Andrew Tate vs Piers Morgan | The Full Interview

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one of the most infamous men in the world Andrew Tate's misogynistic tirade have been viewed billions of Times online he's now been effectively banned though from the internet he doesn't think that's fair tonight I'm going to try and work out if it is [Music] from London this is Piers Morgan uncensored well good evening from London and welcome to special edition of Piers Morgan uncensored Andrew Tate one on one he's the most famous man you probably never heard of with billions of views online at one point this year more people were searching Google for Andrew Tate and Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian former professional kickboxer he was kicked off big brother in 2016 after a video emerged of him striking a woman and what they now both claim was the consensual sex game he since made Millions as a pornographer and casino owner in Romania but it's his online videos that have made him notorious across the world posing as a Playboy with fast cars cigars weapons and cash he rant about his often scandalous views on women or instruct a female to provide sustenance cool so I think my sister is my her husband's property yes tell young men they can get as rich as him by paying for his digital life lessons I have a hundred I'm gonna teach you to allow you to use money in Clash the net has clothes on Andrew Tate while Millions still share his videos it's effectively banned from the web booted off Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter and Tick Tock to his fans is a misunderstood satirist and the victim of big Tech censorship to many others he's a malicious misogynist tonight I'll try and get some of the truth well some of the opinions Andrew Tate shares in his videos are undeniably deeply offensive we're going to show you some of them on this show I think you should see them yourself not simply hear what he says about them or what other people say about them tens of millions of people across the world follow Andrew Tate and when the big Following comes a big responsibility as well as a public interest in holding his views to account if outrageous opinions are read aloud they can be challenged and exposed for what they are they're silenced the person holding these views can become a martyr so that's why I invited Andrew Tate to come here tonight and he joins me now live so Andrew well welcome first of all um you come all the way from Romania to do this interview correct what do you hope to achieve from this interview why are you here it'd be interesting to have a conversation with you you've certainly been uh the subject of your own divided opinions in the world there's a lot of people who would say some of the things you say are perhaps dangerous or toxic so I thought you'd be a good person to speak to about this subject I didn't know much about you before this year and then I suddenly became very aware of you as the world did because was as I said earlier you you were the number one subject searched on Google ahead of Donald Trump I don't think it was even possible why did you get suddenly so popular stroke Infamous do you think I exploded uh I certainly didn't do that with magic I've been on the internet for a very long time I think in the world we live in now as the other side the other side the people who disagree with me as they get more and more tyrannical in their censorships and their hate mobs Etc as standard masculine practices are deemed toxic I didn't put a magic spell on everybody I managed to accumulate a large amount of affinity with the male populace Across the Western world because I'm simply saying things that many men believe think and feel the problem I would say is I want to play you just a clip off the top this is from Joe Rogan he's somebody I absolutely love sure and I think it explains to me what my what I presume my issue with you is going to be right correct and you you have absolutely got the right to try and persuade me otherwise sure but Joe Rogan said this about you my 12 year old and my 14 year old asked me about Andrew Tate I said he's a legit world champion kickboxer I like him a lot why do you like him and I was asking him they said he says a lot of funny stuff on on Twitter and Tick Tock he up with the misogynist yes because if he didn't do that if he just said the pro mail stuff so I thought that was interesting because when I've gone over everything that's been at the center of the debate about Andrew Tate I come down with Joe Rogan in the sense that there's a lot of stuff you say I agree with you know I've got three sons in my 20s it's not easy actually being a young male in the modern world um and I think a lot of the things that you say about that uh can resonate with them the problem comes with the I don't know 10 20 or whatever of your output which on the face of it appears to be blatant misogyny and when you couple that with your massive influence and huge reach that is why the social media companies have decided to effectively cancel you I don't believe in cancellation I don't believe in censorship particularly that's why I've invited you to come on the show um but I do think a lot of the things you've said are blatant misogyny do you accept that so you made a very interesting point there you just said on the face of it appear to be blatantly misogynistic I understand that on the face of some of the long format content I've made 8 if you're going to take a few seconds of hours chop it up put it all over social media accompany with my massive Fame then things can absolutely not really be taken out of context I do not hate women in any regard I have no negative relationship with women no women have come forward saying I've hurt them I've no criminal record for hurting women there's no way I can be seen as the face or the devil in regards to how men treat women on on the planet I'm absolutely not really the opposite I believe in protecting and providing I've been misunderstood there's been large contingents of people who have tried very hard to purport lies about me and and the the truth of the matter is I've been producing content for a very long time hours and hours of videos been cut down to two or three seconds of clip those clips have gone viral and people misunderstand me I think you use this phrase and be taken out of context and I'm not I'm not sure that is correct in the sense that it still comes out of your mouth it's some of the things completely some of the things you've said I just think are blatantly well let's do let's do them well let's hear them let's go through some sure right so you said this about me too stroke rate this is probably 40 of the reason I moved to Romania in Eastern Europe none of this garbage flies you go to the police and say he raped me back in 1988 they'll say well you should have done something about it back then yeah so the point I was making was obviously at the height of the metoo Scandal and also if we look at Amber Heard and Johnny Depp there's been a lot of high profile cases where men have been accused of things they did not do without evidence their lives have been completely and utterly destroyed when I say these things people sit and say that oh he hates women I don't hate women I think rape is disgusting I would take a stronger stance on rape than the British government I think these people should face the death penalty but to sit and say that women without evidence can go forward and just make up accusations against men even though they've been repeatedly proven to destroy men's lives at will is absolutely what about a woman who was raped back in 1988 and then the man should face absolutely complete Justice would you understand that when that clip appears on tick tock as a clip and all right that's a clip completely okay but it's still something came out of your mouth do you accept that when that appears on Tick Tock a lot of young maybe not as smart as you young men right impressionable teenagers we'll read that and go what's he saying is he saying that rape doesn't exist no I completely I'm not going to sit here as a professional and say that I can't be taken out of context what I will say is that one small sentence you've taken was from a one hour video where I explained that of course rape is disgusting of course everybody should be punished for their crimes regardless of when they happen but people are not perfect male and female and if you give women the opportunity to destroy men's lives without evidence there's going to be a contingent of women who will do that I'm trying to make a balanced and nuanced argument in a world where people have no intentions fan they're going to take a few seconds put it online decide someone's good or bad not be interested in the longer format video and here I am no I'm certainly a person who takes personal responsibility that's who I am as a person but we live in a world now with Tick Tock videos five or six seconds long there's no content do you think do you think women are the property of men no the point I was like why have you said they are I made a religious point I said that when a man marries a woman the woman's father walks him down the aisle walks her down the aisle and hands her way to the man traditionally this is what it says in the Bible I'm a religious person I believe in God I live in the Muslim so you do think that the woman becomes the men I think she takes his last name I mean let's watch the clip that you said about sure so that we can get it in context so I think my sister is my her husband's property yes when a bride is walking down the aisle to marry the groom the father walks next to her and gives her away true or false but I've I've been married twice as it turns out and on both occasions I didn't believe that the woman was being handed to me as chattel as property it and perhaps the way that that the reason I'm asked that question repeatedly and I'm asked in a loaded way so would you rephrase what you said there now what that's that's an interesting point about phrasing the way I would say things before I was famous I have to take personal responsibility and accept right that if I make a video that 500 people see and one percent of them misunderstand it that's not a problem if I make a video that 5 million people see and one percent of hit them under so specifically on that point I think my sister is a husband's property she took his last name she she married him she wanted to join his family she has seen it herself right so she she's still a sovereign individual she's absolutely property means that the husband owns your sister listen my friend if you want to argue about this you need to go back to the Bible to the Quran you need to argue with religious no no I'm not talking about anything in the Bible of Quran but that's what it says no no I'm asking you what you think I think that if a woman marries a man and she decides to take his last name that they have different roles and responsibilities within that marriage and I believe that that's not the question she's had I believe like a politician the father hands her to the man right but don't be a politician because I think you're a straight talker right you keep telling me you're straight talk I think my sister is her husband's property do you regret saying it like that I I understand that with my newfound Fame perhaps it could be phrased differently however I still believe that a woman is given to the man in marriage that's what I believe yeah but not as property now the property is the word that other people use the question but as a an equal partner in a loving Union that's what marriage actually means it doesn't mean when you get married the woman