Anger & Ego key to success - Andrew Tate Motivational speech

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people will constantly tell you to not talk in a way which is full of conviction that people do not like you to have be arrogant and have an eego this is the worst thing ever let me tell you a fact number one facet of the G mindset your life is never going to be worse if you walk through the world believing you are the [ __ ] man you wake up you look in the mirror and go I'm the I'm I'm the [ __ ] man I am the man there's no one on this planet who can do [ __ ] I couldn't do if I put my mind to it I don't give a [ __ ] how good you are at piano if I decided to play piano I would be better than you at piano and I believe that I don't just say these things I [ __ ] believe them and when you go through life believing you really really are the man there are very few downsides the downsides are everyone's going to call you an arrogant everyone's going to call you arrogant everyone's going to call you a [ __ ] I was going to say he has a big ego you're going to lose a few loser friends who cares what you are going to gain is other people on the same path you're going to gain other people think yeah well I'm the [ __ ] man too this guy's the man let's make some money that's what's going to happen so the first thing you can do from do G mind says you need to start believing you are the [ __ ] man even if you're not the man yet even before I was world champion I knew I was going to be the man so I don't give a [ __ ] and I was happy to say that to anybody when people called me arrogant and stupid and deluded I just sit there look at them and say yeah [ __ ] you I'm going to be the man you have to believe you're the [ __ ] man and you have to believe you can achieve anything I'm not saying you can achieve anything easily I'm not saying it's not going to take a whole bunch of work I'm not saying it's going to happen quickly but you have to believe you can achieve anything tell you something now I don't give a [ __ ] of it's to being an astronaut I don't care about climbing Mount Everest you give me enough time to train I will get it done I know that for a fact cuz I know who I am as a man that's the first thing the second thing is you need to be perspicacious you need to understand that in this world there's a whole bunch of people doing amazing [ __ ] that you are not doing and that needs to piss you off because if it pisses you off you become motivated all of a sudden I was the only one who was pissed off when that Aston Martin was next to me and I had my sales job I was the only one who was pissed off when I saw that Ferrari Drive pass other people were not annoyed by it and they're not annoyed by it they're not driven to beat it you understand they're not driven to be where that person was you need to be annoyed and I'm telling you I'm telling you to be angry anger is a fantastic Force like I said the world tells you not to be arrogant it tells you not to be angry it's two things it tells you to do don't be arrogant don't have an ego and you know you don't have anger you're a [ __ ] man you're a full grown man it's perfectly fine for you to be pissed off it's perfectly fine for you to look around at your life look at the girl you're [ __ ] look at the house to you in look at the car you drive and get pissed off and go you know what I want hard I want a [ __ ] nicer house I want a faster car there's nothing wrong if you take that anger and you direct it in the correct direction right now you're watching it and you look around you and you don't own the home you're in get pissed off if there ain't a Ferrari on your drive get pissed off if you don't have 10 Playboy Bunny level Beauties get pissed off and what the [ __ ] you need to sit there and realize who whoo whoo I have a few years of Consciousness and even less than that I have a few short years as a young man because age will damage you I mean if you're a millionaire when you're 60 is not nearly as good as being a millionaire at my age I became a millionaire at 28 so you need to realize you got a few short years as young man you're [ __ ] wasting him you need to sit there and go [ __ ] [ __ ] get angry cuz getting angry forced directed anger is an extremely powerful force this's the third thing and this is a very very important thing cuz I try and explain this to people and they don't don't seem to understand it so I'm going to make this very very blunt nobody absolutely nobody gives a [ __ ] about you as much as you're going to have to give a [ __ ] about yourself nobody cares about you as much as they need to care to fix your life even your parents even your friends even all the people who think they care about you they care about you yeah sure there may be two or three people on the planet who genuinely care about you but nobody is going to come to your bed drag you out of bed [ __ ] drag you to a job force you to work hard go and get you a hot and go and buy you a Ferrari nobody is going to do that for you you are never going to have any of the things you want if you do not get them yourself nobody cares about you enough to do it for you this is absolutely true there's no one else who wakes up each day and goes you know what I want to make Andrew Tate's life better I want to get him more [ __ ] and more money no one thinks that about me no one thinks that about you either nobody thinks that about you the only person who gives a [ __ ] about your life truly is you and if you don't give a [ __ ] then you're [ __ ] but point two get angry you're going to start giving a [ __ ] very soon and after you get angry you need to realize that nobody is going to give you the things you want you have to understand you are out here alone absolutely alone and when you understand these three things you start to see how a mindset comes together nobody's going to save