Andrew Wommack - The Fear of God

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] praise God hallelujah praise God you can be seated thank you all for being here what an honor it is to be back at victory Life I think I did a jubilee for him about five years ago or something like that this is my first time back in a long time and I hope you understand that victory life pastor Dwayne and Sue and Jacob and Hannah and all of the staff here you got one of the best ministry teams in the world and Mark and Lisa I have known them for at least thirty years might be closer to 40 years and we've been good friends they were young back then Lisa told me I hadn't grown old at all and I immediately wanted to pray for her eyes it's not true but anyway what an honor it is to be with you and you know hi to all of you that are watching from the other campuses I often attend the campus in Colorado the people that run the campus in Germany or friends of mine they work for us jörgen and brenda and hi to all of you and anyway all of the campuses that are watching in different places it's a real honor to be with you and I believe that God will speak to you today I've got a couple of things out there I just like to highlight I've got a book entitled who told you that you were naked and we have people write in and say I want that book on how to be naked that's really not what this book is about it's a study in the conscience I believe it was the God didn't tell them they were naked cuz he said who told you you were naked the devil didn't tell they told themselves their conscience condemned them and that's the source of your condemnation this will really really help you and then I've got a book entitled the power of imagination and this has just changed my life God spoke some things to me in 2002 that literally changed the way I look at everything and then this is one of the CDs out of our healing University and that's a huge program that Pastor Duane is a part of that he's one of the teachers and I think there's seven of us that just took the things that God has shown us on healing and put it into I think it's something like 48 lessons or something like that and so I'm gonna ask Ashley if there it is if he would just to give this stuff away to people that look like you need to learn how to be naked or something [Applause] Ashley and his wife they're Brits and they came over from England I prayed for their daughter 15 years ago and she was raised up from her deathbed and so they've gone through the school they now have their own ministry and if I'm not mistaken Carly's gonna be here in a few weeks for the Women's Conference his wife will be one of those speakers here so if you're in this area or even if it's if you have to make a trip for it it would be worth coming when we were holding our last healing is here conference we had a panel of seven of us up here and we were just discussing the product and telling people about the benefit it would be to them and there was a woman that came running to the front and she had a four month old baby that died during the service and she just put the baby on the stage ran down and put the baby on the stage and so Carly Ashley's wife she grabbed this baby and just started praying for it and in a minute or two this baby just came back to life and was raised from the dead that's really good for a healing conference it's awesome people got excited amen so is Stephen Becky Cunningham here I've been looking for you are you here they were supposed to be here anyway that's my niece and nephew in law and they run our Oklahoma school and they were supposed to be bringing a lot of people with them but maybe they'll make it later all right I'm going to share some things with you i pastor Dwayne sent me his teaching on counterculture from a few weeks ago how many have you heard that and he said you're gonna like this and man I loved it I've listened to it a number of times and the Lord has been speaking to me along the same lines for those of you that don't know Dewayne and I it's a it's scary nearly how alike we are and I mean we've been in ministry for decades without knowing each other and when we came together I don't know anybody that is we are as much alike as between enough we were even playing golf one time and he was embarrassed because he plays with these yellow green balls and he thought I'd make fun of him and when we got out there I play with those that's what we just do everything together it's like we're twins separated at birth but of course I was the better-looking of the two and Dwayne serves on my board he's a very important part of everything we do at Karis Bible College and he's a super blessing but anyway when I heard that I've been teaching on the fear of the Lord and that's what I want to talk about and it will go along with what Lane has been teaching I'll probably will overlap but you know I pastored three little churches and one of the things that I loved is when somebody came into my church and taught the same message that I was teaching because there's always a little different perspective a little different spin on it and it would confirm to the people that this isn't just me saying it you know this is God because the same things being said through somebody else so even though some of this I'm sure will overlap with what Dwayne is going to teach as he comes back and continues to teach on that I think it'll benefit you and let me say that you know I really respect Dwayne I love him and if anything I say goes against him which I don't think it will because I've only heard one thing that he ever said that I disagreed with and I asked him about it and he says well that's not what I meant so he didn't explain it so I'm not sure I even disagree with that but anyway if anything I say goes against pastor Dwayne you stick with your pastor that's the way you need to do it but let me just share with you about the fear of the Lord Psalms chapter 36 verse 1 says the transgression of the wicked saith within my heart that there is no fear of God before his eyes now we could spend all night on that I've got actually 17 pages of notes and I'm not going to preach all of that to you in the next 38 minutes alright but we're gonna cover as much of it as I can but we could stay on this all night long you look at our society today and the things that are going on and the things that are being done you can try and describe this in a