Ranking EVERY Angry Birds... Pig (PART 2)

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[Music] Angry Bird Star Wars continues to be one of the best crossovers ever and I had a blasting some of my favorite Star Wars characters as Birds but what about Darth Maul General Grievous Java the Hut there are so many awesome characters we haven't covered yet and I'm sick of it today we are not only covering more Angry Birds pigs but finishing the second half of ranking every character in Angry Bird Star Wars the birds are more prominently used as playable characters which means all the enemies from the first game are pigs and they were playable pigs in the sequel and we even have more unidentified pigs to discover from the cinematic trailer man I miss the days of ranking 30 or so characters since the pigs have a much more prominent role in Star Wars 2 I'm going to start with playable pigs there then move to the pig scene in the original Star Wars game there's so freaking many I don't even feel like naming them here let's just get into do it without further Ado let's find out we should join the pork side or if we should instead set these freaks on fire with some formal theide angle bir Star Wars 2 marked the first time that pigs would be given a slingshot roll alongside the birds throughout the story of the game we now see both the Birds and pigs perspective of major Star Wars events which is great for the prequels considering how they end the pork side is super important and I'm really glad they did the way they did the first playable pick of the cast is none other than D Jango fed Mandalorian have always been cool characters and they absolutely nailed that look in Angry Birds too he is just perfect as tradition they felt the need to make new angry Bir ified names for these characters so this one is of course Jango fat I wish I was that clever he fittingly received a missile as well launching wherever you tap and sending Jango flying as a result he's definitely not overpowered but I do love him very much so let's start our list with an a tier the very next character was the freaking Emperor or Dar cidus for the sticklers out there maybe you want to call him by his Pig name Emperor pigle teine they just keep getting better and better I've always loved that he's just the king pig with a cloak on and you can very clearly see that Crown sticking through Angry Birds tried to reccon this as a fork for some reason but we don't have to listen to them that's really really stupid he is playable on the sequel using his signature lightning abilities but we got to see him in the first game too he's really the final boss and once you break his shield you get to use Darth Vader himself to beat the emperor in the final level that's a pretty awesome way to to end the game it is a little weird that he looks exactly the same in Star Wars 2 when he should really be younger with no robes but I'll allow it they compromise by making him wear a beak when he's in Disguise and that's honestly just a funny visual I really don't like playing as a guy but he is a cool Final Boss so what the heck give him a b tier one of my favorite non- Anger Birds pigs is Rusty the boar just wait until he unleashes his Beast just a hog weapon out as beast and whatever you do don't say that the other way around let me introduce you to my favorite new mobile game on Apple arcade Beast stands for bioxo arena suit team and in this game every furry friend on your team has their own Beast work together to beat the team in a 3v3 shooter Arena I love Rusty but I cannot wait to unlock Finn the shark or NYX the owl each character has a unique Loadout so have fun finding the one that suits your play style best what's especially great about Beast is that there are no ads or microtransactions all you need is an apple arcade account and you're set if you've never tried Apple arcade before claim your free trial by clicking the link in the description or scanning the QR code and play Beast all you want for a full month man that sounds like the greatest month a guy could have I really love the personality of this game and was surprised how much fun I had in the arena I played games like this before but not have edgy personas with Mech to Pilot so clearly any game without those features are inferior there's tons of modes characters costumes and it's super accessible to all skill levels check out Beast today by scanning the QR code or clicking the link in the description and thank you to OPB for sponsoring the video now let's get back to those darn pigs a little more obscure of an enemy here the droida I really hope that's how it's pronounced they made it look a lot like the actual droids but really nothing like a pig remove that snout and that's just a robot its power takes Yoda spinning move and it ends with c3po's crumble moves if you haven't seen that first video then you missed how much I hate that move it's even more useless here making this one of the most frustrating pigs to play as he's only in the bonus levels too these aren't bonuses these are torture I don't hate the concept or the design but that doesn't keep him out of f tier we're starting things early today our next droid is the battle droid in Star Wars these things have become the butt of every joke it's rare to show one on screen without it being killed hilariously don't shoot I'm not the commander he he's the commander guess I'm the commander now they're these tall skinny Droids that suck very hard and I feel like the design of angry Bridge just doesn't cut it this thing looks almost nothing like the real deal to the point that I forget they're the same character to be fair I really don't know how they could have done it better but I digress they're given the very basic Blaster shots as their ability which