Debate Between Jerry Springer and Ann Coulter Turns Nasty | Good Morning Britain

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he doesn't have the political experience that Hillary Clinton has lots of people are concerned about that about him about what a Trump White House would look like why should we trust a president Trump if that is the out well I think the biggest deficit to him not having any political experience so far and it's been hilarious to watch this has been a really really fun campaign is he hasn't learned the politicians trick of pretending to answer a question while not answering it so you ask him something whether it's in a debate or a TV interview and it's hilarious he just answers no politician does this it's so magnificent it's so refreshing and as for trusting him I think the reason you can trust him at least on the big issues building the wall of big major vetting for for future Muslim immigrants the trade deals is that he has come under enormous unprecedented attacks I mean I I didn't support him immediately after what I refer to as the Mexican rapist speech because I thought he was gonna back down I've been waiting for someone to have these positions forever 11 years ago Teddy Kennedy kills him in 11 years before he ran for president you're acting like you said that as part of his a campaign this is a dirty trick on maybe us saying we say doing not know is an absolute lie he did not face he says when you are a celebrity you can do XYZ breaking news with women like sleep with celebrities he did not say I do this that is a lie it's a media lie same tape everyone else to him but let's take Muslims and I've listened to the same lives I'm the media over and over again that everyone else does and that is a lot the Muslim point he has not insulted Muslims look this is a problem in this country why are we pretending that this is after San Bernardino after 9/11 after the Boston Marathon I wouldn't send out shooting when it's someone who is white and Christian we don't and commits a crime who aren't the mass murderer we don't say get out of the country yes thing to do comes a president the fact that you two are so animated and it is it seems so divisive how does whoever becomes president draw these two very divided sections of the electorate it's going to take time to heal not that but not that I'm not going to take it personal here it comes and so we have to heal because Frank sadly what we've done the election tomorrow is not about Clinton or Trump it's about we the American people what we want to represent to the rest of the world what we believe in whether we're serious about America being the shining light on the hill we've never had a Republican or Democratic president say the kind of things or have the policies that he's talking about in terms of Jerry let me ask you that is true right you've never had a candidate behaving or talking like Trump but I have been working out here along with you on America's Got Talent a few years I've lived in once in America for most of the last ten years there is no doubt that America has massive structural issues with the way in his run Washington is paralyzed Wall Street has far too much power there 1% get richer many other people are really suffering middle America is really suffering we know that 70% of Americans are not happy with the direction of the country what Trump represents if you get through all the rhetoric is some force for change that's different to that is that necessarily all a bad thing let's get well let's do it with somebody else and and you know I believe that in terms of you know it's Hillary who's talking about yes people at the top 1% should pay more in taxes that except we should do which we need to have we need to have a massive program to put people back to work which means infrastructure which means by building roads and schools and bridges and suffer there ways to do it okay race and it's the representative of American one thing no she's the one defending the hedge fund managers tax loophole not not Trump he's the only owner who that's another slander federal tax re calling your own security men during the show in a minute on the healing question it just shows how all that happens with Trump is absolute slander just proved by the facts it is Donald Trump who was bullied into taking that pledge that he had support the other Republican nominees he was gracious when he won and don't give me that frown because I'm fighting right I want to finish the healing point he took the pledge they all violated and then viciously attacked him he's reached out to than point to she has attacked his supporters calling them deplorable she attacked Bernie Sanders supporters saying they live in their parents basements he has never attacked her quarters he's not back in your cage here is a question for both three three a very quick answer tomorrow night British viewers will be watching this election unfold we got a live special for three and a half hours we'll be anchoring the whole thing could be very exciting what are the swing states the crucial state results that we should be looking for that if Trump wins them it's game on theme to win the presidency and similarly I'll come to you first and similarly Jerry question for you if Hillary wins them it looks like she's gonna win the presidency what are we looking for Florida Pennsylvania Michigan Oregon Minnesota I think he has North Carolina I think he has New Hampshire so he takes those he can probably doesn't need all of those those are ones that I think he is likely to take Jerry or do we look for if Hillary wins crucial swing states where are they where you would say she's president if we if Pennsylvania goes for Hillary then there is no path by witches you [Music]
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 1,452,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, morning breakfast show, itv morning, morning show, piers morgan, susanna reid, jerry springer, ann coulter, us election, clash, trump, clinton
Id: Yp3IiR8fFiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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