Everything You Never Knew About Animal Crossing for GameCube feat. Chuggaaconroy

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Iโ€™ve never heard it before... I think it may just be a song unrelated to AC they decided to use in the video.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/corticalization ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I doubt that's what it is, but it reminds me a lot of the song that plays in the mines in Harvest Moon; Magical Melody

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheEGGNog ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] Animal Crossing is a series that's quite literally run up with me and one that I've been following since the first US release we've come a long way from those days but there's something so interesting in nostalgic about the gamecube version that has kept me playing it more than any of the newer titles in fact if it wasn't for the crazy discussions and rumours that lived in the school playground there's a chance I never would have been introduced to the game at all over the years I've poured countless hours into the game discovering the secrets and rumours that make it so fun and exciting to play so whether you were a veteran of the franchise or you've never played this version before I want to rediscover what makes it so special my introduction to Animal Crossing actually came from elementary school discussions above the game which spawned many famous rumors some of these rumors were funny or quirky but there were quite a few that were actually pretty scary one of the most infamous cases of fright inducing characters was named Brutus over the years he's taken many different appearances and names though is most commonly represented as a purple Bulldog he allegedly wrote letters and binary code lived in a house full of fish that could freeze the game and even kidnap your villagers Brutus's main goal was to cause as much havoc in your town as possible before leaving these occurrences were so widely discussed back in the day he's become an urban legend within modern times no evidence of this character is in the game's files whatsoever although he was previously thought to exist as a beta character despite this there was an infamous photoshopped image of this character in game that was used to perpetuate the rumor although it seems to have been lost to time in a related case to Brutus there was a rumor regarding a fish called Deathwing who had red eyes and evil fangs assumingly this fish would spawn randomly and if you ended up catching it your entire town would allegedly be reset of course both of these time destruction rumors are totally false and players were often scared that some random event would cause the deletion of their town this was a common thought on the minds of players back in the day tell me if you've experienced this before you're walking along minding your own business and suddenly you spot your favorite bill when all of a sudden your friend gets really sad and doesn't want to talk anymore the resulting emotion that animal villagers have after their conversations end isn't random but it's actually based on how compatible their personalities are there are six personality types in the game cranky jock lazy snooty peppy and normal and each one is more or less compatible with another what's more interesting is that each gender has gender specific personality types the males are cranky jock and lazy while the females are snooty peppy and normal it's also worth pointing out that when any animal shows complete happiness they tend to speak rare or scarcely used lines of dialogue that you couldn't normally get them to say however this is not the only bit of insight they give you for example it's pretty well known that hitting animals with the net will cause them to get angry but did you know pushing them also causes this even excessively talking to them will bring out their anger which can be amusing in certain situations animals are even aware when your pockets are full which prevents you from accepting their work quests it's so cool to know this information and it gives so much more depth when it comes to knowing the habits of the animal villagers but characters were just one piece of the pie one of the most memorable item experiences players have an animal crossing for Gamecube where the NES games these were full playable nes games that could be obtained in many different ways whether it be one from the lottery or bought from crazy red or also obtained from animal island while a majority of these are obtainable in-game there's a few that elude most players these are known as the forbidden for this term refers to four NES games out of the in-game library that are unobtainable without the aid of outside resources these include ice climber Mario Bros Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda no Universal codes exist for these games nor can a code be generated ice climber and mario bros are obtainable by scanning special ereader cards that place them in the game fortunately these cards were rare even back then and have since become much scarcer in modern times the remaining two super mario bros in the Legend of Zelda are totally inaccessible without using an action replay Nintendo originally had plans to release these two games through ereader cards however the e-reader was discontinued before the cards could even be released leaving them in the code but inaccessible punch-out used to be a part of the Forbidden Forest and together they were formally known as the forbidden five however punch-out was actually released via a code generator on the official Animal Crossing website much of the Animal Crossing NES library was released in this manner you type in your player name and town name the website would generate a special code and you would enter that at Tom Nook shop unfortunately the Animal Crossing website is no longer available and the code generators do not work on the wayback machine have you ever been curious about that blank NES that doesn't have a game to play most people probably think it's just a generic looking console used to decorate your room in a more subtle way however this item is actually very special and holds a super secret unused feature a software security researcher named James chambers discovered that the NES emulator in Animal Crossing was designed to search the inserted memory card for roms when you interact with the blank NES a dialog box pops up saying there's no software in it in this moment the