Angular vs React in 2023: which should you choose?

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Angular or React.js: Which should you learn? Which should you use for a project? And more importantly,   what are the structural and fundamental  differences between these two solutions? I’ve worked with Angular since 2016 and with React   since 2019 (And by Angular, I mean  Angular 2 and later, not AngularJs). To me, although the two  serve a very similar purpose,   they feel radically different to code with. The first point worth mentioning is that  Angular is used on Gmail and on Google   products in general, at Microsoft Office  Online, at UpWork, at Sony, at Forbes. React, on the other hand is used at  Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Dropbox,   and Uber. The first thing   underline is that this means Angular and React  are both mature solutions with strong references. However, those names, those companies, tell  a story of two very different worlds and they   provide the first inkling of a clue about the  underlying difference between the two solutions. In fact, the two logos tell a very similar story. Angular’s logo is a shield, which has  undertones of being safe and solid and secure. React’s logo, on the other hand, is an atom. And if you combine the semantics of React and an  atom, you get… an explosion, an atomic reaction. Which is kind of the polar  opposite of safety and security. And the internal mission statements of the  two companies building these two solutions   show exactly that same opposition. Google, where Angular was  created, aims to “Do no evil”. Facebook, the birthplace of React, on the other  hand, wants to “Move fast and break things”. Where Google sounds very  law-abiding and gentlemanly,   Facebook’s internal motto gives off  a kind of rebellious, bad-boy vibe. And it seems to me that this opposition rubs  off on the two solutions, that Angular and   React each reflect or embody these two  mindsets, these two mission statements. And if we take a closer look  at the companies that use   the two solutions, they tell  pretty much the same story. Angular proudly boasts of solid and  sensible companies, like Sony and Forbes. Whereas the React champions – i.e. Dropbox,  and Netflix, and Uber – are disruptive. They favor speed of execution over  following established ways of doing things. Or to put in in other terms,  they… move fast and break things. If we were to translate this  opposition into roleplaying terms,   Angular would have a Lawful Good alignment. And React would have a Chaotic Neutral one. And it’s interesting to see how these  opposing philosophies or mindsets   translate into code, into how the  two solutions expect you to use them. On the React side, there’s  no pre-imposed structure. In fact, React doesn’t even  claim to be a framework – and   frameworks provide structure. It’s  in the name, they provide a frame. No, React is simply a library, an engine that can  be plunked into which ever structure you choose. In Angular, there’s a coding and naming  convention which is derived from the   MVC model (MVC stands for model view controller). The filesystem structure reflects this. Each module has a folder, and within the module  folders, each component has it’s own folder. And all this structure needs to be adhered if   you want the application to  compile, let alone function. React doesn’t have an MVC structure in the code,  and doesn’t impose a structure on the filesystem. A component is just a function  that render HTML code directly   (if we’re using hooks and functional components). How to structure the code and the filesystem  is left firmly in the developers’ hands. And that comes at a cost.  How you structure your code,   which library you use for routing,  or translation, or state management. All those choices are in the developer’s’  hand, and choosing badly can be costly. In Angular, that cost of having to choose  is gone. All the choices are made for you,   Angular is batteries included. Routing?  Check. Translation? Check. State? Check. Angular has you covered. However… that structure and those  batteries come at a cost too. All those libraries, all that functionality,  needs to be understood, and learnt correctly. Where React can be learnt  in one productive afternoon,   Angular takes quite a bit more time to cover. Now, how are Angular and  React different in practice? In my experience, the differences in  structure lead to bigger components   with larger scope in Angular, whereas React  is conducive to more focused components. Re-using components is also more complex in  Angular, whereas doing so in React requires   minimal effort, where everything  feels more focused and lightweight. Because Angular is a fully-fledged framework  with a much larger scope (it provides more   functionality out of the box, like routing or  internationalization or two-way state management)   and a pre-defined structure, it  has a steeper learning curve. React on the other hand is a focused library,  with way less structure and less scope. This makes it easier to learn because  initially, just because there is less   of it to learn. You can cover the  main concepts in an afternoon.   That single-minded focus is also  what gives it greater flexibility. Angular provides security and structure  where React provides agility and speed. Which one do I recommend? To start with, I would recommend learning  JavaScript and TypeScript before learning either. Once that is done, if you can, learn both. If you can’t, my recommendation would  depend on your personality traits,   on how risk-averse you are, and  on how much structure you need. If you need things to be standardized and  secure, I would advise you go for Angular. If you need action and flexibility,  I would recommend you go for React. If you want a development  career in the banking sector   or a stable work environment, favor Angular. If you would prefer to work rather in a start-up  where everything is moving in all directions,   I recommend React. Both are good choices, but only you can answer  which one best fits where you want to go.
Channel: Kodaps Academy
Views: 96,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angular vs react, react vs angular 2022, angular vs react 2021, react vs angular 2021, angular, react, angular vs react js, angular vs react differences, angular vs react 2022, react vs angular difference
Id: CynLOUL9vsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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