ANGRY BIRDS FRIENDS (Ranking EVERY Angry Birds Game)

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at this point in Ang's history the games have become a successful series with each sequel continuing to see update but people wanted more and would have nothing to consume once they' beaten every level in each update angry birs needed a game that gave players a concent stream of content and while they were at it why not let you compete against your friends why not change the level theme through unique tournaments why not make it a Facebook game this is a story of angry bir's friends hello everybody and welcome to the least popular video in this series guaranteed I want to R rank every Angry Birds game but I just know people are less interested in this game than the others mostly because I also feel that way but Angry Birds Friends is really important to the history of Angry Birds whether you like it or not and it's one of the few games that still exist to this day four games in and this is the first to still be alive and kicking the majority of this video is going to focus on looking at every tournament the game has ever held which is an insane feat for sure but before that I want to find out how this game came to be back in 2012 mobile games were made a lot differently than they are today games were made made released and finished try to think of a big modern mobile game that's like that it's a trick question they don't exist mobile games are all services now something you never stop giving your attention and money to this is an idea roio was looking into all the way back in 2012 and in a way they were really ahead of their time the biggest aspect of this new game was its social nature I couldn't find if Facebook games in spy roio or even reach out to robio but it's easy to see why the game released there first games like Farmville Words With Friends Candy Crush they were all massive at the time and it felt like everybody was playing them it's funny how all these games still exist but have absolutely no affiliation with Facebook anymore anyways Facebook was the place for social based mobile games so it's a no-brainer to release their brand new title Angry Bird's Facebook wait what they were clearly going all in on this being a Facebook title but would change it to Ang Bird's friends in just a few months Ang Bird's Facebook was very different than how we know it today it feature weekly tournaments it really didn't offer any new content instead it was classic angry birth levels from poach tags Mighty Hoax and surf and turf a level pack made to promote this new release I didn't actually know that I always wondered why they made unique from the rest of the packs in the game you did compete with your friends but only on existing levels crowns appeared on the stage to represent your standing amongst your friends a gold crown meant you officially the alpha of your friend group and every Facebook user legally had to poke you as commanded the game introduced power-ups to the series which was pretty necessary for a Facebook game I definitely remember the worst part of Facebook games was how many relied on you playing for a minute or two and then being forced to wait hours to continue or of course you could pay to skip it always remember Facebook for starting this horrible trend for mobile games people Angry Bird's Facebook was a fine idea but pretty quickly evolved into Angry Bird's friend in May of 2012 it got a full re-release giving us all the content we had before but the brand new feature of weekly tournament four new levels were released every week with the exciting opportunity to play new levels and be other players you'd get rewards for being the best meaning more powerups to use in future tournaments or if you're rich and all your stupid ugly friends are poor you can just pay to win if you've ever spent money on Angry bir's friends please take a second to reflect on your life choices anyways the tournaments mostly use existing level teams and ideas and over the years there have been special unique tournaments that eventually became much more prominent for the series not every week featured completely new levels time time there were Reus levels for these generic weekly tournaments the unique tournaments are truly the selling point of the game the main reason it's still around and the main reason people still play the game in just a minute we'll start going through them but let's touch on the rest of the game for a second once weekly tournaments were added the game continued to grow and like every other big Facebook game it eventually became its own app you could play on Facebook or the app but this was really when the game became anger's friends every stable of the series was here the main flock Bad Piggies three stars and the new Power for the game the standout one was the brand new wingman who has sure become a mascot for the game it's a way to use a free terance at any point in a level it may not always be great but imagine a stage with just red or the blues Available to You Terren could destroy a stage like that for you he's in tons of games now which is cool to see you can make unique avatars too which is one of the most customizable things I've ever seen angry brds allow the game would event to get a few new level packs picnic Beach pigtails and golden eggs and Green Day seems like their first experiment for special levels was with a level pack instead of a tournament levels themed around the band Green Day were available