makes perfect sense but it's still very boring they're weirdly also the main enemies in the birth side levels but look unrecognizable from their own dang game they're more green and piglike I guess just to make them feel like normal angry birs enemies and help them stand out but it's all very strange I'm thinking deer and of course the fan favorite red battle droid how could they make a game without these guys a reskin with a near identical ability to a character I already don't care about my favorite F tier here we go now we're freaking talking one of the coolest characters ever now made even cooler as a pig they made an amazing teaser for the game with Darth Maul that I watched over and over as a kid I couldn't get enough of this stuff everyone wanted a double-sided lightsaber because of this guy who wouldn't want to be Darth Moore Yes you heard me right what the hell does Moore mean anyways he's got a great lightsaber ability looks crazy cool and is one of my favorite Star Wars characters I'm definitely saying s tier the best they could do was count dodo count dooo was right there I've never care much for the guy and look at him here he's just a pig with facial hair he gets to be the final boss of the main story and gets mace W's overpowered Boomerang ability I really wish someone cooler got to have this one but I guess I shouldn't complain too much you'll always be count doooo in my eyes so have fun in B tier our one and only female playable pick in Star Wars is Zam wessell also known as Zam weasel somehow ham westle was right under their damn snout and they changed the last name to weasel she's not a weasel she's a hog you hoodlum if you don't remember this character from the movies I don't blame you but it makes sense they've added her here she gets a whole dang boss fight to herself as well as the grappling hook ability and her playable form definitely was not expecting her to be the pig version of Jar Jar Wings Misa miss him so freaking much Zam weasel is honestly just fine I nether e hate or love her she really makes me wish there were more female villains in Star Wars oh well B tier Boba fat takes after his dad just as fat as ever again mandalorians are amazing so you got to love the OG if you've never seen the bobas delivery Short they made for him you need to pause this video and watch it it's quite possibly one of the greatest animations in angry bir's history I've seen it at least 50 times he's one of the most prominent pigs in angert Star Wars appearing in both games he's just a better version of his father firing two missiles rather than just one and he really shines in the first game there's a whole dang level pack titled Boba Fett missions that was unlocked after finding five jet packs or the levels or just buying the pack he's unique boss that flies in each stage and can be used to deal some damage when beaten I've always loved Boba Fett and considering he's just a better D Jango then why not put him in s speaking of my favorites our four armed quad wielding robot is finally here General Grievous no they had a much better name for him he should now be known as as my own personal nickname in high school General grunter you literally can't make this stuff up of course he was given all four lightsabers and they absolutely nail the look of him here he is perfect as perfect can be he's also one of my favorite telepods I own so let's look at my collection once again let me know which Pig telepods you had my best ones are Grievous Jaba Maul and pigle teen I got the essentials so I'm happy with my collection I'm not really sure if Grievous is a fan favorite or if I've always just had a weird fascination with him but he's got to be S for me we've made it to the face of the franchise the ultimate Star Wars bdy that takes your breath away every time he appears on screen the one the only Lord Vader man that name really takes a wind out of the saes Darth Vader it's Darth Vader getting to play as him in the sequel as one of the greatest joys of an anger fan just absolutely decimating everything in his path he is so fun to use and even more fun to look at but that's only one look at the guy he appears as the enemy of the original Star Wars game and certainly levels he uses the force to control platforms around him making for a really cool gameplay idea I haven't seen since he's also part of the final boss which leads to the amazing reveal of old bird Anakin inside the helmet he works with Luke to take out the emperor and an awesome final confrontation and really gets the most development out of any other character in the game now I know many of you probably expect me to say he's not a pig F tier but I think we can make an exception for freaking Darth Bader under the mask he's Anakin but Bader is basically a completely different character he's Pure Evil and he's awesome just listen to this final cut scene in Star Wars 2 they nailed Vader in both of these games and it would be messed up to not give him an S tier 2 I kind of promis we talk about Anakin too as his third evolution puts him on the pork side it's the true edgelord version of the character and honestly he looks awesome but let's be real he's not a pig F tier look he is cool okay it was dumb not to rank him in the last video I'll put him an A on that list I hope that makes up for it we've now made it through all the main playable pigs from the game but we ain't even close to finish there were a ton of bonus pigs as well some from the original game and others completely new and then we also got hologram piggle teine I really don't know why this is its own character they definitely should just given this ability to him from the get-go he starts as a hologram and can fly through obstacles then becomes a normal guy with lightning powers on activation there's