NES is scanning the memory card for available roms Nintendo never released any add-on NES roms for Animal Crossing so officially this feature goes unused in the NES console we'll never run anything in normal gameplay however James was able to put NES roms onto GameCube memory cards in a format Animal Crossing will recognize which is a pretty cool recreation of the potential this feature could have held there are a handful of strange rumors involving items that got passed around including a secret gyro and boxing match it was claimed that when the boxing room theme was complete - Jai Rhodes could be placed inside of the ring and they'd apparently start a punch-out styled boxing match when tested it becomes apparent that items cannot be placed inside of the ring at all so it totally debunked this but it's so absurd who wouldn't want to believe it something pretty cool that actually does work with the boxing set though is if you ring the judges Bell item while you have the ringside seating wallpaper the wallpaper will cheer like a crowd another item rumor claimed that the master sword could be pulled out of its Rock as long as the right wallpaper and flooring was used in your room the rumor never explained which wallpaper and flooring you need but like all of the common Nintendo items in the game they do nothing the Nintendo Power code set does perform actions when pressed like the super star which actually makes you flash as if you collected it in a Mario game it would have been an insanely cool easter egg if you could use the Master Sword as an axe but unfortunately you cannot for as much as we've talked about items we've only scratched the surface with the codes Animal Crossing uses a password system which allows items to be obtained from entering a case-sensitive code this is what's known as a universal code and almost every item in the game has one this includes items that aren't intended to be used by the player like the puffy vests and sweatshirts which are only worn by animals during certain events [Music] there are some robes that go on use to but you can use a code to get these as well [Music] additionally if one decides to go down a list of passwords on a game website you'd see some pretty interesting ones that spell out words or phrases some of the passwords that the items they give you are pretty shocking a video exists online which showcases some of these in action once tested it does confirm that they work some of the coolest codes in the entire game allow the player to obtain villager only items that are used in work quests such as the comic book glasses case and Pokemon Pikachu these items aren't attached to villagers and you could actually place them in your house unfortunately they don't have any visible model since they weren't intended to be used as decorations or seen outside the players pockets back in the day there was talk to the Pokemon Pikachu actually turned into a real Pikachu who followed you around your house which would have been a really cool feature though sadly does not exist there are also a lot of not for sale stationery sets in the catalog which cannot be acquired anywhere in the game Universal codes can be used for these two so you can get that snazzy hrรก exclusive paper and write your villagers some letters on it a very common and old rumor involves catching Tom Nook sleeping in his shop late at night of course the more exciting way that this was described on all forums was claiming you could break into Tom Nook shop after-hours and steal his items the latter part might be fabrication but there's actually some truth to this rumor while there's no way to seem look sleeping in the US version of Animal Crossing in the Japanese exclusive version two boots and amore E+ can simply tap the back of a shop with your shovel three times then the lights turn on and the doors unlock upon entering look walks around half asleep and you can still even purchase the items of course there's no way to steal the stuff in any version of the game so that part remains a fake rumor but if you did maybe he'd get the same text that generates when you don't show up for work in your uniform after his outburst is over Tom Nook surprisingly lets the player wear whatever they would the next location involves mr. Resetti and being able to see his house there was a rumor that claimed you could find Rossetti's house in the US version of the game unfortunately that's not the case however in de Boonton amore plus if you tap a cracked rock with your shovel you can fall into the reset surveillance center and walk around similarly people discussed an instance where resetti could borrow himself into your house from underground although that's just false curiously while you can't visit the surveillance center in the US version you can get his theme music to play inside your house it's actually triggered by a code that replaces all game music with Rossetti's theme Arana Clee resetting the game removes the music believe it or not the post office is one of the best locations in the game to discover secrets and is probably not somewhere you'd expect to find secrets at all this time we're going to uncover some rare dialogue that many players have probably never seen when you go to mail a letter Pelle helps guide the player through the process which ultimately leads it to being placed behind the counter for delivery however there are certain circumstances that prevent letters from being mailed and this is where things get interesting if you try to mail a letter to another player whose mailbox is already full Pelle rejects it and says the recipient must clear out their mailbox first that probably doesn't happen too often but there's an even rarer occurrence we can create if we know another player has at least one free space in their mailbox but attempt to mail two letters at the same time the first one will be accepted but the second one gets rejected her dialog becomes slightly different compared to the first time even name-dropping Piet that's not all though as there's a third rare dialogue but this one you can't create instantly there was a rumor that got passed around back in the day which claimed if you wrote a letter to an animal but never actually mailed it that would prevent the animal from moving out of town this would be useful if it actually worked but it doesn't so when I tried it I was left with letters to animals who no longer live in my town these have been sitting in my pockets for years so what happens when he tried to mail them [Music] I'm surprised they went this far with all the different dialogue Pelle has when they could have easily had a copy/paste rejection message for all the circumstances I wonder what Pelle would say if you tried to throw out a letter indoors because don't forget you can't throw away letters inside that option only becomes available when you're standing outside the police station is another interesting location in the game but not really because of anything inside though those posters on the wall are pretty mysterious and if you click on an item your character freezes in place when they're supposed to continue their idle animation but we want to direct our attention outside to Officer copper now most people probably suspect that copper is one of the most static NPC's in the game he always stands there never moves never shows emotions doesn't really do anything except changes dialogue from whatever there's town goings-on however that's completely wrong copper is just so good at doing his job you almost never see him do anything else but if you show up at the right times he does perform other actions such as buying turnips from Joan buying wallpaper from Wendel and even sleeping yeah officer copper has a sleeping animation it's very shocking to discover the secret which was documented at 2:00 a.m. though if you get too close he will wake up sneaking up behind the station should give you the best look there's one spot in every Animal Crossing town which always made me wonder the dump it's a little fenced area of the game where you can drop off your unwanted items for disposal what's so curious about this place though is the fact that it exists yet there are no special events or characters connected to it there's even a signpost detailing the times when it gets emptied but no one's ever seen emptying it and quitting out of the game is the only way for the Edom's to vanish I recall hearing some rumors back in the day about a gorilla riding around in a garbage truck who collects trash but that just isn't true you can grab whatever's been left there for yourself which is useful for finding an item you've been after but overall this location seems like a mysteriously abandoned place there are a lot of glitches in Animal Crossing GCN but by far one of the coolest glitches found in the game actually send you to a beta map this glitch utilizes a wrong warp by entering the post office as the hourly music fades on the same day as the sports fair after paying off your debt and then leaving the game attempts to play your debt dance at the same time as the sports fair announcer calls the next event this overlap in action confuses the game and clips your character through the floor for a second afterwards they respawn in the beta map there are a few different places to explore in this area the entire map is very clearly a testing zone for various terrains structure placement and villager movements it's really fun to check out for yourself though there is no way to get out other than a game reset so it's advised that you use a throwaway town when attempting this [Music] [Music] keh keh slider has a big library of songs to obtain in Animal Crossing GCN 55 air checks that can be played back at the players house three of these songs kick a song two days ago and I love you can only be obtained when requested however there are an additional three songs that exist if the player enters an invalid song request these songs are forced life my place ant to the edge interestingly these songs technically do not exist in the game as they cannot be obtained and didn't exist as real songs until the boot tsunemori + and onward regardless it's cool how invalid songs eventually became part of KK sliders library did you guys ever expect there to be secrets on the boat ride to the island well there certainly are one of the most historical rumors in the series belongs to the whale the whale is an extremely rare event that for a very long time had eluded all visual evidence so any claims online were regarded as a hoax The Legend of the whale remained that way for many many years until in 2013 video proof surfaced of the fabled whale encounter essentially the whale is a huge shadow that lingers beneath your boat it never rises to the surface and since it's never intended to be seen above the water it doesn't have an in-game model so you can't catch it even through hacking rumor has it that precise conditions will cause it to bite but this remains completely unconcerned to this day it's one of the rarest occurrences with an animal crossing and very few players have ever experienced it similar to the whale you'll occasionally see Gulliver drifting pie in the water although this occurrence is far more common than that of the way when someone asks you what your favorite video game is what do you tell them is it a nostalgic title or a hidden gem you discovered later for me this question is answered simply by asking myself if I could only play one video game for the rest of my life what would it be without a doubt my answer to that is Animal Crossing on GameCube from the first time I started my town back in elementary school to having finally completed the museum only a couple years ago I love this game and can always find ways to keep busy or discover something new there is something so magical and pure about this version of the game that I feel will never be created again and for that reason I'll never stop playing or discovering the secrets about it this video couldn't have been produced without some help so a special thanks to art school life for the title card and animations Brubeck for the capture card jacks cheese for the original music compositions and check a Conroy for the narrations if you enjoyed this video check out my other Animal Crossing content thanks for watching and until next time fin [Music]
Channel: LSuperSonicQ
Views: 878,859
Rating: 4.8801246 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal, crossing, gamecube, nintendo, animal crossing gamecube, lsupersonicq, chuggaconroy, lssq, tom nook, obscure, animal crossing rare, nintendo gamecube, rumor, playground rumor, pelly, mr. resetti, animal crossing new horizons, totakeke, k.k. slider, kk, song, post office, doubutsu no mori, doubutsu no mori e+, secrets, chugga, mystery, brurtus, nes game, forbidden four nes, e reader card, animal forest, nintendo 64, animal crossing beta, wrong warp
Id: oEfFt149G6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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