Angular Crash Course 2021

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feel free to do that so what is angular the definition on the website is it's an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single page apps so basically it's a front-end javascript framework and like with react and vue it typically runs on the client but it's often used with some kind of back-end api to create a powerful full stack application and you can have anything you want running on the back end the mean stack is pretty popular which is stands for mongodb which is the database express which is a backend framework angular which is a front-end framework and then node.js which is a javascript runtime but your back-end could be absolutely anything it could be python django whatever you want to use now i should mention that there is an older legacy angularjs framework or angular 1. we're not talking about that angular 2 was completely rewritten and is very different than angular 1 or angularjs right now the latest version is 11. that's what we'll be using in this video but it's basically just an updated version of angular 2. okay so 2 through 11 are the same framework and then one or angularjs is a completely separate framework so why would you want to use angular what are the advantages so you can create dynamic front-end apps and user interfaces and use it with full stack applications that's true for just about any front-end framework however angular is much more full-featured than something like reactor view not that that makes it any better but it does include more with the the core framework such as routing and http clients services with dependency injection and more since it is more full featured it is larger than other frameworks and it does have a steeper learning curve if you ask me what the most difficult framework to learn is out of angular react and view i would definitely say angular it does use typescript by default which is a superset of javascript that includes static typing now you don't have to use typescript it's it's pretty much optional the files do have to be dot ts and not dot js but you don't have to add types to your your properties and all that we will be using some basic typing in this course but you definitely don't have to know typescript to start working with angular angular also uses the rxjs library which allows us to use something called observables and observables allow us to write really efficient asynchronous programming and i'll explain more about that later angular is also very test friendly the cli tool gives you everything you need to write unit tests and end-to-end tests as far as popularity overall i don't think it's as popular as something like react however angular is used a lot in the in the large enterprise business world it's used for larger applications as it's more strict and standardized and react as far as what you need to know before learning angular it's pretty much the same as with any other framework what i would suggest you learn before react or view or whatever basically just the fundamentals of javascript modern javascript like asynchronous programming with promises array methods like for each map filter the fetch api making http requests npm the node package manager so if you know that stuff i think that you can move on to learn any framework now angular like every other front-end framework is component driven so it uses ui components and components include the template which is basically like the html the output the logic which is the javascript or typescript and then the styling and components are completely reusable they can be embedded into the template within an xml like syntax or xml like tag and then this is kind of how a component is structured this is from the documentation basically we have a declaration here of component with a selector this selector is what you'll use to to embed the component so basically you would put this into a tag and then you have your template url which is going to be your html and you have any providers so any services that you want to use in this particular component and components are class-based as well and you have a life cycle method or life cycle methods i should say that you can use as well and we'll get into into that as we move along so this is an example of what we're going to be building this is the task tracker application and on the right i've just outlined all the ui components that we'll be creating so we have the header this part here that'll be the header component then we have the the close button or the open and close button which will toggle this right here the the form this is going to be a separate component as well okay and it's going to be a button component that can be reusable then we have our add task component here which is this form we have our tasks component which is all of the tasks and then each individual task is also its own component and then we have the footer down below and we will be using the router angular does have a router included but we'll be adding that at the end to have a route to the about page and back to the home page so angular also has the concept of services services are distinguished from components and they increase modularity and reusability breaking your code up into services will clean up your components and have them really lean rather than putting all the functionality into your components and services are usually built to deal with one task or one aspect of the application such as data fetching input validation and so on and obviously we'll you know we're going to create our own service and look more into this later so angular does have a cli or command line interface that we're going to use to set up our application and it also allows us to run a local dev server and it also allows us to build out our static assets for production so we can install it with npm or yarn and then we can just generate a new app with ng new and then whatever the app name and then when you're ready to build you can run ng build that'll create a dist folder and then you can upload that to your host and there's also commands that we can use to generate components and services so we don't actually have to create the files and add the boilerplate the commands will do that for us all right so enough with the slides let's go ahead and jump in and let's start to learn angular okay so this is angular dot io this is the main website where you can find the documentation um there's actually a tutorial here if you go down here this tour of heroes and this this does a lot of what we're going to be doing it doesn't do as much but you can kind of use this as a supplement if you want along with this course now if we go over here to get started local setup it'll show us how to install the angular cli using npm you can also use yarn and then how to create an application so let's open up a terminal and to install you'll just do npm install dash g for global and then at angular slash cli okay i already have it installed so i'm not going to run that but that's what you would run to install it globally and then you should be able to do ng new and then whatever you want to call your app i'm going to call it angular dash crash okay so it's going to ask us if we want to instrict instrict enforce stricter type checking and stricter bundle budgets i'm just going to say no for this and then if we want to add in the router which normally i would say yes but i'm going to skip the router until the end and i'll show you how to set it up manually at the end which isn't difficult so i'm just going to say no for now and then i'm going to use just regular css and that will set up all of our packages and all of our files and folders all right so we're all set up so i'm going to cd into the directory that we just created and then from here i'm going to run code dot to open up visual studio code and of course you don't have to use visual studio code you can use whatever text editor you want and then just open up the folder in your in your text editor so here you'll see we have a bunch of files and folders but before we even look into that i'm going to open up my integrated terminal and i'm going to run the dev server and you can run it from here or you can run it from your regular terminal but that's going to be ng serve okay and that should open it up on localhost port 4200. so i'm going to go to my browser now and just go to localhost and let's go to 4200 and that should open up the landing page which looks like this and this is actually a pretty helpful landing page it shows you how to generate a new component you would run ng generate component we're going to do that later if you wanted to use angular material which is a ui library it shows you how to do that how to add pwa support add a dependency run and watch tests and then build for production would be ng build okay so this is the just the landing page and i'm just going to make this a little smaller i'm going to keep this full size for now just because i want to keep the sidebar open because with angular you have a lot of files when you have a component you're going to have four different files for that component so i want you to be able to see you know what i have open and what's available so let's take a look at some of this the package.json you'll see is actually pretty large compared to like react or view so as far as dependencies angular has a bunch of different parts there's the core there's forms the router the compiler there's some animation so a bunch of different parts to angular rxjs which is the library that gives us observables and then dev dependencies of course we have typescript we have tslin we have some some testing tools like karma and jasmine so it can be a little overwhelming but you don't really need to know you know what everything does here just to get started and then for scripts of course ng serve or npm start we just ran that that runs the dev server ng build will build out our static assets when we're ready to deploy testing linting end-to-end testing so quite a bit in the package.json you also have your ts config which i'm not really going to get into but this is your your typescript config if you need to change anything there we have an angular.json which is kind of a just an overall config file where we can change like the output path so if you don't want it to go to a folder called dist maybe maybe you're building a full stack app and you want it to go into the public folder you can change it here if you have assets or styles or scripts you can add those in here as well including cdns and those will get loaded automatically alright so that's the config now the source folder is and then this app folder inside the source is our main application this is where all of your components go all of your all of your services whatever you create is going to go in here most likely but before we get into that let's just take a look down here just directly in the source folder there's an index html and this is basically the single page that's loaded right and there's not much here because everything gets loaded into this element this app dash root so this is the root app component and it works similar to react view any any front-end client-side framework it's not it's not generating the actual html page or anything like that everything is generated with the javascript bundle and there's not really much you're going to do here we can change the title like we can change this to task tracker and save and then that will automatically get reloaded and you can see the title