Annoying Orange - Gumbrawl

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-Hey! Hey, Rainbow Snake! Hey, Rainbow Snake, hey! -I'm a worm, not a snake. -Snake! Hey, hey Snake! -I'm not a snake! -Do something a snake would do. -Stop! -A snake wouldn't say it like that. He'd say it like, ssssssstop. [laughs] -I'm a gummy WORM. -A gummy worm? What makes you gummy? -Well, I'm made of-- -Is it because you don't have any teeth? -You can clearly see I have teeth. -Hey, do you talk like this? -You know very well I don't talk like that. -I bet you do. I bet you talk just like this. -Stop doing that! -Sssstop doing that. [laughs] -Stop it! Just stop it! How are you this incredibly annoying? -Hey, hey Worm! Hey, Worm, hey! -What? What?! Whaaat?! -Knife. -With your teeth. Use your teeth. -Oh... Knife! -[screaming] -Wugh! Yikes! -(both) Good-bye, cruel world! Oh, it's curtains for me. Curt-- Whoa! -Whoa! -(both) Do you know what this means? -Yeah! We've got worms! [laughs] -Blue. Definitely blue. -No way, that's my favorite color! -Wow, we have so much in common. -Yeah, you don't know the "half" of it. [laughs] -Oh, just shut up. -Seriously, Orange. We're trying to-- -Reconnect? [laughs] -[growls] So angry right now. -I could just lose my head! -You could say that again. -Huh? -Knife's back! [worms screaming] Yikes! Ugh, who uses a knife to cut gummy snakes? [all yell] Wow! [worms laugh] [laughs] Wait, why are we all laughing? -Brothers, we are impervious to the knife, do you know what this means? -We are invincible! -(all) Hoo-ah! -Geez, these snakes are throwing a real "hissy" fit. [laughs] -Our delicious dominance is imminent! -Ha-ha! Not if we have anything to say about it, you're not. -Gummy bears. -Prepare to eat dirt, you filthy worms! -Gladly. -Yeah, we like dirt. We're worms. -Yeah, well, mark my words. The-- -Hey! Hey, Bear! Hey, Bear, hey! -Come on! I was about to deliver a really cool line! -Sorry to, uh, burst your bubble there, fellas, but you ain't havin' a gummy war without us. -Chewing gum? -Heads up! -Whoa! -Sorry to "drop" in unannounced. -Oh, come on! They both had awesome entrance lines; you couldn't interrupt those guys? -No way. That would've been un-bear-able. [laughs] -[growls in frustration] -Sir, there's so many of them. I'm--I'm scared. -Don't be. This will make our victory all the sweeter. -Hoo-ah! [all emitting war cries] -Holy cow! [fighting sounds] -Can't... move. -So... everybody's stuck, huh? -Yeah. -Yep. -[sighs] This happens every time. -Whoa, talk about a "sticky" situation. [laughs] -Well, it's true what they say: "There are no winners in a gum war." -Friends, I believe we've learned a very important lesson today. -Yeah, you should never bring a knife to a gum fight. [laughs] -What the heck are you even talking about? [all scream] Captioned by SpongeSebastian -Sorry, I... just don't know what came over me just then. -It's okay. I'll let you off the hook this time. [laughs] -Stop it, already! -Hey, hey Worm! Hey, Worm, hey! -What? What?! Whaaat?! -Knife. -With your teeth.
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 62,038,346
Rating: 4.4830918 out of 5
Keywords: annoying, orange, gumbrawl, gumball, gum, gummy, gummy worms, worms, gummy bears, bears, chewing gum, daneboe, gagfilms, banana, funny
Id: G9F0yXS9oDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2011
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