Is React Better than Angular?

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hi and welcome everyone I'm Gavin law okay so it's time to compare the two Titans of the JavaScript single page application technology World react and angular at this point we have a plethora would you say I have a plethora of front-end libraries and Frameworks from which we can choose in order to implement our front-end user interactive functionality oh yes you have a BL some examples include Blazer View spelt HDMX and of course angular and react all of these technologies have their great qualities but of course it's clear that the two most renowned and popular front-end Spar Technologies on the web today are angular and react so when it comes to building front-end UI user interaction functionality on the web which of these two technologies should we choose and why angular or react at the end of this video I'm I'm going to wear my heart on my sleeve and tell you which of these Technologies I prefer and why please let me know in the comments section which of these Technologies you prefer and why there's no way I can cover all aspects of these two excellent front-end Spar Technologies in this video so please feel free to add any important points in the comment section that you feel I should have included in this video the older of these two front-end Technologies is angular so let's start by looking at an overview of angular we'll then look at an overview of react and then we'll be in a position to compare these two great Technologies in a head-to-head clash and discuss which of these Technologies is the best one to choose and why angular was first released in 2010 and was created by Google the first version of angular is called angularjs angular version 2 was released on the 14th of September 2016 by Google at the time this was seen as a controversial release of angular by many developers as it introduced drastic changes to the framework so much so that when referring to angular version 2 and onwards the name angular is now used and angularjs only now refers to the first version of angular in this video we are only interested in angular and not angularjs which as discussed was the first release of angular angular is a typescript based free and open- source single page web application framework created by Google it is maintained by the angular team at Google a community of individuals and corporations angular is a complete rewrite of the framework that was done by the same team at Google that built angularjs its primary use is to provide a framework for developers to develop high- performing UI interaction functionality for spa or single page applications on the web and is a full front-end framework which provides a consistent structure for developers so that developers don't have to build code from scratch one of angular's key features is that design patterns like MVC can be leveraged to provide a clear separation of concerns concerns like markup styling data services and controllers so that especially when an application scales the code remains easy to maintain because individual aspects of the application have a clear single responsibility so this ultimately provides a framework that Fosters cleaner code features like dependency injection can easily be leveraged for integrating reusable Services into a potentially large number of front-end components two-way data binding is available by default in the angular framework react is a JavaScript based UI development library that was developed by Facebook its primary purpose is for the use of creating High performing front end UI user interactive functionality for single page applications on the web react was first released on May the 29th 2013 a key feature of react is the facilitation of high- Performing responsive uis ensured in a large part by the use of a unique concept that comes with react known as the virtual Dom which facilitates front-end component rendering optimizations the Simplicity of react makes it fairly easy to learn react has huge Community backing as well as a massive selection of thirdparty libraries created by other react developers that can be easily integrated into your react applications in order to add Rich front-end functionality to your react applications react applications allow developers to split up the UI into small Loosely coupled components where one-way binding of data is built into react by default oneway data binding arguably makes react applications easier to maintain and understand when compared to front-end Frameworks that facilitate two-way data binding similarities between react and angular both Technologies are open source and primarily used for the creation of high performing UI user interactive functionality for Spar single page applications on the web where the UI is split up into smaller Loosely coupled components both angular and react facilitate a component-based architecture the component-based architecture makes it easier to build and maintain complex uis as well as provide the ability to reuse components across the application both technologies have large ecosystems that support a wide range of thirdparty libraries that can easily be integrated into the front-end applications in order to provide Rich responsive UI functionality both angular and react are maintained by large tech companies as well as have huge Community Support react is maintained by meta formerly Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies angular is maintained by Google and a community of individual developers and companies these two technologies are the most popular Solutions adopted for providing front-end UI user interactive functionality on the web both Technologies can also be used for creating crossplatform native Mobile Solutions a technology named ionic can be leveraged to create angular solutions for crossplatform mobile applications a technology named react native can be leveraged to create react solutions for crossplatform mobile applications both Technologies provide excellent front-end UI user interactive performance on the web they are both very powerful and efficient tools for building complex and dynamic user interfaces by default both react and angular applications are built at as client side rendered applications where the entire application logic and rendering are handled in the browser however server side rendering or SSR can also be implemented for both react and angular components in both react and angular State Management can be handled effectively through thirdparty libraries in react Redux can be leveraged for this purpose and an angular ngrx can be leveraged for this purpose differ between react and angular angular is a full front-end Spar framework and react is a front-end Spar Library react was the first mainstream framework to use a virtual Dom a virtual Dom ensures that react components respond in an efficient and smooth way as a result of changes made to a web page made through user interactions with the relevant web page so how does the virtual Dom make updates to react web pages efficiently and smoothly a new virtual Dom tree is created for every component every time it gets rendered react compares the new virtual Dom tree with the old virtual Dom tree and subsequently applies the appropriate transformations to the browser Dom so that it matches the new virtual Dom tree angular IV is a relatively new angular renderer with the version 9 release of angular the new compiler and runtime instructions are used by default instead of the older compiler and runtime known as view engine angular Ivy is the code name for angular's Next Generation compilation and rendering pipeline angular IV is radically different from anything currently used in mainstream Frameworks because it uses what's known as an incremental Dom the incremental Dom is used internally at Google basically how the incremental Dom works is that every component gets compiled into a series of instructions these instructions create create Dom trees and update them in place when the data changes react uses one-way data binding by default and angular uses two-way data binding by default angular uses a templated approach for the creation of its components where a distinct separation of concerns is maintained through well-known design patterns like MVC model view controller and the factory pattern dependency injection is also leveraged to facilitate a separation of concerns between mark code and service related code like for example code used to make HTTP requests to web apis react components are implemented using a unique concept known as jsx which stands for JavaScript and XML with