has changed now as far as the javascript the main.ts and notice that all the javascript it's all typescript so it's all ts extensions even if you don't use typescript at all you just want to use ts use that extension now this is like the entry point to angular what this does is it imports the app module so angular has a concept of modules and there's some modules we're going to be using like the forms module the http module you can also create your own modules which is beyond the scope of this course but the app module is like the main one and that's what's getting bootstrapped so right here you can see bootstrap module and app modules getting passed in there so that app module is actually this file right here it's in the app folder and it's app.module.ts and this ng module you'll see is brought in from angular core and in here we have declarations imports providers and bootstrap so basically when you create a component you'll see right now we just have the app component which is like our root the root component that's being put in declarations when we use the cli to generate components it'll do this automatically it'll import it and provide it in here so we don't have to actually manually do that imports whenever you use a module such as the browser module which is used to interact with the dom you would put in here like when we use the forms module http that's going to go in here providers any global services that you have global providers and then whatever your bootstrapping which in our case of course is the root app component all right so that's the app.module file excuse me now you'll notice there's a lot of these app.component files and that's because when you create a component you're generally going to have four files you're going to have the typescript file which is your main class with any properties and methods and all that also specifies some things like your template and stylesheet then you have your template which is your html file which this is just a just a bunch of crap thrown in that's everything we're seeing right here which we're going to get rid of in a second you have your css files you've you can have specific css files for components then you have your spec file for testing which we're not going to deal with in this course all right so let's uh let's actually clear up everything in this app component html so we'll just select everything get rid of it we'll put an h1 we'll just say hello world and i guess i'll make this a little smaller and now all that stuff is cleared up and we just see our h1 okay now as far as this typescript file we are importing components so this is basically the structure for every component you bring in a component from core and then you have what's called a declaration component declaration with three three items in here and this object the selector now the selector is whatever the tag the html tag i guess you could call it that you're going to use to embed your component now since this is the root component this is being embedded here in index html all the components we create will be embedding into the app component html okay whoops so that's the selector the template url is just the html file that you're using in our case for this component is right here and then the style urls you can actually have more than one but here we have just app component css okay so those are the three things declared in this component declaration then you have your classes which is where you put any properties of the component in this case there's a title and then any methods okay custom methods there's also life cycle methods uh it's kind of like uh react class-based components so here we have a title just called angular crash now this is this isn't using typescript by default but i would highly recommend that you add types to your properties and your functions so this is a string so we want to define it as a string if i put number i'm going to get an error here and if even if i save it even though i haven't even used this in the you know in the template it's still going to give me an error it says type string is not assignable to type number so you want to make sure you have the correct type okay so we'll set that back now if we want to display this text in our template we could simply in here in the h1 use our double curly braces so we're using something called string interpolation and show the title and we see angular crash okay which i'm actually going to change that to task tracker and of course it's going to auto reload we don't have to manually reload it all right now we can do other things in here in these curly braces like let's say we could basically do any javascript expression so i could say like one plus five and even though these are numbers and we're doing math it's going to interpret it to a string and output six i could add on to this i could say like two uppercase which is just a javascript method and that will work as well i could put a ternary in here pretty much any javascript expression okay and we'll we'll get more into that a little later now as far as styling goes uh we have this style css here for any global styling which i do have some so i'm going to just grab that real quick and you can you can copy this from the repository link in the description but i'll just go over real quick we're using the pop-ins font we have a reset we have a container that we're going to wrap around everything some btn some button classes some form classes and that's pretty much it we're going to have some specific component classes like our header will have some specific styles and our footer so let's save this and we should see a difference here with the font and the margin and so on just going to close that up that's our global styling and next thing let's add let's create a new component so remember we have our header we're going to have a button component our tasks our footer so let's create the header first so i'm going to open up or make my terminal a little bigger here and i want my server to keep running so i'm going to just open up a new terminal while that's running and we're going to use the cli and say ng generate component and we want a header component but i want it to be in a folder called components so i'm going to say components header like that okay so if we go ahead and run that it's going to create a bunch of files for us in components there's a folder called header and it has our four main files just like the root app component it has the ts which is the declaration and the class the html the css and the spec file for testing now there's a couple extra things here there's a constructor that's included a constructor runs whenever an object is initialized or in this case whenever our component is initialized but there's also this ng on init which is a life cycle method and this is actually what you want to use most of the time when you're initializing some code so if you want it to run you know when the component loads you would put it in here all right so like if you wanted to make an http request or something like that now as far as the html whenever you generate a component like we just did it's just going to be a paragraph that says whatever the name is and then works so let's embed this into our main app component so our app component html i'm going to get rid of this h1 and we can simply use the selector which if we look at our header component ts file the selector is going to always be app dash and then whatever the name so in this case app dash header so we can just say app dash header and we don't need to import it or anything like that if you're coming from react it's just going to work and now you'll see header work so a header is being displayed now i also just want to wrap everything in a div with the class of container uh container and then let's move this up in here and that will just add the container around it that's coming from our global styling all right so we can close up app component html and in our app component ts the title here i'm actually going to cut that and i'm going to put that into the header instead of the app component so in the header let's go right above the constructor and let's just paste that in here and then inside the header html get rid of that and we'll put a header tag with an h1 and then we'll have our title and of course your title doesn't have to be a property in your class but why not so now it just says task tracker all right now i do have some specific styles for the header so i would go into my um my header css file here and i'm just going to style the header tag and let's just display flex because we are going to have a button i want that to go on the side and then let's say justify content space i want to do space between so that'll push the button over to the right and then let's align items and set that to center and margin bottom we'll set that to 20 pixels all right so it's not going to look much different yet but now i want to add a button so if you remember we're going to have a button that says uh add and when we click that it'll toggle the the add form which we're going to do much later but i do want to just i want the button to be a separate component in case we want to use that button component somewhere else and just to give you an example of how to pass in data to a component and so on so let's go down here and let's generate components slash button and that should create in components a folder called button with those same four files and every component you create is basically going to look like this okay just the class with the constructor and the ng on init now as far as what i want to display here actually let's embed it first we're going to embed it into the header and i know there's going to be a lot of files we're working with because it just creates so many so that's why i'm you know i'm keeping the sidebar open and i have this open kind of wide so you can see all the different files i'm using so i want to embed this in here i don't have to import it or anything i just need to use the selector which is going to be app button if i save that now we see button works because that's what we have in the button html okay so let's go to our button html and let's get rid of this and let's add just an html button and for now we'll just say click like that and yeah we'll just do that for now and then i want to add a class of btn which we have in our global classes so it'll look like that but i want to be able to pass in so if we go back to where we have the component i want to be able to pass in a color and i want to be able to pass in the text for the button because if we want to reuse this we're not going to want the same text and we might want a different color so to do that we can let's see let's i guess we'll start here so we'll pass in let's say color and let's set let's pass in just a static color of green and then the text for text will say add all right so it's like passing in props if you're coming from react now the way that we grab onto these is we go into the button class and actually we're going to bring in from angular core we're going to bring in something called input because this is this is component input and we just want to declare down here say at input and actually we need parentheses and then whatever we want to call it so we have text coming in which is a string so i'm going to type that to a string and then we also have a color okay so we just want to add those and then we can accept those as input and then let's go into our button html and for the text that's easy we're just going