is given to you as a bit of Chapel agreed so why say it uh but that's the way that people ask me the question people say to me they asked me you can't blame people for asking you questions surely if you want to be accountable for what you've said you've got to own your responses don't blame the question I own the response let me ask you a question now and you say something and then say well actually I blame you for us I understand peers peers I understand I believe the woman is given to the man I believe she's given away by the father I believe she belongs to the man so she belongs to fundamentally right so fundamentally you do believe that a woman becomes a man's property I believe she belongs to the man in marriage correct right I see that to me is misogyny and you're entitled to your opinion right but do you want do you not understand why people think it is misogyny I understand why some people can be very offended by what I say what they do is they take a point like that and they ignore all the other points I make the other way right that's why that's why I've repeatedly asked you about that line to see if you've changed your position but the reality is you haven't it's not about changing positions I'm a full-grown adult and I stick by the things I say and I'm responsible for them which by the way is fine absolutely so what you did say at the start of this little exchange you said you know I wouldn't maybe say things the same way now that I did before I was famous and yet actually you've doubled done it's an exactly the same thing on certain points so that is what you believe that's my point yes I'm trying to work out look I don't know you we just met right yeah I'm trying to work out who Andrew Tate is and what you actually believe I don't want to twist anything at all then maybe make it very very clear to the camera I believe a woman is given to the man in marriage I believe that I also believe a man has a duty to protect and provide for her I believe a man should lay down his life if something happens or his wife's life is threatened I believe that when women and children first are on the light boat why but a man doesn't own a woman it's not no it's honestly literally buy them as a slave well obviously we're not talking about that we're talking about religious biblical marriage we're talking about something else yeah but I'm a Christian I don't believe that I I I own my wife do you believe your wife was given away to you when she took her last name I believe that there is a process where a father traditionally walks his daughter down the aisle and hands his daughter to this man and they stand there and become a union of two loving people in a partnership no because there's no ownership involved I didn't say he's all selling her the Father of the Bride isn't selling his daughter no absolutely means she becomes a member of your family I think we're arguing over semantics we're not there because fundamentally I don't believe a man owns a woman you do well I don't think a man owns any sovereign individual I don't think we live in the world of slavery I don't own any man or any woman right nobody owns when you use phrases like property that's what you imply and so my point again is you're a smart guy right there's no denying that you're a smart you're good good talker I've seen a lot of the stuff but when you what what I don't think you quite fully understand now I understand when young impressionable people I understand you are not as smart see things like I think my sister is a husband's property yes and you've just reaffirmed that yeah that belief they think that they have the right to own women I understand that very well Pierce which that's why people think you're a misogynist completely I understand all of this very well which is why when you're saying I was backtracking I'm not I'm generally regret though over the way you phrase this stuff well this is the point I was trying to make the point I'm trying to make is when I was not nearly as famous and I was making long format content I was not sitting there anticipating I've become the most Googled man in the planet and that few seconds could be taken out of context that was not my anticipation but it's not what you believed it's what you believe now so what's the difference it's not about it's not you're asking me you're saying that young people who are impressed you said to me look look peers honestly I've had time to think about this and I wish I hadn't said it I don't believe that that's one thing actually you've said the opposite you said actually that's what I think yeah I think that when uh so it doesn't really matter whether you recorded it when you famous or not famous it's what you actually believe right I believe that a man has a duty to protect and provide for a woman I believe that uh a woman's father gives her away to the man that's what I believe and that's in in my marriage that's that's the circumstance I'm going to live under if people want to live in a different scenario that's completely theirs they're prerogative you went on to say about authority over women if I have a responsibility of it I must have a degree of authority yeah for the same reason if I have responsibility over and people are going to lose their mind it's an example an energy responsibility over a child I have to have some Authority so you believe as part of your ownership or your property of of the woman you have authority over her no I believe if you ever that's what you said I believe you've ever responsibility over something you have to have a degree of authority you can't be responsible but Authority means again that you're the boss the point I'm making if you'll please let me finish at this point the point I was trying to make was talking about the safety of a woman she was walking alone at night and I was saying well I wouldn't let my woman walk alone at night and they said well you're not in charge of her you don't get to decide what she does I say I understand but if I'm responsible for her safety and I'm the person who's burdened with making sure she is safe I have to have the authority to say don't put yourself in unsafe situations the two things are linked well you don't have an authority you have the you can absolutely have the right to say to the woman you're with I don't think you should but ultimately if she decides that I can't force her right so Authority implies that you have the ability to control someone now Authority believes the authority implies that I have the moral right to sit and say that that's an irresponsible thing to do and I'm responsible that's not what Authority means well I'm I'm not gonna if you think I'm gonna lock somebody up in their room if that's is that what you're implying no I just think I don't think you know Authority means I know what it means I'm saying that this is a different description of authority if I have responsibility for her safety then I have to have the authority to tell not to do unsafe but Authority means that you have some form of control over this woman I I think you're trying to what you're trying to I'm only trying to get to what you think honestly I am I come with No Agenda here at all I understand and I'm explaining very very clearly if I have responsibility of a said subject I have to have authority of it so let me say you have children right right you have responsibility for them I have I have legal authority over my children that is very different having legal authority over my wife or my female partner completely but the point I'm trying to make so you accept that I I accept that you use the analogy of responsibility for a child my friend these are these are very these are actually really important things they're important things but you introduce you introduce you interrupt me every five seconds so it's hard for me to actually explain my point the point I'm making here is very simple you have children and you're responsible for their safety so you're gonna have authority to say don't go out at night perhaps because you want them to be safe you have legal Authority you have a legal Authority yeah legal Authority I'm saying that if I had a woman and the question where you've raised a sound bite from I was asked about protecting a woman making sure she's safe and I would say I wouldn't want her to go out at night on her own because I'm responsible for her safety and someone said well you don't have authority over it to do that and I said well no I can't force her to stay inside but if she were to ask me how do I protect myself at night I would say well you should stay inside that's how you should do that's I don't have an issue with so we agree no it's the semantics no it's not it's not semantics and this is what I don't think you quite get why there's a fury over what you say with respect because the semantics point would be we're saying the same thing in different ways but we're not I'm saying to you that when you say I have to have some authority over a woman I say to you you have no right to any authority over a woman you do over a child if it's your child because you are the legal appointed guardian of that child you're not a legally appointed guardian or authority over your wife or female legally appointed absolutely not I agree however when it comes to things like personal response or personal safety men largely by Society are accepted we're the protectors and providers we can sit here and pretend that in the world we live in if me and my wife were walking down the street and men were to come up and try and attack us I wouldn't be the one fighting but we both know in reality I would right I have a degree I have a degree of responsibility to protect her survive a degree of responsibility to protect her physically then the point I'm trying to make is I will do my best to make sure she's never putting herself you wish you hadn't used the word Authority The Authority is something that she would give to me she would come to me and say how do how can I make sure but I don't interrupt you I just want to point out that's not what Authority means if someone gives you can a person can get voluntary Authority is not Authority no but that's the point Pierce if a woman comes to me and says I want you to keep me safe she is handing me Authority for her safety but do you understand the difference between having authority over somebody and somebody giving you permission to have authority completely I never said what is consensual and one isn't but why are we pretending I do unconsensual things because you literally say I must have a degree of authority I have to have some Authority and the point only if I'm responsible for her safety if I'm not responsible if your position now is that with her permission I would like to have authority when we go out at night to protect it that's a diff that was always my position that's not what you said but that was always my position so again I simply say to you do you it is what I said do you wish you'd phrase it a different way no because we're talking about long format copy where I'm talking about a woman who has come to me and said you're responsible for making sure I'm safe I said well then I have to make the decisions but an 18 year old boy reads I must have some authority over a woman what do you think he thinks well I understand that and I said this earlier when you tried the sales backtracking which I'm not doing I don't know okay I'm not trying to gotcha you cool I'm trying to work out exactly what you I understand with massive Fame comes massive responsibility I understand that a percentage of the population are always going to take everything that's said by anybody out of context would you change the wording of what you said no I