to play at any time meaning those handsome Green Day pcks could be popped whenever you'd like the level pack was removed towards the end of 2012 long after special weekly tournaments had begun the game has seen a lot of changes since that original mobile game version launch but I think we should get to that when we get caught up on the tournament last chance people time to fasten your seat bels grab some popcorn and let me do the monotonous work of breaking down every turnour with the game has ever help for your personal enjoyment hopefully it will be fun and exciting for you but I've been juding this very very much YouTube channels like Angry Bird's Nest have done a tremendous job of preserving footage of the gamees tournaments and they really have no way to show anything without other people's work go check out those channels for the full videos and please understand I wouldn't take these clips if I had any way to get them myself some tournaments will need more explaining than others but no matter what I'll be very quick I swear all right let's get started our first big crossover was Lotus F1 racing cars and Angry Birds truly before their time this is released in September of 2012 and really kicked off the unique themes next was the Halloween tournament officially bringing bubbles to the game wingman got to be the hunter zombie pigs would rise from the dead where regular pigs died they really went all out then in November they combined the Lotus F1 theme and Angry Star Wars they should have just made a Star Wars tournament throughout that game seems like a very strange combination the last new tournament in 2012 was Winter themed Santa bom became a unique power up a bunch of winter themed items were added and holiday cheer was spread to kick off 2013 we go all the way to the Valentine's tournament so far this feels like they're ripping out season stick especially when it took until July for a summer tournament to start thankfully the first big event was in September Freddy for a day you're an OG if you remember that cinematic trailer with truck riding his big old bicycle and making kingpig impotent in the process the very next week featured a rock and Rio music festival theme and sadly no that was not based on anything anger bir's real related the anger bir's Facebook page hit 25 million likes towards the end of September and the H tournament to celebrate and of course there's always going to be a Halloween event and a winter event and a valentine event exciting stuff but we're already into 2014 with our very first wingman tournament it's a general superhero theme with the introduction of wingman's art rival El porkador definitely my favorite one so far and marer was a oops all bombs tournament which is awesome and I hope they continue to do for every bird and we finally got our first Easter tournament too we got the pirate tournament in May a soccer themed one in June and July and another summer themed tournament in between they tried an oops all Chuck tournament too leading up to the second wingman tournament titled revenge of the CCI porkador it was so cool to get a sequel like that and have El porkador go Robo mode there was an office tournament and bouncy tournament in September with the final event of the month called the sneak peak tournament by beating levels you get a sneak peek of some big big news what were they revealing a new game a new character the reveal was none other than a very first image of the Angry Birds movie what a time to be alive anyways Pig Mania was next and there were just a lot of pigs we got our annual Halloween tournament this time focusing on mummies in an Egyptian tomb who cares about birds when we got the pangalan tournament I love the little guys and I'm glad Angry Birds spread awareness about their endangerment there was a TNT event right before winter featuring ice Christmas and New Year's levels we made it to 2015 and what B way to start the year with the introduction of a brand new bird the hockey bird he sadly nothing more than a reskin of Chuck but it still a really cool addition oh and also the hockey theme is fun I guess they never missed the Valentine's Day event but they also made a retro games theme in March Tetris Mario Pac-Man and more got a spotlight Summer 2015 consisted of quite a few generic themes so let's rapid fire these quickly we got the Earth hour Easter rocket bubbles help Nepal massive underwater up for school princess and till the tournaments Ang Birds to released in August so we got an event for that everyone loves hip-hop and an actual Rio tournament with marma sets and everything then we got the big event of the year the event that features the one and only Danny deito Bird and Don Cheeto bird and Matt Damon bird look they can't all be winners it was a big event and while these birds weren't playable it's pretty funny to have these celebrities as Birds because of the event we also got Shakira bird to celebrate the the new Roo game Love Rocks she's pretty I mean no I'm not attracted to birds back to the generic stuff we got a Halloween Wild West jelly bounce holiday oink tournament Mania Carnival Valentine's Day space Easter and a brand new angs movie tournament wow it even came with its very own horrible looking app icon it wouldn't be the movie era without that Going Back to Basics we got the Viking kns of the golden egg Pig your ride summer swine tiger day 40 pigs Wish Upon a pig Autumn Harvest Halloween Amusement pork and hogay tournaments rounding out 2016 