I AM GOING TO WIN - Motivational Speech

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the biggest enemy you'll ever have to fight against is yourself you want to change your life you want to save more money you want to get in shape what's the thing that holds you back from doing any of those it's you you get in your own way every single fing time you got to get to a point where you're tired of losing you got to decide you're not going to be aing loser anymore you're going to be a winner stop letting yourself down stop breaking all these promises you make to yourself about how you're really going to do it this time this is the last time I give into that addiction if you don't truly mean it don't bother saying it but if you truly do want to change you've got to decide wholeheartedly that I will not deviate from the plan I will stick to it no matter what happens I will execute every day of my life on that goal on that Vision as if my life depends on it stop taking your life so casually you've got to get serious about making the changes you want to see don't leave room in your life for laziness don't leave room for slacking off don't leave room for sickness don't leave room for excuse uses don't leave room for just this one time no you've got to have the mindset of a mothering machine and that machine cares about one thing and one thing only executing on the goal if it doesn't support your goals you cut it out of your life if you know it will help you achieve the vision you double down on it discipline in your mind every single day is what leads to success discipline is what breaks through all the infinite excuses and reasons you come up with on why you can't do it the more you do those hard tasks you got to do facing those hard things and destroying them executing on the mission your daily life will get better and better you have to reach a point where you don't let your [ __ ] feelings control the outcomes you get it done whether you want to do the work or not you don't have time to be in your feelings the weights won't lift themselves the work won't complete itself the books won't study themselves you have to do it and you have to do it now and while you're sitting there thinking hesitating debating in your head whether you should go do it or not you're falling behind get your ass up and get to [ __ ] work the more you grind the more you execute on the mission you will separate yourself further and further from the crowd of average people who would rather spend their time coming up with reasons why they can't get it done today you don't just work work out once study once invest once and change your life overnight no you have to be consistent you have to never let your foot off the gas never stop never quit you have to do that thing you got to do every day of youring life you may hate it some days but you got to do it relentlessly and know that in the end it'll all be worth it the sacrifices you're making today for a better tomorrow are going to pay off but if you quit if you let it's not going to happen stay focused and stay on track don't let anyone or anything pull you off the plan you have got to stop rationalizing stop making excuses stop telling yourself little watered down assessments of where you're really at tell yourself the truth and the truth is that you do have the time you do have the money you do have the support you do have the willpower and the discipline to get it done and when we're being honest with ourself we know that we can all do much more than what we're doing right now we can all give more to life than what we are right now so you got to decide within yourself that you're going to start working harder than ever you're going to start going to work earlier you're going to be the last one to leave there you're going to try harder than anyone else would even dare to other people will think why would you even bother doing that much why do you try so hard you're doing too much but they won't understand pay no attention to them they'll never get it because they don't have that killer mentality when you're a killer you keep striving for that highest level possible and you don't stop until you get it get in the habit of doing more than what anyone is willing to pay you to do cuz that's where success is born it's going Beyond people's expectations and amazing them you shock the world with your results and that work begins right now with no one looking it's what you do in the shadows in those early mornings late nights where you're grinding away on those tasks and goals those moments are what bring it into the light where all eyes are on you the price for greatness must be paid every day and that price is discipline sweat suffering enduring consistency and at the end of it all you win people want to find peace immediately but the only way you'll find real peace is by going to war with yourself every single day the real Battleground is in your mind that's where the fight is you lay down with it you get up with it you go to work with it it's not haters it's not enemies it's not Liars it's not backbiters it is you you're the only one who can stop you and I need you to make a declaration right now no more excuses this moment right here is the last time you let yourself off the hook you've got to become obsessed with Improvement every day you got to get better there are those of you who buy a new piece of tech every time a new one is released every new phone that comes out you get it every upgrade you get it you are constantly upgrading your technology and you've not upgraded yourself you got to level yourself up every single year every single month every single day you should always be striving to do better than you did last time so many of you say I want to be a millionaire I want to graduate at the top of my class but your value system says you believe in relaxing more than you believe in grinding your value system says you'd rather party than become successful your value system says