to put that here we can do that with our curly braces so if we say text and i save now you can see the text says add all right if i were to go back to my header and change the text to hello and save then that will change the text and this is reusable i could use this anywhere now for the color that's that's a color that we need to add as a background color for css so if you want to use inline styling you can actually use a directive called ng style so directives are usually going to be curly braces and then we're going to use the ng style directive and we can set that and we can set our own css in here now this is going to take some quotes around it and then whatever the css style is which is going to be background color and then we want to set that to color okay color being the the data that's passed in so if i save that you'll see the button now changes to green and again i could change this to whatever red and that will change it now i just i want to get a little bit into events we're not going to obviously make this function just yet because we don't even have the the add component we don't have the form to toggle but ultimately this will toggle a form but to add an event let's see so on this button here let's go we'll go right after the class here and to add an event you just add in parentheses and then whatever the event which is going to be a click and then we're going to set that to a method called on click okay so it's as simple as that now it's going to give us an error because onclick does not exist now where we put this is going to be in the class okay so we have our class here i'm going to go down at the bottom and say on click and for now let's just say console.log we'll just say console.log add alright so if we go over here and open up our console and i click this we should see ad so we have that click event going to this method now obviously we're not going to want to put the functionality in here like the toggle or whatever because this button i want it to be reusable and every button has a different purpose so it's going to do something different on click so what we're going to do is we're going to bring in an event emitter and output the click or output the event so we can do this by bringing in output okay just like we took input into the button we're now outputting an event emitter so let's go right here and let's say output and i'm going to call this btn click that's going to be the name of the event that we're emitting and we want to set that equal to a new event emitter which we also have to bring in up here event emitter and we're going to set that to a new event emitter and just add our parentheses all here so output actually i forgot my parentheses here as well and then here instead of a console log what we'll do is this dot and call btnclick because that's what we called it and then we want to just call emit like that okay now it's not going to do anything because it's it's just emitting now in the header where the app button is actually embedded we want to go here and whatever we called that event we're emitting we're going to add in parentheses so essentially we're just firing off a custom event instead of click we now have button click which we defined and then set it to whatever we want to happen so if you were to add a button somewhere else you would just put whatever function you want to run in this case it's going to be toggle we'll call it toggle add task because that's what it's doing is it's going to toggle the add task component okay like that and then we can define this in our header so let's go to our header component and let's go down here and let's say toggle add task and for now we'll just console.log here and say toggle okay so if i click this now you're going to see toggle because it's emitting from the button it's emitting this button click which we have set up here as output as an event emitter remitting it we're basically you know catching it here and then firing off toggle add task which is then getting fired off in the header okay now that's all i'm going to do as far as this this button for now i just wanted to make it so we it could be reusable and we could embed where is it we could embed this anywhere with a custom color custom text and a custom function when it's clicked all right so we're going to leave this for now that we have our header and our button i'm going to close all these now we want to start to work on our tasks okay so basically we're going to have a task component we're going to have a task item for you know for each item and ultimately this is going to come from something called json server which is basically like a fake rest api that we can create and we can run locally but for now we're just going to put them into a file so let's go let's see inside our app folder not in the components but in app i'm going to create a file here and let's call this mock dash tasks dot ts and i'm just going to paste these tasks in so i'm just exporting an array called tasks and each one is just an object with an id a text value a day and then a reminder so if you want to set a reminder that'll be either true or false all right now since we're using angular with typescript we should probably create an interface for a task so basically like a model what fields should it contain so what we'll do is inside the app folder let's create a new file called task so uppercase t task singular and then dot ts and from here we're going to create an interface which is very similar to a class but we want to export this so we can bring it into other files so export interface task and we're just going to define what we want a task to include which we want an id which is going to be a number now the id i'm actually going to set to be optional so i'm going to put a question mark because when we create when we have our form and we add the task it's not going to initially have an id until we save it in json server so that's going to be optional so we don't get any error messages and then text is going to be a string day is going to be a string and reminder is going to be a boolean okay so now that we have this task interface we can go back to our mock tasks and let's go up here and let's import task from and it's in the same location so just dot slash task okay now we want to add this as a type just like you know you can do string or number you can have your interface and we want to do tasks now we do als since this is an array we also want to add our our brackets if this was just a single object that was a task we would just do that but since it's an array we want to do that and now if i were to add something onto this um like i don't know time and set that to 2 or something like that you'll see i'll get an error it says typo you can see what it says it's basically telling me that it doesn't match object literal may only specify known properties and time does not exist if i wanted time to exist i would just add it here to the interface okay and that's just typescript that's not really you know angular specific but now we have these mock tasks so let's close this up and we're going to want to create a new component for our tasks so let's go down here and clear this up and we'll generate a new component called tasks okay so you just want to do that and now we should have a task component with our four files and let's um let's just embed this into our app component html so right under the header we know that it's going to be called app tasks i save that we see tasks works all right so let's open up tasks and then the ts file let's also open up the html file all right so now we have our ts file now ultimately the tasks are going to come from our back end which is going to be our json server our fake back end and that will come later for now we're just going to bring them in from that file so let's go right here and let's import tasks i used all uppercase and we want to bring that in from let's say we want to go up one level or up two levels and then what do we call it mock tasks okay we want to bring that in let's also bring our interface in because whenever we define a task we want to use that so i'm going to import task from and that's going to be up two levels and then task okay now these tasks i want to assign as a property of our component so down here let's say tasks which has the type of task and it's going to be an array so we want to make sure we add the brackets and we're just going to directly set it to tasks okay so now those that will be set and we can use this in our component all right so if we go to our html now we should be able to basically loop over that array and then output whatever we want for each particular one now i'm going to have a specific component like i could put a div here i could even do this real quick just to show you how we would loop over there's a directive called ng4 so we would do asterisk ng 4 and set that to let's say let task of tasks now it knows what tasks is that's defined in our component that's being brought in from the the mock file and inside here we could should be able to put like so like task dot text all right so if i save that and we take a look you're gonna see all the text for each of the three tasks that are in that file all right now like i said i want to have a specific component for a task item i don't want to just put it in a paragraph so i'm going to once again generate a new component so let's do task dash item okay so we'll generate that and if we look in task item actually you know what let's do it here first and then we'll go ahead and configure task item so it's going to look like this instead of a paragraph it'll be app dash task dash item and same thing we're going to just loop over it for our tasks and then we want to pass in a property of task which is going to be equal to that individual task for that specific iteration okay and yeah that's all we want to do for now we don't want to put this ta this text though in here we don't want to put anything in here so basically we're just looping over the tasks and passing in a a prop of task that's going to be whatever that specific iteration okay so this is since we have three tasks there'll be three of these components all right so now let's go into our task item component ts and we're going to want to declare that task that's being passed in as an input just like we did for the button for the color and the text right so up here let's bring in input and let's go down here and let's add at input and this is going to be task and the type is going to be task which is our interface so we also want to bring that in so let's import task from and where are we at we want to go up what two levels and then task all right so now we should have access to each individual task in this component so i'm going to save this and now let's go to our html for the task item which is what this it just says task item works so we're just seeing that three times obviously you know that isn't what we want so let's get rid of this and let's do a div with the class of task and inside this div we're going to have an h3 and that's going to be the text so we have access to tasks now into all the properties or all the values and then let's go under it and put a paragraph and this will be the let's save that okay now this doesn't look very good i do have some css that i want to add and we can add that in the right in the task item component css so let me just grab that real quick okay so just that task class save that and there we go that looks a little better all right so we can close up the css file now since we're