it is it definitely it says Spencer G Spencer okay we're going to get that shling that's that's a yes this turned out to be Royston turquoise it's signed G Spencer Sterling and it is Navajo so this is 925 on the Florida Le so you turn it over and I was looking for any kind of like um designer Mark or whatever I think for $25 it's um it's not for us today do you know what I mean I think that's about retail worth m so we'll say no to that okay okay so this is beautiful this looks old yep it's got the old Hallmark right there it's $10 that's the second item of the day that's gorgeous that's a score I'd really like to see just go go through them here yeah I'd love to see the Rings that's interesting that's very cool look at that how much is that that's 15 that just came out yesterday that's a yes this beautiful ring is signed Judith 925 and it's an interesting signature because it doesn't say Jr for Judith rip cut it just says Judith in Black letters and these Stones I suspected that they were not Cy when I looked at it in the store because of the way they're set you see they're set they're bezel and prong set they're inlaid with prongs and it's a really heavy ring they are white sapphires see the layers in the construction of it and there's the mark and on the other side it says India o these we're going to look at with the loop um now what I'm going to look for here is what it says on the inside if it says what kind of metal and if it says CZ yep so it says right here Indonesia CZ so these are also a note because we have plenty of these [Music] okay okay I like that it has baguettes I I feel like this is beautiful anyway we're going to get that that's just beautiful all right the earrings sure which ones one these the those okay oh7 oh look at that those are florales and Pearls okay I I think the pearls I have to check and see what the pearls are okay look how beautiful three-dimensional and the pearls are in perfect condition that is this I'm very excited about these for $7 these are gorgeous okay so these I think I feel like I just recognize them as something I've seen like a silata but you know what they're only $10 so um let me take them out of the bag okay I'm really glad I took these out because look how long they are and they're just marked 925 I thought maybe they were I I I thought maybe they were something else but these are really beautiful for $10 I think we're going to get those too all right those are a yes we do not it is the is the bee is amazing oh the bee is 200 he must be 14 karat oh he's superb okay I need to look at this closer that might actually be a really good a really good deal okay so I'm in love with this beef don't be upset with me everybody I'm not going to get it because it's $200 and I'm traveling but um I wanted to check it out this one this is laramar and blue topaz in Sterling and that is 20 20 that's a no-brainer that's beautiful yeah this is really and look at the chain that it's on look at that nice thick gorgeous we'll get that that's a guess and this is of course a real topass beautiful sparkly large and Lar and Sterling no signature of the artist something I recognize okay so that we don't know what it is so we can't spend $100 on it it doesn't have the markings that I would need to see and then there's one more thing there's a bracet with hanging pearls that spot that you got good eye oh there it is yeah see I keep wondering what the little Crystal bowl is oh the crystal bowl that is um a Tiffany that's why my goodness I had a feeling yeah oops where did all this come from yep there it is Tiffany and Company Mark where on the bottom there it is oh yeah for 25 is that good I don't know it's kind of a small bowl you know it's kind of a small bowl so it's that's probably pretty spot- on this is my pile so far not bad yeah oh hey now okay so this is150 5 but but I think this is a I think this is a treasure I'm going to look at it up close this is 14 karat gold with uh tahan Pearl dangles and um they're not the biggest tahan pearls but they're a nice size and they're beautiful they have beautiful luster beautiful color I love the chain look at how unique the chain is the link and it's heavy this is gorgeous I feel like I want this for myself and whenever that happens I know that it's really really good so this is gorgeous I can't wait I can't wait to see who gets this because it's a treasure that's a yes A yes okay so that's everything so far everybody and now we're going to look in the rest of the cases this bracelet turned out to be much nicer than I thought the tahan pearls are gorgeous look you can see me reflected in there like a mirror so they are older you can't get new tahan pearls the way that you used to because the temperature of the ocean has changed uh they come from the black lipped oyster and they have to live a long time to um to get big and to get shiny and all of that and the uh ocean temperature the climate has changed so it's harder so even if you go to a a department store and buy new pearls they're probably coming from an old stockpile also you can see I don't know if you can see it there but this turned out to be 18 car gold and it's a really individual unique heavy sturdy chain it was easy to clasp because that has a stiff link and uh not bad it was $155 it's worth uh probably around ,000 so I want to look at this charm bracelet see the charm bracelet back there I definitely want to look at that the one at the very Corner bottom corner yeah it's going to bring a whole tray out yeah yeah right now look at that that's old look at the class I just sold a a necklace that had this little Medallion looking thing there and let's see what it says if it says anything oh there's a lot there's a lot verree there yeah very but this is you know 1950s 1940s this is the one that caught my eye for $5 look how fun that is there's all of these oh is that a different language am I like not love heal trust okay that's to personal so that's a no thank you that's beautiful so it's just like a little Artisan made piece actually that's really gorgeous those are turquoise teardrop turquoise wire wrapped that's a particular turquoise too I I can't remember which one it is but it's a nice unique turquoise and they're beautiful I'll get this one for $3 that's beautiful Stones oh what else did you find I found Little Dream Catcher earrings with little oh you've got to keep these together right that's what I look like they these are only three as well okay now now you got me interested right these are separate yes okay I saw that another piece yeah but is it a pin is it a I think it's an earcuff oh that makes sense yeah and then here's look look how cool those are fun piece symbols let's take a look those are awesome Danny that's a good find I see things that you see now look at that you've T me okay so these are rightfully yours these are Freshwater Pearl that's that's real Freshwater Pearl and these are really cool in their 1980s get them okay yep that's your find I know definitely in in this and this is a that there are pearls to be found awesome you find them all the time there