Ann Coulter vs Stephanie Miller (Full, Unedited Debate)

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and welcome back now we are in Los Angeles and are you ready for this I don't know if I am there we go our show brings together some pretty unusual combinations of people and this week is no exception welcome to our panel this Ann Coulter is of course one of the best-known conservative commentators in the world her latest book resistance is futile how the Trump hating left loss its collective mind is her 13th New York Times bestseller congratulations on that Stephanie Miller one of the best known progressive pundits on the planet the Stephanie Miller show airs on Sirius XM and on realtalk 9:10 a.m. in our new home of the San Francisco Bay Area welcome to you both good to have you here it's delightful thank you already so we just heard from congressman Schiff of course that one of the big stories of this week the Muller report your thoughts after seeing that what we saw the report so far and hearing from the congressman well I wasn't surprised that there's no collusion of course there was no collusion it was such a crazy conspiracy theory from the beginning but Wow it makes the media look bad I mean this is it's as if the left ie the media and the Democrats decided they're just gonna start pushing a birther theory if they had if the Republican Party had done that for three years under and had committees on it and we're going to have the citizenship committee and we're gonna push then Obama was actually born in Kenya and you just would sit back and watch these TV shows with never a dissenting voice and by the way thank you for having me on because you don't see that on TV these days so they build these elaborate fantasies if you had one normal person who knew anything there who could pull the card out with one little fact then the theories come crashing down and yet you know that that's Robert Muller has to assemble facts he certainly put together a group of prosecutors who detest Donald Trump if they had been able to find something I think they would have just the title of her book already pissed me off and then you had to talk I don't listen we met in the 90s remember the late 90s during the Clinton prosecution are you kidding me if you substituted the name Clinton or Obama with this unbelievable array of offenses we're already past a zillion impeachable offenses Adam Schiff was brilliant both in your interview and on the House floor this week I mean that was some mr. Smith goes to Washington stuff he laid out the plan the whole the whole prosecution beautifully and and are you kidding me we had a huge star report that whatever we got to see every comma we know every curvature of Bill Clinton's penis you and I had to discuss it on the air in 1998 or whatever it was and this is over a consensual bj this is a active Russian asset with the nuclear codes you really he stood there in Helsinki and said I agree with Putin and not our seventeen intelligence agencies and you didn't think that seemed a little weird you don't think him ticking off everything on Putin's wish list is a little weird again as Schiff said we may not have reached the bar for criminal conspiracy but the collusion is in plain sight and he cited it one thing after the other I mean he laid out a pretty long case on our show what what did you think of that no I think it's just pointing and sputtering and anything Trump does that he's allowed guilty pleas how many trum it has nothing to do with collusion everything he does as president they scream and say he is the president he's going to meet with foreign leaders he ran on having good relations with in Russia in fact I think these crazy conspiracy theories have harmed our foreign policy that is what people voted for in the primaries George Pataki he kind of went away quickly he said oh wow toughy was gonna be with Russia and he wants another Cold War that's not what Donald Trump ran on what he ran on was I want to have good relations with a nuclear-armed power and we voted for him but we haven't been able to get that policy because of this hysteria and you can you know sit call someone a Russian asset and say it was a consensual affair but that I mean just to quickly compare we had a President of the United States being sued in a civil rights action who went in and / took an oath and perjured himself over and over and over again to say Donald Roman what is it 9000 something terminal yes no office but no we do it under oath even though they asked well okay but what they call lies are no vanilla is better than strawberry ice cream that's a lie it's a lie we have 3,000 like none of them are lies and none of it is he's a president talking about being frozen we had a prophet Noah teacher himself pay off too stormy Daniels enough that that all Supreme Court justices boycotted Quentin's next State of the Union you can't go in and lie and perjure yourself there's nothing like that we don't even know tell me what's a lie was that Trump told I'm gonna spontaneously combust like a spinal tap do you read that I am NOT gonna survive this it's you wanna thank me aren't I'm kidding me isn't an are really so with Russian President our campaign manager deputy campaign manager national security adviser personal lawyer we're all in prison or on their way there seriously having nothing to do with Donald Trump nothing to do with Donald I mean the wide world once again Trump campaign manager lawyer put more people in prison and they were much closer to Trump and they were dealing what facts are facts and I just want to point out on citing facts and she's sputtering I'm sputtering away okay so would you like to see the molar report instead of course Ted of oh okay oh that's the new conspiracy theory that Oh secretly they found collusion but bar is lying to us maybes and Muller is a Russian agent there's obstruction we haven't even heard about yet let's talk a moment listen seeing president it