thousand different ways but the bottom line is they don't fear God there isn't any fear of God the transgression of the wicked says within my heart it may not say this in their heart but for those that know the Lord and have a proper perspective on things it shows us that they don't fear the Lord you know used to there was a fear of the Lord in our society that even people that didn't know the Lord knew that he existed and they knew that they would be giving an account and that fear of the Lord restrained wickedness I'm if I can talk quite quickly enough I'm going to go through a lot of scriptures that show you the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil and to hate evil and do things like this and even people that didn't know the Lord had a knowledge of the Lord and a fear and a reverence from the Lord and it restrained society today the fear of the Lord is nearly non-existent even among Christians and I know that some people to think oh no I fear the Lord but the scripture says the fear of the Lord the transgression of the wicked says within my heart that the is no fear of God if you were living an ungodly life if you're full of hatred and anger and all of these kind of things you can say what you want to but you don't fear the Lord or it would cause you to act differently here's the definition of fear according to the dictionary says a feeling of alarm or disquiet caused by awareness or expectation of danger that's not the fear of the Lord that's not what we're talking about the second one is an instance or manifestation of such a feeling the next one is a state of dread concern solitude the fourth one says all reverence fear of God that's what we're talking about is not a dread not being afraid of the Lord God is a good god there's no reason to fear him especially once you commit your life to Him he is for you and not against you and we don't fear the Lord in that sense but we should have an awe or a reverence of God here's what it says in Psalms chapter 33 verse 8 it says let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him so it's using the word fear and awe interchangeably here this is talking about having an awe a reverence a respect honoring the Lord and look at this in Isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 Jesus feared God this is what it says in Isaiah chapter 11 it says there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears if I had time I could show you that's a prophecy about Jesus and Jesus feared the Lord now if Jesus feared the Florida who had no sin he was God manifest in the flesh we have to be able to define fearing the Lord not as terror or being afraid but rather honor respect there's so many examples in the scripture of Jesus honoring his father matter of fact jesus said himself that if you don't honor the son then you have not honored the father out of John chapter 6 and so it's talking about an honor a reverence for the Lord and also says that the New Testament church feared the Lord Acts chapter 9 verse 31 then had the churches rest throughout all Judea in Galilee and Samaria and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied so the New Testament church walked in the fear of the Lord I've had some people say well that stuff about fear and the Lord is all Old Testament we got a new covenant we don't do that this is new covenant they walked in the fear of the Lord second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord and if I had time we could talk about this more but you know what if you aren't living a holy life you don't fear the Lord thank you for that one that's right you know I preach a lot on the grace of God I know pastor Duane does and man we are so thankful that God loves us and that it's not performance-based and that we don't get what we deserve and that God loves us in spite of what we do not because of what we do I believe that with all of my heart but this does not mean that we don't live a holy life I live a holy life out of fear of God not terror but reverence Oh respect you perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord if you aren't living a holy life you are not fearing God now this isn't preaching that you have to be perfect never make a mistake but I mean if that isn't where you're headed if that's not the direction that you're going if you just are sitting there and saying well man God loves me so I can go out and live however I want to you don't fear God and without going into a lot of specifics our society today men they are promoting ungodliness that goes completely against what the Word of God says and yet many of them would say well I'm a Christian and they may not use this terminology but I fear the Lord they don't fear the Lord then there's so many other scriptures I'm talking as fast as I can trying to get to these like I said I got 17 pages of notes I'm trying to go through in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 it says submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God this is talking about husbands and wives if you take it in its context and you are supposed to submit yourself one to another in the fear of the Lord if you go down to verse 33 this is Ephesians 5:33 it says that the husband is supposed to love his wife and the wife is supposed to reverence her husband the word for reverence right there is the Greek word for bayo I'm not sure how you pronounce it but it's a word we get phobia from its the word fear it's used eighty five times in the New Testament and this is the only time in the scripture that it was translated reverence but that's exactly what it's describing a woman is not supposed to fear her husband in the sense of be terrified but she's supposed to reverence her husband and we are supposed to reverence the Lord in first Peter chapter 3 verse 15 sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be always ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear we're supposed to answer people respond to them minister the Word of God in fear again not a terror but in a reverence and honor respect for other people and for God you know we teach our students lots of times when people get up to speak we I ministered to our students here in Sherman this morning and one autumn got up and gave a testimony about how that they were just afraid to stand in front of his people and now they're getting bold and and they were able to speak most people have a fear of people a fear of