Angular vs Vue in 2024 - Make the RIGHT Choice (Difference Explained)

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so you have probably heard about angular and view there are these super popular framework that developers use to build comprehensive user interfaces but you as a developer May face a challenging decision which of these two technologies should be used in a particular project my name is Daniel and today we will talk about angular versus you we will explore their pros and cons similarities and differences we will try to figure out which of these Frameworks is best for different types of projects and of course folks just in case you want to learn more about these Technologies I will leave some useful links in the description feel free to check them out after you watch this video and now let's dive in view versus angler what are they good for guys before we start comparing these two Frameworks let's discuss what they were made for as you know each technology is created with a certain goal in mind and when you understand what the goal is it's it's easier to make the right choice angular now angular created by Google in 2010 it's a Top Choice for corporate project because of its extensive features and high performance unlike other Frameworks angular doesn't slow down applications it offers inuu tools and libraries each code can be reused across various platforms making development flexible plus it has Dynamic UI binding and two-way data binding essential elements in its design and guys angular has a bunch of advantages that make it so popular with developers typescript based first of all guys it's a typescript programming language created by Microsoft that's free and open source it adds static typing with optional type annotations to JavaScript typescript and JavaScript superet enhances code quality with robust navigation refactoring and up to complete features that reduces errors in large scale applications backed by Google another Advantage is that the framework is backed by Google that includes comprehensive documentation and possibilities for future framework expansions next thing is high performance thanks to hierarchical dependency injection IV rendering aot compiler differential loading and support for angular Universal the framework's performance is outstanding updated Guidance the angular CLI offers timely suggestions for dependencies loaders and plugin thanks to this developers stay up to date with the latest recommendations seamless Integrations angular allows effortless integration of thirdparty applications this gives developers flexibility and lots of tools for streamline development finally it's customizability developers can integrate elements and modules from other Frameworks adjusting them to their needs the thing is angular HTML elements can be easily reused and managed by wrapping them as Doom elements so as you can see guys there is a lot of love about angular but now let's have a look at view view also called fjs is all about clean and elegant designs imagine a framework that combines powerful web tools with Simplicity that's view for you now here is a cool fact View's Creator was inspired by angular he took that inspiration and crafted view a framework that lets you build modern front end Web projects easily one of you stand out features is its Progressive nature it's Dynamic meaning you can twak your application code without messing up the core functionality plus view offers incredible flexibility you can easily add custom modules and visual components tailoring your web applications to perfection in other words guys there are a lot of advantages to enjoy first off view is all about flexibility it lets you smoothly integrated into your existing code base without breaking your workflow conventional approach another cool part about it is that view takes a conventional approach it doesn't complicate things with unnecessary boilerplate code instead it streamlines the process making application development faster and more straightforward and finally functional extension view offers a functional extension providing a set of powerful apis these function-based features allow you to create flexible and extensive component logic so Folks by the look of it view doesn't like behind angular similarities between angular and view guys before we Mo I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it fun instead of boring and in return I just asked to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you enjoy the content I make that's all people remember I mentioned that the creator of you used angular as his inspiration well that means that these two JavaScript Frameworks have have a lot in common so let's talk about the biggest similarities between them component based architecture both angular and view works like building blocks they break down user interfaces into smaller reusable Parts called components these components are like logo pieces that you can create individually reactive data binding reactive data binding links your data directly to what users see that's why when your data changes your display updates automat ically without you're doing extra work both View and angular makes this magic happen in real time declarative programming View and angular may look different but they both share a cool feature declarative programming style instead of listing step-by-step instructions you just describe what you want to achieve Community boss angular and VI have big developer communities where people suggest improve and support the Frameworks they shape the feat features fix issues and often help other developers angular versus view main differences all right my friends vuejs and angular are both tools for crafting different typ of applications using JavaScript however in many areas they are different these areas for example are cor architecture performance reactivity and others but let's talk about this in more detail architecture angular is like the full package architect mvvm model great for crafting detailed and complex applications besides it supports all kinds of server side languages this makes angular super versatile view is like the front and decorator view model only it's great at enhance in the look but it's not your go-to for the whole building so in simple words angular is the all-in-one view is for the front end only reactivity angular is completely based on Javas script it's great for real time apps view also uses HTML and CSS and is perfect for crafting single page applications it automatically displays any updates error handling angular addresses errors during compile time view takes care of them on the go during runtime features angular comes back with build-in features like routing forms and dependency injection it's ideal for heavy duty projects View is more lightweight and great for single page projects performance when it comes to speed view is much faster why the thing is view keeps it light with the focus on The View layer view also gets a boost from the virtual Doom adding extra speed across platforms angular with its multiple build-in features is a bit heavier and takes a bit more time for tasks okay guys and now we come to the main question which framework should you choose for your project view or angular so all things consider it which is better view or angular well guys as it often happens with Technologies like this there is no definitive answer here why I can say that both Frameworks have their own perks angular is reliable and battle tested and few is quick and straightforward the choice between them boils down to your specific needs and your Project's goals and when it comes to you I think it make more sense to use it for dynamic applications UI focused projects portfolio and image intensive websites and single page apps on the other hand angular is a more suitable choice for applications that need robust functionality especially for larger teams and scalable projects so my fellow developers it's best to use it for crossplatform and hybrid web development big projects and Enterprise software apps demanding and server s rendering but guys it also depends on the project development strategy and your Dev team's capabilities that's why it's all about finding the right feat for your project goals carer opportunities of course there is one more important question will learning in these Technologies land you a high paying job all right if you are planning to become an angular or VI developer there is no need to worry according to a recent stock overflow survey angular is a mon top five most popular web Frameworks and bu doesn't L far behind that means the demand for angular and few developers remains High glas door reports that angular developers in the United States can earn as much as 125,000 a year at the same time view developers can earn up to 156,000 a year freelance angular developers earn between $16 and $30 per hour and VI Freelancers earn around1 19 to $35 per hour so as you can see folks there is a substantial difference when it comes to in-house jobs and not so much in terms of freelancing all right my fellow developers that's all for my angular and few comparison I left all the useful links in the description so you can boost your skills with angular and VI feel free to check them out and if you found my content enjoyable don't forget to give it a thumb up and subscribe to watch more videos like this one and finally guys thanks for watching until next [Music] time
Channel: Daniel Dan | Tech & Data
Views: 14,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angular vs vue, angular vs vue 2024, vue vs angular, vue vs angular 2024, angular and vue, angular vs vue difference, angular vs vue comparison
Id: n0QD774gRrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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