Annoying Orange is SICK!!! (Supercut)

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[Music] uh how's it going orange oh you know i'm oh dude you don't look too good oh hey hey pear yeah what is it orange oh gross i don't feel so good pear you're gonna have to take over sure no prop wait what [Music] uh hey hey turn up hey turn up hey hey what's up pear yeah it's just that i'm glad you could uh turn up what you know turn up what are you getting at man nothing it's just a joke you don't like turn up what are you talking about you think i'm i'm late no it's just i'm a late blooming vegetable all right i'm ready when i'm ready oh okay okay okay i'm not running on your schedule or anyone else did you hear me okay i'm sorry you're bombing pear look i've never done this before just call him something he's not that always works for me all right hey hey turnip i'm not talking to you good because you're just a fat radish get it fat radish [Music] turnip dude why are you doing this to me way to go pear jeez i didn't know he was gonna cry oh my god what's going on here there may turn up cry no it's not like that he called me pear what's wrong with you no this is orange's fault he told me to do it hey keep it down i'm having a sick day over here is that all you have to say for yourself pear dude you got to help me get out of this what do i say now oh i don't know i just usually make funny noises everyone loves that all right hey hey turn up hey what do you want now hey i bet you can't do this is that supposed to be me cause i'm fat right cause i'm always eating no pear's just trying to you know cheer you up all right pear you're a monster i'm sorry no no no you're doing it all wrong pear it's more like this i don't remember eating that uh look why don't we all just call it a night huh guys yeah i second that okay oh hey hate fat radish orange i'm not a fat no not you that radish what's up with you orange knife right about now i'm wishing i had ears just so i could use these ear hogs what the whoa did you guys hear that sounded like a woman's scream yeah and she sounded hot we better check it out orange you see any hot ladies come through here ah let's split up i'll go that way there you go that way orange you are apparently the hot lady not the first time i've been fooled by a sexy voice and it won't be the last orange i've never heard you scream like that before i've never been in this kind of pain before bro if you keep screaming like that you're gonna scare away all the hot ladies that might be lurking about i'm calling dr bananas now greetings and hello i heard the screams of a hot lady who might be in need of medical attention well it's just orange but he definitely needs help yeah you can see that again i see well this news is quite disappointing as i haven't felt a woman's touch since the reagan administration but let's take a look inside aha just as i suspected he's got himself a kidney seed really cause that looks like a toy race car in his stomach what can i say i like fast food ignore the toy car that orange inexplicably consumed as well as orange's excruciating pun what's causing his pain is this tiny dot right here that bro you're complaining about that little speck now grapefruit kidney scenes are widely known to be one of the most painful issues a fruit can experience this is a joke right i mean come on how can something that small dish out so much pain i'll be happy to show you if you snore again tomorrow night now orange don't worry we have several methods to remove the kidney seed we can remove it surgically with a knife cool we can blast it to pieces with a laser wow we can blast it into pieces using sound waves from this boom box how do these options get cooler every time or the final option is this mystery box wow which one is the least invasive doctor i'm sure orange is also concerned about the cost yeah quiet pair i choose the mystery box yeah it's a rubber chicken that's orange how the heck is a rubber chicken supposed to help you with your kidney seed i don't know let's find out okay he's not helpful but look at his face doc you gotta go in and remove his seed i'm sorry pear but i need patient consent and the patient has selected the rubber chicken method of removal hey did you guys see it has a hole down there well at least he seems to be enjoying himself wow what happened orange appears to have laughed so hard he passed his kidney seed they alert the seed is still ricocheting around the room it could hit any one of us grapefruit what happened i i think i might have a seed up my hole down there in a truly ironic turn of events it appears the seed has lodged itself near grapefruit's kidney which is a-okay by him cause there's no way a little old seed could cause that much pain right grapefruit very funny [Music] i recommend we remove the seed immediately which method do you choose this is a really hard decision yeah i gotta go with the mystery box what it could be anything bear yeah it could even be a knife am i the only one with any sense around here there's already a knife right there why not choose the knife method no knife huh oh sweet it removed the so i got it now did that hurt more or less than the kidney scene would you shut up and super gloomy back together already look at all those rainbows color me impressed but why are there so many [Laughter] maybe but it also seems like something might be up oh wow quad truffle rainbow all the way across the sky am i the only one who thinks this is too many rainbows yes there's no such thing as too many rainbows but where are they all coming from what the heck is going on bad news everyone liam's come down with the leprechaun flu sorry no need to apologize we're actually really enjoying it [Music] hey stop acting so excited about this the leprechaun flu's a very serious disease i can't even shave yeah guys it ain't nothing to sneeze at now i'm telling you it's an awful disease