Svelte vs React in 2024 - Make the RIGHT Choice (Difference Explained)

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as a web developer swth and react are two powerful tools you cannot ignore they each bring a lot of great stuff to web development this cool features and perks for developers my name is Daniel and today we will die into the topic of SW versus react we will break down their advantages and disadvantages we will talk about their similarities and differences by end you will have a solid idea of which framework might be the perfect match for your project and folks just in case you want to learn more about these Technologies I will leave some useful links in the description but now let's get into it swell versus react what makes them good all right guys but before we dive deep into this comparison I think there is something important to talk about you see guys none of these tools are bad they both have great advantages and are extremely popular among developers so let's see what react and swell were made for and what that makes them great react react is this widely low JavaScript library created back in 2013 it's your go to tools for building neat interactive user interfaces on web applications and react is famous for its main features jsx GSX allows you to mix HTML right into your Javascript file and here is a quir it uses class name instead of class for styling virtual Doom it's like a lightweight clone of the real do M when Stu changes virtual theom updates only what needs a makeover not the entire code modularity react low things by sized you can create these small reusable Cod nuggets call components they are easy to update and maintain and thanks to all these guys react has strong advantages that most developers know and love components you can break down your code into tiny reusable pieces with reacts component base Magic extens I Library support this means you can expand your app's Powers by plugging in various libraries need authentication reacts got your back declarative style this react interactive interfaces become a piece of cake reacts declarative use keep your code readable and thebug friendly react is an allpurpose tool from social media hubs to education wonders react is your goto for crafting diverse web applications all right now that you know what react is good at let's move to swell swell it is a cool front end JavaScript framework for crafting web app interfaces created by Rich Harris back in 2016 it's a brainchild of his work on ractive JS a UI library for super Dynamic B apps just like react swel has a number of core features that make it so useful swel is reactive what it means is SW updates the do during build time that's why there is no need for external State Management libraries it's plain and simple if you know your way around HTML CSS and good old JavaScript swell is easy to learn swell is lightweight folks basically you can perform the same tasks with less Cod and that's why why developers love this framework but what are the key advantages that swell has it's fast and compact swell based apps are small and load up fast it's easy to learn thanks to its simple syntax SW is a good choice to pick up no virtual Doom yes that's right sometimes it can be an advantage no virtual Doom means Speedy rendering great performance the online compiler work its magic at build time crafting Swift and lean apps all right that's all sounds awesome but what are the downsides these two tools have SW versus react disadvantages guys before we move on I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it f fun instead of boring and in return I just ask to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you enjoy the content I make that's all so as you can see my friends both react and swell sounds like great tools to use however this doesn't mean they are Miracles each of them has its own disadvantages so let's talk about them react first of all react isn't always easy to learn jsx the unique syntax react uses can be tricky for you com the next drawback is that react is not a full framework this means it lack essential features and tools this Reliance on external libraries can POS security issues documentation issues finally reacts documentation can be challenging due to frequent updates making it t for beginners to Kickstart their react Journey swell okay folks and now let's look at what kind of cons W has first of all its smaller ecosystem as a younger framework well has a smaller ecosystem compared to react this means there are not so many available libraries and tools another problem is its unique syntax swel uses familiar web Technologies but also utilizes unique elements that differ from other Frameworks that's why shifting from jsx might be difficult swell versus react similarities here is the thing guys both SW and react are JavaScript tools that's why it's hardly surprising that they something in common and before we talk about what makes them unique let's talk about similarities JavaScript both Frameworks are built on JavaScript swell incorporates typescript component based architecture both react and swell follow a component based architecture in swell components typically have a do swell extension while react components use do jsx reactivity reactivity enables automatic UI updates in response to change changes in underlying data react achieved this through State and props while swell uses reactive variables jsx like syntax swell syntax is similar to GSX syntax used in react allowing HTML style code within JavaScript robust tooling react and SW provides a reach set of tools react has an xgs for features like server s side rendering and code splitting swell kit offers similar functionalities for swell including automatic code splitting and server site rendering open source communities B react and swell are open-source project with active communities and active developer Community is very important especially for nuis SW versus react differences okay guys let's wrap up this comparison by breaking down what set these JavaScript tools apart I will try to lead the differences between react and swell based on the main parameters like size performance testing and others size swell comes in at 1.6 kiloby in its gzip version react bundled with react Doom has larger size of 42.2 kiloby this compact size gives SW an advantage in loading speed responsiveness and cost Effectiveness and it means quicker page rendering performance react operates with a virtual Doom a kind of a short-term memory for UI changes and this make it faster compared to the traditional document object model used in vanilla JavaScript swell takes a different approach it skips the virtual doom and during build time SW interprets its code and the Doom updates whenever an action prompts a change that's why without the virtual um swel is faster than react testing when it comes to testing swel uses something called testing Library / swell it's all about testing your app the way users would interact V SE react on another hand has its own testing tool called react testing Library it looks at things from a user's perspective and if you want even more control react has another tool called enzyme so as you can see both swel and react has special tools for testing and you can even bring in external ones like MOA if you want ease of use swel keeps it simple with regular HTML JavaScript and CSS if you know the basics of those you will breathe through swell but react is more difficult to learn that's why in the Battle of Simplicity swell takes the win winning winning it's much easier for those familiar with vanilla TSS HTML and JavaScript swell versus react what should you choose all right guys the thing is there is no winner here and there is no loser either I think both of these JavaScript tools are great they both are incredibly useful for working with applications and as you already know both swth and reat have their strengths and weaknesses that's why better to use react if you want to build complex user interfaces you plan to work on a large scale projects you're looking for a framework or rather library that supports great numbers of libraries and Tools Plus it has a huge community on the other hand you should pick SW in case you work on a small scale project you need a high performance and simple Cod above all and you want to build Dynamic user interfaces so as you can see guys it all really depends on your development team needs and goals and sometimes personal preferences carrier opportunities my friends I wondering if Laur in react or swell is worth it today go ahead make your jokes Mister if you are you can stop wondering now jokey joke maker both react and swell developers are still in a pretty high demand according to glass door data react developers in the United States can earn up to 136k a year at the same time senior swell developers can earn as much as 122k on a yearly basis freelance react developers earn between 20 and $38 per hour but experienced well Freelancers can earn up to $60 to $75 per hour so as you can see the difference is insignificant when it comes to in-house jobs and really impressive when it comes to freelance positions all right my fellow developers that's all about swell versus react comparison feel free to check the links in the description to dive deeper into react and SW and get more experience with these Technologies as usual if you like this video smash the like button and for more awesome content hit subscribe thanks for watching guys and until next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Daniel Dan - Self Made Programmer
Views: 27,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: svelte vs react, react vs svelte, svelte vs react 2024, react vs svelte 2024, svelte vs react performance, react vs svelte performance, svelte and react, svelte vs reactjs, svelte vs react js
Id: 1BCsdaeYv0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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