would just encourage people to watch my long format copy and understand would you tell an 18 year old boy you don't have authority over women absolutely you would say that unless a woman comes to him and says you're responsible for my safety please make sure keep me safe about that Andrew Tate I can sign up to well then we agree yeah but I don't agree with what you said before because you're taking a sound bite from a two hour but you haven't been taken out of context because I read you the entire sentence it's very you've ignored all the context around the sentence my friend you can't ignore a sentence that says I must have a degree of authority but you can win there's a two-hour conversation where a woman is telling me if she makes me responsible for her safety and me explaining well if I'm responsible for your safety I have the authority to make decisions yes you can order all the contacts do you respect women absolutely why wouldn't I do you think the 18 19 year old woman are more active and 25 year old woman I think there's Attractive people uh that's that's a loaded question I don't know it's not really is it I I can't know why I'm asking you of course I do but I can't sit here so the benefit of you is you don't know why I'm asking you said this in general this is also one of the reasons men find youth attractive you want to blow up the internet or block the internet right effing now the reason 18 and 19 year olds are more attractive than 25 year olds is because they've been through less dick people say oh you can't say that but yes I can a 19 year old is more attractive than 26 year old woman and I'll tell you why because that 26 year old has talked to more guys been to the club more times being effed and dumped more times more arguments More Mess more for me to clean up that is misogyny why because you are encouraging a mindset about 25 year old women that makes them sound out to be infinitely less desirable than 18 19 year olds and having effectively been having too much sex to be taken in a more respectful way that would well firstly even if that was the case they wouldn't be misogyny but what did you mean by what you said that's not misogyny because it's not anti-women I'm saying that an 18 or a 19 year old woman would be more pretty anti-25 year old woman anti-25 year old women we can argue but not misogynistic well that's massage that's no no no it's not being anti-any woman at all is misogyny not when I'm not what I'm saying that women are beautiful and attractive at a certain age and saying the ages you're saying 18 19 years are more attractive than 21 other than ageist perhaps but misogynistic absolutely but you just accepted it was misogyny no I didn't you said it was more Sergeant I'm telling you no it's not so you don't think if you're saying slightly hateful things about it that's not slightly hateful well it is you think you you say that to a woman's face if she's 25 it's not slightly hateful when you would go up to 25 if you're a woman and tell her exactly what I've just read why would I walk up to a random 25 because you said it in public it's on the internet and it's been listened to and watched by millions and millions of young Impressions there was a large panel there was a conversation whereas hours Longs of conversation there were feminists attacking men for toxic masculinity and attacking me and saying things and I said things back which we're going to enter and I think see I'm I so which you've done yourself a bunch of times I think a lot of allegations are toxic masculinity are not toxic correct I do think that kind of uh sentence I just read out that paragraph is actually toxic if you genuinely mean that and you say you wouldn't say it to a woman's face but you said it in public about women of that age I do think that's misogynist and I think you probably do too I don't think it's misogynistic I understand why it can be insulting you wouldn't say it to a woman's face well it depends you're making out like I'm walking around the street going up to random 25 you're doing it to tens of millions of people online there's no difference not at all we're discussing a topic we're discussing the the ideal age of a man should should young boys right in their teens are you comfortable that they would have that mindset be honest I think that young boys in their teens lack life experience they lack nuance and they need to be very very careful what they're digesting online whether it's my content or anybody else's I think you know for a fact millions of them are digesting exactly what you're saying completely the entire internet to a degree I think any any subject you can find there's going to be a whole come back to the Joe Rogan thing Andrew a lot of what you say I agree with yeah right I do genuinely I've read a lot I've written a lot of stuff you said a lot of the stuff you talk about I think it's got a good point right something agree about a lot of things but when I read that kind of thing I'm like I just how much of that is you how much of that is some ACT do you regret saying stuff like this I don't actually do you see it as weakness to admit you shouldn't have said something like that no I don't live with regret I think what's happened is that like I said long format content arguments with feminists arguments with the toxic masculine crowd arguments with the left and they're going to take a small clip small sentence from hours and they're going to try and paint me but I'm not left or right I don't know what you are Pierce exactly that's my point that's my point and I understand and and you're doing exactly as I knew would happen on this interview which is because you're a busy man you're not gonna watch hours and hours and hours of video actually I haven't watched thousand hours of video and I'm going to come to the stuff where I agree with you and I'm going to come to the stuff about your censorship which I have issues with so this is It's a Long interview right sure I just thought off the top you said to me and you were quite bold about it well go on then let's go through this and you and you should keep going I will sit here and stand by what I said I believe that oh man on that I just read to you then yeah do you wish you hadn't said that I understand how it's been misconstrued I understand how it's been weaponized against me do I regret it because it's been weaponized and used against me well that's slightly annoying did I that's not why did I at the time mean what I said and in the context of the conversation which obviously you you're not familiar with and the people at home are not familiar with no I meant what I said the 25 year old women have just talked to more guys been to the club more times been effed and dumped more times more arguments More Mess more for me to clean up well there's a whole much there's a whole bunch of context and conversation around that that's been missed and I don't think I'm missing much context well I I encourage people who are interested to go watch it right but I mean I've just read out three sentences on the bounce there I don't think there's any context I'm missing I mean you you've made it pretty clear what you think about the difference between 18 and 90 year old women I wasn't talking about myself even I was explaining I was talking with a Muslim guy who was on the panel and he was explaining how youth is very valid valued in most parts of the world and why Virginia is valued in both parts of the world and the feminists were arguing against it and I was sitting there actually very much like you a mediator between the two explaining why in most of the world still today perhaps not in the Western World virginity is Coveted youth is Coveted in most of the world and per and throughout all of human history and I was sitting there making the point explaining why in certain parts of the world they think how they do well even though it's very different to the Western World so I was making a point mediating between two groups very similar to yourself the conversation has been misunderstood they've taken this clip of it and it's been weaponized and used against me I understand that is because I'm now the most famous Google person on the planet it's inconvenient sure but I'm definitely not a danger to women in any regard I date women 25 26 27 years old all the time none of them are offended by the thing I don't think you're a danger to women I think that I think the danger if it concerns you the danger is the influence you have on young men to have this kind of mindset about women and that's really what I'm trying to get to what you really believe and how much you've just shot off because you think it's like entertaining and you haven't really given it much thought and whether now you're a bit older and you've had all the Fallout where the part of you is thinking actually if I had as Joe Rogan says if you hadn't said stuff like this you'd probably still be on these platforms you'd be massively more popular massively more famous massively richer so I'm really just trying to get to on the blatantly misogynist stuff do you just wish you hadn't said it with great power comes great responsibility it was certainly said before the great power came it's inconvenient to a degree however like I said at the time with the context of the conversation I know that I'm not saying things which I believe to be detrimental to the world however they've been misconstrued and they've been misunderstooded if a 25 year old woman was watching this would you say I'm sorry for saying that oh I wouldn't want anyone to be offended by anything I say but I say things when I say things that offend and this is the thing that's interesting Pierce please let me finish are you again maybe like a politician but hang on you could say I'm interrupting you do but you're answering a different question to what I asked you so as an interviewer okay sure okay sure okay you accept that that's accept we both got it on okay so again my point is simply if a 26 year old woman is watching this and has heard those comments would you just say to her look I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that no I won't I will say that I am sorry that that offends you however there's a large contingent of the world it doesn't mean you're sorry no I'm not sorry that's the point I'm making I'm sorry if that offends you however there's a large contingent of the world that believed that and I was mediating for a conversation parts of the world that believed that about 26 year old women are parts of the world where women are not allowed out on their own that's your that's a conversation you have to wear full burkas well that's a conversation you're not allowed to drive cars that's nothing to do with it but is that the kind of world for a woman I was mediating a conversation I'm asking you what you think I I don't live in a country where that happens you're using that as the excuse for why you're not sorry for saying it there are parts of the world but this is fine my question to you is well do you think it's fine I don't think it's fine I live in a world where you don't think it's fine my the reason this isn't that hard Andrew you can simply say beers you know what with the benefit of hindsight I wish I hadn't said it like that and if a 26 year old woman's watching I'm sorry I said that because that actually is blatantly misogynist and even though that's the view held by other parts of the world it's not a view I share now I would respect you more if you said that yeah than if you try and say Well it said in other parts of the world so I'm not sorry I think that doesn't tell me what you think then you need to understand why my content existed in the first place my content existed