Annoying Orange - Disney Princesses! (Supercut)

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welcome back to story time I'm pear and I'm vibrating Jude you are vibrating what gives higher today's story was a real snooze fest so I drank a lot of coffee to make sure I'd stay awake gotta have a gotta copy oh yeah don't I didn't say today's story would make you sleep I said it's about sleep ah I understand now my eyes are wide open well today's story is an all-time classic Sleeping Beauty oh I know the story of Sleeping Beauty that story be poppin yeah it's not sleeping booty its Sleeping Beauty see did you change the title of this book now but don't worry I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it someday now then what's the fun time there was a king and queen they had three baby girls what are you talking about they only have one baby girl then why are there three in the picture probably because you've had too much coffee and now you're seeing three of everything aah thinking pears there is only one of me guys guys about three of you talk at once I can't understand what you're saying so the three princess sisters had three birthday parties and three evil witches showed up and put three wrenches on an orange you're multiplying everything in this story by three and that's why okay so first cursed weren't the princess number one before her 16th birthday she was dumb to prick herself on a spinning wheel causing the entire kingdom to fall into a deep sleep okay that's true that's in the story cursed number two the kingdom got renamed to pony pony booty rockin everywhere okay that is not in the story yeah see that is your handwriting do you even used an orange pen agreed the culprit could be anyone but sadly will never ever figure out who did it which is a total bummer and the curse was that everyone in the kingdom had to wear annoying orange merchandise at all times but people actually thought that one was a pretty appealing oh why thank you I will have more koffie koffie koffie don't mind if I do so anyway the princesses grew up and we're getting close to their 16th birthday the king and queen ordered all spinning wheels to be destroyed every single spinning wheel in the kingdom and you remember the name of the kingdom don't you pear I'm not gonna say it party floaty floaty floaty rockin everywhere anyway the first princess still managed to find a spinning wheel and pricked her booty on it no she didn't prick her booty she pricked her finger what in the see so then across the entire kingdom everyone's booty fell asleep and everyone's booty stay past asleep until a prince showed up and gifts everybody's booty orange fade right the story actually user okay so baby I did but you got to admit sleepy Cody is a very fun version of the story it was the tale in fairy tale well that does it for this episode everyone that's Pete welcome to story time I'm pear and this is my co-host orange I'm also his best friend balls one of his closest friends nope his imaginary friend if only today we'll be reading one of my all-time favorite stories Beauty and the Beast orange do you promise not to ruin the story I never do you always do i enhance the stories I kept a little extra juice yeah this is one of the greatest stories of all time so we probably won't need much juice now then once upon a time there was a prince who was beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside yeah cuz he was actually a lizard person in disguise that's not what I mean orange I mean the prince was a really mean rude person and that's why he had his entire castle were put under a spell turn it to things like candle sticks and clothes turn into food maybe I guess I don't really know what happened to every last member of the staff for the cash pear do you think we're under a spell do you think we're actually royal people got turned into food no that would explain so much no it wouldn't I'm thinking I was probably the court jester and that's why I'm so funny Oh if the Jester was actually a lizard person in disguise that would explain why I can touch my tongue to my eye rich stop I will not allow this to become canon you get back to the story please I guess I think people linked my story better though anyway everyone was cursed to remain in their non human forms forever Wow I mean you know gonna be this way forever I'm not gonna get my human stuff back my arms my legs my social security number orange well the last time we were never people you are not a character in this story all right but they're actually lizard people you're not Leonard people this is just a story maybe we should just jump to the end fine by me I can't wait to get this train wreck over with so about the ending spoiler alert everyone brings out the feast with the beauty all along it was actually the based what yeah the moral of the story is that it's a twist ending that is not how it ends the beast was not the beauty all along alright cuz she was a lizard person all along he was not a lizard person cause he was think about it Penn what do you think they call it a fairy tango huh because it's cuz they're all lizards there no yeah Kevin hi open your eyes why it's rain touch it with your fork blizzard time and we're officially off the rails in record time Congrats orange you did it again you ruined another classic story if they sniff me will make my lizard person into a movie next I think it'll be more likely that Disney will sue you for ruining one of the greatest stories ever told they wouldn't do that