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hi everyone and welcome to my channel my jewelry addiction my name is Tanya and I'm addicted to jewelry check it out I'm at Alam um what's it called it's called the Alama antiques fair right there and that's San Francisco right there and there's the Bay Bridge uh we left lovely sunny Fresno hot Fresno at 4:00 this morning and it was 85° well it's not even going to reach 74 today but I'm here with my friend Adele and uh we we ran into Ravens chest Doug um they both are friends of mine who have channels um look there's Doug say hi Doug hello Adele say hi Adele and um yeah I have dropped a ton of money so far this morning there's jewelry everywhere my backpack is full um oh my gosh if you need little bits and parts and pieces this is the place to be holy smokes Batman what is happening up in here watches and clocks and these guys are complete Scrappers wow look at all this neat stuff here and there's jewelry and clothes and I need a tank top cuz I'm in a sweatshirt and it's getting warm we started at the back and we're going to work our way that way but there's some really really awesome jewelry and all sorts of goodies out here today just uh floored oh speaking of floors um I don't know if I saw this but I'm seeing carpets and Jewelry so I just left them I don't want to tread across these rugs because they're awfully pretty oh my gosh look at the chunky Amber uh this one is uh 60 the silver and also the all the mo I yeah it looks like faceted Moonstone I'd say different oh that's beautiful that's beautiful wow very cool oh there's more jewelry shoot uhoh let's see if I think I may have lost Adele no she's still there Adele I'm right here I don't need to get left behind oh my gosh that thing is [Music] huge some really beautiful things [Music] h wow I like this booth but I've liked a lot of booths so far this morning oh my goodness have I spent a lot of money but I cannot wait to share with you all the things that I've purchased um wow I oh wow look at this that is amazing oh my gosh I need these for the sides of my bed either side of my headboard those would be amazing but yeah imagine carrying those around for the next couple of hours I don't think so all right Adella is still there she's a picking and maybe I'll go pick over here and find myself a t-shirt no this is all vintage [Music] clothing oh I like the lamp that brass lamp right there oh that's me that's a cool bracelet it's missing the PIN yeah it's getting kind of warm out here kind of wish I kind of wish all of that um Cloud right there I wish all that was over the top of me right now I do have a hat on but it's feeling warm it's just the straight sunshine I haven't pulled out my Loop once today you're a good girl pull out that Loop oh pretty I love that ring very cute are oh no not for me but it's really adorable I have that stone somewhere big one same same Stone oh that one's kind of cool too make sure there's nothing I didn't miss in my first round um no not really been eyeballing yeah not really for me not to die well she might be dropping some more bills all all of a sudden here today mhm this thing just goes on and on all the way like it's uh I'm glad it's not very wide hey Adele I'm going to go this way now look which way you want to go which way that way yeah let me okay I'm gonna go that way okay you go you pay him yeah I'm gonna look at something cuz my neck is beginning to hurt your neck is starting to hurt cuz you you're rubber necking so there's jewelry everywhere um that's pretty what what oo what is it it's very pretty wow I wish they wouldn't have cleaned it not that's cute CER on those luggage those are coolon are they are there the real deal who look at these speakers I know they are yeah it's by the Rolling complete art deco like look at that lamp too okay I guess we're going this way she says um nothing over there for me I don't think I don't think so I'm in a p you guys okay look at her go she's a walking until I see something sparkling at me right all the clothing is $6 I need a t-shirt some watches I think we didn't we look at this oh yeah we didn't go this this way yet oh I like that lamp oh that's a cool hat oh my God oh my yeah that's beautiful oh that you should see I'm filming that right now as you're holding it in the sun it's beautiful look at all this glass we're not here for glass you said you're not even touching glass look at all the but I all the African statues are very cool okay got a look though right oh these are beautifuls oh how cute all these sculptures fun fun fun in that in those drawers earrings what there was Miriam hous earrings did you get them five bucks she's like uh yeah hello D what I don't even know how to answer that oh look at that cool midcentury modern lamp that's really cool I like it I'm soad $95 ooh that's um wow that's neat what's her name what is her name wrapped up here Jan Michaels is oh janich s Francisco right she's retired there's a lot of it