because I tried my very hardest to be an absolute not a realist especially with uncomfortable truths I was pointing out that very uncomfortable is that a truth it's an uncomfortable truth in many parts of the world it's not a proof that I'm happy about it's not true no hang on you're doing it again what do you mean that's a truth in other parts of the world that's what you said it's not you're not talking about another part of the world you're talking about what you believe is the difference between 18 and 90 year olds and 26 year olds I was talking about your belief I was talking about what the people on the panel believe the difference is so what do you think the difference is I think the difference is age what's the difference though well then 26 year olds older than the 19 year old and so you stand by what you said about talking to the guys been to the club a long time being left to dump more times why do you believe that or not no there's plenty of 26 year old women who have been with one man or a virgin of course so you don't believe that I don't think that the age is the only thing that's going to decipher well how many men and women so if you don't actually believe what you said just say sorry it's not about not believing what I'm saying it's about you understanding that there's large conversations going on I'm just reading back stuff you've said I know I'm asking you do you believe it I believe that it's more likely a 26 year olds had more Partners than a 19 year old right you don't know that I don't know that you're right in fact there could be absolutely no evidence for that whatsoever completely agree so why say it my stigmatize all 26 year old women were it's not about we're repeating ourselves here but not really I'm just trying to get to what you actually believe I believe that men find youth attractive in general I believe that in the context of the conversation five-year-old women aren't old I agree with you they're not especially they're I'm old you're you know I'm a lot older than that the point I was making was part of mediating a panel a conversation between feminists and some Muslim guys I get it I get it because you understand why I said the sentence but as far as I know you weren't espousing what a Muslim man might think you were espousing what you think I was espousing what the people on the panel believed but you were saying what you think is is I I feel like you're trying to pin me down if it's not what you believe just say I don't believe that what part wouldn't I believe well you tell me which part you don't believe there's the sentence which part would you now say you don't believe I believe that 25 year old women perhaps have had because they've been alive longer maybe have had more Partners but I don't believe that makes them a bad person right but you understand that the way you phrased it makes every 25 year old I understand a bad person no I don't think so of course you do not stupid come on peers Angie you're not stupid you know what that sounds like to any 25 26 year old woman completely and you're right so you have maligned every 25 26 year old woman with that statement and I'm simply asking you to all those who are not of the type of women that you've described it are you sorry I don't want anybody to be offended by anything I say I want to be a positive force in the world I don't want anybody to hear what I say and make them feel bad about themselves I want all people to live righteous and good whether they're male or female and anybody you need a righteous life I think I do yeah do you yeah and you boasted openly of adding six seven Partners at once so is that righteous there's no moral View From Me simply asking you what you think righteous means I think righteous is living true to your heart and knowing that you're doing good by people not snaking anybody not lying to anybody I know I live a very righteous life have you ever been in love yeah how many times uh plenty I believe in love between men and women I'm a real love you know yeah I believe how many times would you say enough I believe men and women are a beautiful Union I think we're slightly different but when we work together with the most powerful force in the world how many women have you loved I don't know pierce my few give me a Bullpup 5 10 20. let's let's say you don't forget how many people you've been in love with let's say 10 I mean I've been in love and I certainly believe that men and women when they work together it's the most beautiful force on the planet I believe in family I believe in children I believe in if you believe in family and children and love yeah why are you single I'm not single well you're not married that's what I mean well if I was married the last thing I would do is advertise it to the feral Psychopaths on the internet so a lot of federal psyched about well like you call me friend earlier it can be debated Pierce but the point the point but the point I'm making as a whole is that all of these do you want to get married if I play no but let's let's please for example let's please for a second because you've interrupted me so many times I've failed well actually I've only interrupted you just be clear when you've actually answered a different question cool well then on all these points and you've admitted that on all these points you're making on repeat you're making you're taking these sentences and on repeat you're using to what you're weaponizing them against me I'm not weaponizing anything okay it's fine no no the more weaponizing the weaponizing well it doesn't exist no problem but you said to me come on bring it on read out all the things that you think are blatant misogyny all I've done is literally read out all the things we identified from all the research that I thought were blatantly misogynist I'm giving you the chance to respond and the only time I've interrupted you is when you've tried to answer a completely different question understood peers the but these things were said in large context where often I'm talking about how for example on the same podcast where you've read one of them sentences from I was talking about how it's a man's duty to die by a woman and the guy asked me said if 10 men if 10 men with knives attacked your woman wouldn't you just I said yeah I'd stand and die I'd never just run away because I have a duty as a man I must I must die on the spot to protect her honor and my honor I'm talking about a man having responsibility to his duties I'm talking about the old traditional ways of masculinity and what happens is a few sentences from such a long conversation is taken and used against it I understand that so I want you to understand that I'm talking about protecting and providing for women I'm talking about a man if you want to get married no but this is we have to we household feed into each other peers I'm talking about protecting a whole question no but I'm talking about protecting and providing for a woman I'm talking about a man being responsible for her I understand so of course I believe in men and women of course I believe in love of course I believe in marriage of course I believe in family the idea that I don't believe in the idea that I don't believe in these things if you believed in it I asked you if you're going to get married one day absolutely you'd like to if I'm not married already I would I will be married one day if I'm not well you might be secretly married I I could be married correct why would you not tell me either way why would I advertise to the feral Psychopaths of the world who have tried their very best to destroy me for an opinion about my private life and the things that are most sacred to me why do you think if you said you were married if one would hate you I don't like people hate me it's about me understanding that I'm a hard target but I am very very protective of the people I care about right but you believe in the concept of marriage completely that's what we were talking about the whole time what do you think we talked about a man giving a woman away I believe in marriage more than anybody I believe in marriage and no please I believe in marriage in the traditional sense I believe a man has a duty to stand up and be a real man I believe that the problem with the world today that we are facing is that not enough men are sticking to the age-old ways of masculinity I believe that me standing up and saying a man must protect a woman and provide for her so he needs to make sure that she's safe he needs a degree of authority I have no problem with no but no you but people do have a problem with it and that's not sorry and that's the world we're in now I'm over here sure I don't have a problem with what you just said here's where my problem comes right there are a lot of clips of you floating around on the internet as you know one of them has you saying bang out the machete boom in her face grip her by the neck shut up in another you say slap slap grab choke shut up sex when people see those clips and here you say those things I agree well I don't think that it's all hard to misunderstand it it is you might say that it's consensual other people would say whether it's consensual or not that's a very ugly way to talk about women completely now that's hitting them with machetes no watch the whole video it's a girl coming at me with a machete and me saying here slap the machete out of her hand she's attacking me so you don't understand this is the exact point no people don't watch them in full and this is actually what's interesting and please don't interrupt me on this point social media has changed in Modern Times YouTube five years ago was five six seven eight minute long videos now we have Tick Tock 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds YouTube shorts Instagram stories now anything you produce as long form is cut down to very very short form they're interested in clicks they're interested in engagements they find the most they find the most controversial Clips they can on purpose you benefited from all that everybody benefits from social media views yes do you you're was it the Hustler what is it I had an online school called Hustler's University right and their whole job was to promote your Clips make you rich and famous so you've benefited from this system the one you now profess to hate you benefit I never said I hate you click they didn't like the best of them I never said I hated it I'm saying what happened I don't hate it I don't hate social media I think it's a very powerful force I don't hate the social media I'm saying what is I think you can talk look you can talk to girlfriends of yours um maybe a secret wife I don't know or two or two maybe you've got ten wise that's your business I don't care right my only thing is I don't care what you do in private if you're consensual between you and another woman you can do what you like right it's your life I believe in freedom and liberty it's when you said in public it's the influence that this kind of thing has on young men I agree right and I speak to someone with three sons right it's well by the way they're intrigued by you they're fascinated right you're you're a big thing in that world of tick tock and so on so they all are aware of you and what you say so they're all looking And when they see things like the machete thing I get the context because I'm a 57 year old guy who's been around the block a bit and I can get what you said and you're responding to a particular scenario which you'd created where a woman but it can be misunderstood I understand so my point to you is given that you know it can be misunderstood do you regret saying things like this on camera where it can be disseminated by less intelligent