Andy Cohen is For Real

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Please welcome Andy Cohen. (crowd cheering and clapping) Wendy! (Upbeat music) How you doing? Am I allowed to say how you doing? (Crowd cheering) Andy! Wow, I'm so glad to be here. (Upbeat music) You know I'm 20 blocks away. Shoe cam please Yes Andy Cohen, shoe cam please. Yes. Ferragamo. Yes. Yes. Mhmm. Yup. That looks like you've had them for a moment. They're in need of a shine. No, no, no, no, no we love a broken in shoe here. Yeah. It's a nice broken in shoe. Yeah! Yeah. Uh huh. Yes. Happy four twenty. Yes! Happy Birthday, Wanda. Yes. Happy Birthday, Luther Vandross, would have been 70 today. Okay. Yeah. All right. Now you live 20 blocks from here, so. I do. So did you catch a contact walk? Oh, you were in the car. A contact high? Yeah. It's, you can feel it in the air. New York City's celebrating. It's nice to have you here. It's great to be here. I feel like a real person like things are happening I mean 70 degrees and sunny and spring is here and now we can dine until midnight. Yes. I'm ready. Yeah, life is coming back seriously. I feel it. I think so. Yeah, I think so. How's Ben doing? Ben is great. Ben is great. He's he's wonderful. There we are matching PJ's he's really good. He is a delight. I walk in in the morning to wake him up and he's like, Hey (Laughing) Hey Do you want more kids? I'm thinking about it. Yeah. I think it would be great for him. Yeah. Yeah. It's not so much for the parents because it's a lot. It's a lot. Especially 'cus you work so... Single dad, man. Yeah. It's not. Yeah. It's a lot. Well, you work so many different jobs though also. So, A lot going on right now. It's best that he stays here in New York Yes. With nanny or something like that. Yeah. And then you come back. Mhmm. Mhmm. So how has it being single? How was it being single? You're booed up aren't you? Well, no, no, no, no. Okay. I mean, Mike, Mike and I, Mike and I are cool. by the way, you know, Mike and I had dinner at the congressional country club with Ray and Karen. At the grand dom? Mhmm, mhmm. Wow. Just the other week That's good. It was, Wendy reached out to me asking for the Grand Dom's phone number recently. Yup. And I thought, what is this gonna be about? And you all got together at the country club. I love it. Yeah. Double date. It was, it was a great night. (Crowd clapping) But, Being single is okay I mean, you know, I, I feel like I was a lot to handle when I wasn't a parent and now meeting people, I mean, it's it's in my mind it is so heavy. You're not only dating me but you're going to date, you know, my son's in the picture. And so it seems like a lot. Well, We'll see. I mean, use it or lose it is what you would say. Yeah, exactly. No, exactly. You know? Okay. I don't wanna lose it. (Laughing) I do not want to lose it. There's so many people here who've always had a crush on you. I still like, Thank you. I'm very flattered when you said that. No, you're very, very good looking, man. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. (Crowd clapping) I like the salt and pepper. Thanks. And I still would love to see you and Anderson hook-up and be a couple Anderson is killing it on jeopardy right now. Yeah. Gotta stay on jeopardy. Yeah. He is killing it. And you guys did such a good job on new years eve Thank you very much. I was right here watching. Thanks. I feel like he's, you're the noisy part and the quiet part, but you have the same personality. We're a ying and yang. Yes. Yeah. We work well together. Hey, have you met Teresa's boyfriend? You know, I did meet him. actually. I did meet him and I saw your hot topics. You were reporting on the story that I read about too. I talked to her about it at the reunion. I might add. Here's what you have to know. If you watch Jersey Housewives closely Teresa said she was looking for a man who would make love to her three times a day. She said it on the show. And so if it is true that this man wants sex four times a day this guy maybe is made for her. (Crowd clapping and cheering) I mean, honestly she said it on the show, Wendy, she said it. But we say a lot of things that we really don't mean We do. but I don't know, you know? Who knows? All right. All right. Listen, I'm very, I'm very concerned about the status of the Gorga marriage. Oh, about Melissa and Joe. You know what I think that is. And I I've talked to both of them about it. I think he keeps saying, you're, you know you're busy and you're, you know, you're, you're not around. I think it's the show. I think she has had so many opportunities Yes. As a result of the show and fame and he alludes to it. I think in this week's episode even more but I think it's the red carpet thing and going out and there's a us magazine party and there's this. So I think that kind of played into this. See, I thought he kind of likes going out. They always seem like just such a wonderful couple. And it's really disturbing that at the hands of you Andy and keeping these people on TV Yeah That they, I'm 50, 50. They might get a divorce. I, if I were Melissa, I wouldn't give up the career that I've worked for. Right. For, for him. And I'd be, we'd be good co-parent. You would not give up your career? No. Right. Not based on where she came from. I don't know that he's asking her too, by the way. I don't want to see them fight on TV though. Can you turn the cameras off? Okay. Just saying. All right. Okay. I love them as a couple. Yeah. I do. I do. (Crowd clapping) And all the kids. Yeah. So speaking of turning cameras off. Yeah. I love how you were still able to get all the action going on in Atlanta In Atlanta? I mean, those ladies started turning those cameras off and then were like two airing cameras in the corner. I was like, yes! Yes! This is great. But I loved it. Listen, I think that the Housewives one of the things that I love about the Housewives and this especially plays out in New York a lot is how comfortable the women are with their sexuality and they