The Key to wealth and Success | Andrew Tate motivation

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the most important thing in the world is health because you have nothing if you're dying second thing is is family and friends who you love and the third is money because it's everything else the smartest thing the rich people ever did was convince the broke people that money doesn't make you happy biggest scam alive cuz money is freedom it's freedom to drive what you want eat where you want go where you want money is freedom so you want to say money doesn't buy happiness well then you're saying you're happy to be a slave cuz only money is going to give you Freedom so money absolutely is happiness because freedom is a bare minimum requisite to happiness I can't think of many scenarios where being rich was a detriment over being poor there's not many I think money is a bare minimum requirement for happiness especially if you're a masculine man who wants to outcompete then you need money because money is basically everything and they've convinced people the poor people oh yeah he has money but you know I have friends and family who love me so do I people are sced into thinking that rich people are somehow lacking somewhere else and I'm sure some of them are but not all of them there are some people that have everything just going to have to accept it some people just have it all they have friends and family and good relationships and love their kids and a bunch of money and if that doesn't anger you to get up and make a bunch of money well I don't know what will the solutions I've I've come up with in my mind of course are money because money is power I want people to understand that when I talk about we talk about how money is the root of all evil money is also the root of all good money is money is the vested time and interest of other humans if you have a bunch of money you have the stored energy of other people people and I'll give you a very simple example I have money so I can get somebody to sweep my floor I have their stored time and energy in a note or or on a bank balance where I can make them sweep the floor for as many hours as I so choose as I can afford to pay them it's a store time and energy of other people so for evil to be done it requires the time and energy of humans and for good to be done it requires the time and energy of humans so money is like gunpowder it can be used for good it can be used for bad it's like germ Theory you can save people's lives or you can create a pathogen that decimates a populist so it it can go both ways money is certainly an answer because if you're completely broke it's hard for you to influence other people and influence the World by extension so money is super important and the other thing I think is important is fraternity and Brotherhood and living for something larger than just money itself I've never in my life seen anyone who's determined to get something not get it I've never seen somebody who is determined in their heart to get something not get it the universe and God Is So giving and providing people think it's difficult out here I disagree I've never seen someone wake up and say nah this is all I care about this is all I want not get it everyone who thought that way in fighting was a world champion everyone who thought that way about money was rich I've never seen anyone fail bro I've seen people with no credit score and no job determined to get an R8 manag to get one on finance somehow I've seen it if it's all you want you're going to get it you're going to find a way to get you're going to find a way people go oh I want this if you wanted it you have it people often say if you try your best it's okay to fail but what they don't understand the true secret to the universe is that if you try your best you never fail yeah that's what people don't understand and and most people aren't trying they aren't trying they don't know what trying is people are genuinely not out here giving their absolute best because if you were you'd have everything you've ever desired you'd have anything you've ever wanted and asked for instead what people do is they cope and convince themselves they trying oh tried but I need a work life balance and it's hard and I was trying all garbage all Cod I can't stop myself working as a person who doesn't need money and then there's people with no money who don't work it blows my mind which is why the winners are winners and the losers are losers losers do a little bit of work and rest winners work as hard as possible and worry they're not working hard enough it's just a separation of of personality types I have something I I sent in my email recently I said you could give the average man a brand new Ferrari and a road map and a coffee and a full tank of gas and tell him the Destination Success and halfway along the drive he'll quit CU it's too far how well you set it up for people they'll quit it's over 10% into the year now I wonder if anyone who made a New Year's resolution sits and says it's over 10% into the year am I at 10% of my goal because you're ass said you were going to be a millionaire when you were drunk on New Year's Eve well you need to have 100 Grand save do you have 100,000 have you even done the feedback on your own goal you made 30 short days ago to realize that you're nowhere near it and you're not going to make it no oh I got the rest of the year uh and they wonder why they fail you should have a daily Target not enough people look back on what they did and identify where they made a mistake and some people will do it when they lose but the true Prof professionals do it when they win when my dad was playing a chess game if he won the game he would still analyze the game and see if he could have lost where it could have gone wrong how he could have won faster what mistakes he did make what he did well what he did wrong win or lose so many people will sit in a scenario where everything went wrong and go in fact correction not so many people I would say 75% of people will not ever self-analyze the situation or in the blame of everyone else if they went to jail like I did they'd say they put me in jail because they're liars and the Matrix did it fine true but when I was in jail I was like how did I get here what did I do what did I say who did I piss off what institutions want me in jail what did I do that angered them me me me I'm taking absolute self-accountability for everything I'm not blaming anyone else because if I blame everything else I have no control if I blame myself then I can influence that I have control over it so 75% of people blame other people or they blame other things I lost my business CU of Co no you lost your business because of you I lost my