is not president to be exercised the office Stephanie next week you're gonna be holding a town hall in congressman Adam shifts district along with Tom Steyer for need to impeach this is gonna be happening in Glendale why do you think that there's still a need to impeach because a lot of people here now that there's no collusion and they think that impeachment should be taken off the table even congressman Schiff has since said that probably we're not even close to the bar for impeach I don't think he said that I think he said that Mahler didn't reach the the first of all I don't understand if you can't indict a sitting president president why did he use that that you know level of the law then why did he glue use you would have to get to this I think you can't indict a sitting president well I go to that's just a memo we agree and we also agree that Donald Trump is an idiot if I'm reading your Twitter feed correctly let's just go out for tequila shots and call it a day yes we should impeach him for not building the wall everything else is nonsense listen I don't care that's mine sure let's say for the boy yes we're not building a wall sure if you would read my book resistance is futile I think I have excellent advice for liberally I'd rather be my Romeo my private parts also not fact-based they have been running off on these crazy conspiracy theories making themselves look ridiculous I mean I really wouldn't want to be Nancy Pelosi right now I would like Adam Schiff to stay I mean I guess I'm going to prefer Trump to whatever lunatic the Democrats are on next time Schiff is not helping the Democratic Party you want to go after Trump go after him for violating his promises they didn't win the midterm elections by screaming about Russian assets and Russian agent and Russian collusion they talked about issues that people care about this crazy conspiracy theory I mean look MSNBC and CNN may be happy they can get the million viewers every night I bet you if you put a show on TV where we're just gonna promote Flat Earth theory you could probably get three million Americans to watch every night and get really obsessed with it that's what our news media has been doing to us all they care about is their bottom line they should stop calling themselves news call themselves entertainment Flat Earth theory next week this week Russian collusion because they aren't reporting the news they've had to retract one thing after another on this whole Russian thing and haha now we get the truth and these poor souls who thought it was a flat earth discovered it's not flat after all okay we're gonna we're gonna leave the Republicans of the party the Flat Earth picked I mean that's a lot of facts own coloring recalling so much you're celebrating that we're only up to 34 indictments and there's only most people and is it I'm sure people are going to prison if you care about my watered a lot but look when you look at people they were investigated white water from zillions of years for how many there was a big Benghazi investigation as well the point is yes people around Clinton very close to Clinton and involved in actual business dealings with him were were were corrupt and were arrested and went to prison okay same thing with me in Florida and I might add in manif in random Ford's case no other campaign consultants would work with Trump remember that he was kind of this is a guy who lives in my building and he worked for Gerald Ford he wasn't taking the pick of the litter all right we're gonna we're gonna have to leave it there I'm glad we found so much room this case Trump's an idiot you can't get anyone to work for okay it's not a crook thanks but Donna's saying about the border line and speaking of the border the president says Mexico if Mexico doesn't immediately stop any illegal immigration coming in through the southern border he'll be closing portions of the border next week so what does that mean back with our panel and Coulter Stephanie Miller Stephanie what do you make of that tweet okay I want to hear from fox news that it's the mother of all caravans coming this time did you hear that it's a caravan and infrastructure week again this is so ridiculous because first of all just to touch on Muller again 60% of the American people almost think that this this bar cover-up did not exonerate the president 84 percent want to see the full model report he is always trying to distract from something you know very well that borders crossings are at a 40-year low we we do not need this stupid wall whatever it's made of see-through whatever it is today he is a con man and a grifter and a criminal it's just there's it doesn't matter what the subject is it is he is just he's just a he every day there's a competition before just complete incompetence incoherence should we should we shut down the border next week well I don't know what he means but I mean listening to Stephanie this is why he can do nothing and he'll be reelected all he does is talk talk talk he never actually does anything but then liberals are hysterical so people listening think well I want a border he must be doing it nobody doing anything he's a big talks a good game yeah of course we should shut it down that used to be an issue the left cared about Bernie Sanders had a position on immigration indistinguishable from Donald Trump's why because it who does it hurt it doesn't hurt Stephanie it doesn't hurt you it doesn't hurt me I mean except to the extent we love our fellow Americans it hurts the working class it's their jobs their communities their hospitals their schools that are being overwhelmed Bernie Sanders said to Vox when he first ran for president they just assumed he was for open borders and he said no open borders as a Koch brothers idea if Democrats were smart they would run on the old Bernie Sanders position point out that all Trump does his talk he doesn't do anything and they could beat him but they won't they're running off on Russia but