are sex positive people. And I think that is really cool. And I loved it, that they went for it in Atlanta. It was a real bachelorette party for Cynthia and they went for it and I have absolutely no judgment on that. I think it's really cool. And I mean, Bolo, And Bolo? I mean, (Crowd laughing) Bolo, (Crowd laughing) Andy, I felt very uncomfortable and I'm very comfortable with my sexuality. We talk sex and the whole bit, but no, that That was too much for you? Yup, yup, yup. All right. Yup. Okay. Yeah. All right. It was Okay. I'm just saying. Yeah. It's you're right. And a lot of times I feel like when I watched the show I feel like I'm watching something everything that I've seen before. And I know that filming is down because of the pandemic. So you have to, Yeah, I have point out one thing that is true about especially this season of Atlanta, we had to shut down several times production for a few weeks. There were so many stops and starts. So it was rough. It was, it was rough getting momentum there for a minute. I like Cynthia Valley though. She's really sweet. I remember I was calling her boring and stuff. No, Cynthia. Cynthia is a keeper Cynthia is great, yeah. I'm not a big fan of that. The lady, Drew. Drew Sidora? I, I don't care Really? No. Okay. I don't care. So are you looking to shake that cast up? I think we're always looking for, you know how can we build on it? Yeah. I love Candy. Candy is great I mean, Candy is disgusting but she's also a boss and I love Todd for candy. Okay, disgusting? Yeah, disgusting. Filthy, filthy. Filthy! Oh, yes. Okay. Too comfortable with her sexuality. Oh, okay. Filthy! You know what I love about you? What? You're a little bit of a prude. I, yeah, Yeah, you are! You are! Yeah. Like I'm having fun dating, but I'm a girlfriend. I'm not a Yeah, right. You ain't need to sit there with your knitting watching, shaking your head. Well, not knitting, but I certainly do rub my hands back and forth I know. I love it. And change the channel and then come back and watch through my I know. I love it. I love it. Okay. Erica Jayne? Yes. She's divorcing. She is, among other things. Yes. Yes. We've got a lot going on. That all happened on our watch while we were shooting Beverly Hills you see the entire thing unfold. Did you see the trailer of Beverly Hills? I don't know. It's really good. It's really good. It's a great series. She's divorcing the husband. She's divorcing him. He's not giving the will. He's not giving her any money. She has no money. There may not be any money. I mean, we don't know. There's a lot of lawsuits there. It's, it's shocking. What's happening with him and, and yeah. Pretty surprising. Do you know Grace Hightower? I think I've maybe met her around. I saw that story on hot topics. Yeah. Interesting, right? Yeah. Yeah. I know Toukie Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love Toukie. Toukie Smith. Who was his first wife? Yes. Yeah. She's great. But she spent too. Toukie? Yeah, and he's very generous with his women. So he's got to now pay the wiper. Would you date DeNiro? Yes. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. And I, and I would want my allowance. Yeah. You would want your allowance No, I guess would. I don't think I'm his type though but yeah, I would. Right. Mhmm. I think you might be. (Laughing) (Crowd laughing) I've got everything for myself. All I want to do is have free food at the restaurant. How about that? Is that your Housewives tagline? Yeah. I love free food. Oh, I lost interest in Miami. Oh, you did. Wendy was petitioning to be a friend of, or be on the show. In Miami, And now you lost interest. What happened? Nothing's happened. While I was down there during the Corona. And then I got in touch with Larsa and then Larsa was filming something or another. Right, right, And then, and then she said, all right, I'm going to come by and pick you up and we're going to go out for dinner. Okay. So the time comes and she's not there. So I already, then I called my own car. I'm like, okay, well I'm going out anyway. You know, I'm not scared to go out by myself. So when I finally got in contact with her she sent me a picture of her feet. She's laying in bed, you know, sleeping. But here's the thing. My family is all consuming so I don't even have time to be found out. Okay. Like they're Yes. Yes! Well, you also have 18 jobs yourself. Well, but they all, they're all out of New York. Yes they are. Okay, good. I didn't know how logistically that was going to happen either. I'm glad you worked it out Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (Crowd clapping.) All right, the new show. The new show, Wendy, you're going to love it. If you guys love reality TV, which I know you do we've got Housewives, we've got the Kardashians. We have bachelors Mama June on and on and on. All really lifting the veil and telling all the behind the scenes gossip of what has happened. We have a lot of producers of these shows and you know, they're the ones who were who know where the bodies are buried Yes! And it's on E! every Thursday night after the Kardashians. And you know, I'm doing that big Kardashians reunion show. No! Oh wait, congratulations on mass. Yes! (Crowd Clapping) That's a big one. I love them all. I'm not going to miss the show because I know that they have their deal with Netflix or Hulu or something. We're going to see them more. Plus they're social media influencers. Right. But it's still gone as a day going by. I know, I know. Andy. Yeah? My perfect guest. Oh, Wendy. (Crowd clapping) My perfect toast! Thank you! And you too Norman, wherever you are. (Crowd clapping) For real it's called for real, the story of reality TV at airs Thursday nights at nine o'clock on E. (Upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 148,774
Rating: 4.8340387 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, andy cohen, bravo
Id: GBzo_L25090
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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