is that crazy one in the corner oh the blue no this one oh that's bananas okay no that's a that's that's even for for me see anything okay so this is really pretty but I think it's I don't think it's anything it's just like new little little you know what does it say it's that a Oklahoma it's from Hobby Lobby oh that's why yeah from Hobby Lobby it's cute this case is very intriguing this tray very very intriguing and then also this tray with the big giant uh bobbly pearls I think it's plastic oh yeah okay and then this looks great but not what I thought it was and then this is fabulous this actually has a name let's see who made it oh it's an Inc okay all right so that that we don't need either and then this one oh this is the old fiber optic cat eye oh it's a rosary okay so see it's a it's a rosary so we'll say no to that right have you ever seen anything like it it feels like Paparazzi quality oh okay and what about this that's that looks it's got a little weight to it I think this is a nice piece how much is it four bucks excuse me okay let's look at the clasp oh it's got the nice old push in okay I think and you know what there's not a lot of rhinestone that I like I think this is beautiful andco yeah we're going to say yes to that okay cuz this is the big old kind of Banana Republic thing that's that's not not that easy to find so for $3 let me just take a quick look make sure there's no peeling I like the clasp I think this is really this is great like I wear mine and people always want it we're going to say yes okay now there's something that looks like a fetish here this are we going to fight over this one is it going to be our first argument this case two please oh oh my they remind me of the swallows of Capistrano wow that's a an amazing thing to fall off the tip of your tongue the swallows of [Applause] Capistrano four bucks and we're just checking to see if it's a project or nope there's a hook I think that's a yes what do you think I think that's a yes yes all right we'll take that and then this one [Applause] okay so this is like silverplated um I think it's one of those that just has like a squiggle for us yeah yeah and then this is this is a very common kind of thing this is interesting it's a glasses holder so that's a no so this I thought it was glass at least but it's just plastic so that's a no and then this looks this is either horn or black coral and it has the old barrel clasp how much is this that's $3 that has intrinsic value and it's really pretty I feel like someone's going to want this so I have to get it that's a yes can we see all three of these jars sure can I think I want the love these oh boy so this one is is marked 15 this one is marked 20 what's that one marked 20 20 okay so I want to I I want one do you want one we could do this let's see what we can see sometimes they hide things in the very center okay oh I see a a car came ooh you've won a new car got to find out whose car it is right I like this one it's a lot of Bangles Bangles yeah and then that's big too maybe it's this one I like this this one's this one's the biggest one actually oh I like that cable there's a c cable bangle that looks pretty good oh Kenzie okay so comment below if you've ever gotten a jar that was really bad because you just didn't want to believe it when you were looking through it we spent several minutes looking through these we know they weren't good they were mostly for Crafters so we passed a little trees on this treay I have a thing for trees oh those are good oh there's actually I there are two PA oh no they're just long those are aren't those called something special like the living tree the Tree of Life the Tree of Life Tree of Life yeah know those are sweet those are awesome I'll get those and then I see tigers tigers oh and I wanted to look at the pink and you want to look at the pink oh those are wonderful those are wonderful he okay your turn okay I just like the color color how much are they do I really they're for $2 I feel like I feel like I can't resist that I just love the color okay that's a yes Charter Club all right that's pretty but it's very kind of just you know accessory M it's very like the icing or it is an interesting hook yeah oh did you find something this one yeah oh that's fabulous got score want that one yes yes oh that's nice the tooled leather Fanny oh yeah all right and then fur for 10 I would have scooped that up right the belts are awesome Reno is such a good place to find cool belts um and then this little purple coach for 20 we don't need it it's OD oh it's 20 it's beautiful so beautiful he's beautiful see he's got five toes which makes him Japanese oh four toes Chinese oh wow I did not know that yeah the little that little hammered copper guys really cool mhm I agree if you're ever out thrifting with Dany and you see her do the silent tap where she just Taps and doesn't say anything that means watch out it's a good one would you like a back can I see that Blue Vase down there one up FR [Music] there or would you like a box maybe to help you carry it out that would be fabulous okay this is a yes um uh uh uh I can't talk Jamie Harris for uh Tiffany company2 we will take that too I can mail stuff if it's worth it do you know how much it cost to ship something my grandmother's house look at the swag it's glass I think beautiful that's so good yes it's a yes that's a yes [Music] okay so here's everything I got if you add it all up I spent a little bit under $300 and it's worth 2,000 maybe between $1,500 and 2,000 depending on what the things I don't know about turn out to be I still have to research this I don't know about this and I don't know about these These Are Made really really well and I I have a feeling that if I can figure out who made them they're going to be worth more they're pretty special they remind me a lot of chrome hearts or something like that and then look how thick this is this is Sterling look at that that's very handmade looking too no Hallmarks of like a company it just says 925 so I think that's artist made so that's everything if you are interested in buying or bidding on any of this text me at 917 8972 and you'll get free alerts when I go live with an auction or a sale or a popup or when I drop a new video and I have sales in auctions twice a week on Wednesdays it's on Hudson vintage this Channel and on Fridays it is the KNE Shopping Network I have popup sales over on the KNE Shopping Network channel see you in the next one [Music] bye
Channel: HUDSON VINTAGE - How To Collect And Sell It
Views: 20,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift with me, thrift to resell, thrift shop, estate sale, vintage jewelry finds, thrift with a vintage expert, estate jewelry, jewellery collection, ebay selling, flea market, come thrift with me, antique shopping, how to find vintage jewelry, jewelry, Hudson Vintage, hudsonvintage, Hudson vintage jewelry, hudson vintage youtube, vintage jewelry, antique jewelry, Ebay
Id: n1Yobu7vW2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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