he's changed his position yes since then and maybe it Donald Trump could stop using ally no because he checked back in with the mothership of the Democratic Party no let's take issues that screw over the working class and then again is a hypocrite like everyone else on the right and you know it he employs a bunch of illegal immigrants himself please me this crap about the helping the working man he doesn't care about that I don't care what he does personally other than not keeping his promises keep your promise I don't care if he if we had employed illegals and I don't even know if it's true we did I agree with her again he doesn't he promises and now we then at a war he said he would build a wall would deport illegals would bring the jobs back he could so transform America and transform the two parties these aren't traditional Republican issues they're pro-american issues thus his campaign Bromley baby-baby is an American issue that's something that should make his progress man in the world or at least periodically is Carlos Slim he is a Mexican how about the rich in Mexico take care of their poor and the rich in America take care of America these people aren't Mexican they're there how did the poor people of the universe become our problem we're not a battered women's shelter we have our own poor people don't care about our own poor people that yep let them all in because you'll get cheap labor so maybe are you wearing your crucifix that you usually wear because have you read any thing Jesus actually said why yes I have okay well let's talk about the logistics of this though if you actually close the border what would that look like Society it would be great for society but we also have to throw in the deportations for one I mean everything gets easier with a closed border look at one of the biggest problems we have the drug overdose problem opioids how do they I think they get entry you know those are not successfully same please note of entries because that's where the guards are it's like the old joke about the guy looking for the keys under the light is that where you lost them no but the lights better here yeah they get caught at the ports of entry we don't know how many are getting through where there are no guards catching them it's so absurd but the point is 90% of illegal drugs heroin fentanyl opioids they are coming from Mexico weed Sam quinone is's dreamland okay let's leave that one there but another big issue this week was Jesse Smollett the Empire actor who apparently they dropped all the charges for some reason it's not really exactly clear why the prosecutors saying we think that he was guilty but we're still dropping the charges you think that this is really gonna help it's a national emergency like the president said in yeah absolutely no I want a black guy getting away with something once Wow let's call the National Guard I I don't want to disagree because I'm not even sure I want Trump reelected and small it is gonna get Trump reelected it's just so outrageous so corrupt on and meanwhile you have a woke Joe Biden going around campaigning against the English jurisprudential system that's the white man's justice that's Joe Biden's big position this week yeah the white man's position being justice is blind it shouldn't be because you fit certain categories and you can waste all of this money I mean the small at issue is so obviously bad for the Democrats then who do we have all over TV denouncing it's rahm emanuel he cares about democrats winning i don't particularly care so take it away Stephanie so okay most of the people closest to Trump are already in jail or on their way there Bob bar is clearly trying to cover up you know and obviously stop the rest of this from but what one actor with obviously probably a mental health issue he really that's another bright line that's okay to cross now he ordered the Justice Department to investigate an actor that possibly staged a prank really this is it's another distract possibly staged a prank he accused Trump supporters white Trump supporters of committing a hate crime against him they're always retaliatory New Zealand territories names come out a check trust was a Saigon tutor would anything do we think please that that Jesse Smollett should have to pay back the city of Chicago which is said Rahm Emanuel they're demanding not make sense I just this is and that's the one thing in and I agree on Donald Trump is a disaster he is this isn't a presidency it's a crime spree it is a corruption a incompetence spree I really do not know if something after I mean I I don't know what to tell you about you know we get I just don't think it's a there's so many things he just took healthy he's trying to take out the shirts away from millions of Americans yeah just this week he tried to cut funding to the for the special olympics until there was an outcry I just don't care about I just want to conclude by saying by the way ideas be recited there have been some of these shooters have had mega caps in their stuff Anita Graham so please please do agree that Donald Trump is the best president in our lifetime Stephanie I agree on that okay I just want to do the same thing you're doing do we agree that we like California as a concept whether here I like the way like that and we like the people some of the good people of San Francisco like you most at a time yeah we've got some music for our friends in San Francisco who are joining us for the first time so thank you both for being a part of this and thank you for being good sports was so the opposite of fun and I really appreciate it thanks
Channel: Elex Michaelson
Views: 298,878
Rating: 4.551343 out of 5
Keywords: Ann Coulter, Stephanie Miller, The Issue Is, Elex Michaelson, politics, debate, news, President Trump, Republican, Democrat, Mexico, Jussie Smollett, TMZ, Build a Wall
Id: dhDUkd1sFPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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