a surprising amount of scenarios this can be helpful for it's a cool idea but really weird as a separate character C tier the official punching mag of the Star Wars series is of course the Stormtroopers they've never amounted to anything they're a useless army with a recognizable face of course they're the main enemy type scene in the first game so that's cool but they also got to be playable in the sequel I'm so happy for them I love that they reference their terrible aim and their power firing randomly on activation let's just be honest these guys are iconic and you just love to kill them they're my favorite enemy in the game and I think they deserve an a tier in a similar vein we have the biker Scout they're perfectly fine as an enemy in the first game but really got the chance to shine in the sequel sure he's the counterpart to pod racing Anakin but he gets his own little Speeder bike and looks pretty freaking cute Ry on that thing too what a cutie see for Cutie the shadow trooper gets the saddest combinations of power yet none other than hologram pickle te his back with a stormtrooper weapon be the pass through objects let you attack nearly any part of a stage but the Stormtrooper weapon is so weak it hardly makes a difference the shadow Troopers and actual stars are a pretty cool concept inverting the colors of a stormtrooper is just the perfect amount of edgy but a combination of two okay Powers leaves us with an okay B tier trust me we're nearly through with the Troopers but we got to cover the shock trooper real quick first we never really got official Clone Trooper designs in this game the closest thing we got is this one I assume from the name that they'd have a lightning ability but nah they just shoot like every really stupid Trooper where's the gooper troopers at D tier we're back to the enemies first scen in Ang Star Wars that were made playable for the sequel if you've ever wondered who's piloting the Tie fighters look no further than this guy he's kind of just a fancy looking Shadow Trooper and wouldn't you know it he just shoots lasers talk about exceeding expectations F tier tell me why they made the world guards look so freaking cool and gave them about 2 milliseconds of screen time in the movies that Red Cloak is is so cool sure they're fun as enemies but in the sequel they got a completely unique ability it's a little strange to be honest but basically they use their Forks as a spear and claim the objects for dear life it has its benefits I guess but really I should just be thankful they didn't give this guy a gun like the other clones I'm putting them in a because they're the coolest kids in school finally this is the moment I've been waiting for cha the freaking hog when he appeared in the first game he looked absolutely insane they did not hold back even a little also I love you slly how could they not make him playable in the sequel he's like the greatest Star Wars character to ever exist he'd already been done Dirty by not having a boss fight in the first one he is so unbelievably thick with 300 C's that the whole galaxy Shakes as he makes contact with the structure if you thought teren was strong he just met his freaking maker he also sticks his tongue out as he flies because of course he does he's my big obese little boy also if you've not seen the monstrosity of the plushy they planned for this guy take a look at your breaking screen would I wouldn't give to cuddle with that thing every night before bed Java is Peak Star Wars and they have truly given the respect he deserves here that's one fat s tier anyways we also got the stupid ugly tuskin Raiders they were the first ever enemy pigs in angry Bir Star Wars but never really made an impact other than that I must say they're huge pouty lips are pretty hilarious I can understand if he liked the guy he received a unique ability as well calling in a freaking sniper on the rooftop to take out the president that's a kill sniper get down it's a pretty fun idea and I like that the Tusk and radiator flinging virtually doesn't amount to anything and some random guy off screet is the real hero what the heck let's put him in B tier let's finish out the playable Pigs by moving on to the rebeles chapter of the game it's the stepchild of anger at Star Wars honestly despite just how many characters were added we got as many pigs as we did birds and you can tell they were sort of scraping the Bott of the barrel to do so a prime example of this is the atdp pilot the birds were all main characters from the show and our Pig Ezra variant is just a generic pilot I must say I actually kind of really like how he looks and clearly he loves Zelda as much as I do it's too bad he never got to actually pilot atdp which would have made for pretty amazing power but oh well that laser is super powerful and always a joy to use I think I'll put him in b we got a real character here Sarto vizago out of all the enemies and Rebels this is a strange choice but remember these levels are based solely on the first little handful of episodes he gets to throw three time bombs across the stage which is actually a really powerful attack it's like three many bomb Birds going off in multiple locations I've always liked the additions they did for Rebels because their powers are generally really good a weird character with a good power sounds like a b to me and then the next character literally doesn't have a name this this is vizago's Droid can't you see the resemblance a he looks just like his pop pop guess whose favorite ability got an upgrade I got an upgrade this is literally C3PO but with like 20 little pieces rather than five it's certainly more helpful but absolutely just as frustrating remember how Chopper could literally fly wherever he wanted yeah that's how a Droid