young males who think that is actually what they should be doing to women and finally we get to the point of the issue which is the point I tried to make at the very beginning when I made a video before I was famous they got 500 abuse me being concerned that one percent of people will misunderstand it was not relevant we're not you start getting five million views of video 50 million views of video one percent of people misunderstanding doesn't change no it doesn't but it becomes a much larger problem and so with great Fame that's true comes great responsibility right so I agree would I now I'm famous do I say things the same way as I did back before I was famous absolutely not right as neither would you or nearly any other famous person on the planet once you become famous you have to be a lot more careful with how you say things I understand so my logical follow-up to that remains do you regret then saying it the way you said it I can't live in regret by saying something before I was famous on a camera which barely anybody watched and then I became famous afterwards that would be a very asinine way to view the world you can't live in so you stand by all those I can't live in regret because I didn't know I was going to become the most famous man on the planet that that regret would be the wrong word is it on is it inconvenient sure but I can't sit here and say I wish I knew six years ago I'd be the most famous man on the planet and monitored all of my speech forever that's asinine you see but one of the problems that people have with you is that they think you have a malevolent influence on young people this was the excuse that was put out by the big Tech Excuse excuse being the key word well it may be actually you know I I intrinsically I have a problem with censorship I don't think Donald Trump should be banned from Twitter for example because the Ayatollah of Iran remains on Twitter and other social media platforms and whatever I think of you you're not the Ayatollah of Iran right so there's cop there's a to me there's got to be perspective here and I don't understand the inconsistency by what companies like Twitter how they treat the the leader of Iran and someone like you seems to me they're much more Draconian on people like you yeah than they are with people who perhaps should not be allowed platforms um but generally I don't really agree with no platforming people yeah but I think what's interesting talking to you is it seems to me like you have gone on a bit of a journey of self-awareness about the impact of some of the stuff you said in the past and you have said you wouldn't say it again in the same way now you may not want to express regret for that but it shows me that the very least you have evolved to somebody who recognizes that these can be quite damaging in the way that you said them completely as a professional and as an adult it would be stupid for me to sit here and say that now that I'm the most famous man on the planet my words do not have more impact than they did before with impact with power comes responsibility and things need to be worded in a very careful way now when I do a long Format Interview I have to sit there and consciously understand that any 10 seconds of that can be cut and used against me so I can be a lot more careful with how I say my words and how I construct my sentences of course we agree with all of that that's exactly what's happened to me I agree with all of that I don't want to be seen as a negative influence in the world I know that there's a whole bunch of men I get thousands of emails a week from men whose lives I've saved I get thousands of emails a week from men who were on the verge of suicide and I've saved their lives we're talking about and by the way I don't dispute that at all you have almost certainly I would think from everything I've read about you I think you have certainly been probably able to be very helpful to young men who have really struggled for self-confidence and all that kind of thing right I'm completely prepared to accept that but there was also I think quite a disturbing piece that BuzzFeed did and he talked about the the negative impact of young impressionable male Minds when they've read or seen some of the more inflammatory things you've said and they quoted for example Sandy uh 22 from Washington my father's gone from a man who minded in women's studies in college he was kind and in touch with his emotions treated all people men and women around him and kindness to a man who says that whenever he sees an effeminate male stranger he gets an overwhelming urge to murder them he loves podcasts he listens a lot of podcasts I know he's listened to Andrew Tate let's stop for a second let's be professional here appears because you're a professional azeri firstly she said did you say that my father when she said my father has a father that's a full-grown man firstly so we're talking about my impact on children you just talked about full-grown man here secondly I've never talked about murdering effeminate men and anything online ever on in any context ever so I don't know why they have taken some random person I've never met in the world who's full grown an adult and come to their own conclusion so I've never met and lumped his name in with mine that is absolutely unfair on every level I didn't watch I didn't read this one I didn't read this BuzzFeed article but after hearing the first point I know it's trash that is complete garbage what is part of the reason this man believes what he believes I have seen a quote from you and you can tell me what you feel here about this sure you talk about people don't want to see men dressed up in dressy transgender that's not exactly what I said what did you say I said the reason I am so popular and I'm so famous is that there's a large contingent of men who don't want to wear makeup who still want to make money go to the gym be strong drive a fast car be traditionally masculine and don't want to be shamed for that and they don't want to be called toxic for that that is the reason I'm so massively famous that is what do you think of transgender people that's nothing to do with me I'm not transgender and I don't understand the issue like they do they can do transphobic do you you consider yourself that transfer well afraid uh would it kind of yeah I don't live in fear my friend I I have no problem you have a dislike of transgender people I don't know any transgender people you're dislike of what they stand for what they are no why would I I don't know that's not my issue that's not my issue and that's actually quite interesting because when I was attacked a lot of these stupid articles like BuzzFeed because it's ridiculous that whole that first point proves anyone with a brain knows that that's garbage when they attacked me they lump a whole bunch of things in together they say misogynistic racist transphobic they just put them all together I mixed race by the way I don't know where they get these they just get these buzzwords I completely agree it's crazy and I've had the same thing done to me okay and I'm not calling you anything I'm asking you what you personally believe you are I it's not an issue I discuss what I do discuss is that do you support transgender people Trent I I support individual liberty I'm a Libertarian so you support transgender people sure sure why not exactly yeah so but my point is as a whole you're saying that I'm saying I don't want to see men in dresses I'm saying no I'm just poor gay people sure yeah I'm saying there's a large contingent of men in the world who like the idea of the traditional masculine view of the world who feel happy when they watch 80s action heroes with big muscles and they run around and there's nothing toxically masculine about having a fast car and a beautiful girlfriend and making a bunch of money nothing at all absolutely and those are the people who are my fans but the problem is okay I'm going to interrupt you just to say this no no okay but this you're saying that I have a problem with hit men in dresses I'm saying no the people who watch my contact question you've answered yeah but the people who watch my content don't want to see men in dresses clearly I don't wear a dress well why they're watching your content no you're not wearing a dress no but that's the point I'm making that's the point I was making there's a large contingent of men who are not interested in the things that's perhaps the YouTube algorithms trying to feature I look when you support masculinity and masculine traits I'm with you right okay so you agree a man should protect and provide for a woman absolutely okay so you agree if you're walking down the street with a woman you'd be you'd be responsible with her safety uh yeah cool absolutely so if that woman wanted to walk alone I don't think I have authority over the world as we do that okay so let me ask you another question Pierce because we are professionals let's say your woman decided she wanted to take a nice little walk through the south side of Chicago at 2 A.M and she wanted you to go with her and you were responsible for fighting and dying on the spot if she was attacked don't you think you would say to her no we're not going out right now it's not safe yes okay so you'd have authority to make the decisions no it wouldn't so I would say I don't think you should if she decides to it's her own volition well if she decides you're not going to stop I have no power to stop her completely but you think you do no I don't think I Powers no I think I have power to make the decision I think no that's not something if you have the power to make a decision you have hard to stop it no because that's where we differ that's why I think it's interesting about you I don't think you really think through what you're saying I think through what I'm saying because we're so careful but Andrew you've literally just said is that you have the power to stop no I said I don't have the power to stop her I'm not going to lock her in the room I'm saying that so she wants to go on her own then she's going to go then but it doesn't have authority to stop okay but as a couple if we're going to sit there and decide if we're going to take this would I feel a sense of responsibility for a safety absolutely agreed absolutely power or authority to stop her doing it no no of course not so let me finish beers you're not going to stop her walking out the hotel of course it's her decision she's a sovereign individual my point is that usually in a couple people have you'd sit there as a team and you discuss and perhaps on certain issues the woman will know more about X and she'll decide X and the man might know more about why and he'll decide why so I'm saying if we're as a couple and we're sitting there and deciding as a couple as a team and she says she wants to take this late night stroll I'm going to say you know what I'm going to veto this one I'm going to call them do you believe in this dangerous right which two degree would give me in that particular scenario I'd agree Authority if she said I don't want to listen to you it doesn't give you Authority she says I don't want to listen to you Andrew I want to go on that walk then what can I do say well then I don't have authority I hope I wish you the best I love then you don't have authority cool then it's a semantic argument not really I think it's the complete opposite of what you said yeah which was the authority no problem Pierce no problem but I think I think we actually about what do you believe about depression do you believe depression is a real thing I believe that feeling depressed is real I don't believe depression as a clinical disease is real no really correct