How I Would Learn Python FAST in 2024 (from zero)

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hello and welcome if you have watched my videos you know that python is my favorite programming language I've been coding in Python for 4 years and I use it in all my coding interviews as well as my personal projects in this video I'm going to teach you how to Learn Python fast but I'm not going to teach you all the tactics that a lot of fake gurus online are promoting like how to learn any language in 5 minutes 10 minutes an hour that's not going to happen any skill takes time and you cannot expect to achieve Mastery overnight however if you're willing to put in the work and you follow my strategy I can guarantee you will save a lot of time in your journey and you will get to where you want to be much faster without further Ado let's Dive In step one pick a beginner course I highly recommend you pick a programming course to Learn Python especially if you are beginner watching random tutorials or reading books when you have no experience with the language is a waste of time most of the time you're going to give up because it's too difficult for me I started by taking a beginner python course at my University if you are in college and your school offer a python course I highly suggest you take it otherwise if you're no longer in college or if you just want to start immediately then there are a few online options that I found valuable for beginners the first option is cademy python course this course cover all the basic topics that you need to know in Python including control flows list Loops functions classes a Diaries Etc moreover it has a building IDE so you can write and execute your code on the platform without worrying about installing tools and software the concepts are well explained so the program is suitable for beginners the second option I suggest is zero to hero in Python by educative this program will teach you everything you need to start using the language comfortably you will learn about python fundamentals object oriented programming and different data structures the best thing about this program is at the end of the course they will teach you how to be a desktop app using Python and Tinker so you can apply what you learn this is a PID product however if you're serious about leveling up your python skills I believe the Cor course it worth your investment I put the links of the courses in the description so feel free to check them out step two practice practice practice the only way to get good at anything not just coding is practice you have to put in the effort to get the result that you want the more time and hours that you put into your practice the better you become at a subject in addition the good thing about practicing a lot is that you will make a lot of mistakes your your code will crash more times than you think and that's a good thing if you never fail you will never learn I recently watch a podcast from Andrew hberman on how to learn any skill fast and he said the only way to learn a skill fast is repetitions failures more repetitions more failures making mistakes and adjusting your behaviors based on your mistakes is the best way to level up your programming skill so set a blot of time during the Day When You Learn Python if you're a beginner I highly suggest you only spend one hour per day studying when you new to programming things can be overwhelming your goal is to be consistent you don't need to do a lot of work at first when you are comfortable with this amount of work you can slightly increase your studying time step three studies marked learning programming isn't easy so you need a strategy to get to your desire goal faster without spending too much time I highly suggest you practice something called Flow State Flow State AKA get in the zone is a state of mind when you are totally focusing on what you are doing usually it is when your mind is completely empty and you don't think about anything else except for the task at hand when you experience flow Stak your performance is the best your work is deep and you get more done in less time I will make another video about how to achieve Flow State in programming in the future so subscribe so that you don't miss it secondly you should practice python using coding interview questions actually this is the way that I got good at python you can find coding problems from any source and try to implement them in Python when you solve this problems you will use most of the fundamentals of the language such as Loops different data structures and different syntax optimizations syntax optimization means you write your code in a cleaner way this way you you basically kill two birds with one stone because you improve both your python skill and your coding interview skill finally you should do something called deliberate practice I learned this concept from a YouTuber named Andy STS there are two main component in the practice that I found useful first you need a clear and well defined goal when you sit in front of your desk you only have a few hours and you want to maximize your focus so before you start your section you should have a clear going your mind so that you don't waste your time and energy on finding thing the thing to learn later the second component is focusing on your Witnesses if you want to improve your coding skill you need to focus on your Witnesses because they detay your success you fail at something because you make mistakes you make mistakes because you have witnesses so when you practice try to identify your Witnesses and focus on these areas on future sections step four using Project based learning if you implemented the previous steps I'm confident that you'll be comfortable writing python code by now it's time to take your python skills to the next level and the best way to do that is building projects there are two ideas that found valuable especially if you want to build a project for your resume the first one is building a website python is a powerful language for backend development with two Frameworks flask and Jango if you're a beginner I suggest you choose flask because it's more simple but if you're an advanced programmer with more experience in SQL and database system then Jango is a better option because have more customizations for you also when you finish building a back end of a website you should spend some time learning HTML CSS and JavaScript to be the front end and create a complete website a more advanced idea is building data science projects with the development of AI and machine learning python has become the key language in this area there are many great python libraries for data sign projects including numpy psychic learn pandas and mat blood lip however this project require some knowledge in data science so if you're a beginner and you don't have much experience in programming building a website is a way to go that's it for this video I hope you enjoy it if you like the video pleas please like And subscribe that support the channel a lot and I will see you in the next video peace
Channel: Bao Nguyen
Views: 24,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a0rcq7HfzeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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