standing in front of people that they're gonna say something stupid or make a mistake if you came looking for something to criticize me over I've got something for you a man I i'm guarantee I will make a mistake I am NOT the perfect person and I was so introverted I couldn't even look at a person in the face and talk to him but you know what changed my life was when God touched me and changed my life so much I fell in love with him and I fell in love with other people and I was ministering one time and I mean it was a struggle and I was laboring trying to minister because I was so afraid of people and I had a man come up to me and he says you've got some good things to say and if you ever got to where you are more concerned about the people you're ministering to rather than yourself you could be a blessing and you know how it was true and if you are timid and shy in front of people it's because you're thinking about yourself you're thinking about what do they think about me the antidote to that is to get over yourself and get to where you love other people more than you love yourself and you're gonna tell people the truth because it's the truth that sets them free and so you do it in fear reverence for God and reverence for them we we sometimes cloak things and say well I just am trying to love people I'm just gonna love them I'm not gonna say anything that would offend them you know that's not the way this church is man pastor Duane Jacob mark and Lisa I know that they speak the truth and sometimes it offends people but you know what if you truly love them you are gonna tell them the truth and give them the honor of rejecting the word on their own instead of you rejecting it for you know I had a I had a man that came to me one time and was asking me a question about something and he asked what's wrong why didn't this work and God spoke a word to me and I knew what the answer was I knew exactly what to tell this guy but I anticipated he isn't gonna like this he is not gonna be blessed by this he's gonna reject it and I was sitting there and in myself debating should I tell him everything that the Lord spoke to me or not and the Lord spoke to me and says you don't have the right to reject the truth for it and if you don't tell him the truth then you didn't even give him an opportunity to receive you rejected it for him and that changed my life and since that time man if God shows me the truth I'm gonna say the truth and you might reject it and you might reject me but I'm going to give you the honor of rebelling at God on your own instead of me doing it for you amen praise God fearing God his trusting God Psalms 115 verse 11 says he that fear the Lord trust in the Lord fearing God is trusting God if you aren't trusting God if it's hard for you to let go and to feel like God I'm just this is your problem I'm not going to worry about it you know we're in first Peter it says casting all of your care over upon him because he cares for you and that's right after the verse that says humble yourselves under the mighty hand to God we often take these verses as individual statements and we we talk about humility and then we go to cast in your care on the Lord but they're really linked they follow one another men are the ones that put the chapter in verse divisions in there and when it says humble yourselves the next phrase says casting all of your care over upon him if you haven't cashed your care on the Lord if you stay up at night worried and how am I going to bring this to pass how is this gonna work out you haven't humbled yourself you still have the weight and the responsibility of fixing this thing on your shoulders when you humble yourself and say God I give this to you you cast your care upon him you can sleep at night you can let it go and if you aren't trusting in the Lord if you are still bearing the burden of trying to fix everything on your own then you don't fear God fearing God is trusting God I know some of you're thinking no I do trust God but I have all these problems I'm not against you man I'm just telling you what the Bible says ye that fear the Lord trust in the Lord if you don't trust in the Lord if you are still worried and dealing with these things and wondering how is this gonna work out you haven't feared the Lord you may be headed in that direction I'm not condemning you but you haven't arrived because that is not trusting Lord so it says ye that fear the Lord trust in the Lord he is their help and their shield the Lord has been mindful of us the Lord will bless us he will bless the house of Israel he will bless the house of and he will bless them that fear the Lord both small and great don't you want to be blessed well then you need to fear the Lord you need to reverence the Lord you need to honor the Lord trust in the Lord proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 says trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding again if you are leaning unto your own understanding then you aren't trusting in God I tell you this is something that it's hard for most people to do especially those who are like the 10th talent person if you're a person that can just handle things on your own if you're a person that just you know you have a confidence level that you can just do anything actually that's a that's a hard thing to overcome because you tend to trust in yourself and your own wisdom lean under your own understanding in a way it's a real blessing to be a one talent person and just not have a lot of anything going for you because it makes you depend upon God I feel sorry for those of you that have it all figured out and this is great trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil if you don't fear the Lord you are wise in your own eyes you are leaning unto your own understanding you're depending upon yourself and you are not departing from evil again if you are living in sin if you are living in rebellion if you know that God has told you to do something and you aren't doing it and this doesn't only apply to one breaking one of the Big Ten you know the Ten Commandments this isn't just about going out lying and stealing committing adultery those things are sin but also if the Lord has told you to do something and you aren't doing it because you're fearful that God if I do this people won't understand what all I do for a living you know we have people all of the time that want to come to our Bible College