would they that would be so cold-blooded yeah but let it go let it go we are so done here hey everyone and welcome to story time orange will not be joining us today he's busy playing with the throne he got for his birthday so we'll be left in peaceful tranquility to read the story of Snow White come on great orange your drone is interrupting storytime [Music] well since I ruined storytime let me try to help Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs right yes but please do not try to help no I totally know this one I haven't memorized I swear what's upon a time there was a queen who had a magical mirror and each morning the Queen would ask it mirror mirror on the wall who is that bear inside the wall what in the mirror would be all like um that's you do you're the reflection wait and then the Queen would get all embarrassed because she forgot that she was stuck into a mirror stop that's not what the Queen said to her mirror she asked it who the fairest person in all the land was and the mirror told her it was Snow White oh that makes sense business stories about Snow White huh yes and you would have known that if you hadn't called in a drone strike on our book well I did the past is the past get over it pear anyway Snow White was the prettiest lady in the whole kingdom and each of the doors had a really funny name there was sneezy sleepy Jessie sassy flashy Dasher dancer Prancer comet Cupid Rudolph orange I think some of those are Santa's reindeer right but they were dwarf reindeer anyway the rest of the dwarves were named Huey Dewey Louie chop suey Ronald McDonald grimace fry guy orange those aren't the names of the dwarves what you talking about I mean where's doc where's dopey let me finish off seven dad you said way more than seven also inside the trench gun was doc don't beat Muffy moby-dick Dick Tracy Tracy Morgan Morgan Freeman now you're just listing celebrity Brad Pitt Taylor Lautner dwarf from the Explorer Haeckel what the others wards were pretty sure pickle wasn't actually a dwarf but they were all too polite to tell me he was actually a pickle okay that's enough he had some other boyfriend's too and their names were alright stop collaborate and listen or just back with my brand new adventure words we're so off the rails right now according to your story the Evil Queen is too stupid to know how a mirror works and Snow White is made of like clutter dwarves in a trench coat that sounds like an awesome story what happens next nothing happens next cuz that's not how the story goes up the story introduces more dwarves next we do not need more dwarves like Donatello Michelangelo Raphael Leonardo's our nature turtles actually they're artists of the European Renaissance Fair let's price know that all right does this story have an ending or one because you've skipped everything important about the story of Snow White woods men the poison apple of the prince we're a pair they're all excited trench countdown yeah fantastic with a whole bunch of TNT that has got all the story oh my god I used to see you again para and I are here with another super cool episode of story time can I tell him what it is yes yes yes you can geesh maybe you should chill there cuz the day were telling the story I'm not so fast orange we're not doing frozen we're doing The Snow Queen what what now The Snow Queen it's the original story frozen is based upon ah yeah I totally don't understand it's a different story dude a lot of things are different from how they are in frozen the Snow Queen what's the time there was a queen named smells ax and her sister Anna man Anna they lived in a kingdom where it was always winter and they had a snowman friend named Rolla wait hold on dude seriously the snowman's named bro laughs sure he drinks natty ice orange honestly what is the story that you're telling it's the story of frozen but it's different just like you said did I did I make you proud of me no no you didn't dude you're not even reading the book why'd you ask me for it if you weren't gonna use it huh I guess I don't really snow yeah look The Snow Queen doesn't just have slightly different character names from frozen it's like a completely different book I'll do it right this time or Elsa once upon a time there was a kingdom where it was always summer be fair it's already super different from browsing that's not what I can't get one over either it was ruled by a snowman named bro laughs and his frat bros under their rain they have many rights and hi chicks they pull down there where do I begin what part of this aren't you getting I don't know pear you tell me I did exactly what you said you said I shouldn't tell the story of Rosen you said I should tell a story that's way different so that's what I'm doing no oh it's my story not different enough I think I get what you mean pear I don't think you do on a time there was a lion cop who was set to inherit the pride lands his dad died tragically during a stampede at the ravine orange that is just a story of The Lion King I'd be lying if I said I didn't know that already but that's a pretty different story than frozen huh yes but oh so you want a story that's even more different no can do once upon a time there was a cop princess with a putt for a best friend on an alien planet called tip bump and they had a best friend snowman name bro laughs I know I know you're supposed to come up with zero original ideas because you're supposed to be reading this book [Music] well now that bears gone I guess we can finally get to the real