Vue vs React (2024) - Make a RIGHT Choice (Difference Explained)

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in the world of frontend development and JavaScript web application View and react are the tools that stand out but how do you pick between them and what are the key differences my name is Daniel and today we are going to talk about view versus react we will explore the strengths and weaknesses what are react and view good for we will talk about insights on making the right choice and of course discuss carer opportunities for react versus view also I will left all technology related links in the description below so feel free to check them out all right guys and now time to dive in advantageous react versus VI first of all let's answer a few questions that will help you understand this comparison better what were react and view made for and why do developers slow using them react you know for some reason many people H this idea that reactjs is Javascript framework but in reality it's an open- Source JavaScript UI Library crafted by meta back in 2011 and its purpose is building robust web apps with need interfaces today react is a top peak for the world's largest companies it's fast scalable and easy to use whether you are creating userfriendly interfaces or diving into complex high quality applications reactjs has got your back there is a good number of reasons why developers enjoy working with react it's easy to learn and use react Act is incredibly user friendly especially when compared to other Frameworks like view or angular that's why for JavaScript professionals learning react won't be a problem it utilizes jsx this reacts jsx syntax extension crafting custom UI components in HTML becomes easy jsx empowers developers to create future packed web applications with complex user interfaces it has reusable components react makes good use of Handy building blocks reusable components they don't only simplify maintenance but also streamline the development process and its performance is outstanding react boosts performance through its virtual Doom a memory based representation of the browser's doom and this indirect approach ensures smooth and Speedy app operation react is SEO friendly it speeds up rendering and reduces page a lot times and these are important factors for search engine ranking okay okay let's move forward view GS guys before we Mo on I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it fun instead of boring and in return I just ask to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you enjoy the content I make that's all Vu is a brainchild of aan u a former Google employee it combines the best features of angular react and Amber GS view excels in interface task and hand buils complex front end operations efficiently in fact it's commonly used as an alternative to react and as you might imagine there are many reasons why this framework is well loved by developers it's simple view aims maximum efficiency with minimal effort it uses single file documents that combine GS CSS and HTML plus basic knowledge of these Technologies is sufficient to start learning R it's typescript based all right I know not all developers sees this as an advantage but but still a lot of developers often do view simplifies complicated code into smaller readable Parts its use of typescript allows developers to spot errors before running the code it's flexible view easily integrates with Frameworks like react or angular ensuring easy customization its gradual integration approach eliminates the need for rewriting applications or starting a server it has a unifying syntax VJs maintains consistent components logic across the entire us ey Design This eliminates the need to learn multiple syntaxes for different functions this ensures an easy understanding of project codes and increases developer efficiency disadvantages of react versus view all that being said it's not all sunshine and rainbows my friends so let's talk about the cons react react's main weaknesses is its documentation the library gets updated so often that documentation cannot keep up and this might be hugely inconvenient for developers because it creates a lot of issues and delays view View's to problem is its limited scalability and guys as I understand this is due absence of support from major tech companies it's primarily suited for small and medium-size projects rather than large complex ones react versus you comparison okay some of you might have a question on this stage Daniel and how to pick up the right technology and I agree this question is crucial for every project both View and react are powerful and widely used but they deeper in way that matter that's why let's see what set them apart similarities and I will start with similarities because react and view have a lot in common virtual Doom both View and react employ virtual Doom this ensures efficient updates by altering only the changed components instead of the entire page component based architecture both View and react adapt a component based architecture that enhance modularity build tools for Rapid app set up Vis integrated development environments View and react offer bootstrap build tools view CLI and create react app Chrome developer tools both react and View support Chrome extensions this offers Sim debugging experience for developers official component Library both View and react offers component libraries for mobile app development view native core for View and react native for react guys understanding these shared features helps developers make informed decisions when choosing between View and react for their projects differences all right and now let's see the main differences between react and view based on the main as ects like flexibility development speed performance and others flexibility react offers great flexibility and can be tailored to specific needs it supports a variety of libraries and tools although most extensions come from third party sources view is highly flexible but unlike react it has strong native support for various libraries and tools development react is userfriendly for setup and beginner friendly with numerous third party addons available however some widely used extensions are not official Vue is also user and beginner friendly covering most development needs with Native modules however it lacks extensive third party addons and may not be as well maintained tools react offers robust debugging tools for components but it CI has limitations in performance on the other hand view provides power debugging tools and utilize the suite for Rapid development ensurance speed and efficiency performance react delivers reliable performance and supports server site rendering but it's not as fast as Vue because Vue offers exceptionally quick performance and also supports server s rendering documentation and Community react offers comprehensive documentation and great Community Vue has a smaller Community but has exceptional documentation that is priced for its Clarity conciseness and userfriendly layout react versus view summary okay so after this detailed comparison it's clear that both react and view are great choices view stands out for its performance flexibility and great documentation on the other hand react excels in adoption third party tools and robust community support and it's all great but which one is actually better folks there is no right answer here because both View and react can be good for different projects requirements goals and even types of development teams view is ideal for lightweight and flexible projects especially those needing High interactivity react on the other hand is perfect for highly scalable maintainable projects especially those requiring extensive customization but guys these are just technical aspects and there are other to consider like support community and personal preferences and according to my experience sometimes guys you choose the technology your team is most comfortable with carer opportunities for View and react developers my fellow developers if you are wondering which path will bring you more money view or react I'm here to provide you this information thanks and of course JavaScript developers who work with View and react are in consistently high demand and it doesn't look like this trending is going to change soon according to glor the average salary for view developer in the United States is around 95,000 and when it comes to react developers it's around 88k so there is a gap of course but it's not that significant in any case those are high paying jobs so getting skilled with react and view definitely makes a lot of sense also if you want to boost your skills by learning reac and view I left links to the best boot camps and courses in in the description all right my fellow developers this is it about view versus react comparison and if you found this content enjoyable don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to hit the Subscribe button and finally thanks for watching until next [Music] time
Channel: Daniel Dan | Tech & Data
Views: 18,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vue vs react, react vs vue, react vs vue 2024, vue vs react 2024, vue vs react js, vue vs reactjs, vue vs reactjs 2024, vue vs react js 2024, reactjs vs vue, reactjs vs vuejs 2024, reactjs vs vuejs, vuejs vs reactjs, vue and react, react and vue comparison, react and vue, differences between react and vue.js
Id: GjtGM1luyfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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