and they will say God told me to come but and then they'll give me all of these reasons why it won't work and after 20 minutes of telling me all the reasons that can't do it they say what are you thinking I said you lost me the moment you said God told you to do this if God told you to do it do it and there that's sin if you aren't doing it that God loves you but it's stupid it's stupid not to do what God tells you to do but what I'm trying to say is God loves you stupid he's not mad at you he's not mad at you but you need to get over it you need to start doing what God told you to do and quit leaning under your own understanding and depart from evil it should be health to thy navel and morrow to thy bones honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of thine increase proverbs 29:25 the fear of man bringeth the snare but whosoever putteth this trust in the lord shall be safe man when you are fearing men and a lot of people say well I don't fear men did you know if God wants you to go witness to somebody talk to them about the Lord if they're at work talking around the water cooler and they're talking about killing babies and infanticide and they're talking about they can't even figure out which bathroom to go into and stuff like this and you have the truth and yet you won't speak the truth you can say it any way you want to you fear men more than you fear God you honor them you reverence them you want their respect their acceptance more than you want God's acceptance now pastor Dwayne he will be nicer than I am I'm not a pastor I travel and minister and I just drop a bomb and leave and then and then Jacob has to come along and fix it or mark and Lisa and so come back if this is your first time here come back and let them love you and treat you nice but I'm just telling you that if you won't speak up and speak the truth because you are afraid of how they're gonna react you fear them more than you fear God and you can whitewash that you can try and fix it any way you want to and you say but no I'm just trying to love them the Bible didn't say that love sets a person free it's the truth that sets a person free Ephesians chapter 4 verse 15 says we're supposed to speak the truth and love so it's not just truth like a club without love but it's certainly not love without truth you have to speak the truth in love and if you won't stand up and speak the truth it's because you fear men more than you fear God the fear of the Lord is to reverence the Lord verse 33 Ephesians 5:33 I've already quoted that nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself in the wife see that she reverence her husband that's that exact same word that was used 87 times in the New Testament translated fear that's the only time it's translated reverence loving the Lord is fearing the Lord in Exodus chapter 20 verse 6 it says in showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments and you put that together with Luke chapter 1 verse 50 that says and His mercy is on them that fear him so Exodus 26 says he shows mercy unto thousands of them that love him and then Luke 150 his mercy is on them that fear him so it's using love and fear interchangeably if you truly love God then you are gonna fear him you're gonna honor him above anything or anyone else you know you will have people sit there and say well I just fell in love with this person and that's the reason I committed adultery or or whatever you didn't fall in love you fell in lust you aren't Minister you don't care about them it's all about you you are satisfying yourself and if you aren't doing what God told you to do you can sit there and say well I was tempted in all this stuff no you were honoring yourself you didn't honor God I'm not saying those things because I hate you I love you I'm telling you the truth it's the truth that's gonna set you free boy here's some big things did you know honoring your parents and honoring others is fearing God if you don't honor your parents and others you don't fear God leviticus 19:3 you shall fear every man his father and mother mother and father and keep my Sabbath's I am the Lord your God Leviticus 19 32 thou shalt rise up before the hoary head that stone him at the white head and honor the face of the old man in fear thy God I am the Lord man I got white hair you're supposed to fear me and honor me and reverence me it's what the scripture says and did you know in our society today this goes along with us losing the fear of the Lord we don't respect authority there is a rebellion towards authority you know I'm running out of time so I'm gonna have to talk quick and just summarize some of these things but if you go to Colossians chapter 3 Ephesians chapter 6 Romans chapter 13 verses 1 through 7 talks about submitting yourself to the ordinances of men and the authority that's placed over you and it's a command and it says if you don't do those things you do not fear the Lord we've got people today that sit there and reject the police and government authorities and criticize them and there may be somebody right here in this room that's saying but there's people that they're dishonest and they're crooked well you know there's pastors that are dishonest and crooked but does that mean that you should reject the church and reject all pastors because some have done something wrong there is no doubt that there's police officers there's people in government who don't do the right thing but for you to have a rebellious attitude and to criticize them and to come against them you do not fear God you know when Trump was elected they actually started advocating anarchy there was people carrying placards about anarchy anarchy is of the devil it is not a godly concept anybody who promotes that does not fear God you don't respect authority just because there are some pastors that don't do everything right does that give you a right to come into church and criticize and most people would say yes I don't know how many of you worked in a in a business where there's multiple people like we have 650 employees and any time you get a bunch of people together there has to be an authority system a structure and we have Christians that do things in our ministry that would never do it in a secular business in a secular business you would never criticize a CEO and your manager that's over you and you would never say those things you know you'd be fired in our you may not agree with