should be done this is just pathetic D tier there's no way of wasting coins to try out the Imperial officer he doesn't even have a freaking name rather than having just a few bullets to aim this guy can literally shoot anywhere you want until he crashes that sounds awesome what the hell why didn't I waste my coins on this guy like I said the Rebels characters really got cool Powers I'm sad to see we didn't get more Star Wars characters after them anyways I think the power could be very useful but it's such a boring Star Wars character C tier finally an actual Rebels character agent callus hates the rebels and loves the helmet that perfectly covers ins side burns when launched he's got a couple Stormtroopers following him and when activated a whole Army is released sure we already saw this with Wicket on the bird side but the power just works so perfectly for a horde of Stormtroopers they are extremely weak and it's tough to find levels is doubtful for but the ideal alone makes me like it a lot I'm going back to B finally the big bad and final boss of the bird side is The Inquisitor they absolutely nailed the look of this guy and it certainly helps that he was already green he of course gets his very awesome Darth Maul inspired blade and he is definitely op in game I sadly only got to try him out twice I'm fresh out of coins these days but you can basically make him go anywhere on stage and swing his lightsaber around it has a huge range and cuts through objects like butter it makes me very sad I couldn't try him out more stages I kind of feel like I wasted him here but I absolutely see his potential and he looks very awesome s tier all right we've done it all 27 Pork Side characters have gotten their Spotlight good thing were not even freaking close to finish Star Wars 2 still had characters throughout the game that never had a playable role I'd say the one that deserved it the most was without a doubt sabba sure he's just a pod racing guy but think about how easy it could have been to add replace a biker Scout with sabba and his Pod racer and you're set instead he appears throughout the second chapter and as the final boss I guess that's pretty generous for sabola I take it all back he's just a weird guy I hate you now saboba C tier an even less interesting character is n gunray the boss of the third chapter I'm sure he's important to Something in the movie but here he's just a chiseled Pig with a stupid Scarlet Witch Crown what kind of parents name their kid n at least let him go by nethaniel F tier this is what they call a bulter Droid this is just a poor man's TIE fighter this is what you get when you ask for a TIE fighter and Mom says you have a TIE fighter at home that's by far the worst thing we've seen today F deer well what do you know we get to meet new best friend run the only positive thing about this freak is that the blue looks cooler have fun with your new friends an F tier loser want to see the sad excuse for clone troopers we got in this game they didn't even bother them make any they thought kids wouldn't get it and said these are stormtroopers with fake bird beaks I would have never understood their tend to be go without fake bird beak thank you so much just kidding I was wearing a fake bird beak too get fake bird beak dumbass F tier Super Battle Droids look really really cool a tier here what a perfectly stupid angor Star Wars design they literally took a spider Droid and gave a mustache Pig's mustache it's really fun to look at and especially fun to kill s tier given up for one of the ugliest of signs in Star Wars somehow made more ugly by Angry Birds good these things in game is actually doing them a favor for once obviously F tier the pigs actually fight these guys but they're clearly not Birds right they definitely look more like pigs but who can say maybe this guy's a turtle or something either way it's nearly as disgusting as a josian we just looked at and that's impressive kind of endearing though D tier last one thank God they somehow made rodians freaking adorable in the rebels levels let me remind you this is what the typical Star Wars rodean looked like yeah not pretty yet I can't get enough of these little guys makes me genuinely sad to kill them as always not like I'm not going to brutely murder if I get a chance but these guys and a tier the final final Final Angry Bird Star Wars 2 character shows up in the single cut scene and makes no impact on anything and I hate him and I want to move on now please so get out of my way virgin F tier now we have our own little Trilogy of characters only ever seen as toys I told you guys I'm freaking thorough I'm not looking to miss any pigs any damn time soon these three coincidentally are pretty important Star Wars creatures that really don't make sense as birds or pigs Feast your eyes on reek who uh certainly fits that description if it wasn't for that snout I really wouldn't call this thing a pig he's a full- bone Triceratops with arms and legs and he's very very strange sort of funny though C tier we also got the rancor who uh yeah that's definitely more pig-like I really would have loved to see this guy in the official art for the game I already sort of like the reek and the ranor is leagues more entertaining than that loser a tier our toy Trilogy ends with the waa that is just pathetic man just like the sequel children Star Wars we end with a very mediocre D tier before we move on to the enemies from the first game we have to revisit the ganta scene from the trailer we successfully identified muff Tac in our last video but there are way more pigs in here than there's any right to be here's the plan any generic randos are getting left out deal with it and everyone else we've managed to identify can join the list I think that's fair I'd like