listing these out i do want to have a delete icon on the right here and i'm going to be using font awesome now we could just kind of you know include the cdn but i'm going to use a package called angular font awesome i think that's what it's called angular font awesome i think this is it right here yeah so we can install this let's see we can use npm or yarn but we should also be able to use ng add since we're using angular 11 ng add is supported it started being supported in version nine so let's uh yeah let's grab this we don't need to specify the version it'll give us the latest and then let's go down here and i'm going to clear this up paste that in so it's ng add fort awesome slash angular font awesome okay so i'm going to choose free solid icons free regular icons and free brands icons okay so that will install the packages that we need if you use yarn or npm you do have to install all the packages separately and then to implement this this is an example of a module okay so we need to bring this font awesome module into our app.module and then add it to imports right so that yeah so that's done installing if we look at the package.json it should have installed let's see yep so you can see it installed all these packages for us that we need all right now let's go to our app.module.ts and i should have showed you this earlier but every component that we installed you can see it imported and then it added to the declarations oh it even did the font awesome module i didn't know it did that one automatically but yeah see all this stuff was was done for us because we use the cli and even the font awesome module was so we should be good to use it this is done so the way that we use it is we can import a specific font like this and then we can add it as a property so i'm going to grab this and let's go to our task item ts and we'll paste this in um now i don't want the coffee icon i want fa times which is an x so i'm going to bring in f8 times and you'll get a drop down here if you just do fa it'll show you like all the different options here for icons but we want times and then just like the documentation showed us we'll just set that as a prop here so we'll say f a times equals f a times and then we should be able to use that in our html so let's go back there and the way we use it is with a fa-icon tag so we're going to go in in the h3 so right after the text we're going to do fa dash icon like that and we want to add to this we want to bind to the icon set that to whatever the prop is which is fa times so let's save that let's see what that does okay so that worked now i do want it to be red so what i'll do is i'll add an ng style just like we did with the button so let's say ng style and we'll set that to let's say color and we'll set that to red uh oh i forgot my double quotes all right good now i want to start to look at services we know how to create components we know how to add properties we know how to add an event use directives like ng style so instead of bringing in so in our task component we're just bringing in mock tasks directly into the component and we're setting it as the property here so ultimately this will be coming from our back end which would be our json server but for now let's at least create the service and bring these mock tasks into the service and then call the service function from here okay so let's kind of minimize some of this stuff here i'm going to close up everything except for this file and to create a service we can actually use the cli so let's say ng generate we want to generate a service and let's put this in a folder called services and this is going to be our task service so let's go ahead and run that and now we should have so in addition to components folder we have a services folder and then we have our task service ts now our service is just a class and it does bring in this injectable and then it has this injectable declaration and it's being provided into the the application level now what i want to do is take the let's see i'm going to grab both of these imports i'm going to copy them and we don't need to import tasks into here anymore we are going to keep the the interface and then let's go to our service and let's paste these uh let's see so it's going to be one level now though because we're just in the services folder so we're going up into the app folder and let's um let's create a method down here called get tasks and for now it's just going to return tasks as far as the type for this so this function it's going to be the task array so we can just do that and it's basically doing it the same way we did it in the component except we want to call this get tasks from our component instead of bringing it directly in and like i said ultimately it's going to come from our back end so now let's go back here and instead of setting this to task it's just going to be an empty array to begin with and we want to be able to call our service method but in order to do that we first have to bring the service in so i'm going to go up here and let's import and let's say task service that's the name of the class we're bringing that in from and then we're going to go up two levels into services and then task service now in order to use a service you have to add it as a provider into the constructor okay so it as a constructor argument here so we're going to say private so we're only going to use it from here and then we'll call it task service lowercase and define that as task service that we brought in which is uppercase so now we should be able to say this dot task service dot and then anything we have in here such as get tasks where we want to call this is in the ng on init because that fires off right away all right and by the way when this void here just means that this this particular function doesn't return anything so in here we should now be able to call this dot task service dot get tasks and i guess yeah for now we're not dealing with observables yet so we could just set this dot tasks which is just an empty array that we set above as a property and then we'll set it to whatever this gives us back and if i save that we shouldn't see any difference now usually this isn't how you're going to want to do it you're going to want to use observables because you're usually dealing with asynchronous data if you're fetching from a server we're just bringing a file in and setting it to that so we can do it this way but i want to show you how we could make this an observable okay instead of just a task directly so we need to go up here and bring in let's say import and we're going to bring in and this is from the rxjs library so from rxjs and we're going to bring in observable and we're going to bring in something called of and then down here where we have our get tasks we're going to change this instead of just the task as the type it's going to be an observable but it's going to be a task observant task as an observable so we want to just surround that with angle brackets okay now we'll get an error here because this is an observable so what we can do if we want to just return an observable directly is let's uh let's create a variable called task and then this is where we use of and we'll just wrap this and that will basically turn it into an observable and then we can return tasks uh let's see it's missing the following properties from task length put oh yeah this is it's just telling us this because we're not we're not i'm using this as an observable we're just using this as whatever the return value setting it to that and that's not how you deal with an observable you subscribe to an observable so you can constantly watch it um so what we need to do is go back here and where we're just setting this dot task we don't want to do that anymore we just want to call get tasks which is observable i shouldn't say call it but we want to subscribe to it so we can say dot subscribe you can kind of think of this as like a as a promise right when you have a promise you do a dot then and then you have an arrow function this is kind of the same thing so in here we'll get the return value which is tasks and then we can do what we want with it we're going to set this dot tasks equal to the task so we get back from the observable so if i save that now we get the same thing okay you're not going to see any difference but the way that it's actually working behind the scenes is different all right so now we're going to make this a little more real world you're probably going to be working with some kind of back end some kind of api and you're going to be using the http client that comes with angular now the http client actually returns an observable automatically so we don't even have to do this you know this of here it'll return an observable and we handle it the same way this will be the same we subscribe to it now as far as our back end we're going to be using a little tool called json server and this is the same thing that i used in the react and the view crash courses so basically it's a it's a full fake rest api we don't have to write any coding it just gives us a local backend to work with you can't deploy this this is not made for production it's just made to give you a local server to work with and basically we create a db.json file and let's see yeah so we create a json file we can add different collections so these would be looked at as different collections we're just going to have tasks and then we'll go ahead and write run a script that'll run json server watch that file and we can make post we can make get post put patch and delete request and it'll actually add data delete data and so on i didn't want to use jsonplaceholder this is the same developer who created this right here jsonplaceholder this is awesome too but you can't actually like you can make post requests but you have to use these resources and if you make a post request it doesn't actually add the data obviously because you don't want he doesn't want public you know letting the public add data delete and all that so i want this to be to function more like a real life application and have have full crud functionality so the first thing we want to do is install json server so we're going to go down here and npm install json dash server and we don't want to inst i mean you can install it globally if you want but i'm not i'm just going to add a script to run it okay and let's go to our package.json okay and you should see that right here json server and then for a script let's call this server so this will run our back end by running json-server and we want to dash dash watch the file we call db.json that's essentially going to be that's essentially going to be our database and then it i think it runs on port 3000 by default i'm going to change that so i'm going to do dash dash port i want it to run on 5000 all right so we'll save that and now let's create this db.json so db.json is actually going to go in the root so make sure you put it in the root db.json okay and then as far as what we're gonna put in here let me just find that file real quick actually you know what i don't have one so we'll just have to type it out so like i said you can you can kind of have i think i said this but you can have collections like if you wanted more than just tasks you could do that you could set uh actually this needs to be in curly braces make sure you use double quotes because this is json but we could have a task array we could have like i don't know what else products like you can have different um collections but we're just having tasks