everything they do and if it's really something that's sinful well then you aren't supposed to obey it but you don't have the right to go in and start you know organizing a mutiny and a revolt against them if you don't like it leave go get you a different job or something but in church those same people that would never do this in the secular realm will come into church and over you know on lunch on Sunday you'll have roast pastor for lunch and you'll just pick apart everything and criticize this and criticize everything else and it shows that you don't reverence you don't honor you aren't respecting again this doesn't mean that you agree with everything they do I can guarantee you in our ministry we don't do everything perfectly I can understand a person not agreeing with everything that we do but you don't have the right to come in and try and undercut me and destroy him high ministry take my money I'm paying you for working and yet you come in and criticize me you do not fear God amen I'm preaching better than your listening man just for times sake I'm just gonna say this I'm not going to give you the references but there at Deuteronomy proverbs other places if you pay your tithe it shows that you fear the Lord and it says that you can teach people to fear the Lord through honoring and giving money a person that doesn't give is a person that doesn't fear the Lord you fear the bill collector you fear all of these other things more than you fear God you don't reverence and trust God if you aren't a giver if you aren't a tighter man that is so good I hate to skip over it then Deuteronomy 14 22 proverbs 3 7 through 10 I'm not gonna read them but it's awesome not taking advantage of the others is fearing God it says in Leviticus 19 14 thou shalt not curse the death death nor put a stumbling block before the blind know words this time that treating other people a deaf person you about them just because they can't hear you or you could say that you talk about people because they aren't you know there at that moment and you're gossiping about them a person that does that does not fear the Lord it says thou shalt not curse the Deaf nor put a stumbling block before the blind but shalt fear thy God I am the Lord if you talk about a person who can't hear you talking about them you don't fear God if you put a stumbling block before a blind person they're gonna fall over that if you put a trap if you do something to hurt a person you don't fear God people that still don't fear God people that take advantage of other people don't fear God in your business if you take advantage if you tell them all this is the best thing and you you talk about it and you try and get them to buy it and you know that it's a defective product and you put down the other people you don't fear God if you aren't good and your business dealings Leviticus 25 17 you shall not therefore oppress one another but thou shalt fear thy God for I am the Lord your God man that's awesome if you oppress somebody else you don't fear God I hope you're seeing a pattern here what happened to my time it left you better fix that thing because I don't have a clue how long I'm supposed to go but it went from 18 minutes to zip I know I didn't talk that long on now what was that no man faster mark said I can do it I want to sew 17-page I can tell when you're through listening so I won't go past that anyway here's another there's about four or five scriptures here that talk about like Deuteronomy 624 and the LORD commanded us to do all these things statutes to fear the Lord our God for our good always the Lord wants you to fear him for your good some people are listening to this and thinking this is terrible this is restrictive man it is a blessing to fear God you know we drove all the way here from Colorado and Ashley tends to go a little bit faster than I do but and so I was driving and I'll set my cruise control like two miles over the speed limits so that you know if you go up a hill you don't lose everything but I go about two miles over the speed limit Ashley has this app on his phone that tells you there's a cop up ahead and all of his stuff he can't drive without that you know why he fears that he's going to get caught I don't have to worry about it because I don't speed there's benefit to fearing the Lord and doing what's right and you can pass a cop without having to put your foot on the brake and stop everything now I must admit I was talking to Ashley yesterday and we passed a cop I was doing seven miles an hour over but it was a mistake I'm not saying I'd do this perfectly but that's what I attend anyway my point is there is a blessing there is a blessing when you serve the Lord and when you walk with the Lord you don't have to fear about oh did I say this about this what did I say about this person you just you just don't worry about it because you just fear the lord you honor God you honor other people and you don't have to constantly be wondering about am I going to get caught somebody gonna find out about this it's it's a blessing to fear the Lord here's one of the things I was wanting to get to the fear of the Lord is to hate evil proverbs chapter 3 verse 7 says be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil if you aren't departing from evil if you are doing things that you know were wrong then you don't fear the Lord if people feared the Lord they would depart from evil did you know that when our nation was founded John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and there's a number of them I could quote but they basically said that if the people ever quit fearing the Lord they would use terminology like if people ever quit being of religious people are immoral people but it's the same thing if people ever quit fearing the Lord they said there aren't enough laws to restrain sinful human nature you can't pass enough laws you can't put enough metal detectors in you can't do enough to restrain people if they lose the fear of the Lord and this is the reason that today we see people going into places and shooting people and killing people and stuff because they've lost the fear of the Lord used to I actually we had a shooting in Columbine Colorado back in 1999 and and there is this Dylan Klebold and I forgot the other one's name but anyway they went in and killed 13 people and then they killed themselves and it was a tragedy and of course it became front and center not only in