The Top 10 Creepiest Things About Tomodachi Life

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hey hello its me it's Casey and welcome back to my channel today I thought I would make a spooky video just in time for a fall and of course Halloween so I was sitting here thinking I see all of these creepy videos about Pokemon and Animal Crossing and all these other games but I never see anybody talking about the creepy things that happen in Tomodachi life so I was like if that's my place let me do that so this is my list of the top 10 creepiest things about Tomodachi life number 1 mese can't die or age past adulthood so one thing about Tomodachi life is that your Me's just do not die so there are two age groups of the Me's and that is a kid and an adult after you reach adulthood you just do not age at all but the creepy thing about this is that in a dream you can see what a me would look like if they were really old so in this dream your Mii will come to you and they'll be like oh my look-alike or whichever me you're seeing and they'll be like I haven't seen you in so long and they will have wrinkles and gray hair and it's just the creepiest thing ever because you would never see what your me would look like old and it wasn't for that dream number 2 speaking of dreams nightmares exist so at nighttime your knees can sleep and they will have these little dream or thought bubbles up here and you can pop them and see what your me is dreaming about so there are some very specific dreams that I will let you see now that are just so creepy so that is the marry dream the dark dream the future dream I believe it's called and there are a couple more that are just so creepy so you can visibly see your me having a nightmare number three once a meet is deleted they are forgotten forever have you ever delete in one of your Me's and been like why does nobody miss this me why there's nobody talk about where they have went you know somewhat like a few duly didn't mean that has been in a relationship with someone or has had a best friend they just completely forget that they ever existed so once a me is deleted they are never talked about again they are replaced the person that the me was dating is just dating no one at this point the f they of our best friends are someone that other person is just not best friends with anyone anymore and it's like they have just been completely erased from the Tomodachi life world and the weirdest thing for me is it just feels very cold like like let's say that if you were in a cult with some somewhere and you had somebody in that cult and somehow they left there's like I would assume that they would just never be talked about again and it would just be almost like they didn't exist so like that is just so freaky to me number four you can have stalkers in this game so a prime example of a software in this game that I personally had have you seen my video peach is a freaking stalker so these are some of the things that they will do if they are really obsessed with another me so peach in my case was absolutely obsessed with Reggie so what she did was she constantly tried to date him she would not give up I mean she was just so set on trying to date him no matter how many times he turned her down so whenever you're me is really obsessed with someone they will get really heartbroken over the fact that they can't date them they will become really angry they will always talk about them and it's just so freaky another like level 2 the whole stalker thing is the letters that you can get in this game so somebody loosened a meet a letter and they will be like meet me here and then this person will come disguised and tell them something extremely random and then that means just that they're like what just happened and in my opinion what is going on there is very stalkerish so meas can just pretty much become obsessive over another me number 5 glitches I stumbled across a whole list of glitches in this game and they are so freakin weird I've played Tomodachi life for years now and I have never stumbled across some of these glitches but let me just read off some of these to you just so you can experience and the weirdness with me so here are some of the freest ones and my opinion and I will leave the link to this website down below so you can just read all of them if the player touches or drags me when they are saying one of their mood phrases upon entering their apartment their face will retain the mashing expression and the head won't move until they eat something rub their face or the player leaves like excuse me so this goes back to kind of deleting weeds and stuff so this is a glitch of when the player deletes a meet who made another me cry the me may still be crying even though they aren't sad anymore Jesus Christ as a me has a dream that utilizes the camera and the players camera is broken the game will crash doesn't I don't know if it's more creepy or funny but I will also say it FME has given it super all time favorite food and the cutscene on them blessing in this into space is interrupted just before the earth is shown the Riesz feet will still admit flames so like I said I will leave the list of all of those glitches down below so you can read through them all because wow there's so many number 6 you can torture your Me's so I am really bad about I'm really bad about doing this but even me does something really bad I will torture my knees and the funny thing is in this game you can one of the lesser known things that you can do is during the summer time there is a BBQ event where your knees will be seen making food talking with other means and there it's kind of like a little mini game where you have to blow away the smoke so it doesn't like choke the me or whatever but if you just let that entire scene play out the me will turn completely charred black like they have been burnt alive and it is so freaky like I mean whenever I say black I mean like pitch black another thing that you can do is you can cut a me in half something else that you can do to torture me is cut them in half so there is a magic show event that will pop up and you will be able to saw me completely in half you will see one half of their body on one side one half on the other side and their feet will be moving and it is so creepy because the other mean that is doing this magic trick with you will be like oh it looks like bla bla bla is in a predicament now and like the me that got cut in half just looks completely freaked out the next thing that you can use pretty much humiliate ear me so feed them gross food like there's rotten milk like rotten food that has like an octopus tentacle and a dead fish it's so disgusting you can also dress them up and really humiliating outfits like you can make the Me's wear and opposite didn't yours clothes or you can like just completely make them wear something like a wig made out of broccoli and they'll be like oh I hate it so much but they're forced to wear it because you say so and the next thing that you can