and then let's take you know what we could do is grab that mock file and i'm just going to grab these three tasks copy that and then paste that in here now this isn't json we have to make sure we add double quotes let's select all the single quotes if you're using single quotes and just change those to double quotes and all the keys also have to have double quotes might have been quicker just to type it out but it's fine get rid of the trailing commas you can't have that in jason and let's just add the rest of the quotes here all right so that should be valid so that's our db json now since we have our db json uh created we should be able to now run the server so down here we can say npm run server because that's what i called it as a script and it's going to run on localhost 5000 so it's we essentially have our own local api now and even if if we go to the browser here and i go to localhost 5000 well this is going to show us the welcome page but if we go to slash and then whatever the collection in our case tasks there we go so it's serving that json and it's not like we can just get this we can also make post requests to add to it and update and delete and all that all right so we now essentially have a back end or at least a fake or mock back end and even if this was a real express back end or i don't know django or whatever you would do this stuff the same way so let's see now that we're going to be dealing with an api excuse me let's um let's include the http client and and this is it's just part of angular you know with reactorview you would use the fetch api or axios it doesn't have an http client included angular does i'm not saying that's better or worse but it just angular just has more with it which also makes it you know harder to learn and makes it bigger it's a bigger framework so we want to take this from what is it i think it's angular slash common slash h slash http and we're going to bring in from that the http client there's there's a lot to this we also want to bring in the headers so that we can create http headers okay so we'll bring that in now in order to use this we actually have to add this as a module so let's go to our app.let's see so many freaking files app.module.ts and we need to bring that in here so just like you know we're using the browser module the font awesome module which i'm just going to bring up here with the because i like to have all the modules up top and then we have all the components so let's go ahead and import and this is going to be from let's see it's going to be from the same things angular slash common slash http and we want to bring in from here the http client module okay make sure you client module not just http client and then we just need to add that down here in our imports remember these declarations are for components this is for modules so http client module will get added there and that should do it so we can save this and now we should be able to use it so let's go back to our service and what i'm going to do is add a property for the url that we're that we're hitting our api url so let's make this a private property called api url and we're going to set that to http localhost port 5000 slash tasks okay so that's our url now just like we had to when we brought in our service into our component we had to put it remember right here we had to add it to our constructor we have to do the same thing with the http client all right so in our constructor here not in the function body but as an argument we're going to pass in private and we're just going to call this http http set that to http client like that so now we should be able to use this dot http and then whatever methods that are available get post and so on all right so now let's go down to get tasks we're going to keep this here because it is going to return an observable but we're not going to do this actually we can just get rid of both lines and let's just return this dot http and the reason it's http is because that's what i called it right here i could have called this anything but we're going to say http and we want to make a get request so we're going to say dot get and just pass in the api url now this red line here it's saying type observe observable object is not assignable to type observable task so right after the get here we can just put in our angle brackets and then specify the task array that should get rid of that so if we save that we should see you know the same exact thing except it's now coming from our back end through an http request rather than just being imported from a file in fact if we open up the console here or not the console but the dev tools and go to the network tab and reload we should see let's see right here so tasks so this is the request that was made it was a 200 response everything was okay if we look at the response there it is okay so we know that we're we're interacting with our back end we're interacting with our server and even if i were to change you know in the db.json if i wanted to change something like i don't know change meeting at school to 230 instead of 130 if i save that i do have to reload because remember this is the this is our server this is our back end if i reload you can see that got changed to 230. so we know that the data is coming from the right place now we no longer need of because like i said the http client returns an observable we don't need tasks coming in from mock tasks we can get rid of that now let's start to finish the functionality for our task the next thing i want to do is delete so we click this now and nothing really happens if we go to our task item and we look at the html oh we didn't even yeah we didn't even add an event onto this yet so what we basically want to click this and we want to call a service method called delete task so let's go into this fa icon right here and let's add a click so when we click this we're going to call yeah we'll call it on click and save that and it's just going to give me an error because that hasn't actually been created yet actually let's call it on delete i'll call it on delete and then this is our task item component so we want to go into our task item component ts file and we want to define on delete because that's going to get fired off so let's say on delete and just to make sure this is working we'll say not this let's say console.log 123. and let's go ahead and open up i'm actually going to put this down here and go to our console let's see that didn't work click calls on delete that's because i forgot parentheses and we also want to pass in pass the task in as well like that and then here we have on delete we'll say task and let's console log that all right so now if i click the first one we should see the task down here i click the second one we see it down here as well now as far as interacting with the service and calling the delete that we're going to create there i don't want to do it from the item itself i want to have all of the you know all the functions that have to do with calling the service i want that to be in the tasks component which is the parent of the task item okay remember if we look at the tasks component html we have the task item embedded there so in our task item ts so we have our on delete we're going to emit we're going to emit an event called on delete task so remember we did this with the button we brought in up here it's going to be output and event emitter and then let's add right here output so this needs to be uppercase uh output and then this is going to be let's call this on delete task and this is going to be the type of event emitter and also task which we yeah we brought in right here so we're using the task interface and um we just want to set this to a new event emitter like that all right so now down here instead of console logging tasks we're going to say this dot and then whatever we called that event emitter that on delete task and then we just want to call emit and then pass in that particular task which is being passed in here all right so now we'll save that and remember since we have this output this on delete task output we have to go to the parent component html which is the tasks so right here where we're embedding the the task item and let's put right here actually let's go to the end here and we'll say on delete task when that fires off then we're going to call delete task and that's going to get passed in the task all right so we'll go ahead and save that so whenever that's called now it's going to look into the tasks component and it's going to look for a function or method called delete task so let's go into tasks component ts and then from here we can create delete tasks and we can interact with our service and we're already bringing the service in here right we we're using it here in the ng on init so let's say delete task and that's going to take in task with the type of task it's just a single object it's not the array so we don't need the brackets all right and then in here we're going to want to call the service method which we haven't actually created yet so let's put a pin in this for now and go to our service and let's make let's create a function here to delete okay so we're going to go right under get and let's say delete task which will take in a task with the type of task and then this is going to return an observable and then we want to put in our angle brackets with task you technically don't need to have like the types here we're using typescript you don't have to but it is it just makes your application more robust and it prevents for issues in the future so it is good to do i know it is a little annoying a lot of people love typescript but it does annoy a lot of people i tend to only use it in larger projects and of course in angular because it's you know it's already there and already all set up so let's go ahead and make our request now in order to delete a task you make a delete request to this api but you have to have the id like task slash id so what we'll do is create let's say const url and we'll set that to a set of backticks and then a template literal let's say this dot api url slash and then we want the id which we can get from okay and then for our request we're going to return this dot http and instead of get we're saying delete and the type will be task and then we want to pass in that url which includes the id okay so now we have our delete task here and this again this is going to return an observable so the way that we're going to call this in our component here is is similar to you know what we did up here in fact we could probably just copy this so instead of get tasks we're going to do delete tasks and let's pass in here that specific task um and then what that is going to give us back actually it's not going to think it's going to give us anything back we don't need tasks here however we do want to get rid of it from the ui right so what we'll do is filter it out so we'll say this dot tasks and set it to this dot tasks dot filter and let's say for each task we want where that task dot id is not equal to the task that we deleted so that will filter it out from the ui and this should not have an s i don't know why i put an s okay so this right here where this delete task subscribe is going to call this here it's going to delete from the server and then when it's done it we're going to just filter it out from the ui okay hopefully that makes sense so let's see i want to keep these three tasks so let's just go into db.json and i'll just copy this because you can just add them from here as well and