story I am The Snow Queen once upon a time there was a quick service restaurant that specializes ice cream and frozen treats they tried their hand at hamburgers but they weren't very good that's not the Snow Queen that's Dairy Queen orange don't you do it let it go there hey everybody I'm pair here with another episode of story time and I'm orange cord a--rewin another episode of story time so glad you decided to join us orange really cuz your voice doesn't sound very glad anyway today we're reading Rapunzel do you know anything about this story orange shirt out fantastic so how about we play a game of mad libs I'll let you fill in the blanks in the story as we go sound good no I like just to warn you this story gets pretty nuts so you're gonna have to get pretty wacky if you want to ruin it alright here we go once upon a time there was a husband and his wife who was pregnant with a baby girl now the wife she loved ok orange go ahead and fill in the blank she loved that's right she loved radishes that's actually how the story goes thank you very much for helping now as I was saying the wife loved radishes so much that she told her husband to get her some radishes from a garden next door which was owned by a I was just making a wish which joke well it's exactly what the book says see now the husband got caught stealing radishes and the witch punished them by weight that's too obvious about the police the witch kidnapped their baby just because he took a couple actually that's correct I told you dude this story is ridiculous so the witch went off into the woods and raised baby Rapunzel and locked her in a high tower when she became a teenager now the tower the witch locked Rapunzel in had no ladder so the witch got up into the tower by well obviously a witch could just ride her broom up there so I'm gonna get the Chi and never ever cut Rapunzel's hair so it grew long enough to make a histogram is correct Wow looks like I might not be able to derail this story after all it's as crazy as my imagination is Wow well I'm glad you finally met your match now one day a prince was riding by and heard Rapunzel chopping radishes no actually she was singing about radishes probably not anyway so the Prince called out rapunzel rapunzel let down your head so let down your hair story oh no so the Prince climbed up the ladder made of radishes and he and Rapunzel both eat radishes until the web came back from Guardian radishes and the prince turned the wizard or rat is using his magic radish well that's good for story time everyone thanks for joining us hopefully next time we'll be finished The Prince and Rapunzel got married and had four baby radishes which they named radish radish radish and achma we know his name was radish - and they lived happily radish after in a radish castle and also the entire world is made of radishes would you stop saying buddy welcome to story time in this episode I know it's the Little Mermaid that's why I'm holding this book why read the book when we can just watch the movie actually glad you brought that up orange is the original fairy tale is way different from the Disney movie you probably know and love okay I guess as long as there's a singing crab in the book there isn't great got swept away in a tidal wave I guess now it's time to weigh how about a five version from memory wonderful once upon a time there was a singing crab who lived singing voice so beautiful that some mean old sea which was super jealous of it I think it's the Little Mermaid who has a beautiful singing voice in this story dude what'd you talk about did you hear Sebastian sing in the movie I gotta say you can't tell me that crab didn't sound fat you are aware that the story is about a mermaid and not a crab right oh yeah totally welcome to the mermaid in a second don't be so crabby speaking of crabby one day the crab went to the surface inside you've been walking around on legs he said to himself those legs look craptastic I should get me some of those crabs have legs orange this is exactly why the main character is supposed to be a mermaid now this is Dolly the way cows see the crab wants the old sea witch and made a train he gave her his six boys and in return she gave him but this we're so far away from the original story I don't even know where to begin I agree getting this story back on the rails would be quite a feat look we could have check in with the Little Mermaid any time or what she's only the titular character great idea back to the Little Mermaid who also paid a visit to the mean old sea way that's what the Little Mermaid traded her singing voice for human what yeah mermaid head legs coming out of the lace on her legs she would have fought the lad to try to get on some Prince he was with puff fire not a legs man as it turns out baby watch and the mean old sandwich now in possession of two stellar singing voices right on Atlantis Idol we got into the final eighty-four King voted off in favor of summer boy what you said it was a happy ending happy ending a tidal wave sweeping over the entire world is happy sure from that point on the whole world was [Laughter] you
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 1,373,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange - Disney Princesses Supercut, disney princess, disney, cartoon, supercut, comedy, disney comedy, lampoon, parody, satire, silly, spoof, disney princesses supercut
Id: C7PXCy2QQjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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