– Feminists are angry man-hating lesbians | Ann Coulter interview | SVT/TV 2/Skavlan

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Ann Coulter welcome to Scandinavia I know I know we're in Manhattan but this is Scandinavia in Manhattan I can tell because the audience is so attractive oh yeah and I guess you can smell all the Liberals as well yes but as long as they're good-looking who cares tell me why do you think it's so hard for this show because we've really tried hard to find someone that can explain Trump as a phenomenal phenomenon from the other side from from the right side and it's been very hard for Scandinavian show in New York to get someone home it's very hard to find someone in America who can explain Donald Trump's view I'm not surprised there is confusion I think it's because most of trumps supporters aren't people like me who go on TV they're out in America they're the roofers and farmers and and gas station attendants and and they're doctors I mean there are a lot of New Yorkers who love him but Wow not the commentary class not the people who go on TV when did you realize that Donald Trump was your guy if I was we're in the laboratory designing my ideal presidential candidate I don't think in a million years I would have come up with Donald Trump but I give a lot of speeches in America that's mostly what what I do I write I mean I everything else I do free the only ways I make money is by writing books and giving speeches and I noticed oh my gosh immigration is a big issue and in Washington DC they do not care they absolutely will not listen to the voters it was all about immigration so when Trump came down the escalator and gave what I fondly referred to as the Mexican rapist speech he had just read my book adios America so they would read the way it was inspired by you much of it I mean as the footnotes to he had the right instincts he definitely had the right instincts but there was the book and he he saw me actually before the book came out talking about it with Jorge Ramos and asked in vans copy of it he he he has a sense for what the public wants how well do you know him well not very well I mean I grew up in Connecticut so Trump was he was just always something that was there he was like the Empire State but do you know him personally I've madam I never he was never really he's not a very Connecticut type person we kind of looked down on people who brag about their wealth so he wasn't exactly you know in terms of style my cup of tea but I overcame that because he's giving me the issues I care about and then there comes a moment I mean I advised him a little bit during the campaign I showed up at at mar-a-lago one night it was after you I I hope you don't know about this but there was a moment during one of the debates not obviously but but obviously bragging about his penis size so I showed up at mar-a-lago it's just him hope Hicks Corey Lewandowski the whole campaign was three people those three people I show up there eating dinner they're exhausted and I said to him look I'm the only person losing money trying to put you in the White House you are going to listen to me no more bragging about your penis size and he said just to have that problem I've accounted it it was very unusual yes I admit that let's face it on the the other side the politics and also many Republicans they they are not happy with him oh no they're not happy at all what what do you think is it well what problem what Trump exposed I'm not sure if it's if it's like this I never hated the Republican Party so much and I realize both politicians it really isn't I stopped seeing the country in terms of Republican Democrat it's both parties against the people and they lie to us when they're running for office and the political consultants take millions of dollars to tell them what to say and to formulate these arguments and the political consultants at least for Republicans kept losing and losing and losing it and here comes Donald Trump without a pollster without a political consultant with a somewhat abrasive manner and usual background and all he has to do is give the people what they're asking but way unusual background yes but he's not a man of the people weirdly he is well I thought that could be debated I was on his third marriage model he's in Trump Tower okay he's not he's not your average American but the issues were all the issues I mean people the the few people in the media and I do I'm friends with a lot of journalists and they used to say if you left New York or Washington you get 60 miles outside of one of the major coastal cities and you couldn't go 10 miles without seeing a huge barn with Trump painted on the side I've also read that you you you claim that people on the liberal side they they don't have a sense of humor well it's a strategy with the left in this country deployed like you've never seen before with Trump where they pretends not to get jokes I mean like when Trump said I remember I was listening to that line about Russia if you're listening if you could find those 30,000 emails of Hillary Clinton's I was packing at the time just listening to him give this speech lat loud I'm by myself in my bedroom and I burst out laughing and then I see all these grim reporters he's he's signaling to Vladimir Putin oh come on when an audience laughs that's a joke so in your ears that's a joke in the entire audience's ears I mean they do the same thing to me I tell the joke and you know translated into German and then put it through a computer and bring it back and humor how do you see what you call political correctness do you think it's impossible to have to be politically correct and have a sense of humor at the same time I think it's very hard and I think most comedians would tell you that I spend a lot of time with comedians in New York and in LA and it's just it's driving them I mean why do they like me my other most of them are liberals but the things I get attacked for the things they get attacked for no a joke is a joke and I'll defend jokes that totally go against my side Alec Baldwin had a famous one a few years ago I totally defend you did you like his parody of yes I think he's I actually can't think it's pretty funny but I think it would be funny or I mean this is a fine point nobody cares about this