Next js vs React - (2024) Difference Explained

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next GS and react become the most popular Solutions among web developers no matter if you a web developer or a business owner you want to choose the best technology for your projects that suits them perfectly my name is Daniel and today we will discuss nextjs versus react we will understand which one might be the best to meet your goals we will explore the pros and cons of using nextjs alongside react what they are used for and carrier opportunities for react and next developers also guys if you want to learn more about these Technologies I left some useful links in the description down below so let's go folks react and next GS what are they for okay before we dive into talking about these two tools there is something important to point out when it comes to react and next it's more of a partnership not competition think of react as the core tool for building user interfaces and next JS steps in as the production ready framework for react in other words nextjs is a react based framework tailored for creating server side rendered apps it's all about making react even more powerful and versatile that's why guys it won't be much of a comparison but an attempt to explore what react brings to the table and how next GS enhances its fundamental features all right and now it's time to answer a few important questions what is the purpose of next and react what are the main strings of next and react and what are they commonly used for I think this will help you understand these JavaScript tools better react react introduced by meta is your goto JavaScript library for the creating Dynamic user interfaces with this userfriendly components you can easily design interactive uis these components receive input data and smoothly render the display that's why it can do anything from a basic word message to Advanced UI packed with reach data it's all about making UI design simple and efficient react has a number of strong features that made it one of the most popular front-end libraries today enhanced performance react utilizes a virtual Doom ensuring efficiency by updating only the components that have changed instead of re-rendering the entire Doom component reusability react's component-based architecture is a game changer once you create a component you can use it across your application simplified debugging react simplifies the debugging process by using unidirectional data flow from parent to child components and this makes it easier to trace issues react is great for building Dynamic SEO friendly websites s apps social media platforms single page applications interactive dashboards visualization tools and video streaming platforms next next GS all right and now guys let's talk about next GS next is the open- source framework for react it offers the tools you need to build high performance web applications big players like twitch Tik Tok and Uber have are already successfully using it what sets nextjs apart is the exceptional developer experience it offers for creating fast SEO friendly apps this means you can skip the trouble of dealing with extensive configurations and right into building your app people in simple words it's all about making your life easier as a developer next has a lot of advantages some of them for example are easy coding nextjs streamlines the coding process it reduces code volume and enhance readability and as a result simplifies project management speed applications built with snack JS are lightning fast due to server site rendering and static generation this optimizes data handling and ensures quick responses real time rendering every file change is instantly visible upon page refresh API integration nextjs seamlessly connects to thirdparty apis expanding project possibilities and enabling the creation of custom API routes all this makes next a great choice when building EOB stores block single page apps interactive UI and Status websites react versus majs disadvantages guys before we Mo on I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it fun instead of boring and in return I just asked to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed the content I make that's all so as you can see folks there is a large number of benefits that both react and next can offer however they are not perfect there are some things that web developers might find annoying react two of react's biggest downsides are they like libraries very narrow purpose and documentation issues this thing is react focuses on creating user interfaces and relies on complimentary tools to unleash its full capabilities also reacts insane development leads to quickly outdated documentation the supportive Community helps with questions but still it requires consistently learning due to react evolving features next GS all right let's talk about next now the problems of this Frame work are about routing and Community all right first of all nextjs uses a file system based routing system but for damic routs Proficiency in no GS is necessary besides the nextjs developer Community is still very small and there is much fever experts compared for example to react react versus nextjs main differences people as I said early the react library and the next framework cannot be competitors they don't compete with each other instead they work together however there is a number of interesting differences between these two JavaScript tools I hope they will help you decide if you want to use them in combination or not development speed nextjs comes with build-in features that make developing Advanced react apps easier in nextg 12 they introduced their own compiler that speeds up the building process and this means web developers use nextjs spend less time waiting for COD to refresh data fing and performance guys here is an important moment performance is one of the major features that differs react from react combined with next next GS can efficiently Fage data from the server by traversing the react three this allows Pages served by nexj to load faster because they can preload data in contrast vanilla react apps often take longer to load as they Fage data on the client side rendering and seal nextjs offers pre rendering a technique where pages are generated in advance and this benefits Sal strategies greatly but in react pages are usually rendered on the client side making it harder to implement effective SE techniques routing nextjs has a predefined file system for routing providing a structured approach while react offers various routing options through libraries like react router nextjs simplifies the process by using a predefined system making page set up and routing easier configuration when it comes to configuration react has limitations it doesn't provide robot support and unless you DED from the standard create react app you cannot easily change settings in contrast snjs can be customized in a lot of ways should you use react with snack GS today so guys here comes one of the main questions does it make a lot of sense to use next for your react projects all right try to think about nextjs as a turbo boost for react nextjs provides enhanced structure and rendering features to react basically it acts as a powerful engine for react capabilities next Builds on top of react utilizing familiar tools like redex and hooks it improves the already robust react functionality and Rise it to a new level there are lots of ways for Nex to improve your react projects essential tools like routing code splitting and image optimization come prepacked in nextjs that's why developers don't need to spend time configuring them manually this makes nextjs incredibly userfriendly developers can die right into coding they code logic without any trouble and of course decision to use next for your react apps or maybe not will always depend on your project requirements sometimes enhance functionality is necessary and sometimes just a react is more than enough carrier opportunities okay does it pay enough to learn react with next GS and what is the demand for them well guys I'm glad to tell you that react developers have been in high demand yes yeah and I think they will continue like that in the future moreover it's especially valid if you know nextjs as well if you go to glass door you will see a lot of listings for frontend developers with react and nextjs skills and the average annual salary for react developers in the United States is around 88,000 all right my fellow developers that's all about react versus nextjs comparison don't forget I left all the useful links in the description feel free to check them out so you can easily boost your knowledge and if you found this content enjoyable don't forget to give it a thumb up and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to hit subscribe button and finally thanks for watching until next [Music] time
Channel: Daniel Dan | Tech & Data
Views: 23,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: next js vs react, next js vs react 2024, next vs react 2024, nextjs vs react 2024, nextjs vs reactjs, react vs next js, react vs next js 2024, react vs next 2024, next js and react difference
Id: WeyDovgSen4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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