Colorado but Nate and wide and people started talking about gun control and we got to confiscate guns and I've always said that guns don't kill people anymore than Forks make you fat you could take a gun and lay it here for years and it'll never kill anybody until some person picks it up and uses it but anyway there was all of this gun control stuff being talked about and there was a man who wrote in who is old you know like 80 or 90 years old and when he was a kid he said that every person in in school they had a one-room schoolhouse every kid in the school from like from fourth grade on up carried a gun with them to come to school they had to have a gun to protect themselves from animals and things he said every kid in the school had a gun and they never had a killing because they had a fear of God but you removed the fear of God our legislators are standing up and saying we've got to do something about this gun control we've got to do something it's those legislators that are causing the problem because they have systematically been taking away the fear of God and introducing homosexuality and bestiality and transgenderism and pot and all this kind of stuff they're coming against every moral foundation that we have and as they remove this fear of God and remove people from morality they are the ones that have loosed this evil we need to have politician control not gun control in proverbs chapter 8 verse 13 it says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogancy in the evil way and the froward mouth froward mouth talks about a lying mouth and lying you know it says in Exodus chapter 20 it says thou shalt not bear false witness a lot of people say well I didn't lie but did you leave a wrong impression see there are people like we had just yesterday we had the March for Life and there was over five hundred thousand people that went to Washington DC and marched and President Trump the very first president to ever speak in support of March and did you know that the majority of the news networks didn't carry anything about it or if they did they just I read one and they said thousands of people turned out not 500,000 but thousands of people did you know that that's false witness that's breaking one of the Ten Commandments it didn't say you shall not lie it says you shall not bear false witness and when you sit there and and skew things and report only the things that substantiate what you're wanting to get across that's false witness and so pride and arrogancy and the evil way and a line or a deceitful tongue do I hate it says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil you can't just tolerate it you'll hear all these things say that we need to be tolerant I was over in Plymouth England and we rented a government building there in Plymouth egan England to hold a meeting and the gay and lesbian community came out and picketed me and they tried to get them to block us because this was a public building and we were holding a religious meeting and praise God the people went ahead and let us hold the meeting but there was people there picketing and and fighting against us and the BBC wanted a interview with me and I turned them down because they'll sit there and twist everything you say so but when I got there they were already there and they stuck on the camera right in my face and started saying you're intolerant the Bible teaches tolerance she should be tolerant towards the gay and lesbian and all of this and they said what do you say about that and I said you're wrong the Bible doesn't teach tolerance and it just totally knocked them off of their games they said what do you mean it does - and I said it does not it says that you should hate evil I said I love the people I love those people I'm not against him I've got friends I've got people that have struggled with homosexuality and I've never treated him badly I don't treat anybody badly but I hate homosexuality I hate evil I hate all of these things and it does not teach tolerance you know I think pastor Duane if I remember correctly in his message he used that verse out of a 22nd chapter of Matthew where they came to Jesus what are the what's the Great Commandment and he said love God with all your heart your soul your mind and your strength and then he said the second is like unto it you shall love your neighbor as yourself and people will take that and say see you're just supposed to love them don't criticize don't say anything but if you go back to where that verse was quoted from that's Leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 that says you shall love your neighbor as yourself and if you go back to verse 17 verse 17 says you shall not hate your neighbor in your heart but you shall under any wise rebuke him and not suffer sin upon him and then it says that's loving your neighbor as yourself if you don't tell a person the truth and you do it because I'm just trying to show love you hate them you love yourself as what it amounts to you know I live in in the mountains and we have these twisty roads and I was going home one night and I was it was on a place that is the four-lane divided highway but it was real curvy going through the mountains and it was foggy and you couldn't see much further than from here to the back of this auditorium and anyway I got past me going really fast and he got just a short way in front of me and his lights brake lights came on in his car jerked to the right and I could tell he hit something so I slammed on my brakes and he was in the right lane there was a horse in the left lane he had hit it and it had caved in his windshield and he was laying there bleeding and stuff and then I was parked on the shoulder and I got out trying to help him and as I was trying to help him another suburban came around the corner going about 60 miles an hour and hit this horse and it launched it in the air about five feet or maybe ten feet high in probably 20 or 30 feet this way and the woman who is driving was able to regain control and stop and I went up to check on her and she had made a bubble in the roof of her car where her head had hit the thing and she was laying there hurting and I heard other cars coming it was a dark night foggy and everything and I I went back down around the corner and started jumping out in front of cars that were going fifty and sixty miles an hour and they couldn't see me until they nearly got on me and I had to jump off