let's take a break here as 2017 was the year that angw friends made a big change mostly a visual change you're allowed to have whatever sort of opinion you want on this style but man I think it looks so unappealing it just worse all right I don't know who thought they should take all the personality and Joy from Angry Birds leave with these lifeless characters instead but I will always resent them for it my poor how will never recover from this travesty this eventually became the s for Ang reloaded too basically replacing the typical s for the games with this look instead why wouldn't they have gone with Angry Birds too that game looks great even how get to look good it's not fair man not sure when this was added but before you can play tournaments now you have to play the piggy Tower I like the idea of slowly unlocking Birds over time but the amount of levels you have to play before you can compete is insane I really don't know why you'd play all 100 of them either well now I'm the impressed there's like a million more tournaments and I'm already bored here's what I'm going to do there is absolutely no point in going over every tournament if that already wasn't clear I'm going to look at every important event the game has held from this point on and then go back to read out every tournament name I skipped therefore fulfilling my promise but not wasting your or my time any damn further the only knowable tournaments in 2017 were the anguage blast and evolution celebration tournaments both featured elements from the game they are tied to with a bunch of evolution characters getting their own Sprites we also got ramp p in this update and i' like to move on now before he takes advantage of me they really started to slow down on new tournaments from 2018 to 2021 which is strange because they did the complete opposite in 2022 and 2023 with the most tournaments out of any year before not sure if KOB played a part in that or maybe it has nothing to do with the classic games getting removed in 2019 I'd love to hear conspiracy theories 2019 had a tournament for angb dream blast and while pigfoot goes camp pig is one of the most generic events ever it does feature the one and only pigfoot and that deserves mentioning we got the infamous Smur tournament in 2021 featuring cage Smur and literally just a man I'll never understand but I didn't just dress up pigs like Smurf and Gargamel instead of just putting P&S of them in there 2022 was the 10th anniversary of the game and I'm pretty sure it held more new tournaments than any other year of the game the Popeye tournament is here with a pig dressed up as Popeye instead of putting a damn PNG of him in here like I said such an obvious choice to make dude honestly the only other tournament worth noting is the Sonic one we just got a couple months ago Sega bought roio a while back so they held events in all our games to celebrate the occasion I think friend had one of the better events with tons of Sonic Team elements in the stages complete with the Eggman Pig himself I truly can't believe there's an official Eggman Pig and angry Bir dude the tournament going on while I make this video is just a generic one but I think there's one to promote these weird sad Runners they've been posting on Facebook coming soon well if you're still here good news I'm going to ramble off the hundreds of events names left to cover I don't blame me if you want to skip to the conclusion but the names are are kind of funny if I'm being honest I'll try my best to show promotional art or footage if I can but please don't blame me if I end up putting some random levels to watch in the background there's only so much I can do here the remaining tournaments are year of the rooster designed by You Love Is in the Air pig day bunny business spring is sprung Pig Out tropical eggscape I want to ride my pigical elephant day party with hatchlings Day of the Dead Santa Cole and Candy Claus ancient Greece Q pigs in Venice cherry Blossom hand egg swine pay Kentucky free chicken dwall Pink Friday piggy proposal St Piggy's day junk food detch pigs the fling Stones Everton 4th of July Fallen pigs Australia Day Pig opoulos The Good the Bad and the piggies player design slings giving pigs SMI and New Year tournament liking the name so far really sad I missed out on the fling Stones honestly anyways that was from 2017 to 2021 let's get through the next three years Angry Bird's Journey player bird egg drop Cinco Deo Dungeons and Piggies Aqua pigs playing for the planet The Great Outdoors fir week farmageddon Pigs in Space synth wve piggy meal action movie Mayhem ancient Egypt pig or treat season slings Lunar New Year Superbirds cup Pig's Arrow veggie power Jurassic pork pranking pigs burning Pig Spanish vacation when pigs fly Stone Age pork Topia pork ball World Series Wings of Freedom roller porker Pig paper scissors dead hams tell no Tales a fist full of bird coins thanks pegging PL swine from outer space snout down hamilan hamy New Year pork Divas hands from the past Super pork Bowl Porky passion Earth flock angry a for flock sake day for a picnic and finally birds Helping Birds Tournament who the hell turn these from normal names to the worst Ang Birds puns I've ever heard thanks pigging sounds like a freaking XX episode for flocks damn's sake indeed okay I had to come back and add a section just to talk about these loading screens I may not like the style of the game itself but man do some of these go hard I love seeing an angry cow in the