here I pick up quite a bit I would imagine you find bear here too bear San Francisco it's like copper jewelry sometimes copper and different mixed Metals nice stuff pricey look at that the got one with the claw feet glass ones yeah I got one at home that small or the Bigg I love it I know I have one just like that same same thing did you see the one earlier I was pointing out that had the uh like 3in balls oh jewelry look it there's your doggy right here oh yeah morning good morning look a little more I it's a bishon yeah bishon uhuh bishon show those are cool so pretty a too bad that's missing a stone two stones and then look at the back that's a gorgeous um color yeah really pretty so liion Beauty turquoise is it that's my favorite that's a neat how much you want for that one uh that one specifically 35 35 for that one yeah they're Native American Mex Amer oh how much is this one here that one is uh 55 silver where' it go okay the sun's beginning to yeah I like that show it face 55 H oh this is really neat too that's a that's a old piece it was completely black when I got it I decided to clean which one oh that one that one right that's very nice it's a nice and how much is this one that one uh 120 oh look at that that's neat I've never seen that link before different whoa that's cool at that design very nice okay that's a neat one right there it's all silver wow that one's neat yeah wow look at these I mean this one that one I'll do 50 on that one wow now if you bundle up give you better price okay that one 30 uh 50 now 130 30 say that's newer right say this one is not noing nice what does it say 30 bucks on that one I think I have to like pause this okay now we're going down this way you no girl I'll find one I'll find me a t-shirt wow look at the size of those frames oh those are awesome awesome sauce oh yeah oh my God I wow look at these my goodness that is just amazing oh those are huge big ones holy smokes I don't know if you can see how big that is pretty I can't even reach it wow that's amazing there's the size of slums oh okay I have some of these so these are African beads yes from Ghana from Ghana very good to know I do have some uh like this at home but I didn't know what um very nice they're beautiful beautiful wow very nice these tra beads beautiful wow wow people are still setting up and it's like what nine at the chair cool chair MCM chair this girl's got to find a tank top or a t-shirt I had a dress on and then it was so cold on the car right over here even though when we left it was 85 but Adele had her car set at like 60 and it was freezing so I put my pants on and my shoes and then when we got here I thought well maybe I should just wear pants and a sweatshirt because it was showing it was going to be like 60 M look at all that delicious Amber theal wow very full I haven't seen anything yet carved horse what do you call that um Azurite or yeah but he looks yeah I cuz he's got so much blue in there um wow that Amber is just looking delightful there's something from Turkey in there that laor bracelet just got look at the three kings pendant oh yeah that's cool [Music] mhm that's why I like to come out I see stuff I don't usually how much is that $95 $98 for that that Coral ring right there silver beautiful beautiful yeah which way back this way I'm surprised you didn't go over one aisle and then back up didn't we just no oh is this a new aisle new aisle Oh I thought this was the aisle we just came down are you sure yes you are sure oh yeah cuz we're back to these people again we bought some we yeah the van was right here earlier yeah we did some shopping up in here earlier I spent a little bit of money right there today oh look it she's taller than me mhm I had one in K but she was all she had the glass stones all I brought them from Thailand nice nothing to move to California really what shipping though no they came by sh oh oh wow my good friend Excuse me yes how much is 1 million this one here yeah I don't want to pay that much you got it everyone's got a million in theice I'm going to give you 1.5 put in .5 super cool look at that he is cute look at his little $1 million um good save it's hard to read but on the back she's got her name um engraved into it see it it is really nice it looks like $18 a Dar 1987 oh oh she goes for about 150 really yeah well it's very cool yeah it's it's interesting piece it's so interesting and that enamel work is outstanding in well what's funny is like I had it in this little box and like anytime I would look at it it was like in a different position so I thought it was kind of like something I might actually keep just cuz yeah no it's it's really really cool it's more than just cool it's super cool oh my gosh look at the little cherub with the harp look at this that's beautiful hard Stone
Views: 1,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ad5EZkMaUMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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