the side of the road they were nearly hitting me people were slamming on their brakes I heard people cussed me I'm sure they were waving at me with one finger I'm sure people said terrible things there was probably some women thinking about this crazy man's trying to flag me down on a dark night and he's bound to be a pervert and who knows what they thought about me but when they got around the corner and saw the wreck I bet you some of those same people who cursed me thanked me and if I would have said but I don't want to offend anybody what would these ladies think about some man trying to flag down their car I don't want to offend them it might cause them to fear if I did that you could you could say it any way you want to but I wouldn't have loved those people if you love a person you're going to tell them the truth and this is absolutely a total perversion of what the Lord said when people sit there and shut up and will not speak the truth because they say that I'm supposed to love everybody Jesus made a whip and he went into the temple and overturned the moneychangers John chapter 2 and then he did it again in mark chapter 11 he did it at the first and at the end of his ministry and overturned them and beat people with the whip the one who was loved manifest in the flesh you have to hate evil it says in Romans chapter 12 and verse 9 it says abhor that which is evil leave to that which is good and the word abhor means you're supposed to detest this you need to hate sin you don't hate the sinner but you hate sin and if you truly believe like I could I could spend a lot of time on this but you go to the own LGBTQ website and they will sit there and tell you that homosexuals have over three times the suicide rate of heterosexuals they live an average of 20 years less than a heterosexual person and only knowing you could go spousal abuse is nearly three thousand times higher among homosexuals than it is among heterosexuals and on and on you can go with this you know cigarettes take seven years off of an average person's life as what the statistics say and yet we put a warning label on cigarettes this could be hazardous to your health if we were going to be consistent if we weren't hypocrites we ought to put a warning on homosexuality that this is destructive to your life it's going to take 20 years off of your life if we put a warning label on cigarettes is that because we hate all people that smoke no but you're just warning them this is hazardous to your health man I love you if you're trapped in that lifestyle if you're having those problems I'm not mad at you but I love you enough to tell you it's wrong and it's going to cause all kinds of depression and sorrow and grief and on and on it goes and I'm gonna love you enough to tell you the truth and if you don't do that then you don't hate evil you don't fear the Lord it's absolutely true man there's so many scriptures Romans chapter 3 verses 10 through 18 I'm not going to take time to read it but the end of that after it lists all of these terrible things that are happening it says there is no fear of God before their eyes that's a quotation from Psalms chapter 14 and Psalms chapter 53 those Psalms are identical and that's what Romans chapter 3 is talking about so if you truly love God you have to hate evil and did you know that when you hates most Christians think I can't hate anything I'm supposed to walk in love did you know love has to have a hate side to it if I truly love my wife and if somebody came up and attacked her and if I said look I love my wife but I love you and I just would never do anything have you helped yourself beat her up raper do anything you want to because I'm just full of love that's not love I guarantee if I love my wife you come against my wife it is my responsibility according to Ephesians chapter 5 I am the savior of the body and I am gonna protect my wife and that's just that's just love and if you truly love God you hate you have to hate the evil that is trying to destroy not only this physical kingdom but the kingdom of God and that is coming against it in all of the evil and we've got so many Christians today that have just become totally passive you know in the last election they said that it was the evangelical vote that put trip has President Trump in office and everybody has recognized that and yet there were a men and yet there were 25 million born-again evangelical Christians that didn't even vote in the last election and if you are one of them shame on you and somebody's oh you shouldn't say that I'm saying it shame on you you don't hate evil you don't fear God you've been given a right and a privilege and you aren't using it and you don't fear God and you're part of the problem I love you you problem I'm not mad at you but I'm telling you it's your fault that things are going the way that they are and that killings are happening in the school is because Christians aren't being the salt and the light that we are meant to be and we're fearing men more than we fear God amen Charles Finney said if America ever fails the responsibility Alaia the feet of the clergy and I traced contra pastor Dwayne mark and Lisa Jakub Hannah I know that man you are hearing the truth and they're being bold and speaking out but the average pastor today will not stand up and say these things because somebody will say that you're a hate monger you you aren't tolerant man I love people I love them enough to tell them the truth and if you aren't doing that it's our fault we are the ones that are allowing this nation to go the direction it's going and we need to get to where we fear God more than we fear people [Applause] and I know God didn't place this message on my heart for all of the people who didn't come this is not so you could say oh man somebody needs to hear this I'm gonna go get this and give to them I believe the people right here need to hear this and I'm encouraging you you need to repent you need to say Father forgive me for buying into the lies and the deception of the world that is making me as if I'm the intolerant one there's nobody as intolerant as all of the Liberals who are sitting here criticizing those who have any morals I don't scream and yell at them I don't treat them badly and yet they'll treat me badly and I've had a lot of things happen I'm telling you it is love to tell a person the truth you don't have the right to reject the truth for them it's only