i'll just say 4 and just call this we'll just call this test and that should show up once i reload okay and then i want to delete tests so i'm going to just click delete and that definitely didn't work right it did on the server side but i must have messed something up here and i did this needs to be not equal because we want to filter wait i did oh i just didn't have a space in the right place i don't know what i don't know what the hell i just did but it should be you know the that particular iteration in the filter should not be equal to the task id that you're deleting all right so let's try that again so we'll just make this four doesn't really matter test okay so now we have our test if i click that all right so it gets it first gets deleted from the server and then when that's done you can basically think of the subscribe here as like a dot then right so then we're going to go ahead and filter it out from the ui okay so we have our delete done the next thing i'd like to do which is going to be pretty similar in the way that we do the events and stuff is i want to be able to double click and set the reminder value to just the opposite if it's true set it to false if it's false set it to true we also want to have a um i probably should have did this earlier but we want to have a border here a green border if there's a reminder set and i believe i have a class for that in the css the task item css yep so i have a class of reminder with a border left so let's add that first so we'll go to our task item component html and we want to put it on this div right here now since it's a conditional like if if it's if the reminder is true then we want that class to be set so we're going to use a directive called ng class just like we have ng style we have ng class and we're going to set that to let's say reminder we're going to set the class of reminder if the task dot reminder is true so we'll save that and you can see these two have the green line because the reminder is true if we look at the db.json the first two are true if i set the second one to false then reload you'll see that one is false but i'm going to set that back to true okay so that takes care of the display now again i want to be able to double click and toggle that so just like we have we have the on delete we're going to have an on toggle however we don't want this to be on on the icon we want it to be on the div itself so this div let's go after the class and the event is going to be a double click so it's going to be dbl click and it's all lower case in angular and we're going to set that to let's say on toggle and pass in the task okay so now it's going to give us an error because on toggle is not defined so we need to go to our task item typescript file here and just like we did with the delete we're going to kind of do the same thing we have an output we'll call this on let's call it on toggle reminder and that's going to be an event emitter and then just like we did with the on delete this is going to be on toggle reminder and we're going to emit on i'm sorry this is what we call this on toggle yeah so this will call on toggle so call on toggle and then the this right here is on toggle reminder okay so we're going to emit that and since we're emitting that we have to go to the parent component html which is tasks and just like we did for on delete task we're going to say let's see so on delete task let's say on toggle reminder and then we'll call a function called toggle reminder oops should be just toggle reminder like that okay now this toggle reminder we're going to set this in our tasks component in the ts so down here under delete task let's put toggle reminder which is going to take in a task and then we basically just want to take the task that's passed in we want to take the reminder and we want to set it to the opposite of whatever it is so just the opposite of task reminder and just for now let's just console log task and we should see that change actually we'll log just the reminder value so now if we go over here and let's open up our console and double click and we see true double click again false and you can see the border gets added as well now the problem is if i reload it's going to go back to how it was because we haven't updated the server right we haven't called a service method to interact with json server so let's go to our service task service so underneath delete task let's call this update task reminder which will take in a task and it's going to return an observable task observable and let's uh we can just grab this url line right here because it does need to have the id specified and then let's return this dot http and this is going to be a put request because we're making an update we're going to pass in the url and actually it's just going to be a task we're going to pass in the url we're going to pass in the task so we're sending data which means we we want to send some headers with the content type now up top here remember i brought in this http headers we could do this directly in the function but i'm also going to be using this for the post request so i'm just going to put it up here i'm going to call this http options set that to an object and then headers and then set that to new http headers and then in here we can pass in an object with whatever headers we want in this case we want content type and we want to set that to application slash json and then we can simply pass that in as a third argument down here http options okay just so we're sending the content type and then in our toggle reminder here instead of just you know console logging we're going to let's get rid of that we're going to call this dot task service dot and then it's called update task reminder and we want to we want to make sure that we call subscribe on that and we shouldn't need to do anything else except pass in the task okay so we'll save that and now it should stick because it should update the server so let's just reload this none of these are set to true let's double click that that's set to true now i'm going to reload and it stays second one double click it stays and you should also see it reflect in your db.json file so you can see the second one is true right now if i double click it turns it to false all right cool so we're almost there now we need to do is have our ad component i know we haven't even created that yet but at least we can list our tasks we can delete them we can toggle them so now let's um let's try and think of how i want to do this i'm going to close everything up for now because we need to just create our component our ad form so kind of clean this up a little bit and then we're going to generate a new component so down here i'm going to stop the json server for a second and we're going to generate a component and we're going to call this add dash task okay so that'll create add tasks good let's open up the typescript file let's open up the html file and let's see i'll just run the server again json server run our back end because if the back end's not running it's not going to show our tasks because that's coming from there all right now i want to embed our add task into we're actually going to embed it into the tasks component because the task component is going to be connected to a route later on and we want both the ad form and the actual task to show so let's go into task component html and let's go up right above the app task item and let's add app add task save that we should now see this add task works okay so we'll close that up and let's see i guess it's trying to think of where to start here if i want to do the html let's let's just add the form first the html so we'll go to our html here let's get rid of this and let's add a form we don't want an action and we're going to have a class of form dash control and then we'll have a label for this is going to be the text so we'll say label for text and for the title though we'll say task and then let's have an input and this will be the type of text we'll give it a name of text and an id of text and a placeholder of add task and just to see what that looks like okay and it's styled nicely because of um you know because of the css the global css for form control and all that then we have the day and time so i'm going to copy this whole form control down and this is going to be for let's say day change this to say day and time and the input type will be text the name will be day the id day and then we'll say add day and time all right good and then the last thing or the last input is going to be the set reminder checkbox so for that let's put i guess just copy this so in addition to form control there's a class form control check yeah dash check and let's see label say reminder set reminder and the type is going to be a check box and the name reminder id reminder and no placeholder it's a check box okay let's see what that looks like um what phone controls it oh i'm missing a double quote all right so there's our check box good and then the last thing is an input button so let's say input i'm going to give it a type of submit and let's see value we'll say save task and i'm going to give it a class of btn and btn block and oh this is really close right here i think i had a class of like add or something like that let me just check the global style sheet real quick yeah i have this add form with margin bottom that can actually go in the the style sheet for the component because that's not going to be used anywhere else so right in the css here paste in add form and let's add that to to the form class and dash form okay so that'll push it down all right so that looks pretty good now when you're working with forms you're going to want to put in your class in the component class a property for each field so in our case we have text a text field a day field and a reminder so let's add those as properties here so we'll say text which is going to be a string day which is a string and reminder which is a boolean and i'm going to set that to false by default because you can set default values now i want to basically create a two-way data binding between the the this property and the input now in order to do that we need to use a directive called ng model however that's part of the forms module which isn't set up by default um so we do have to just go to real quick go to app dot module ts and we want to bring in the forms module so let's go right under the hdp client module and let's import from here let's say forms module and that's going to be from angular slash forms and then of course we have to just add it down here since it's a module it's going to go on the imports so right here forms module so now we have our text and reminder properties here so let's go to the form now and on the first input i'll go right after the name and we're going to be using it's it's a two-way data binding so we use brackets and um because brackets are for input right like if you are binding something and then events are output which are parentheses this is a two-way data binding so we actually use both and then the ng model directive and set it to text because that's the we want to bind to this right here to the text all right and then we want to do the same for the others so let's see i'll just copy that and i believe your name you have to have a name attribute with the same value right so this would be day and then this would be reminder all right and if i were to put out like let's say i wanted to have under this div i wanted to output text which is just nothing by default if i start to