girl because her friends were no you lost your girl CU of you you lost your car CU of you and it's all your fault because that's the only thing that gives you control and power the other 10% we said 75 that's 85 now has to be much higher let's say the other 20% Which brings up to 95% of total populace will look at a situation in which they lose and they might self-analyze and they might try and learn from the loss and they'll try and find the feedback involved in the lost to make sure they don't lose again which is obviously better than not Fe not analyzing at all at all yeah and the top 5% the absolute highest Echelon are people who are going to analyze every decision they've ever made win or lose I analyze my wins as well see where you went right see see where I went right see where I went wrong see where it worked you need to analyze your whole life your life needs to be feedback you know I always found the one thing that was always amazing to me and this happened to me even just the other day I'll be driving one of my 59 super cars and it's raining and it's dark and it's cold and I I see people at a bus stop I'm at the traffic light I'm like it's freezing and it's raining and it's nighttime and you can't afford an Uber if that won't motivate you I don't know what will because the worst thing about the bus isn't the bus it's the time you wait for the bus time is money you're going to sit down there for 45 minutes in the freezing cold and waste your time to save a couple dollars on an Uber and you don't feel Panic to get rich this is what's another thing that's amazing to me about motivation I don't feel motivated neither do I sometimes you're not going to always feel like doing it you have to do it anyway because it's your duty to do it because you don't want to be a loser that's the whole point if you felt like doing it all the time then there would be no magic to it the magic is that you do it regardless of how you feel that's the whole point of it all what do you mean you need motivation you don't have you don't need motivation you have a duty to not be a loser anymore because the hole in the sky is closing I think most normal people understand if you were to ask them how is the economy they'd say well it's impossible I can't pay for my bills I can't pay to eat I can't afford a house I can barely afford my mortgage I'm never going to get rich this way they understand all of this but they're not panicking and people are sitting here now going oh yeah the economy is bad but you know maybe if we vote for this person who are you going to vote for that's going to put money in your pocket actually actually come along and say Here's money nobody you still got to pay your counsil tax still a broie nobody cares no one you vote for is going to change it it's going to get worse it's going to continue and you know the boat is going to sink and you're not panicking that's why I kind of catch myself and one of the things I try very hard not to do is become elitist because when you've come from the absolute bottom to the absolute top and you've done it all off of your own back and hard work and dedication and never never missing a day the only shortcut to life is to never miss a day one because of com compounding interest and two because sometimes you get lucky and you'll never miss a lucky day if you try every day if you don't try every day you might miss your lucky day and that's what people don't understand if you never miss a day and you never don't try and you're always on time was I late today no on time and you try and improve every aspect of your life and you're a professional and you try and make sure that you analyze your decisions you give yourself feedback you don't make mistakes you're not lazy if you try and you make it to the top you end up elitist because you look at the people down below and you're like well why didn't you try I did I think men are happy when they feel better I think we're naturally competitive that's why we've always done what we've done why did gask Khan need Vienna well that's Austria look at map why did he need Vienna it took him probably three months to even hear they were at Vienna by the time he got the message they probably already conquered it why did he need it because he won why do I need the stuff I had because other people can't have it it's m and I think that that's where masculine happiness comes from because I think men are happy when they feel respected and you're going to respect yourself if you look around and you have things other people don't have why do I walk into the showroom and buy the two available cars that I don't want cuz it's one man's dream and now another man can't buy it why do you play play sports to win to win why do you want to put a ball in a net more times than the other people to show that you're better than them at putting a ball in a net how insignificant an action a ball in a net who cares a much more significant action would be making a bunch of money or being physically stronger or a better fighter or being smarter a quicker talker or being more wellknown more respected more influential that's far more important than putting a ball in the net and you'll spend your time putting a ball in the to prove you're better than other people so don't sit and say that I'm a bad person for proving I'm better than everyone else by all the things I'm doing that's masculine competition if there's a game being played and some men realize it's a battle and some men don't realize there's a battle going on how can they possibly win so some of you men are waking up every day not realizing you're in a forever permanent competition with every single man around you for everything all of the time and that doesn't ever cross your mind and you want why you permanently lose well it crosses my mind and that's why I'm beating you women want the men who think this way women want the men who understand this who win that's who women want so you can call it arrogant you can call it egotistical I call it winning I call it realism call it realistic and the best things about having most of the things I have is that other people can't have them that's the bottom line of it it's the reason why billionaires buy a bigger yacht than the billionaire next to them they do not need an extra 20t ft of deck space they want the biggest yacht in the harbor is the reason why they buy oneofone picassos it's the reason why when Bugatti launch a new car with 0 units they're all sold same day that's why because winners all think the same way and anyone who sits and goes well you should be more humble I hear that sometimes and then I look at who said it to and whenever someone tells me they opinion this is a habit I give everyone at home whenever somebody