HTMX, the anti JS framework (vs React)

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HTMX is the opposite of React  and other JavaScript frameworks. What do I mean by that? We’ll be covering what HTMX is, when it  is useful, what its limits are, and more. But First: what is HTMX? HTMLX was created by a guy called Carson Gross,   and it stands for **HTML extension**,  as he explains on the website. The "extension" of HTML happens on two levels.   The most obvious one you see in the code: HTMX  extends the HTML attributes, adding `hx-`. For example in this code where  we define the on click behavior. However, that example is an exception. Most of the HTMX extensions  are focused on communicating   with the server and dealing with the response. For example, let’s take a  look at the following code: Here we have three attributes on the button: `hx-get` describes the AJAX call  that will be made to the server,   namely the `GET` call to the `/info` route. When the response is received, HTMX  will then find the element in the DOM   designated by `hx-select`, that is to say  the element with the ‘info-details” id. Then, because `hx-swap`is set to “outerHTML”,   HTMX will swap out the entire selected element  with the HTML received from the server. And that brings me to the second  extension. In the React world,   we use the HTML page as the “thing  that hosts the application”. But here, HTML is more than that.  HTMLX supposes the server will   respond with HTML. HTML is also the  **message** and the **state holder**. Like me, you might find it weird to imagine an  API responding in hypertext rather than say, JSON. The HTMX website points to a blog post by Roy  Fielding, who came up with the idea of REST. That post is entitled “REST  APIs must be hypertext driven”,   which probably gives you a good idea  of where he stands on the issue. And I kind of see the point, even though I'm not  going to be changing all my APIs any time soon. Remember that REST means Representational  State Transfer Application. JSON is excellent at serialising  data in a human-friendly way.  But you expect that data to follow a fixed shape. This means the JSON won’t change   shape based on the state. But then to what extent   can it be the expression of the state in  ReST, as opposed to just stateless data? Carson uses the example of a bank  account interface, where the “drawn   money” action would be disabled based  on how much money is in the account. Of course, you and I can easily imagine how we   could wrangle the JSON to  include that information. But my default reflex would be to set up some  logic in the interface to adapt to the data. And that’s fine, to my mind. However it’s not the path HTMX has taken.  HTMX doesn’t expect any client-side logic to  update the interface state based on the JSON. In fact, HTMX shies away from that responsibility. It purposefully puts the  responsibility of updating   the display state squarely  on the backend’s shoulders. This is why you could say that  (although it is a JavaScript   library) HTMX is (in fact) an  “anti JavaScript Framework”. A JavaScript framework essentially manages the   state on the client and updates  the HTML based on that state. HTMLX relies almost exclusively  on the server to update the state. Now obviously, there is state that is completely  specific to the interface — for example,   is the interface in dark mode? Or is the dropdown menu open? HTMX (and Carson) have no objection to  that state being stored on the client side.  However, it _is _ strongly opposed to more  meaningful state being stored by the client. And that naturally brings me to  my next question: Why choose HTMX?  Under what circumstance does  it make sense to go with HTMX   rather than a client-side framework, say, React? What is the point of communicating HTML  responses rather than something like JSON? The beauty of HTMX is that by taking the  HTML response road, it is able to provide   a “Single Page Application” like experience  that is solely **driven by the server**. Of course, you’re probably aware that React has  started taking over server-side responsibilities. Theo makes the point that React  and NextJS and other frameworks   have expanded the domain of front-end developers. They have given front-end  development state management powers.  That started client-side  with front end frameworks.  And now, with NextJS and RSC leading the  charge, that also includes the server. And running on the server makes sense  because that is where permanent data lives. The beauty of this approach is that  you don’t need to switch languages   between the client and server-sides. Switching languages requires even more   mental gymnastics than switching contexts,  so I’m all for keeping things unified. But server-side React keeps you firmly  in the JavaScript and TypeScript world.  What if you’re a backend developer. Or what if  you are wary of JavaScript’s quirks and weirdness?  Or what if you're just in a context where  you're programming in PHP, or Ruby, or Python? The beauty of HTMX is that it  doesn’t restrict your choices.  It jokingly refers to itself as the “HOWL” stack,   H.O.W.L., where HOWL stands for  “Hypertext On Whatever you’d Like. That means you can render that HTML content  and provide an SPA experience with whatever   server-side language you like without  locking yourself into the JavaScript world. This means HTMX is doing the  opposite of what React does,   and is another reason why HTMX  is an “anti JS framework”.  HTMX extends the domain of backend  development into frontend territory. And so to me, the fundamental question of   who might profit from learning and  using HTMX comes down to two things. First, where should your state live,  and how much do you trust your users? Web applications live on a spectrum,   ranging from banks on one end all  the way to arcade games on the other. An arcade game’s state: * is complex,  * it needs to change quickly * and it has no real-world implications,  so it lives on the client. For applications with client-side  state and client-side logic,   it makes sense to use a client-side framework. Conversely, on the other end of the spectrum,   Banks don’t trust their users, so all the  state and all the logic lives on the server. And if you’re in that situation, you may be better  off using HTMX rather than a front-end framework. To frame things differently, the question is also:  What kind of developer do you view yourself as? Are you a front-end javascript  developer who is server-side curious? You’re probably better served understanding how   NextJS and React work. (And I have  videos to help you out with that.) Are you a server-side developer  who doesn’t care for JavaScript? HTMX is probably a good fit for you,   although it _does_ require your  client-side-facing APIs speak HTML. In my experience, that isn’t usually the  case. If your APIs are already set up,   moving to HTML might be a big ask. But whatever path you choose,  I’ll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kodaps Academy
Views: 54,540
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Id: -ptq9HCrI_U
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Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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