Andy Kaufman on Carson - Impressions, Bongos, & Weird Interview 1977

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[Music] Andy Kaufman is with us tonight and Andy has a little difficult to explain what Andy does he will do it when he comes out and in his continuing effort to succeed in show business he's finished taping his very first television special for another network would you welcome Andy Kaufman [Applause] thank you very much I would like to tell the story of the this aeroplane and it was going to talk sink so they had to get rid of some people so first this man from Texas he jump out of the aeroplane and as he jump out he say remember the Alamo and and then the second man he was from France so as he jump he say vive la France so so so so did the the deep man it was only a man from England and a man from New York so the man from England pushed out demand from New York and as he push him he say something that it was very funny but I don't remember what it was but it was very funny thank you very much right now I would like to do for you some imitations so first I would like to imitate Mohammed Ali hi I am so pretty I am I am going to go float like a butterfly and sting like lucky be going to knock him out thank you very much and I would like to imitate James Cagney your your dirty right xxx right thank you very much and now last but back to Middle East I would like to imitate the Early's Presley [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you very much you can all just stare at me when I catch my breath I have to do one of my biggest records for you go solely on the same size one of the first songs ever recorded back in 1927 I think it was when something like this 1 2 3 4 1 2 but it's the one for the Money two for the show three to get ready now go cat [Music] they of Allahabad presented okay waiter two loops waiter to me the little AG [Applause] [Music] thank you very much ladies and gentlemen so far everything I've done for you tonight really I'm only fooling this is really me and right now may I please have my clothes back [Applause] well this was come back to talk okay so we are anything right back Nega doc we were back talking at anacapa India first time I saw you with who's Harvey Korman I was down at the improvisation on on Santa Monica no on Melrose then I saw you do that for the first time it's a good impression was that one the first things you did well that was it's the only impression I do the only real yeah for real yeah when I was ever since I was seven I really liked Elvis Presley you know you would stay in my room and imitate him plays record to make believe I was him and when I was about 20 I was in college and I was walking down the street and the college was having what was called the soul time review it was a talent show all black talent show so the people who were putting it together came up to me and said you know they would laugh at me all the time I don't know why but I it always laugh at me so the they came up to me and said Andy how would you like to do a little something for our talent show and I said well I don't know how to do anything but what I do in my room so I imitate it I went on and I imitated Elvis Presley they all thought you know they were calling me they said I was the comedy relief and the token white buffoon that's what they called me and they thought it was really going to be a bomb yeah and they liked it but you probably just went to the show yeah I just went up there and imitated Elvis Presley and they really liked it yes now the last time you said you came over in the panel you had done the voice that you that you open with and a lot of people said tell me about Andy Kaufman where is he from they were buying the fact that you were from some foreign country yeah do you get away with that whenever you go you go into that character sure I feel more secure well sometimes yeah yeah I like to walk around and and do different characters and that's one of my favorite characters yeah and you know in New York where I'm from you can and you could you could walk around in the streets of New York City and be any just any kind of character I would like every block wouldn't even notice a you know and they and they just think that you're for real so like last year when I was walking down in Times Square and you know they have these things called massage parlors yes I've heard of them and this man was giving out cars he didn't come on up to the massage parlor and I said so I said what is this but easy you go up there and you'll be with a pretty lady and they had a picture outside of this beautiful movie star I don't know who she was to choose a very famous beautiful movie star and you know that she wouldn't feel what not up now so I said I could I could I get with this lady and he said he said yeah she's up there you go up well I have been a fan of her so long I went to meet her autograph she said sure sure you go up there and go meet her so I went up the stairs you know I went I went to meet the lady and the man said what do you want what do you want and I went to meet the lady in the in the picture downstairs the event said I could come up have a free look so all right all right I'll bring her round I'll bring her out so this lady she was kind of fat yeah you know and she didn't she had black hair and she didn't look anything like well you know so she came out and she was smiling lady in the in the picture yeah i'm lady in the picture so so I say could I please have your autograph because I already started to meet and such a big fan of you and she was so touched because no one ever looked at her like this before she gave me her autographs and gave she wrote dear and the best wishes thank you very much good luck everything that you can think of to write in a large F and she signed her name thank you very much and right the right to know and she said well you come back when you have some money I said all right when I had some money I come back you can give me a massage I said okay and I walked away and she was very happy so you ever standing invitation there in case you go back or a lying-down invitation one of the two are you are these ears out here yes those drums uh-huh are you gonna do something sure special tonight uh-huh you wanna do it down okay if you feel like it man sure anytime okay this is the song that they sing seriously this is the songs of the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] physical my son up already mentioned [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MaTeOWaNnA CoMeDy ReMaStErZ
Views: 465,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy kaufman, remastered, wide, wide screen, kaufman, kauffman, andy kauffman, andy kafman, full, mateowanna, comedy, best, best of, quality, bongos, impressions, foreign man, stand up, e;vis impression, first, 1st, late night, comedy history, johnny carson, carson, tonight show, elvis, kaufman carson, kaufman tonight show
Id: 4lU-NmcfIEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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