farm one the Willy Mammoth looks insane here and nothing quite Topsy Jurassic pork one I'd freaking hang this up on my wall dude whoever does the art for these should be proud of their work and for bringing some life to these tournaments of course this list will become immediately outdated I hope I've convey how few tournaments are actually special in some way today so I really don't care if I miss out on some more bird punts with all that crap out of the way let's talk about my actual thoughts on the game to be totally fair I didn't play much of this game for the video I really could what am I supposed to do I'm mostly basing my thoughts on the current state of the game which isn't a good sign for this ranking because I hate the current state of the game when the game first released it was a cool idea letting you directly play new anger levels with your friends the tournaments certainly weren't no pigfoot they were pretty generic but as I always say Angry Birds is best in its most simple form as the game went on levels got less and less focused and more and more massive so it's basically like every other game in the series then yes except this game takes it a step up because of the thousands of thousands of levels theyve made for it it's finally gotten to the stage where the levels don't even have a point to them they're just massive structures that each get taken down the exact same way what do this series even become now at one point in time angry bir's levels felt special to a lot of us those early games still feel special especially visiting them but Ang's friends sought to wear out originality the players and most importantly the people who made the levels roio with weekly tournaments we're getting more anger levels than one person can take you are guaranteed to get sick of the gameplay sty if be playing enough this game and suddenly Ang birs has lost its magic every level feels the same designs are uninspired every good idea has been used up and spit out for a weekly event and somehow they're still forced to pump out new levels it's not only ruined itself but the idea of the slingshot games as a whole from this point on every Angry birs game need to have some sort of gimmick or just completely new gameplay style and I have to imagine this game had a big role in that for longtime players of the game I'm sure you have extremely fun memories to some of those classic tournaments maybe like some of the crossovers te because of the game or maybe if you're like me you feel completely burned out and uninterested in the game certainly doesn't help that they've actively attempted to ruin it as time goes on at one point in time Ang friends was a decent game and slowly but surely it has dug itself deeper and deeper into everything that is wrong with the franchise every existing angerts game is a service now something you must play day after day with no end in sight and that all stemed from this one simple game Ang friends is not the worst Ang game to exist but I do think it deserves a d tier friends is somehow one of the remaining slingshot games something every Ang fan wants so so dearly and despite this there's absolutely no reason for me to ever want to play this game it's a sad cruel reality that modern Roo has cursed us with if you miss the original version of Ang's friends as much as I do there's an amazing fan-made remake called angra's refresh not only does it repair the original look of the game but the classic customization of your profile picture story mode levels and weekly events you can compete with through Discord such a genius idea and very well done if you miss angry bir's friends don't play angry's Friends Play refresh instead even if you don't care about angry's friends I really appreciate you sticking with this video currently not feeling great about it honestly so let me know how compared to the others in the series I think it's just a hard game to review a ton of people became members and patrons after the Ang bir Rio video which was so cool to see it gave me confidence to make this video at least and if you'd like to see space Star Wars go and of course epic then please consider directly supporting me I don't make very much from these videos so I really need the support to keep the series going thank you all who have already done so especially my members Leland Patrick Baron bright streak MD switchy dolphin R H2O Dojo Master lavaan Jasper TV keep omegon G guy Jeff the legend cheaper Ying godam Marie Callum Ford daar play stuff happens sometimes peacock Sharky okay Cyro is taken Pik girl for you I'm just so tired and Rafel and Christal creations is back next time if we're able to continue would be eggd space I know a lot of people are looking forward to it so I hope to have the chance to do so I haven't played through the game for a while so I'm personally pretty curious to see where ends up going on the list I'll see you then goodbye it's finally got it's finally getting the stage where the levels don't actually have it's finally get to the stage where the levels don't even have a point to them they just you're an OG if you remember that you're an OG if you remember that cinematic trailer with Chuck running his big old bicycle and making King Pig feel imp you're an OG if you remember that cinematic trailer with chaging
Channel: Jake Miller
Views: 34,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D95y5Ndzjlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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