jsx XML is used in react components to represent the HTML markup that is ultimately rendered in the user browser and behavioral functionality is meshed with the XML code and is implemented through the use of vanilla JavaScript typescript is used throughout angular applications and although typescript can be used in react applications vanilla JavaScript is mostly used for the facilitation of Behavioral functionality in react applications the following prominent companies have adopted angular Google Microsoft PayPal IBM Deutsche Bank upwork Forbes Samsung Rockstar Games and the guardian the following prominent companies have adopted react Facebook Instagram Netflix WhatsApp New York Times Yahoo Dropbox Discord Uber Eats atlassian advantages of angular many developers may prefer the clean architecture and separation of concerns that is easily achieved when creating angular applications the MVC design pattern and Factory pattern are integral to angular applications these design patterns effectively facilitate a separation of concerns and timately cleaner code dependency injection is also available in angular applications where for example services for calling HTTP end points can be injected and reused by multiple components across the angular application the use of typescript in angular is advantageous for angular developers because this means that angular developers can leverage the use of a strongly typed programming language to preempt data type related errors before the code is compiled and deployed into production so this facilitates better code robustness at runtime unique Concepts like jsx do not need to be learned in order to create angular applications where markup is implemented directly using HTML CSS is used for styling and typescript is used for the implementation of Behavioral functionality excellent documentation is freely available that can be used by aspiring angular developers and seasoned angular developers to learn and keep up to date with current Trends angular has a large community base that can help angular developers with issues that may arise When developing angular applications there are many excellent thirdparty libraries available that can be integrated into angular applications to provide Rich responsive uis on the web the incremental Dom facilitates efficient rendering of components and therefore excellent user interaction functionality on the web so this ensures an excellent ux user experience in angular applications there is extensive browser support for angular applications advantages of react react is generally much easier to learn than angular react's architecture is simpler in many ways for example by default react supports oneway data binding the virtual Dom ensures fast rendering of components resulting from user interactions with the UI react is the most popular front-end Spa technology around around today and therefore has a large pool of excellent thirdparty libraries available for react developers to integrate into their applications in order to create responsive uis that are rich in functionality on the web there are a large pool of react developers that will readily help you solve any issues that may arise with your react applications there is excellent freely available documentation on react so it is easy for aspiring react developers to learn react and for seasoned react developers to refresh their knowledge as well as stay up to date with the latest enhancements and features small bundle sizes ensure fast and efficient initial load times for react components there is extensive browser support for react applications so which of these two popular frontend JavaScript based Technologies do we choose now this is a very difficult choice these are two of the best and most popular Spa frame work is available today so as promised I'm going to wear my heart on my sleeve teing me aart and tell you which of these two excellent Technologies I choose as my favorite JavaScript based front-end Spar technology for me the clear winner is react the main reason I choose react is because of its innate Simplicity while still providing high performance and Powerful functionality for me the choice comes down to the Simplicity of react why make life any harder than it has to be You could argue that the component architecture is better in angular where a clear separation of concerns is maintained using for example the MVC design pattern and Factory pattern dependency injection is also extensively used in angular applications ensuring a clear separation of concerns dependency injection also facilitates better unit testing as an application scales the clean architecture facilitated in angular applications will no doubt pay dividends I still however prefer the Simplicity of react I know many developers say that react has a performance advantage over angular but I also know that many angular developers would dispute this in angular's favor is the use of typescript being a c Enthusiast myself I much prefer working with strongly typed languages than for example a dynamically typed language like JavaScript so the use of typescript is a clear Advantage as discussed what is most attractive for me about react is its Simplicity one example of react Simplicity is the use of one-way datab binding the steeper learning curve involved in learning the more complicated angular also makes react a better choice in my opinion a continuous journey of Discovery and learning is an integral part of every developer's life one of my most treasured guiding lights as I progress in my Journey as a developer is this well-known quote from Albert Einstein keep it simple but no simpler than it has to be those are my thoughts on why I ultimately prefer react to angular however at the same time I acknowledge the great qualities in angular so please let me know in the comments section which of these Technologies you prefer and why if your company is hiring Developers for the creation of a Greenfield project and your choice is between hiring angular developers or react developers it will be far easier to find skilled react developers than angular developers if for example your company needs to build a complex front-end application that needs to be highly scalable angular can be a great choice because its architecture is great for creating a separation of concerns and therefore this can result in cleaner easier to maintain code however due to the complexity of angular in comparison to react this may also mean that extra time and cost may be needed to create your application react is far simpler and easier to learn and therefore this may save you time and money When developing your project another factor to consider is what skills you already have at your company if you already have typescript and angular skills angular could be considered however if you have a greater number of react developers already working at your company I would strongly recommend react due to the time and cost this may Save You When developing your project so as an aspiring developer wanting to learn either react or angular salary might be your criteria in which case I recommend researching the companies in and around your area in which you live and what these companies pay react and angular developers of course if you want to make yourself stand out and be far more marketable as a develop veler you can learn both angular and react in which case I strongly advise you to learn react first as discussed react generally takes less time to learn than angular and you can learn the fundamentals of how Spa applications work before learning the more complicated of the two front-end Technologies angular it may just come down to personal preference you may just prefer the way one technology looks over the other I hope you've enjoyed this video If if you like this video please hit the like button and please consider subscribing please also ring the bell so that you'll be notified of future content please feel free to share this video with anyone you feel May benefit from its content if you'd like to thank me by buying me a coffee you can do this through my buy me a coffee web page at this URL it will of course be greatly appreciated I love reading your comments so please feel free to engage with me in the comments section I've recently joined X formerly Twitter so it would be great if you followed me on x my username is @gavin laon digital I hope to see you soon thank you and take [Music] care
Channel: Gavin Lon
Views: 2,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F-Di-niuAJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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