gives you their opinion on anything listen to the opinion and then stop and look at who told it to you because you never want to adopt the thinking of somebody who you don't want to be because their thinking made them so whatever they believe in their mind is why they are the person they are so if somebody sits and says to you you should be more humble I sit and think okay it's my logical this is how my brain works he believes I should be more humble that's how his mind operates the closer my mind operates to his mind the more likely I am to be like him who is he and I'll look at the person who said that to me and say no thank because most people who talk about humble all they really want is not be reminded of how they have failed they don't want me to make it clear to them that they have failed they have failed I feel like normality has been changed from being a winner to being a loser in the 60s you could be a normal man who worked in a factory an unskilled labor job and with one wage you could afford a house you could afford a car you could afford to raise a family your children would not be taught garbage in school your wife would respect you you'd have a homecooked meal Times Are Good Times Are Good all the things I said about playing Uno earlier in hyper Bowl are true what matters most your wife loves you you're respected as the bread winner your kids respect you they listen to you your house is clean your house is safe your car Works your life is good so now being normal is just losing in a way which is so familiar to the people around you are losing that you don't realize you've lost at all cuz everyone's losing so you're like I'm just normal no no you've all lost you've all lost none of you are free you've all lost and that's even more scary you can't even be normal anymore to be a winner you have to be exceptional you could be a winner as a normal person only 50 60 years ago now the normal people can't even win so you need to be able to do amazing things and then be proud of yourself don't sit and think you're great for no reason that is arrogance I'd argue that the normal person who thinks they're so unique and great for no reason it's more arrogant than me the problem with most people in the world today is not that they do a normal thing is that they do a normal thing and they don't try to be the best at it so you can be a barista and you can just make coffees or you can be a barista that makes the fancy coffees and turn over all the cups and do like the the tricks and all the garbage we have a man who became a billionaire from Salt yes from Salt you can all put salt on he did it the best bam so the first thing you need to do is get very good at making coffees that's the first thing you need to do be able to do it in a fancy way then you need to solicit attention what you you can make coffees in a fancy way you can hire a videographer you can then begin to make fancy coffees in a fancy way and you can make it look good with a finalized product and you get a nice video made that's well cut with some fancy music you begin to put them on Instagram and solicit people to watch your Instagram page now you have attention how do you then turn that attention into money after you began to show your fancy coffees well you could let's say put together a course or an academy or write a book on the magic of coffee or the secrets of coffee and you would put a mystery on it don't say I'll teach you how to make coffee no say the secrets of coffee you'd have a link in your Instagram page and it would be $9 and it would tell people the secrets how to make coffee for example you'd start to sell that for $9 you'd make a couple hundred or a couple thousand not too much but you continue to make fancy coffees people continue to go to your Instagram page you're now sell them the secrets of how to make coffee then after people start knowing you as being a barista you start to make these $9 you have 20 $30,000 in the bank what you can do is launch your own coffee brand you can go to you can find some coffee beans you can put your face on it because your face is not a recognized brand you can get your own coffee beans you can begin to sell them on Instagram before you know you're making 1010 or $15,000 a month you can start to do tours you could start to put posters on your Instagram or in your Instagram stor saying I'm going to do master classes on how to make coffee 20 people only $1,000 each at this premium Barista speciality coffee shop in London the coffee shop will allow you to do it for free because they want people to know get the advertising from you in your brand you'll charge $1,000 each that's 20 grand for a day they teach people how to pour milk in a cup boom you got a coffee cof brand you go on online school you're doing seminars you put in a little bit of effort now you drive a Ferrari done it is that easy to get rich in the world today if you actually trve you dve instead he'll go to work every day make the coffees go home coffe some people are so lazy that they will work every day instead of get rich and they think because they're working every day that they're not lazy everything I just told you about that could work for an electrician same thing teach people how to wire a blow who gives it you'll make some money if you try so I think the best mental model as a man is to understand that you cannot be normal you need to be exceptional you need to do exceptional things that ties into the exceptionally good and the exceptionally bad like we talked earlier which means you need to be hard on yourself so you can deal with the exceptionally bad and if you start to do all these things they all compound everything I've said across all these hours all tie into each other and you end up in one result you end up in one place which is brutal competence brutal masculine competence there's nowhere else to be nothing will say besides your own brutal competence I believe that getting rich is one of the best things you can possibly do to help save the [Music] world
Channel: Beyond Limits
Views: 133,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivational Speech, Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate Motivation, motivational video, money, success, motivation, business, entrepreneurship, mindset, never give up, hustle, goals, achieve your dreams, overcoming obstacles, self-improvement, personal development, tate, cobratate, hustlers university, bugatti, wealth, riches, brutal honesty, pain is power, build your empire, self-made millionaire, how to be successful, how to make money, successtips, make money, Tristan Tate, Monday Motivation, diddy
Id: s2f8LxY0Ekg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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