you're a consumer and not a producer and if you're going to go to the next level your values are going to have to change the secret is make a plan execute the plan become obsessed with the plan and make it your entire life from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed for 20 years it's the daytoday disciplines it's the eating the meals doing the workouts doing the best you can can in your career doing the best you can for your family those are the things that are going to create your superpower so that you can go through life being an Unstoppable Force most things that never get done never get done because they never get started there is no perfect time to start you got to start now with changing your life stop sitting on theing bench and get in the [ __ ] game let's make this the year where we stop that [ __ ] years of mediocrity is what causes people to be bitter if you want to get around bitter and complaining people get around people who are not seeing much activity they're bitter they're complaining they're cynical and they're jealous because nothing is happening because nothing is going on in their life and if you want to stop that from happening to you wake up in the bed and know what you're going after get up out of the bed with an agenda when you have an agenda you don't spend time worrying about how you feel cuz it doesn't make a difference how you feel you woke up with something to do and if you don't start changing your attitude you will miss your altitude the problem is not the condition it's a matter of discipline there is no shortcut to Excellence you got to force yourself to get up and get it done every day of your life commit yourself to executing on the plan on a daily basis no matter what's going on around you stop hoping stop wishing for great things to happen to you and get up and work for them make them happen take full ownership of your time of your mind of your day it is the struggle it is the wrestling it is the pulling it is the trial it is the Temptation it is The Stumbling and falling and getting back up again it is the aggravation and the intimidation that gives you Foundation to create a legacy it is worth it to look bad for a little while and come up looking good for a lifetime than to look good for a minute and come down in a Flash and in order to do that I've got to become disciplined I've got to go through some struggle I've got to get used to suffering cuz the lifestyle I'm building it can't be instantly obtained it takes that Blood Sweat and Tears of commitment I learn in the doing I learn in the fight my strength tolerance increases my ability to handle pain increases my wisdom increases I become tougher I become stronger I become more and more of an Unstoppable Beast and what is it that makes it worth fighting for when you're getting trampled by life when everything is working against you when anything that could go wrong does go wrong what makes it worth it to you to keep pushing forward what keeps you going and I don't know what you're going through right now but I need you to remember if you can find a why for living you can endure almost any how when you're getting attacked by life you're going through the worst pain you've ever felt and you can find those reasons that make you strong enough to keep going you will find a way through it you'll shift your inner dialogue from why does this have to happen to me I don't deserve this I can't handle this to good I'm glad this happened this is a chance to get better this is a chance to improve myself and my situation I can do this I can handle this I got what it takes we all want to be a beast but do you know what a beast is a beast is someone who can go through hell and be grateful that their legs are working a beast is someone who's lost everything but is grateful for the opportunity to get everything back and get even more a beast is someone who can hit rock bottom and can say Roger that I'm going to harness this sh it is only up from here I'm going to come back even stronger what most people do is once you get stressed in the process you don't want it anymore you give up you fold you quit you're through but in order to develop in order to become the best version of yourself stress is necessary see a seed has got to have dirt on top of it in order to grow and develop dirt builds character dirt gives you the push through Factor dirt makes you fight through it when you don't feel like fighting anymore everybody gets dirt put on them at one point or another and that's the moment that teaches you to withstand it it gives you something to push through so when you feel like giving up don't when it looks like you're not going to make it keep going when they tell you you can't ignore ignore them when they tell you you're not going to make it do not believe them you got to becomeing Relentless never stop never quit the most important thing is your passion you win with your heart not your head you win on emotion not on Logic the most important thing to Winning is the power of believing in you the power of believing that you can win the power of believing that good things will happen to you the power of believing that you're special you must believe that you can and once you want something and believe that you can get it you got to block out all the noise around you that's going to tell you you can't do it don't listen to all that sh listen to yourself that voice within you that tells you that it is possible that there is a way for you to be successful in this business in this career in this life in this situation that you're in your life is at stake you are fighting for your life every day by the way that you live it the mark that you're going to leave the Legacy that you're going to leave all that is going to come back to you that is your life so don't sit back and be on the defense and allow life to happen to you don't do that instead go on the offense go on the attack become the aggressor be the one that life is