but it's hard to do a funny imitation of someone when it when you're driven by hey did you have like when you grew up did you have negative experience with with the Liberals with liberals or with with immigrants for that yes I still have nightmares no I love immigrants I have lots of immigrant friends they that they they see the point is even the ones who know I want to protect the ones who are already here and the Americans already here and we have taken and I know in Sweden it gets talked about a lot you guys aren't close to what's - what's happened to America this has been 50 years of bringing in third world immigrants and whose wages are they driving down they're driving down the poorest Americans African Americans Hispanic Americans they're just trying to get a foothold their wages have been in caldonia their older nagging holes and rapists and criminals and this is the way of characterizing people that is no my argument is that we are bringing in cultures that not only I mean they're very a it's very bad for the people already here and the least fortunate among us I mean I don't work at Wendy's I'm not gonna I'm not a roofer my wages aren't being driven down but I care about my fellow Americans including my fellow immigrants Americans and I think government policy ought to be to serve the Americans already here what both political parties care about isn't serving their voters it's serving their donors and their donors want the cheap labor so that's what has been going on for 50 years are you are you a feminist oh gosh no oh sorry why is it why is that well I mean I don't know what it means in Europe but in this country it tends to mean well an angry man hating lesbian well it doesn't does it [Applause] the fact that you have the right to vote I do appreciate that I don't think you want to push me on that one but tell me really because it's a more trave use okay now let's move on from website it's so-so okay it's a rash experiment I'm not sure it's worked out this is it I think women show armed or you know to run for office and talk about politics and write books about politics and don't worry we're not repealing the 19th amendment this is very interesting you talk about a resistance yeah your book is called the resistance right but who is the resistance well it's mostly the media heavily the media and the political class I mean one of the things Trump did that was very clever is to identify the swamp it's you know I forget who said it but people can't understand things until there's a word for it now there is a word for the swamp and oh my gosh is Trump right and I never realized it before the swamp has its own interest that is Washington DC and where they have the highest incomes in the country and the highest incomes and all of the counties know you're working for government you have you have steady employment you can't be fired you have great health care you're not supposed to be being paid more than the average American but they are and so the swamp is they they can't stay on Trump because he humiliated them you want to end mainstream media I'm hoping Trump does I think that's the one thing we may get out yeah yeah it's so the freedom of speech oh no no I believe in freedom of speech they don't but you talk about the chemotherapy you have to you have to move it like a Kyra move it like a cancer I don't think you're giving the fullness of the quote my final chapter is the one thing we might get out of Trump is that he could destroy the media that he could be like chemotherapy for the country you know it's terrible to go through you you lose your hair but in the end it kills the cancer cells so with Trump you vomit you lose your hair but the entire New York Times editorial board dies oh yay so then it can be rebuilt on more ethical long he's a click machine he has done he's really done a lot for the media he made the media love person you really been supporting me supporting him through through a lot let's say that and also no but but now he doesn't say think so anymore because you're disappointed right but what the difference between you and many liberals and is that you already support did he doesn't go far enough and these job-killing trade deals pull our troops back from it because you really won't that world right well that was it's not like it's you know just something I thought up every rally for 18 months that was the chance yeah and you still you still want it yes I think we a blowout if our ganna Murphy doesn't build it I think I think too many Europeans and Scandinavians your your thoughts are a bit foreign some would disagree strongly I think on your views on especially on the Mexican people and immigrants in general yeah immigrant point I feel like I'm the only one who actually really wants diversity if all we're going to have is this constant churning and concentration of immigration are y'all going to be we're all going to look alike there will be no difference there will be no culture I want to go to Sweden and and you know if you love B you need all my you lost five minutes since we know IKEA furniture go to Italy and have pasta I mean I think it works better if cultures stay in their own countries so you have genuine diversity as opposed to just all of you from land well don't have merica is all about immigration isn't it yeah but don't say you're for diversity you're for ending what culture actually no I'm not yes you are no I didn't say that well if you want everyone to be the same in all cultures to be likened for there to be no difference if I'm in I can wake up and not know if I'm in Mexico City gypped Sweden it is like this country isn't this country all about immigration no no no that's an invention is it yeah it's about freedom it's about that one one really successful British colony although Canada Australia aren't bad not as good as America I'm Coulter thank you so much hope you enjoyed the clip for more interesting conversations please hit subscribe
Channel: Skavlan
Views: 1,558,237
Rating: 4.633265 out of 5
Keywords: Skavlan, interview, talk show, Fredrik skavlan, talkshow, trump, ann, coulter, republican, author, commentator, donald, usa, president, the wall, penis, size
Id: hxTtjGamJtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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