make them do is say specific phrases so that is one thing that is like among the humiliation line it's very very weird and creepy number 7 like so this category of is very [Music] it's very weird for me because I didn't notice this but whenever I started making this list the more I noticed so there are very demonic things about this game that can happen so for one you can make Amy's voice extremely deep to the point where you can't even recognize what they're saying you can make them look like a literal demon there is a scene whenever your Mii has a baby and it is mainly I think that the both both Me's can do have both moving the dad but one of the Me's will be trying to play like peekaboo with me or whatever and whenever you try to enter the house they will be like shaking like crazy and it is so so creepy like they'll just like their entire body will be shaking and the next thing that fits into this whole demonic category is the mirror dream which just ties this all together I show this previously on the second category and it's where your Mii is in front of the mirror and they are playing a game and then whenever one me loses they will like go down and they'll start crying and the other and we will be like jumping up and down and the me that is on the outside has a completely different reaction from the me that is inside the mirror which is really creepy because like if you see like if you've seen like creepypasta or read creepypasta that has to do with mirrors then you know why I feel like that is some demonic ish number eight disturbing items so I've kind of touched on this in the other categories but I wanted to wrap this all up in one separate thing of its own so there are very weird disturbing items in Tomodachi life that you can give to Amy so the first one that I think is the most weird which is why I personally don't use it very often is the age Oh Matt it they have the adult version and the kids versions so pretty much if you haven't me that is a kid you can turn that me into an adult and there will be like a cutscene that I'll show this me just like growing up and become an adult and it's just like just the underlining this about the age o matic it's just so weird which is why I don't use it very often so same thing with the adults so if you have a male it is an adult that you want to turn into a kid for some reason you can give that kid automatic to the adult and they don't turn into a kid and there will be a whole cutscene where they are turning into a kid if it's just so so weird is like so odd that you can like mess with their ages like that the next items are the rotten food so there are so many rotten food items or just food and you know that looks really gross that I can't even think of them all right now I'll flash them over the screen as I find them so there's also items that you can't even interact with number 9 the white room so this is something that I haven't ever used ever talked about I don't think and I've never given to one of my mieze because it is just so freaky in my opinion so it is just a plain white room there's absolutely nothing inside of it and it really reminds me of a padded room like oh god what are those called the jackets that they wrap around me when the fact that some means I guess whenever you give that room to them will actually be happy is so beyond beyond weird so like I said the white room has absolutely no furniture inside of it no windows absolutely nothing and it was just completely white and it's like bright and white and that is it number 10 so this is my last one of my top 10 creepiest things about Tomodachi life and this one is really really scary to me so your mieze can almost starve but because I can't die they don't really so I'm sure that some of you have come across to me whenever you have not talked to them for a really long time and you will talk to them and they'll be like I need to eat something anything and it's like they can't feed themselves they're just waiting for you to feed them almost like you have trapped them and everything that you do for your me are everything that they get from the outside world comes from you and it's just it goes back to the whole torturing thing like I feel like Tomodachi life has some very underlying creepiness to it that nobody has really explored before and my mind is just like what the heck is going on so another thing with the whole starving thing is when Amy comes home from traveling which by the way this is the only way that Amy can leave the island is whenever they're sent out to travel whenever amy is born and they grow up there's some out to travel the world does make more sense whenever told not she life is for Shirley's whenever it was more popular whatever the 30s it's more popular but now whenever you send your me out there just going into nothing that's pretty much they're not really going to other islands and not experiencing that so if you're me does come home from traveling the world which I got mine back from having two different DS's in the same like vicinity they will pretty much eat like they are starving and haven't eaten in some long and the mom and the dad we will actually be like really excited because they'll be like oh my me is that cool but whenever you really look at it like then we just does not stop eating until you leave that cutscene so the fact that meas could be starving because they rely on you to give them food and clothes and things like that money it's just so scary to me and it just sends it back to the whole torture like is Tomodachi life just a big torture game so yeah those are my top 10 creepiest things about Tomodachi life do you have anything else that you think that it was like really weird or just really creepy or anything about the game that just really freaks you out and scares you let me know I hope you found this video very interesting I will link my Tomodachi life playlist down below with all of my videos like funny moments video so you can see some of these things happening in action and yeah I love you guys so much and I will see you in my next video let you know that he who bye bye smooch the blooper reel gonna be psycho as a mesquite deep as a meat is given I'm trying to make a scary video to anyone do it game don't know I guess you say this stupid f of me is giving it super alt interrupted [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] you
Channel: OhhMyKawaii
Views: 590,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomodachi life creepypasta, tomodachi life scary, tomodachi life halloween, tomodachi lifes spooky, tomodachi life creepy, meme, tiktok, vine, scary, spooky, halloween, tomodachi life, tomodachi, tomodachi life let's play, yub tomodachi life, tomodachi life love, tomodachi life miis, tomodachi life songs, tomodachi life memes, leven tomodachi life, tomodachi life couple, tomodachi life funny moments, tomadachi life, ohhmykawaii, creepypasta
Id: ZKeEVY3Vnqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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