afraid to mess with and remember that everybody won't make it to your next level because everybody won't be willing to sacrifice what it takes to create greatness this is your journey struggle is a part of it losses are a part of it setbacks are a part of it sometimes you have to go through your worst just to become your best sometimes you have to lose everything just to gain everything don't let it discourage you let it encourage you fail your way to success fail Your Way Forward failure is only when you stop trying failure is just another step in the staircase to go higher you will never grow without Growing Pains the valley might be ugly but I promise you the peak is beautiful and it will all be worth it so don't ever stop climbing because the only way it works is if you work the only way you progress is if you proceed so you rise above anything or anyone that's in your way that's trying to prevent you from being great you know how you get confidence by attacking your fear attacking those hard things you know you got to face and overcoming them there's a big misconception out there that people who are successful are not afraid which is not true people who are successful are often times the most afraid they're afraid of failure so they do everything they can to escape it so they're going to run the hardest they're going to run the fastest and they're going to be the ones who are going to take every single action that they have to take to make sure they get where they need to be so I don't want you to wait any longer don't worry about the how or what ifs make a list put your back up against the wall and execute on that damn list do that every single day and you will be where you want to be I guarantee it the journey is not easy everyone's hot off the start but after a month or so into with the wear and tear and the grind starts to hit you you start losing focus on the horizon do you not you get caught away in the daily hiccups the ups and downs and the wear and tear and you focus on the speed bumps the daily activities losing sight of their true purpose most of you won't be successful because when you're studying and you get tired you quit don't cry to give up cry to keep going don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a reward from it difference between a winner and a loser the failure is there every single time just the winner gets back up it does it again and does it again until it goes his way I don't care how hard you fall I don't care if nobody don't believe in you it only takes you believing in yourself to get this thing done and listen to me it ain't failure if you learn from it baby so if you fall fall on your back so you can look up cuz if you can look up then you can get up I dare you to take a little pain I dare you at the end of pain is Success if you can stay in the race that you can stay in the fight and you can dictate your own future I dare you to fail I dare you to take that same class over and over again I dare you to stop dropping classes like you soft see getting what you want is up to you you can turn your life around if you change your attitude you change your attitude you change your attitude your mind and attitude is all you need to be successful that's all you need you don't need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth you don't need money you don't even need folk that like you as long as you believe in you you got the right mindset you got the right attitude with can make it happen I don't care what's going on around you because it's not what happens around you that determines your success it's what happens inside you and you can't control the elements but you can control your attitude and you can control your mindset and I'm telling you right now don't give up I'm telling you right now don't give in get through it and so God is allowing you to go off the Rough Side of the Mountain not so he can hurt you or break you he trying to redesign me I'm telling you right now because I care about you I'm telling you right now because I've been there I've done that you've been in it for 3 years and you about to quit oh you've been doing it for 5 years and it don't look like you think you put all your money in it you put all your time in it people looking at you crazy 5 years you've invested ho you put too much in it to quit now ho it doesn't look like you think you didn't get the grades you thought you were going to get so maybe I'm not meant to be a lawyer hold lay hold of it you let hold of it and when that thing tells you to quit you look at it in his eye and say I ain't going nowhere I will break you before you break me you will not defeat me you will not destroy me you've been through so much hell you going to quit now and when you get to success is not about skill when you get to a certain level of success it's about stamina you won't break me you can't take me I thought too long I far too hard I'm unbreakable now you get one shot opportunity comes once in a lifetime you better make the kind of decisions that's going to take you to the NBA you better make the right decisions that's going to take you to the NFL you better make the right decisions that are going to land you the next best rapper the next business tycoon it's one thing to talk about your destiny but it's another thing to wake up when you know you're supposed to wake up to write when you don't feel like writing that paper to say no to that party saying no to quit when you still got 100 more shots to make saying no when your body said don't stop but you put in 50 more push-ups you can't just talk about it you got to be about it download this video and audio by becoming a member at Ben lional scott.com plus get early access to all new content and hundreds of exclusive videos
Channel: Ben Lionel Scott 2
Views: 86,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, motivation
Id: QHwtyY5K72I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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