you you're [ __ ] it's totally down to you you're pissed off with your current situation and you want to change it plus you believe you can do abs absolutely anything this is how I thought at 18 years old I understood those three tenants I believe I can do anything I'm pissed off I don't have the life I want and nobody else is going to give it to me these are three things you need to understand if any one of these elements is missing you'll never have the right mindset the G mindset will never formulate if any one of these elements is missing all three are absolutely essential and the sooner you get your act together the sooner you start to panic and worry and be conc concerned that you're 24 25 you're not [ __ ] Rich yet there's 24 and 25 year olds out there who got a contract for [ __ ] NBA or their parents or they won the lottery who knows what there's 24 and 25 year olds out there who are multi-millionaires [ __ ] the hot models these Instagram girls with 3 million followers they're getting [ __ ] by someone and it ain't you and that needs to piss you off you need to get concerned you get worried you [ __ ] I'm running out of time you need to get some urgency in your life put these three things together is absolutely essential this the the beginning of the G mindset when you have these things three things totally done I'll tell you what happens tell you what happened for me so I became a Sayer so my brother say you've become a Sayer and what that means is I made a paack to him that my word was unbreakable strength and honor and that if I said something I meant it so I'd wake up in the morning I'd say to my brother I'm doing a thousand precepts today once I said it once I spoke it it's like like a genie it became true if I said said I was going to do a th press UPS I'd do them because if I didn't do them I'd feel guilty within myself that I was the kind of person who talks [ __ ] cuz GS don't talk [ __ ] so the three tenants we've already learned when you've instilled these in your mind you don't want to be the kind of person who talks [ __ ] so if I woke up to my brother and say I'm doing a th press UPS or I'm running 20 miles today I would do it because if I didn't do it I'd feel like a [ __ ] because when you instill these mindsets when you when your mindset changes you start to be extremely accountable for yourself no one's coming to save you become extremely accountable so when you realize that your word is one of the few things you have on this planet if you say things you're going to start sticking to them so then it becomes very easy to train you say I'm going to train every day this week I'm going to train for two hours a day soon as you said it it's basically done if I say something is basically done it's it's set in stone if I say something I'm going to do it there's no way I'm going to say I'm going to make say some words and speak them into existence in this on this planet and then I'm going to be the kind of [ __ ] who quits because it's too hard if I say I'm going to do 10,000 push-ups I'm going to do it because I'm the kind of person who sticks to the words he says and this is another thing you dumb stand with the G mindset You' be very very specific with what you say because if you instill your mindset correctly and you start to just say things just start saying things then you hold yourself accountable say things you don't even think you want to do wake up and go up to your friend or your mom or whoever and say you know what I'm going to do a th push-ups today say it to people they going to say no you're not say watch me and then you have a choice you're either going to succeed seed like a g or going to be a little [ __ ] and you're going to quit at 310 because it's hard what kind of man are you that's a decision you need to make and your word has to be Iron unbreakable this is the fourth tenant and one of the most important ones because that is the power to unlimited motivation and that's the power to be taken seriously across all spheres of your life be specific with your language so these are the first four elements of the G mindset and when these sound like simple things but to implement them correctly truly and correctly ly in your mind will change your entire view of the world you will start to look at everything completely differently what is dangerous about believing that you control your own mind because if you implement the four things I've just told you depression becomes a becomes garbage depression is not a thing anymore feeling depressed is real you can be depressed with your situation I just told you number two get depressed that's fine but believing you can fix it yourself is the important key sitting there believing that depression is some monster from the sky that strikes your brain and now you have no control over and you must take pills every day is the absolute enemy to a g mindset I don't give a [ __ ] how depressing my situation the only person who can change it is me the only person who can change how I feel about my situation or try and affect the situation directly is me even if you put me in a situation I can't change if you put me in jail and I'm depressed because I'm in jail I still refuse to succ come to depression I refuse to collapse mentally and give up I know the only person who can control my mind is me nobody's coming to save me no doctor with a pill is coming to save me depression isn't real depression is a state of mind designed to motivate you to find a life that doesn't depress you any further that's all it is now you have to decide are you mad enough to go and get it done or you going to sit around and cry and depression the reason I talk about depression a lot is because depression in the western world is to cure all is to cure all excuse this is what people are using my life's [ __ ] because I'm depressed no you're depressed because your life is [ __ ] it's the other way round and you're refusing to acknowledge that and you want to sit there and live a [ __ ] life and pretend that some disease has struck you and the reason you know that's [ __ ] anyone out there who's depressed I tell you something you're not depressed you're a coward and the reason you're a coward is as follows you desperately try to defend this crippling ailment you have when I tell you depression isn't real you message me pages and Pages desperate to convince me I'm wrong that depression is a real thing and that your life is terrible and this ailment has destroyed your life because you're desperate to defend your excuse if Depression was really terrible you wouldn't want to defend it if Depression was really so bad and I'm telling you it's not real and I know how to fix you and if you implement a mindset like mine you become immune to depression if Depression was so terrible you'd listen to me and think I need to try what this guy does I need to if he's immune to depression is is impossible to depress him I need to be like this man but instead no you don't want to do that you want to call me names and sit and defend this ailment because you know it's garbage it's your excuse It's your blanket it's your Shield it's your excuse you get to pull out every time you look at your failure of a life and that's why depression is absolutely and not really not real and anyone who's bought this course who thinks they're depressed I'll tell you something now drop that coward [ __ ] if you're watching this and you're depressed drop and give me 200 press UPS do 200 press UPS look in the mirror look your eyes and tell yourself you're the [ __ ] man and drop that garbage cuz you're going to get absolutely nowhere in your life if you believe in that crap depression absolutely isn't real and that you're going to say this to people and they're going to [ __ ] go nuts at you and they're going to call you arrogant and they're going to call you all the things they called me but your life is going to be a life worth living implement the four things I've told you the four important tenants of a g mindset understand nobody's coming to save you depression isn't real you'll change your entire worldview once these four things are implemented correctly corly and then we can move on so you you have to have that burning desire and a lot of this I think a lot of this uh stems from ego I I have I have long conversations about people talking to me saying I have an ego and I say the most successful people I've ever met have huge egos okay like there's nothing wrong with thinking you know what if this is the only body I'm going to inhibit if this is my only chance at Consciousness I might as well love who I am and what I have yeah what the what's the point in hating myself this is it you know I have guys come to me and they say how do I get girls when I'm short it's like the same way you get them when you're tall the [ __ ] you want to do what do you want to do you can't do this is your this is your this is your your your avatar this is what you got to love yourself and be proud of yourself I'm not saying be a [ __ ] I'm not saying be a bad person but you you need to have a healthy ego you have to have enough masculine energy to think no I'm going to get this done I'm going to do this I'm not settling for this I deserve more etc etc etc this come stems from ego there's nothing wrong with that man an ego that you're constantly working hard to justify I is a superpower it's a superpower like this was the whole basis of nearly all my achievements I deserve a Lambo why Andrew you're you're from a single mother you're growing up in social housing and you're broke and you don't have a car why do you deserve a Lambo because I'm me and I deserve a [ __ ] Lambo here I am I have two so this because I I truly believed I deserved it and I was like I'm going to find a way to get one yeah you know I I I have loads of stories I've told before but I remember I was walking to college with like three of my friends in a Ferrari drove past us it was like 8:00 in the morning and I said to my friends doesn't that piss you off and my friends go what do you mean I was like we're going to college and we're going to learn from some Professor who's making a little bit of money and you know I'm broke I ain't got anything I know I'm only 18 but I'm broke this dude has 400 grand for a car doesn't it make you realize there's something in the Matrix were missing doesn't that anger you like don't you feel like a second class Citizen and they're all like well it's only a car so you can't see beyond you don't see any of what's truly happening this guy driving past us is a huge [ __ ] you to everybody who can't buy one exactly you know don't you want that oh well you know it's just a car and these are the sheet people these are the slave people put on your mask it's just a car but if you if you have enough ego you can be like me and go no I will be that guy in that car cuz that's what I I believe I deserve and I'm not saying it's easy making money is difficult it's not easy but you have to if if it's all you think about it's all you try to do you're going to make more than if you don't think about it and you don't you're going to make some more than if you did nothing you know so it's just one of those it's one of those it's priorities and it's believing yourself and it's believing you deserve these things a lot of people don't believe they deserve [ __ ] 100% and that's why they haven't got [ __ ]
Channel: ʟɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ ᴅᴀʀᴋ
Views: 76,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew tate, andrew tate motivation, tate speech, anger, ego, motivational speech, inspiration, success, tate motivation
Id: UcmNky76zxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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