you don't believe people can be clearly depressed I think PTSD is very real I've unfortunately I have some friends who suffer from that and I know that feeling depressed is real I believe that the number one power you have against these things are trying to take control of your own mind and affecting your own life I believe that it's not healthy to hand over all your power and believe that depression is an outside disease that you can't affect I know that when I've had difficult periods in my life and also many of my friends like I've said suffer from PTSD and been through terrible things I've lived a very difficult life and I know people who have that the things that made them feel better is when they woke up and said you know what I'm not going to allow this to damage me anymore I'm going to take responsibility I'm going to get up and I'm going to fight this as hard as right and by the way on that I agree so my favorite speech is the Rocky Balboa okay so then we agree no we didn't we don't agree Pierce you don't hang on you've got to let me sure interject when I don't agree with you right where I don't agree with you is that there's no such thing as clinical depression there absolutely is well it's a proven scientific medical reality there's a different argument about have we gone a bit too soft right in schools and all the rest of it absolutely yeah do I think some people moan and whine too much about their lot in life definitely okay are we a victimhood society 100 okay is there such a thing as clinical depression absolutely so and my argument is that if you actually bracket everybody who's not dignity depressed and doesn't have the genuine medical condition then actually if millions of people are deemed to have depression the ones who really need the help don't get it well that's my point well that can that that I would agree with you're right I think it's certainly overused terms of things no I don't and that to me is a damaging view okay well let me explain why if someone comes to me and says I'm clinically depressed or I feel very very sad I would say the first thing you need to do is stop accepting the identity of a clinically depressed person stop accepting you have no control over this and what you need to do is stop identifying that way and let's work together to try and fight against the reason an eminent doctor in the world who would tell you there is no such thing as clinical depression you would not tell you that I think I think you're simply Beyond I think Johann Hari wrote a book saying exactly that my friend he's not an eminent doctor no but he is I said depression wasn't real long ago and was attacked for it then Johann Hari wrote a book which is because he wrote a book Proof of me right most people Johanna Hari is a journalist sure and and my point is that a lot of people who are clinically depressed are suffering with something in their life and if you fix the problem in their life perhaps they won't feel depressed anymore but it's not a disease but Andrew you're not situational Andrew You're simply wrong if that's what you believe Pierce that's what I believe I don't believe in things that take power away there is not an eminent doctor in the world would agree with this I think you know more than doctors I can't become clinically depressed why do you know because I don't believe it I can't be haunted by a ghost if I don't believe in ghosts well let's say I'm never going to die because I don't believe in it it's ridiculous perhaps but if it allows me to live a life where I feel happy again this is that little area where you lose me no I don't lose you because somebody with your following so thousands of people the thousands of people who have emailed me saying my doctor told me I was clinically depressed and it's a disease that I have got in my brain and I can't be fixed and I started listening to you and I realized that that's not the case and I can fix my own life and you're the only person who has ever helped me thousands of people that email me that email if you think you are single-handedly curing people of clinical depression you are living in Cloud curriculum I am reading the emails of people who I have cured of clinical depression you're reading emails from people who have believed you when you say there isn't such a thing and they've probably never been diagnosed clinical depressed they just want to go along with what Andrew date says I don't think so and I think your view of that is that view is dangerous I I respect that you think my view is dangerous and I respect you have the right to view that if you think that I think that clinical depression I actually agree with you is massively over diagnosed I've already said that PTSD is a very real thing I've already said I didn't no hang on okay again you misquited me I I did not say clinical depression is massively over diagnosed I said that people who claim to be depressed but don't have clinical depression I think that is massively overblown right in other words there are a lot of people who just have a bad day yeah and declare I've got depression yeah and I I say well have you been to a doctor have you been clinically diagnosed if you have and you have clinical depression that's one thing but if you haven't we could probably work on some mental strength and resilience skills with it but a clinically depressed person has a an absolutely proven medical condition that is beyond their control not according to me and many others my friend well look what do you know about it honestly a psychiatrist you're none of those things sure you're a guy on the make he's done very well for himself spouting stuff off much of which I agree with as you've seen in the interview uh but some of which is ludicrous and that's one of them it's not ludicrous it is it's not you said to me we're in a victim whose Society has got to stop I'm with you okay but the moment you try and deny clinical depression I believe feeling depressed is real I do not believe it's a disease that you catch from the sky and you cannot affect I believe that no matter what happens I believe you have control over your own mind and you can fight against it I believe if you change your circumstances in your life you may feel different I'll give you a quick example I had a guy who emailed me saying who's clinically depressed and he was going to kill himself I obviously am not a psychiatrist I'm not a doctor I told him because I replied to my emails I said have you been to a psychiatrist he said yes I'm clinically depressed I've been on these pills this amount of time I'm on antidepressants it doesn't work I said I don't know what to say to besides this and he said he lost his girlfriend that's why I became clinically depressed I said listen go to the gym get a six-pack first once you've got six-pack email me again you still feel like killing yourself I don't know what else to say to you but I'd say strong body is a strong mind GO train he went he started sending me progress pictures emailing me him getting a better better shape and eventually got six-pack he's not a professional bodybuilder and he said I can't believe I was considering that I feel so much better Etc the doctor was telling him he was clinically depressed and couldn't cure it he started taking control of his own life and now he felt better now I'm not saying it's the case for everybody I'm just saying my question have you seen the guy's medical records of course not I just told you the student is taking his word for it oh I am taking the words of a man who emailed me with a bunch of medication and specifics you know it's annoying proven science because one guy writes to you who you help and you've not seen any evidence you ever had clinical depression diagnosed I'm denying the idea that on the back of it you go on your your rants in public to tens of millions of people denying something because this guy writes to you and says he had it and you cured him and I think that's a dangerous mindset Andrew that's fine that's where you don't have a responsible view of your influence disagree it's very responsible because I'm saving people's lives I disagree that if you're a diet if you have if you feel depressed I disagree that you cannot affect it and change your life and take control and fix yourself and feel happier I disagree with you I refuse to accept that there are people out there who cannot become happy contented individuals I refuse to accept we live in a world where God has created people who no matter how hard they work and how good their life becomes can't be happy I don't accept that I accept that the universe is a very giving place and that God loves all of us and if you try your best and you work hard you can become a better person and I also will argue with you and I'll counter the point that you sitting here on your platform telling people they have clinical depression there's nothing they can do about it it's far more data okay well then if they have clinics why do you misquote no because you're saying being misquotes no you're saying if people have clinical depression they have something to do about it they go to a doctor and they get diagnosed and they get help then I would argue the point that somebody opposite of what you just said I said I would argue the point that if somebody has depression of any kind whether it's clinical whether it exists or not whether they feel depressed or not whatever that taking control of their life taking personal responsibility and working hard is always going to be the positive best thing they can possibly do for their life going forward so sitting here saying I don't believe in clinical depression you don't believe in depression no I don't I believe that people can take control and fight against things right believe in personal sovereignty right fine good so we agree that'll be done yes we do no be done beers are on my side afraid of being canceled along with me I said to you from the start that's all I agree with a lot of what you say completely so I thought I'm taking you to task over the stuff I don't agree with you sure and I'm just not sure you understand why it's wrong which is in itself quite revealing let me talk to you about Alex let me talk about Alex Jones right who I have a bit of history with each other to get me deported from the United States did he yeah what is your view of Alex Jones I think that Alex Jones is a sovereign individual who very much like the Rabid left deserves a chance to speak on his points of view I think that the truth on issues is usually somewhere in the middle between two extremes and I think you think Sandy Hook was staged I don't know anything about Sandy Hook really you know he's just been sued by the families for millions and millions I have no idea you don't know anything about it no so why would you support someone in public you know nothing about the most infamous when have I supported him in public you have supported him in public I've been on this podcast yeah but you said nice things about it I say nice thing things about lots of people what do you think about exchange I said nice things about you pierce that's fine so to sit and say that I've been on a podcast and I say nice things about it you support his right to speak about things like Sandy Hook I don't know Sandy Hook I don't know and you know what it was it was a mass shooting of school children okay but to sit and and he's actually no no let's stop for a second please don't interrupt me the here's why you're I know why you're good at your job first you interrupt people a lot which is good it's a good skill and then here you go prove me right but here's the timing is good here's exactly what I did I only interrupt people like you when you