the truth it's going to set people free and it's only the truth that they know that sets them free you have to be bold to speak this so anyway I wanted to share this because I think it'll go along with what pastor Dwayne is teaching on the counterculture and hopefully this will reinforce some of those things I'm sure he'll cover many of the same points but brothers and sisters I'm telling you this is not just a message from pastor Dwayne or mark and Lisa Jakub and Hannah this is from God that we need to stand up and start being the people that God called us to be and if you'll do that people will respect you for it there will be people who will criticize you you will be you will suffer some but you know what people will respect you man I could I could talk for an hour giving you stories about how I've stood up and done things that at the moment might have cost me something but in the long run people wound up respecting me and honoring me and it worked out to my advantage it is never wrong to be bold and to stand up and speak the truth people will respect you I remember even in grade school that there were bullies beating up on other people and I wasn't a fighter but I went up to this bully and I said stop and he said what are you gonna do about it and I said well I don't know but you got to stop it and he says I'll beat you up and I said you probably will but it's still wrong for you to treat this person the wrong way and did you know that that bully respected me and he became my protector I had the school bully that was on my side that defended me all of the time you know when I was in the Army since they took the clock a while in with this I'm probably all the time too but anyway I was in the army and I got delayed with my group that I was at Fort Dix in New Jersey I supposed to be going through a jeep drivers course I was a chaplains assistant had to learn how to drive a jeep and do all these things so anyway I got delayed and so I was waiting to get paid and there it was cold in New Jersey in like November I think it was and we were down in this little stairwell it was only ten by ten and there was probably 30 or 40 I was standing down there and we were all huddled together we didn't have field jackets or anything we were just in fatigues and we were cold we were down there waiting on them to open up pay us and so I'd never seen any of these people before and there was they were just cursing and doing terrible things and there was this one guy in particular who was blaspheming God and saying terrible terrible things and I was just praying and saying oh god what can I do give me something to say and right as I prayed that this guy his blaspheming God he just stopped and he says that's no way for a good old Scofield carrying Baptist to talk and I mean it just came out of me I said you got a Scofield Bible and he says yeah do you have a Scofield Bible and I said yeah you ought to read yours sometime and he says what do you mean I said if you ever read Matthew chapter 12 that it says every idle word that men speak they'll give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned and man he got mad and he started pushing his way through this crowd and he got right up to me and I said one other verse Galatians 4:16 says they might become your enemy because I tell you the truth and this guy he just stopped and he never said where he just turned his back to me and for the next twenty or thirty minutes not a single word was said and I was just standing there and it turned out they put me in with that group and did you know for the next eight weeks they they'd be in the barracks and I'd walk in people would be talking and doing things when I came in everybody and they just shut up not one word was said to me for eight weeks I'd go sit down and there'd be people at the mess hall and I'd sit down and they'd all pick up their trays and leave and I ate by myself for eight weeks I didn't have one word spoken to me for eight weeks so there was some price to that but did you know that right before our Christmas break the day that we went on our Christmas leave this guy came walking around the corner they would all go to the porn art pornography section and look at the Playboy magazines I'd go sit in the kiddie section and read my Bible and anyway this guy came walking around the corner and bumped into me and he saw me and he started to go the other way and he stopped and he said Wommack you don't think I'm a Christian do you and I said I don't know but I said if I was a fruit inspector there's not enough fruit to convict you I said I've been praying for you and he broke down and started crying he says ever since you said that to me he says I haven't been able to sleep he says I'm a Christian I was in gospel singing groups I sang with the happy Goodman's on platforms he says I know better and he says would you please pray for me and the bell rang and we went to class and I said well when we get back from leave I'll talk to you and out of our group of about 50 people he's the only one that got orders while we were gone on Christmas leave and he never came back the rest of us were shipped to Vietnam and he went to Germany and I didn't see him again and it was 25 years later he was in another room and I was on television and he heard my voice and he says I'm not fat boys and he came running out and he came to one of my meetings and he's now in assembly a God pastor it turned his life around and so it may cost you something but I'm telling you people anybody who has any desire for God at all they'll respect you for standing up and speaking the truth you need to have a fear of God and not a fear of man so father I just speak these things in your name I believe that the Holy Spirit emboldened us and helps us to where father we will start honoring you and respecting you trusting you loving you more than we love people and respect them and want their opinion father we submit ourselves to you and I believe that you use these words to build faith and strength boldness into us and then we will go out and be the salt and the light of the world that you called us to be that we will start walking in the fear of God amen
Channel: Victory Life Church
Views: 22,324
Rating: 4.8505492 out of 5
Keywords: Fear, Love, God, Wrath, Honor, Trust, Hate, Anger, Good
Id: 5274t9urVAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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