type in here you'll see that it'll output here so it's a two-way binding okay just wanted to show you that so the next thing we want to do is have a submit and there's actually if we go to the form here there's actually a an ng submit event that we can use so we can use parentheses and then ng submit and by doing this we don't have to do like you usually have to do the event event dot prevent default to prevent the form from submitting we don't have to do that with ng submit which is nice so we'll set that to a function called on submit and that doesn't exist so let's go to add task and let's create on submit okay now for on submit we're going to want to let's just do some quick validation remember we can access this stuff up here with this dot text this dot day and so on so i just want to make sure that the text is there so i'll say if not this dot text then let's do an alert and we'll say please add a task and then we'll return all right so if we were to submit this without a task we get a little alert just some basic validation if it is then let's create an object here called new task and let's set text to this dot text we'll set day to this dot day and we'll set reminder to this dot reminder okay so we have this object and this is what we want to submit to our server through our service now we're not going to do that here in the add task component we're going to do it in the parent component which is task just like where we did everything else so we're going to have to emit an event here all right i'll do that in a second let's just say to do emit event i just want to clear the form after so let's say this dot text set that to just an empty string and we'll do the same with this dot day and then the reminder i want to set that to false okay so if i were to submit it's not going to do anything but it should clear so now to emit the event remember we have to bring in up here let's bring in output and the event emitter and then let's set actually put this up above here let's set the output and we'll call this on add task and this is going to be an event emitter task and we'll set that equal to a new event emitter okay and then down here we can emit it what's this did i not bring in no i didn't bring in the interface of tasks so let's import task from dot dot slash dot dot slash task and then right here let's emit it so we'll say this dot on add task dot emit and we want to emit it with the new task which is this object that we created based on the form inputs all right so now since we have this on add task emitting we have to go to the parent component which is tasks go to the html just like we did with like the delete and all that grab that and let's go ahead and paste that in and change this to on add task and then we'll call a function oops we'll call a function called add task now this doesn't exist we were able to use task here because of our ng4 because of our loop we had access to the task but what we can do is just pass in money sign event and we should be able to then get the task through that now it's just telling us add task does not exist on the task component so let's go to the ts file and from here let's put this down below add task and let's just make sure that works so i'll just console log task for now and then we'll open up our console and i should be able to just type some crap in here and save and you'll see that it'll log okay so obviously we wanted to do more than log we want it to get added to our our back end so we need to make a request through our service just like we did with these other things so let's go to our service now see are we done here i think we're done with the html here and done with that so let's go to our service our task service and the last thing we want to do here is add task okay and then this is going to return an observable task okay and let's from here we're just going to return this dot http and we're going to make a post request and we want to pass in here the api url we want to pass in the task and we also want to pass in the http options which has the header okay because we are submitting data and that will return an observable so let's go back to the task component where we have our add task and let's uh we could probably just copy this so we'll say this task service and we want to call add task pass in that specific task and then we'll get back a single task so just make that singular and then what we want to do is not this but we want to set let's say this dot task and then we want to push on to that um the task that we get back so let's go ahead and try this out i'll just say test task and i don't know maybe seventh set reminder and save okay so it gets added good let's reload and it's still there meaning that it communicated with the server made the request good if i double click i can toggle it i can delete it all right so we now have we basically have crud create read update and delete i know the update is only the reminder like we don't have the ability to change the title or the text or the day you can add that if you want this is getting way longer than i thought it would be but we need to finish up by adding functionality to this button right here i don't want this to show by default i want just the task to show and then you click add then this shows then this turns into a close button so you can close it and just toggle this so we need to do that and then we're also going to i'm going to show you how to implement routing as well which is pretty easy so let's handle the toggle i'm going to just close up all of this and just collapse the stuff here now let's think about what we have to do here we have to be able to click this button and make this component not show right if we click it again then it'll show not only that but i want the button to change i want this to turn red and have the text close now since we want this to we want something to happen in multiple components instead of just passing things around you know passing basically like in react it's called prop drilling where instead of doing that we're going to create a ui service with a property called show add task meaning show this add task component that'll be a boolean and we're going to set up something called a subject which is a certain type of observable actually let me bring this article over real quick just to show you a use case for subjects so where is it we'll get into more detail later but for now it's enough to know that a subject involves taking the notifications from a single source observable and forwarding them to one or more destination observers so basically we want a subject when we click this and we want to track it both here in the button or in the header rather and then also in the in the add task component so let's create a new service right now we just have our task service i'm going to stop jason's server for a second here and let's do let's see i should have my other gen yeah so ng generate service and then services and we'll call this ui okay we'll go ahead and start our server backup and let's open up our ui service so we're going to bring in say import we're going to bring in observable and then subject and we're going to bring that in from rxjs and then let's go down into our service class and basically we're going to define let's see private show ad task which is going to represent if it's shown or not so that's going to be a boolean and we're going to set that to false by default and then we want to define a subject so we'll say private subject set that to a new subject this is all in the documentation and we're going to use any for the type and then what we want to do is create we want to create a function to toggle that value this this show add task so let's say toggle add task and this isn't going to return anything so i'm going to set this to void and then we're just going to say this dot show add task meaning that value we set above which is false by default and set it to whatever the opposite so not this dot show add task and then we want to take this dot subject and there's a method called next and then we can pass in the value which is going to be whatever the current show add task if it gets set to true it'll true we'll get passed in if it's false false will get passed in now the other method that we want is basically going to fire off when we toggle right so we're going to call this on toggle and this is going to be an observable and for the type we'll say any and then we want to return from this this dot subject and return as observable and that's it that should be it for our service so basically we want to call this when we actually click it and then wherever we want to do something when that happens we want to subscribe to on toggle okay so keep that in mind now let's go to let's see so just to refresh my memory a little bit we have our button when we click it we call on click and if we look in the button here we're emitting button click from the component which then is in the header right so in the header ts okay we didn't add button click yet but if we look at the html yeah button click oh yeah we called toggle ad class okay so toggle add class is what's being fired off and right now yeah so it's just it's just console logging so in this in this header component this is where we're going to bring in our ui service so let's say import ui service from and it's going to be up two levels in services slash ui.service and then we're gonna we also want to bring in from rxjs something called subscription so let's import subscription from rxjs and let's see so we have our title let's add let's add a value of show add task which is going to be a boolean and let's have our subscription which is going to be subscription now remember in order to use a service you have to add it to your constructor so in here we're going to say private and we'll call this lowercase ui service and then uppercase ui service which is what we brought in so now we should be able to say this dot ui service dot and then any methods that are in there what is that all right now in the toggle add task instead of this let's say this dot ui service and then toggle add task okay so basically when we click that we're calling in our service we're calling this right here okay if i click it i mean we're not responding to it but this should be getting called in fact if i just console.log like one two three and i click it we should see that one two three now we wanna handle you know whatever we want to happen when we actually click that and one of the things we want to happen is change this show add task value right here okay this is just a you know a local property to this class or to this component but i do want to change it so that i can then change the text and the color that that is going into the button right here instead of just having green actually you know what let's add it i'm going to wrap this in actually can i do i think i can do this so like show add task if that's true then i'm going to want this to be red right so let's say red else then i want this to be green and i think i need quotes around that i hope that didn't work uh let's see what oh i have you need double curly braces too many switching of frameworks so now if i click this nothing's going to happen nothing's going to happen just yet but if i set this show add task manually if i set it to true you'll see that turns red alright not only do i want it to turn red but i want the text to be different so let's actually just copy this and for the text if it's shown then i want it to say close and if it's not then i want it to say add okay