either refused to answer the question or answer a completely different one sure and I want to remind you of what the question was when you misquote me back which you've done repeatedly through the interview where you say you see peers you agree with me and the viewer who's been watching will go no he didn't cool no problem the other thing you do is you try and set these traps like now so you're saying what's the Trap you think I'm setting you're saying that I agree with every single point of view a man has I literally didn't say that you're saying well you support Alex Jones why did you misquote me because you're saying you support Alex Jones and you said he you've been on his podcast and he said this I don't know what do you think about exchange I don't know everything he said what do you think of him I think I think on his podcast he was cordial I think he was professional on his podcast I've also done podcasts with rabid leftists and and people who openly hate me is it wrong I do a podcast circuit so and I don't know everything he's ever said when somebody like I don't know what so I don't know what you're trying to get here because I didn't get a word in edgewise I'll tell you it's pretty it's a it's a lame trick if you let me get a word in I will tell you let's go Alex Jones said that Sandy Hook didn't happen it was staged by actors okay this compounded the appalling grief of the families of those poor 20 children okay who were gunned to Pieces by a lunatic with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle they were already Greek strict and beyond belief and this guy pulled petrol onto that grief quite deliberately to make a huge amount of money from his Infowars fake news and as a result a lot of the families have now sued him and they've won and he's gonna have to pay back tens maybe hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to these families and quite right it won't do anything about the pain he calls them some of them actually have people turn up outside their houses with guns because Alex Jones had told them that these parents were making it all up they were all staged actors it was all run by the government so I simply say to you now I've told you that what is your view of Alex Jones I don't see why any of that has to do with me I I it's very interesting I've done the guys podcast I know him well he was professional and courteous to me when I meet somebody and they show me respect I show them back respect that's what I do as I did with you you respect him I if somebody shows me respect I show them respect so I don't know I don't know if Hitler shows you respect you'd respect him back that's a stupid question it's not it's a logical extension of your argument no if in 1931 I was walking through Germany and a man come up to me and said sorry for bumping into you I'd say sorry no problem eh I'd show respect that I don't know what are you trying to say I sanctioned the Holocaust he literally just said if somebody respects you you respect them back I say if somebody shows me respect I show respect back that's a good way to go through life whoever it is if somebody shows me respect and is courteous to me I'm courteous fact I didn't respect somebody who caused such misery and pain I have no idea the specifics of the thing you're discussing I don't understand any of it well I don't know anything about it when you told me your version of events when did you go on the podcast I was on the podcast about four four times in the last four years I did one really relatively recently it's a full-time four times you went on Alex Jones's podcast correct promoting him helping him making I think he was promoting and helping him because well it's his podcast well yeah but I've been on the podcast of people who absolutely hate me I've been on liberal left-wing podcasts I'm not feminist podcast I know you just sat here saying I'm I'm I would like you to agree perhaps we can agree on this point that I'm not a feminist I go on feminist podcast I do a podcast circuit I do not feminist no I don't know what do you think a feminist is well let's not change subject here Pierce stay on the side you mentioned feminism completely you said you're trying to get away from the point because what you did is you're trying to say because I did a podcast I sanction off this person's views and I'm saying I do five podcasts a week I do five podcasts a week and I don't sanction 100 the views of any other person on the planet because I'm an individual and he has an individual views after you so I don't know why you're trying to come at me with one of his views and pretend that's something it's a pretty big view no but it's it's a lame trick appears and you're better than this so let's move on would you explain had a podcast would you go on it sure you would great okay let me know what you're talking about Vladimir Putin had a podcast to go on it if Joe Biden had a podcast I'd go on it if a feminist has a podcast I'll go on it it appears Morgan has a podcast I'll go on it if Alex Jones I mean I don't see the point you're making there's no point here you're just you're digging but there's nothing to find well I'm not I'm taking your position that if somebody shows you respect you respect them I think that I'm saying there are lots of people in the world I do not respect if Vladimir Putin showed me in respect I would not respect him but that's your opinion but no it's my view okay that's your view well your still view is you would you're sitting here peers saying that I'm on uncensored show and in your intro you said that it's important that we don't have Echo Chambers and we have very correct and that we have varying opinions right but then you're saying the people you don't like you wouldn't go on their podcast no no so you are a hypocrite no no I will go on anybody's podcast I don't think you understand what censorship means do you like a lot of words we've had problems with today you're just saying you what you're doing censorship means no but the point I'm trying to make here you know what do you think censorship means don't hide from the fact that you're saying you will only do podcasts with people you like why do you think that's censorship now that's your that's your prerogative My Prerogative is I'll just do with censorship I'll discuss I'll discuss opinions with anybody and I've done hard left-wing why are you not asking me about the podcast I've done for the people who are hard liberal by the way I don't care whether they're left or right extremists to me uh all nuts right then we agree yes so perfect good next subject all right here's my next subject it's a very serious case here Jesus and before we move on sorry Pierce but before we move on I do find it kind of disingenuous and I know we're on a show and and I don't have a personal problem with you but it is kind of disingenuous to try and sit here and lump me in with something with some school shooting that's nothing to do with me I was that's nothing to do I mean on any level let me respond any level let me explain like you've just said you've been on this podcast four times in four years since he said the whole thing was staged I don't know and I simply and I think the fact that a smart guy like you wants me to believe you had no idea that Alex Jones who's been in the news now for the last two years have been sued by these families for the most heinous thing imaginable of pouring petrol onto their grief by claiming that shooting was staged the fact that you're pretending you didn't know about any of that it's not about pretending you've been on being on his podcast four times supporting him and making him money so damn right I'm going to call you out when I do a podcast if you think I spend time analyzing the point of view that every that of that person and everything they've ever said for years beforehand so years it was minutes years and years you're trying to lump me in and attack me for a person whose podcast I do having a view is absolutely childish because because I've done a bunch of podcasts I've done a bunch of podcasts with people who are advocating for things okay that I do not agree with on every single level in fact most of my podcasts are me disagreeing with people so it's completely crazy that you're trying to lump me in without it that's cheap that's cheap you are completely misconstruing the point of what I'm saying I think deliberately no no what you're trying is a cheap trick and I'm just making it clear I'm just curious where you're like where your moral line is it's a cheap trick I disagree with the points of view with the majority of the people I do podcast with so it's a very cheap trick you're trying here so people invent vile things to make themselves rich off the back of families of little kids who've been blown to pieces with a machine gun or a semi-automatic version of a machine gun I think that is actually a line I would I wouldn't cross I wouldn't be happy to go on someone's podcast when they've been responsible for doing that it's not about political views or differences of opinion over facts it's about somebody deliberately inventing a pack of lies to compound the grief of families and I just I'm curious you don't think you have any need to go down any kind of moral quandary about people like that before you continue to allow them to use you for their own promotion he didn't use me he didn't use me on the podcast because we disagreed and discussed points like we're doing with you right now did you call him out on that are you using me we didn't discuss that I'm not using I'm giving you a platform most people aren't giving you right now to show the world who you really are fantastic so neither of us are using each other I'm here on your show I'm providing you with content you're giving me a platform and nobody's using each other it's mutual we don't agree on a whole bunch of issues it's fine and here we are I think we've had a robust exchange yeah just like I've done on nearly every other podcast and for if someone were to come and say say to me in the future that something heaven forbid there was a skeleton in your closet and some were to come to me and say you were on Piers Morgan's show did you know he's ex or he's done X I would say that's absolutely nothing to do with right but I make the same point protecting you I don't I don't know what you do I don't know your personal guarantee I can guarantee one thing I will not be inventing stories I have families I hope you I hope I hope not I hope you're a righteous person but I don't claiming to be a righteous person I don't know I'm just saying that I just think it's interesting that you have no moral compulsion about going on people how about moral compulsions it's about I don't know what you do Pierce you could have a bunch of skeletons in your closet my friend I don't have a clue I'm here on your TV show I'm sure we all have lots of skeletons let me know let me ask let me ask you this interesting about the feminism thing sure do you identify as a feminist I think that women and men are fantastic both of us are fantastic I think women reproduce I think women need to be respected protected provided for I think that modern feminism is kind of hard for me to even truly what do you think it means what is feminism I think that the idea of feminism is that men and women are equal under the law and do you believe that completely we should be treated completely yeah but we are equal under the law wouldn't you agree uh not really I think there are still some issues in the world where I mean certainly in workplace the gender pay Gap remains uh they're not treated equally in most cases women well that can be discussed the gender pay Gap I think that's already been