Andy Samberg aka Jake Peralta fun moments with Brooklyn 99 team

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I gotta say this guy is the future of comedy for real and I said I got a ball Rick there's a star like you know for the blonde knew he had to get with the rain and they created well is the future of comedy it's tough to keep my ear to the street you know I'm so busy would I say why not [Laughter] [Music] how's my impression of our cast you know every day is fun and funny and we're shooting until 5:00 in the morning as you listen Annie were up till 5:00 shooting and they're here on the show not even for the show just out shooting guns for funsies shooting the previous things gels and I'm sitting here the whole time watching Annie be hilarious going how is he doing that guys we really dig each other that's what we're learning here today I saw a lot of my friends at SNL stuff like that that's great yeah that's right no it doesn't have to be a laundry list Andre yeah what was the question uh other creative talents who are a big influence on you right now writers directors actors telltale [Laughter] there's always Daniel day-lewis he really does change it's like he's a whole different person in every movie I saw Lincoln followed by wreck-it Ralph and I allowed to go back you said now or today right whatever you want I was giving you Mel Brooks money Python see Martinez it was a lightning round so you could answer it any way you want to get it we have run out of time there's too much funny there's just but the Marx Brothers and the Stooges you pop piggy pop Richard Pryor I just I want to thank everyone again for coming and thank you to the cast [Applause] I want to ask you I guess the nd you'd be the one to ask this just tell me about the origins of the show again um you know Mike and Dan I don't know if they developed it with you in mind or when you came into the picture and just go through that real quick sure they had the pitch for a police precinct comedy and they called me and told me that that was pretty much the pitch and I was a huge fan of Parks and Rec obviously and I you know had known that Amy had done it based pretty similarly where they were like hey it's the Parks and Recreation office and you would be in it and she was like okay and that worked out so I said okay sounds great and they told Fox I believe and Fox was like okay and then and they wrote it and then everyone was like good it's good and then we shot it story is that easy because they had already made an awesome show and worked in a million other great shows and that's the awesome you know Easy Street Road they that's about to walk down how was it how was it bad Andre well I mean I have experience with hard tough cleaning out hot tubs you know so what happened sure you make your own hot tub well yeah the thing about it is if when they sit there right and you go and you scrub out the in a cheerier of the jacuzzi you could take this too if you want inside the pipes the truth and I rarely control the microphone you guys so um while I'm actually gonna follow through this so inside the tubing of the jacuzzi is all the stuff that was left over so you scrub out the jacuzzi [Laughter] [Applause] very much like crafting a roll of cleaning out a jacuzzi is it an intimate exploration of pipes why stop at the chute slip out of the skivvies slip out of this give you a great Tata Tata repair Ruben where's Ruben right there so he rube wants to know what for anybody wants to answer what was the audition process for each of you any interesting or funny audition stories when you first audition for the show well I didn't have to audition there's a little show called Saturday Night Live been around for a couple of years anyhow but I did do chemistry reads with a lot of those who we see before us and it was really fun oh you're gonna screen test and at your screen test you're gonna be you're just gonna do a little bit of improv with Andy I was like a nice amber and he's Andy Andy like yeah you're just gonna improv with him a little bit like and I actually my improv was really fun but extremely sweat just like flop sweat and didn't show you were - oh thanks buddy stuck the landing kid thanks man thanks homerun Stephon kept hitting me and but I'm just like I he's a good kid though and like it started and like I got him a hot dog and like you know you got my hot dog so that was kind of a fun little moment yeah it was already there remember that it was there it was there the vibe oh I thought you said like I was already there I was there I know what you're talking about all right yeah so I know man I had the other part of us in here Reuben also want to know Andy any plans to sneak Lonely Island in for cameos well Kievan your mum both directed episodes so that I think counts I don't know where we're trying we're trying to work on a movie right now so it's the sched is packed but hopefully yeah yes thank you guys I've got a question from Jeff table where's Jeff hey Jeff for anybody wants to answer and Stephanie brought up improv is there improv when you guys are working is it pretty tight to the script you can you guys go loose a little bit yeah these three right here well there's others reputation as the button Miami but McGee she doesshe nan I've ever seen sometimes I can't just let the moment sit I just gotta like put a button on it like this ever I'm not aligned this one we're comment it's so it's a lesson funny baby to learn how he does it because all you like always add stuff at the end of scenes that's where you like sneak in some weird extra joke and a lot of them do get in with joke you just you feel that moment like in your mind editing wise of like and that's the scene and then joe says one more thing and they'll come up sometimes and I know what they're gonna say so like the come up and I'll be like no but McGee no but McGee it's not even that they're not good jokes it's just it's a meme clearly as in you need to clean a crayon lets you go out back then we're gonna go and get them and also so hey Lee movie is tearing the whole that's exactly what I think that in and by the way in the Hulk stay positive my sad story Trump's your insult Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Thank You Boyle
Channel: Rak
Views: 1,872,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QfDRslvUNMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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