so now you'll see it's red and it says close if i change this to false okay now we could of course just change that in here but we we want to to also catch that change in the ad component itself so we can display and not display this so what we'll do is once this is fired off this toggle add task in our service if we want to basically watch that we need to use the subscription that we brought in and that's going to happen in the constructor in the body so in the constructor let's say this dot subscription so we're just setting up a subscription to the toggle so this set that to this dot ui service ui service dot i think on toggle is that what i called it so in the ui service yeah right here so we want to call that on toggle so on toggle and that's going to be an observable so just like with our other observables we're going to call subscribe and we're going to get a value back and that's going to be either the true or false okay and this is going to be an arrow function and then we'll say this dot show add task we're going to set it to whatever that value is okay and remember that value is just going to be the opposite of whatever show add task is in here it's false by default it changes to true it's passed in here and this dot subject next and then we're catching it here so true or false and then we're setting this component or this class property to whatever that is all right so let's click it and you can see now we're toggling the button okay so we essentially want to do this same thing in the add component as well so we can show or not show the form so let's do that let's go to we can close that up close the service up the header up and let's go into add tasks okay we're going to go into here and we want to bring in the ui service here as well so we want to import ui service from services slash ui service and to use that we have to pass it into the constructor so private ui service all right and then just like we did with the other component with the header we're going to have a show add task which is going to be a boolean and let's see we're going to basically just do the same thing that we did in the other component actually just copy it so from the header in the constructor what we did right here let's grab that paste that in so now any uh oh we have to do the subscription as well so let's make sure we import a subscription from that's going to be from rxjs let's set a subscription and set that subscription okay so those steps that i just did are basically what you're going to want to do if you wanted anything else in any other component to respond to this click right here to that toggle okay if you want anything to to respond to that and then when that happens this show add task is going to be set to whatever you know whatever it's set to through the service so now to deal with that let's go to the html for the add task component and we just want to show it if um you know if it's true and not show it if it's false so we can use an ng if and if you want to use an ng if just on a regular element like this use asterisk ng if and we'll set that to show ad task okay so now it's not shown if i click add not only does the button change but it also now displays the form and i can toggle that so i didn't have to like pass around uh values or pass around events or anything we just have a service a ui service that we could definitely put other stuff in here if we had a you know if we added stuff to the ui and we wanted to respond to specific events and multiple components we could put it in here all right so now that we can do that we can add i think the only thing really left to do is to implement the router and just to make sure this still works i don't know why it wouldn't but we'll go ahead and try it okay double click delete all right so all this stuff seems to work we can't add it without a title close so now for the router let's close both of these up okay now at the beginning you remember when we used the cli it asked us if we wanted to use the router so normally i would have said yes most likely but i wanted to show you how to just build just you know the single ui here with no other routes or anything and then show you how to implement it manually which which isn't hard at all really we just need to go to our app.module which is right here okay and we want to bring in the router module and then we can set up our routes and what we'll do is we'll create a footer component that has a link to an about page or an about route so let's go under the forms module and let's import from here and this stuff i'm doing right now would happen automatically if you chose yes in the beginning so we're going to bring in router module and routes and that's going to be from angular slash router and then we have to add actually let's create our routes first so we'll go right above ng module here and say const app routes and we're going to set that's going to have a type of routes and then we're going to set that to an array with objects with a path now for the home page you're going to just have a just an empty string so for the or the index i should say the index route and then i want to i want to connect that to the component of tasks component which has both the ad form and the list of tasks right and then i guess that's all i'll do for now and then we want to go down to the imports and after the forms module we want to add router module but we also want to do this dot for root and inside here we pass in our app routes and you can put your app routes in a separate file as well if you'd like and if you want to debug you could add you could add some options here and you could do like enable tracing and set that to true that can help you debug your routes now in order for your you know whatever route you're on for that component to show you just want to go to your main app component to the html and instead of like app tasks what we want to put here is our router dash outlet like that if i save that i should see the same thing because our tasks component is our home page right now if i create another route or i should say let's create another component called about so i'm going to just stop this for a second and let's generate a new component called about and you could put this in like a subfolder called pages if you wanted to because it's kind of like a page but let's create that and we'll run the server again and then let's go into about and let's go into the about html and this is i mean you can put whatever you want here but i'm just going to have a div with an h4 actually let's put an h2 let's put an h2 here and task tracker version and then i want a link to go back now with the angular router what you do is it's an a tag but you don't want to use href because that'll refresh the page like a regular link you want to use router link like this so a router link and this is going to go to slash and we'll just say go back all right so that's our about component now what we want to do is go back into app module above component should have been already brought in because we you know we use the cli but we want to add it to the routes so we have our first route here now let's just copy this down and let's set this to the about component and this is going to be about if i save that now and i go to my url bar here and to slash about it shows me the about page okay and it still shows the header and all that because if we look in our main app component you know we have our container we have our header and then any whatever the specific route is is going to output here now i do want a footer component as well that has a link to that about page so let's generate that real quick and let's see so footer i think i have a little bit of css for this yeah we're just going to put some margin text align center and then for the html for the footer let's just do this so just a copyright and then a link to the about page and then we want to embed that in our main app component so that'll be app dash footer okay so now we have a footer that takes us to the about page and we can go back so now we're switching between routes all right now one one last thing if i go to the about page i don't want the button to show up here this this is stupid there's no point in having this here so let's limit that to um we'll limit the button to the home page so to do that let's go to our header okay so the button the app button is being displayed right here i'm trying to think of yes so in order to in order to do this we need to bring in the router so in our header ts let's go up here and let's import because we just need to figure out what route we're on and we can do that with the router so that's going to be from angular slash router and since we brought that in here we have to bring it in here as a provider into our constructors so we just want to put a comma here you can put as many providers as you want and let's say private router lower case set that to router uppercase and then we should have access to this dot router which has a url property so i'm going to create a function here that says has call it has route and that's going to take in a route which will be a string and all i want to do here is just return and say this dot router dot url if that is equal to route so that'll be a true or false value okay and then we're going to go into the header component html and where we have our app button let's add an ng if on to this so ng if and we're just going to set that to has row and the route is just slash because it's the index so basically we only want to show this on the index page which is our tasks page right because that's the route we set it to so let's reload this and let's hit about and now you'll see that that button does not show here and it won't show on any route except for the index route which is this tasks page okay so that's it now if you're coming from react or view you might notice that this is more difficult right it's just i think it's pretty objective i don't really think it's it's just an opinion that angular is harder than those other two frameworks uh and that's because there's just more to it it's it's more strict um and it's just more robust and i think that that's a big reason why it's so popular in the big business world if you're if you have a startup or your own project or you're freelancing angular might not be the best choice i mean for me my favorite framework is react followed by view followed by angular but i don't build a lot of really large scale applications if i was then i would probably look at angular because there's just so much to it and things are just so so much more strict um you know and organized i guess than with react or vue where you can do things just pretty much any way you'd like angular has a very specific way of doing things but with that said it is it is a great framework it's just has a bit of a learning curve and obviously this this is the longest it's the same exact application that i built in react and view and it took at least a half hour maybe 45 minutes longer than those videos did but hopefully you enjoyed it guys and hopefully it was understandable again refer to the documentation for anything you didn't understand and that's it i will see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 307,982
Rating: 4.9526434 out of 5
Keywords: angular, angular crash course, angular traversy, traversymedia, angular tutorial, javascript framework
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 32sec (7292 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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