to start our first guy by by putting the name up on screen for you yeah that's a name if I sat on my keyboard I bet I could get pretty close to that send in your guesses on how to pronounce this my best guess is cardu sa malok he really just looks like they made the devil real in Star Wars I would pay good money to have a plush or telepot this guy he looks awesome a tier our next freak is HEM dazen is no Star Wars character allowed to be named like Jeff or something I like to think this guy looked normal and then got Sat On By Jaa one day and was never the same he's funny but nothing special C tier then we got to see the whole Cantina Band and if you're curious their band name is fingering Dan and the nude models I think that's how you pronounce it anyways if these guys are responsible for that bang in Cantina music then there's no doubt about it I freaking love jizz huh what's wrong you didn't know that jazz is called jizz in Star Wars clearly you don't know Star Wars like I do anyways fingering Dan and the nude models go s tier next is cab muff tac's little batty best friend bats kind of already have pig noses so this is perfect I honestly love her just as much as muff Tac this is Peak Star Wars alien design huh I hope one day c will be mine a tier if you've ever wondered who got his pickle cut off in the trailer it's none other than Ponda Baba he looks absolutely disgusting but I must say I'm kind of craving a pickle right now God damn it now I got to wait the rest of this video before I can get myself a damn pickle thanks a lot Pond Baba F tier wait his friend is named Dr Evon like he's got a PhD and he's in a bar defending his pickle bro go get a job loser F tier apparently we can identify the bartender as woo her I hardly know her but you cannot tell me this guy Ain just a freaking pig that's not a Star Wars character that's just a freaking minion pig from Angie bird F tier and now we've gotten to the point where there are clear really important pigs in here but I have no idea who they are I once again reached out to the Star Wars NDS who watched my videos to help nail down a few of these guys this Twilight pig is pretty FR and center but no one really thought she was a specific Star Wars character lame D tier thanks to this comment we can identify a few more of the cast thank you very much I'm Nick wait what the hell no I'm not I'm Jake Jake whatever it doesn't matter this hooded Pig seems to be trinto duaba and that certainly makes sense add it to the wiki you cowards Nick clearly knows his stuff the people in the comments really took a lik into the guy anyways now that we properly identifi this guy we can say for sure that he is weird and ugly D tier he also identified the Tonica sisters most well known for their giant amount of fake hair on their heads they look way better as pigs I can tell you that much C tier now there were a few more I wanted to mention but wasn't confident enough to rank some people said this guy was bib Fortuna and it kind of looks similar but really not close enough bib Fortuna would have been too busy jav's Palace anyways I want to show you this bantha but I refuse to rank it as a pig it really doesn't look like a bird or a pig which is definitely unique for these games I didn't want to leave it behind but I also really don't think it belongs on the tier list sorry little buddy you do look pretty awesome I must say someone said their friend James was in there and someone spotted Paul so that was pretty impressive here are a few more comments that were actually helpful that correctly identified some of the characters in here all right let's move on now do you guys believe Han Solo or greo said mclunky mclunky because I think Han Solo said it first yeah greo literally showed up in one cut scene to get shot in the face by Chuck but if it makes you feel any better they were literally going to give him his own plush a character that showed up in one cut scene to Ser a plushy now that's what I call him a clunky C tier all right final stretch people we're finally back into the first game to look at the remaining enemies that didn't return in the sequel one of which being the TIE fighter who didn't exist yet in the prequels I guess something I've always loved about the first game is how faithful it is the original trilogy from the screen swipes to the breathtaking backgrounds even out of the gosh dang character designs so I've always really hated the Tie Fighter because of that I definitely get making these look more like pigs to you know their enemies but come on there are other droids and ships that totally got the point across without turning them into a literal Pig I just hate them F tier then again when they turn Darth Vader's head into a TIE fighter that's pretty freaking funny I also just think it looks way better if the Tie fighters have to be pig heads then I guess I'm pretty okay with this one B tier well if it isn't the bowling ball headed pig himself seriously is that what they were going for with the Death Star Trooper because that's genuinely all I can think about when I see these guys they look like they cut a bowling ball and half and stuck it on their head if that is not what they're going for then this is very bad C tier while the Imperial officers do look quite Dapper they're also just pigs in uniform not the worst just boring d tier well if it isn't Grand M Tarin himself or like Grand muff Tarin am I right or am I right I have always had a preference toward the mustache Pig so it really doesn't matter what he looks like as long as he's here it's the perfect role for him to play too Mustache Pig is just as obedient to king pig as the moff man is theader he was once going to look more like this regular elderly Pig has seen through this early toy they made of him I am very