and you shouldn't be making light of it orange oh i think he just witnessed something so hilarious that his brain shorted out this happens from time to time hold on liam did you just fart a gold coin hi farting coins at stage 3 of the leprechaun blue so you see now the leprechaun flu is no laughing matter so let me see if i've got this straight when you contract the leprechaun flu you fight gold coins and sneeze rainbows aye it's truly terrible what are you talking about this is the greatest type of flu i've ever heard of no it's positively awful when i sneeze it it hurts well no it's more of a soothing feeling relaxing actually but after a leprechaun flu sneeze it feels so incredible that you have to ponder wow i really feel awful all the time and that's truly enough of healing um okay and the kind farts don't get me started on those those are awful as well because they smell bad well no they smell like fresh clover after the rain it's quite nice actually but it's mighty and convenient if you're farting all the time on the job what are you talking about if you're farting gold coins while on the job why do you even need a job you're rich ah well i suppose that's a good thing but believe me the leprechaun flu is a very serious thing but this is only stage three of the leprechaun flu what's stage four burping out adorable bunnies ah no that was actually stage one are you my mommy i told you already i'm not your mommy oh okay [Applause] stage four the leprechaun flu is get ready for this spontaneous combustion needless to say there is no stage five wait so you're saying that if you reach stage four you'll explode hey i heard the word explode and i'm back with you what are we exploding tell me tell me don't tell me nothing orange there's not gonna be no explosion because we're going to cure liam's flu right now oh try not to act so happy about it you big meeny heads oh look at that jackpot liam how do we know if you're heading into stage four what are the signs there's one telltale sign i'll start adding syllables to words when a leprechaun starts adding syllables to words now you know it's getting serious wait say syllables again syllables syllables syllables oh man this is getting serious i couldn't be more cereal build a bag of it oh sticky guys we gotta kill him quick what's the cure for leprechaun flu there's only one known cure any orange in the vicinity must stop talking immediately huh for how long forever ah can you aren't still nyanya sometimes nope yeah there's no way that's true he called me bluff we appreciate the effort you're welcome it was worth a shot but seriously the actual churro bong for the bit of the lounge blue for maybe we should take a few steps back for the leprechaun oh no the leprechaun of film bubbles yeah he's definitely stuck in a bullet bong loops get out of here wow more like bill a bomb am i right is everyone all right looks like it well not liam of course you swayze me no biggie try not to read into it too will you please love me yeah and my mommy too will you breathe my mommy uh hey look a mommy i have to roll bobby hey everyone i'm pear and i'm orange whoa whoa dude are you okay you don't seem very orangey today in fact you look kind of green i'd laugh at that pun but i'm too sick [Music] dude why don't you get some rest today we're talking about how to avoid getting sick and something tells me you're in no place to do this video try to carry on without me somehow something tells me we'll manage bye now oh my god it's finally happening an episode of how to without orange we can actually stay on track for once and teach you something useful and we won't get blown up with dnt this is great all i need now is the perfect co-host how about we the tick i'm an expert on evading the flu bug my creepy uncle is a flu bug um all right let's give it a shot no no shots step one for avoiding sickness never get your shots and we're off to a terrible start you honestly believe they're injecting you with a vaccine wake up sheeple they're implanting a secret locating device in your shoulder who is they are alien overlords of course okay maybe this isn't such a good idea lou step two stay away from other people other people have germs and diseases don't go near them ever that's gonna be tough to do lou oh no no it's easy just move into a sterilized tinfoil tent in the mountains miles away from everyone else and never talk to any person again for your long disease-free life okay okay don't talk to anyone nope not even the voices in your head though i'll admit that's easier said than done lou i feel like this isn't helpful i'll tell you what's not helpful the government destroying all evidence of my 1987 alien abduction near topeka kansas they didn't toss on me bro they prodded me on their spacecraft and called me names mean names like bug boy and eight legs but you do have eight legs you stop it right now are you one of them are you an alien ah okay lou this just isn't working out i think you should leave oh sure the moment lou starts dropping truth bombs the sheep will close their sheeple ears well that's fine i'm going bye lou gravity is a lie what the okay and i'm back whoa orange you look better yep while i was gone i discovered how to avoid being sick really do tell otherwise this video is going to be an absolute disaster well it turns out the best way to defeat illness is with love love are you pulling one of my 10 legs lou you only have eight legs i choose to believe i have ten relax guys i'm joking it isn't love that keeps you from getting sick then what is it [Music] you
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 1,018,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange is SICK!!! (Supercut), cartoon, comedy, lampoon, parody, satire, spoof, silly, supercut, orange is sick supercut, orange is sick, sick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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