discussed at length I think that there's actually I think women should go to work I think women should work completely you do why wouldn't they because in the parts of the country of the world you were mentioning earlier that have different views of women they don't go to work in the parts of the world that person from the podcast was from for the point I made yeah they didn't but I don't live in those parts of the world I think women should be free to work if they choose I think it's very important that uh the family unit remains I do believe that the most in my personal view the most important and respectful thing a woman can do is become a mother I think that having children is a beautiful thing uh but obviously if women wants to work and wants to have a career especially now with paternity leave a maternity leave and she can manage to do both why wouldn't I want women to work I don't know why anyone would ever assume I don't want women to work or think women can't work because I said that I should keep them safe sometimes good no but it's interesting because you have to look at this Pierce it's interesting how people extrapolate Andrew said that women that he's responsible for a woman's safety and he said that that gives him authority to make decisions for her safety and that's been misconstrued and he's a bad person he believes that women are property so but now we believe that Andrew doesn't believe in love Andrew doesn't believe women should work and I don't know where all of that comes from well that's why I'm glad we've had a chance to discuss completely I believe women are sovereign individuals and they can make any choice they so desire I think that it's important that we remember that a man has a duty I think I certainly in my relationship have a financial responsibility to provide for my woman my woman would never have to work unless she wanted to because I'm the kind of person who works hard enough should my young men though all aspire to be like you should young men aspire to work very hard have no criminal record become multi-millionaires protect and provide for the women close to them uh be Sovereign so they can stand up and have their own points of view in face of cancellation be able to not be mentally intimidated when they go on national TV and there's traps set up for them yeah I believe that confident strong men who who stand up and protect and provide for women are a good thing for the world and a good Force for the world and I don't think that I put a magic spell on anybody I think there's a whole bunch of men in the world who understands my value and if if men grow up to be like me you're gonna have a whole bunch of people with no criminal record dedicated athletes who protect and provide for the people close to them are fantastic for the economy and we're and I'm not I'm certainly not the worst influence out here peers you have little Nas twerking on the devil on music videos which our children are digesting you have uh drillar is singing about stabbing people to death in the middle of a knife crime epidemic you have rabid uh Psychopaths on whether the right or the left announcing violence on the other side you have all these insanities in the world and because I sit here and say I yeah perhaps now you've laid out and it offended you I understand okay cool I just read you the things you read things that you said it could be offensive and some people are offended well some people definitely were offended absolutely that's fine and honestly I think some of the things you said were genuinely offensive and misogynist okay so they offended you so like I said earlier so they offended you which is fine I said they offended you you interrupted me and now you're saying they offended you which is fine and the but the point I'm trying to make is this I'm not the devil there's certainly worse people than me and I'm saying that my core tenants that the people who don't understand me are self-accountability so I'm accountable for everything I've ever said my core tenants are responsibility so I'm responsible for everything I've said my court tenants are traditional masculinity to a degree which involves protecting and providing for women and I'll make another Point another Point here that's very very that's very that needs to be said the number of women who have stood up and stuck up for me is ignored thousands of women are making videos saying I've met entertain such a nice guy I wish I had a man like Andrew Tate who felt responsible to protect and provide for me you know what I I do belong to my husband that's why I married him and I love him we ignore the thousands of women who stood up and prepared and and stood by me and said everything I said is true and we're taking a very vocal minority who have taken things I've said and are pretending to be absolutely Nutley devastated by them for some reason time out sure you've had a good a good run there sure an inquest this week found that a 14 year old girl Molly Russell died from an active self-harm while suffering from depression and the negative effects of online content the coroner said she was exposed to material that may have influenced her in a negative way and in addition well started this depression and become a much more serious depressive illness and she's very sadly took her life that's that's absolutely disgusting right her father terrible her father's campaign for better protections against potentially dangerous social media algorithms right it says that the particularly graphic content she or romanticized acts of self-harm normalized her condition and focused on a limited and irrational view without any counterbalance of normality first of all what is your response to that nothing to do with you yes that's the first thing yeah it is nothing to do with me the fact that a 14 year old girl took her life is truly sad the world we live in today is the rule we live in the fact that something like that happened is almost mind-blowing to me that's truly that's truly sad I actually feel sad inside to see something like that the fact that they just said this romanticizing the Gory element I don't know what she was watching some kind of suicide videos today I don't know where these things you think the tech companies should be much tougher about stuff others I don't know what kind of things she watched obviously I have to be a professional here I think that the tech companies need to do their best to protect people I guess to a degree but it's a slippery slope isn't it and then they use this slippery slope to to silence some people and to do right and I think that's a I think it's a really fine line and it's a complicated line it is very I was interested when you did an interview with the times Hugo Rifkin he's a very good journalist he did a big interview with him and it was interesting to me his conclusion because he kind of concluded that although he found a lot of the things you said awful and offensive and he didn't like them and he didn't want to be that kind of person that would say those kind of things nor could he actually work out exactly what you've done which deserves Mass wipeout by all the tech firms I thought it was an instant conclusion I don't you know I don't know the answer to that other than the reason I mentioned the Molly Russell case not because that has anything to do with you at all and I reiterate that thank you so I simply ask you this what has come clear to me in the interview is that a lot of things you say you wouldn't say now that you've said before I thought I'd say it differently yeah right so to me that's an acceptance not just that you want to get back on platforms because maybe that was one of the reasons you you were no platform but that you've recognized and understood the potential harm to the wrong kind of impressionable mind by some of the things you've said would that be fair I think that's 80 fair I recognize and understand that with massive Fame you have to be more careful about being misconstrued like I said earlier one percent of people misunderstanding you doesn't matter with a small audience it matters with a very large audience with power comes responsibility I still believe the things I say I do not want to be a negative Force for the world I also understand that I am a man who's lived a very difficult nuanced life and I am capable of making nuanced points that may be misunderstood by teenagers however that can be said about anybody and everything every opinion online can be misunderstood by children trying to protect children from the Internet is a very interesting subject in and of itself because I would argue that 80 of the content on the Internet is can be negative or detrimental to a young mind that doesn't understand the world yeah I'd argue that all of it we just talked about music videos and dancing on the devil and all this stuff all this stuff is dangerous by the way I think you make a very good point on that so a lot of these rap stars the lyrics the videos I think far exceed anything that you've been accused of doing completely because in a lot of cases some of them promote non-consensual activity with people right and I just think that crosses the line you have as far as I've seen you haven't crossed that line no I haven't and I and this is the thing and I've been vilified not because of the things I say because much more extremist content already exists on the internet I think the reason I've been attacked and vilified is because of the popularity because I became so massively famous not because of what I was actually saying so as a professional I analyze that and I understand okay I'm massively famous now and certain things have been taken out of context however I still do believe I'm a Force for good in the world and I'm not going to sit here have you changed though I don't it's not about changing what are these we're all involved in Evolution how old do you know I'm 36 36 right I bet you're a different person to what you were when you were 26. oh that's fine that's absolutely so we all change and Mike you keep talking about being a good person yeah I think if you're honest with yourself yeah that you can see why people found a lot of the stuff you've said problematic and misogynist and I think you recognized you wouldn't express yourself in that way again because you've understood that it's caused a lot of harm and that's really really what I wanted to get to today was an acknowledgment by you that these things clearly were said in the wrong way created the wrong impression if you didn't mean them the way you intended them and can therefore have a malevolent influence when you have a huge following yeah when you have a huge following you certainly have to be a lot more careful about how you get certain points across that's absolutely a fact Andrew I appreciate you coming all the way from Romania thank you it's been an interesting conversation and I thank you for having it cheers man well that's it for me whatever you're up to Keep It Uncensored good night
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
Views: 12,014,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piers morgan, andrew tate, piers morgan andrew tate, piers morgan andrew tate full interview, andrew tate full interview, andrew tate piers morgan, piers morgan uncensored, piers morgan uncensored andrew, andrew tate podcast, andrew tate interview, andrew tate piers m9rgan, andrew tate piers morgan full podcast, piers morgan andrew t full, piers morgan andrew, full interview, news, piers morgan andrew tate depression, piers morgan andrew tate women, 2022, talktv, andrew, tate, tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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