glad they gave mustach Pig a chance of shine and up putting maach in a tier how could there be levels in without the classic snow troopers I love that you can see the outline of the snout Underneath the Veil this one just turned out so amazing let's put it on the same level of a stormtrooper with an a tier another Nam character maximilan beers I can't believe it my favorite Star Wars character who is this guy again eh who cares it's we as a name when he's just a minion pig you see throughout the H levels he looks fine C tier sadly we don't get to rank the at-ats themselves instead we're left with the stupid pigs that pilot them the red pork side logo on their heads really helped make them have some bit of intrigue but yeah pretty boring d tier see the Viper probe Droid is exactly what I was talking about before during the Tie Fighter section it's still very much a pig but perfectly combined with the joy we know and love they're the first flying enemy of the game which is something we'll see again very soon I love how creepy these things are and they're really satisfying to blow up one of my favorites of the enemy so far I'm thinking s tier the second half of the h chapter pits the rebels against this poor species of pigs known as the minox it's pretty funny how insignificant they were to the Empire shark's back considering just how many levels there are with these freaks the tail is really what takes it too far I would kill this thing IRL if I saw one again I like that they're flying enemies here it's something fairly rare in angry's games let's put them in B you haven't lived until you've seen the fat minock just when I thought the fat pig could get any better they combin it with a freaking minock there are a few Star Wars characters period that are better than this guy George Lucas could really learn a thing or two from this game obviously s deer wow we're really getting down to it if you bought the extra Yoda levels you get to face up against the unique Voodoo pigs are these things even alive I'm pretty sure Yoda is using these for training well I do love their butt and ey so what the heck have a generous C tier and of course Vader got a voodoo form as well maybe it should be vooder that really rolls off the tongue is it just me or does Dorth vooder look really freaking awesome his lame ass sword is really the only thing keeping him an a for me after defeating the fat minock it's revealed that you were inside the EXO gor Pig the whole time wait if we went out of his mouth then we must have entered oh man I got a bad feeling about this anyways the Alaskan borm meets a green stinky ugly fat pig and we're left with the freak of nature so obviously astier and lastly it felt plain to end things on the Death Star I get it the death star isn't alive but they certainly went out of their way to make this thing look like a pig with a personality it's a whole dang focus of the second chapter or we get to blow the whole place up and then the Final Chapter has it being rebuilt only Force to destroy it again k a pig boy is down why don't you I really hate how they gave him this big smiling mouth in these cut scenes but otherwise they did an amazing job capturing the look of the Death Star here it's such an iconic location that makes too much sense to have a py no stepped onto it let's end our list by giving the Death Star the S it truly deserves I really can't believe I I just ranked 66 freaking Star Wars pigs I basically just executed Order 66 on the Angry Birds I always thought the birds in these games were way cooler and after ranking both the birds and the pigs yeah I was definitely right a lot of the pigs are really forgettable they made sure to make each bird feel special and every other character they slapped a pig nose on and called it a day I just find the random enemies to be much more bland and that's sad concerning the awesome playable characters we got to start with all the main characters on the pork side are genuinely incredible and they somehow managed to make them all look awesome as freaking Angry Birds pigs that is seriously impressive despite loving the birds more I would not be surprised to hear that Darth Vader General Grievous dth Maul or the fat minock was your favorite angry with Star Wars character they make this massive list all worth it in the end let me know your favorite Star Wars pig and let me know if you prefer the bird side or the pork side I'm pretty curious part three of ranking the pigs will probably go back to some more random like the first video I know there are some pigs from epic that deserve a spot but let me know who else should be there dude what the H my members all joined the pork side man this becomes more like a cult every day if you want to join my cult I mean join the pork side then please consider becoming a member of the channel today thank you Groth one finger Koba Chrome e Patrick ban hono Maki bright streak MD switchy dolphin Rider H2O Dojo Master cryistal Creations lavaan Eduardo Santiago Jasper TV keep omegon G guy and Daisy and it's me Ally I know I promised to make the Ang Birds Rio video next so guess what come back next week and learn all about the history of Rio and its final placement on the tier list I'll see you then goodbye do you guys believe Han Solo or greo said malany I would have never understood they're pretending to be good without fake bird beaks thank you so much just kidding I was wearing a fake bird beak too get fake bird beak bet dang it I would have never understood there pretending to be good without fake burp Peaks thank you CH sorry little bule
Channel: Jake Miller
Views: 142,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JWtzBTa_pH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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