Andrew Schulz Funniest Podcast Moments: Chapter 3

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follow the instagram [ __ ] yang yang monkey [Music] did you decorate the place in nashville no no uh i decorated the studio we just had santa claus on actually nick you want to pull up that up real quick yes sir dude we had the real santa cam wow and he was dude from a mall in nashville or what he works at a smoothie king four days a week but he is so talented this is a sad story wait till you see this man yeah he's talented this man is own god before you play this i don't trust anybody who wants to play santa claus in a moment next level podcasting cause like we're podcasting watching oh damn wow [Laughter] is [Laughter] can we make the lead jokes about a guy who has kids sit on his lap i can't do it i can't do it we can't do that you guys are [ __ ] up buy some fashion you freaks buy some [ __ ] fashion yeah but dude this is what it feels like when you meet him that's the look you have on your face and that's him bro look how big he is he's almost seven feet tall and he works at a smoothie king he works outside of one [Laughter] oh he doesn't work force me hitting on man he's a hired man you have to swing yeah you're right you have to swing a lot right that's interesting i learned how to swing and i learned that from a dwarf oh can i ever tell you that yeah yeah yeah yeah i learned i've told you this right i learned who i can't say his name comic no i almost [ __ ] a little person that worked at cpk i just got hard i love i love watching little person porn you almost [ __ ] a little person that worked at cpk yeah he was like he was a friend of of my my best friend we were like 20. all i'm imagining is him trying to get the pizzas out of the oven like operating a boom mic or like putting like there's a counter here putting the pepperonis [Music] okay wait so how'd this happen for the same reason you're talking about it's just he had so much confidence yeah yeah and if i were to have just said yes i knew for a fact that he it could have possibly been the best sex of my life really i knew he was going to try the extra hard 100 yeah he's going above and beyond that's so true because he has to follow my labia yeah he was gonna just ingest it or he might have climbed inside it like a cave yeah yeah with a [ __ ] flashlight that'd be great but um so i used to work at a coffee shop with a dwarf and he used to [ __ ] get mad [ __ ] really yeah he was also like a punk rock dwarf oh that's a sticky yeah tattoos to the wrist but it's like one or two yeah yeah yeah he had one tattoo of a skull throughout his whole body or a little garden snake that just goes around it's really funny i don't know why i laughed at it that was really nice well you know when you didn't say anything or well we had to rebrand you know yeah well it's your fault episode 24 of king and the sting was called rat rage because theo came in really angry on that one i love it what were you charged up about this is i love that that's all yeah name something is there something that's really [ __ ] ticking you off like what is the thing that's just driving you want me to answer there's something i would say huh i'd say it just like what's specific there's something there's got to be a specific thing give me all life that chess the chess girl on netflix the chess thing that was yeah that helped me a little you like that that guy you i threw a tough [ __ ] couple of days yeah what's got me so angry i don't know bro i think i j i don't know i this year i just got angry there's something dude too much information out there i think sometimes it's just too much to do and too much information and too much to like you don't think coven made you upset like coven made me angry the isolation of it the the way our society especially to your point la reacted yeah yeah and we're just like okay and shut everything out soft soft yeah yeah stop soft people driving me nuts yeah like in tennessee they're doing you can do front side piggy back rides over there they just dude out there holding up they're living well yeah there are no can i get a piggyback [Laughter] yeah [Applause] he's just staring just don't look at me while we ride no that's game that's where it becomes dead piggy back without eye contact [ __ ] close their eyes oh yeah just look over my shoulders take a nap take a nap look over my shoulder yeah praise god bro have i have i ever been caught whacking off yeah have i ever been called um that's a weird question well it's just like i don't talk about his stuff and then there's what are you telling me that's true well i don't jerk off what are you saying i don't jerk off what are you saying i'm not against it i don't but i don't do it i don't either can't remember the last time oh you got a girl you got a girl yeah i gotta go and i gotta save him for her i don't have like a crazy high school that makes sense so like i'm excited i need to save as much nuts as i can does she yeah if you yeah same if you told her oh yeah you told her you're like hey like yo it had been three days you've been on your period like i whacked and she's pissed right same yes what if you tell your girl that the porn you act off to is actually her porn does that change it dude that it you're a wild boy um you're a wild one for that let me think about that because i said that low-key that works that play but like like you got ad baby you got ad revenue yeah like you won here i'm jerking off to you right and then if anything you're angry at her because you're like why'd you [ __ ] another dude yo speaking of which you covered that topic oh dude me and her topic like well like six months ago and i showed it to her and she was like that was so mean you should you should text him i was like he didn't say anything mean he said i was supportive i thought so too you just said like big ups mike for like well this is what i said i basically was like i was like listen there's this guy i was trying to explain everything flagging they probably know who you are but if they didn't i was like he's super talent he's really funny on his podcast i really like this guy and no matter what he tweets somebody responds to the tweet with a video of his girl like blowing some other guy right yeah and it's just like it's like you tweet the most supportive thing like we gotta help starving kids it's like this person named starvin and it's just like and i was like it's so [ __ ] up and it's just [ __ ] up for you to have to go with it but i was actually impressed that you could you know handle that i don't know why i just never no you're not fazed by that kind of stuff i don't know you've got like i think after you smoke crack for a while like you just stopped like thinking about [ __ ] like that like you know people don't realize that like if you come back from drug addiction there's a freedom yeah it's like that's how i feel with corona like i'm good like i can't like who's coughing like let's go like nothing's stopping me right now nothing right like i'm shameless mask off i got one better than you again my parents got it so now i don't even [ __ ] worry about giving it to them it's easy everything right mask what i was like future mask off the whole whole time dude yeah so you prepare yourself for faster yes and then if it doesn't happen it's a success yeah because if it's if i go in there with i've done this before where i've like i was in that movie the dictator yes and i would go i'm gonna kill it this is my time to shine and then there was like a couple of scenes where it was like not working yeah yeah and like people are like you know how they they mumble at vid video village uh so you do its tag and and then all the producers and the directors they get in a huddle and they go no that wasn't it yeah i mean and they'll look back at it like why don't we hire that guy or whatever they say oh i hate that right so i go with like a tom cruise blow up or do you ever like really go for it dude what do you think about his blow up i respected it he did it for you literally like nobody has a blow up and only positive [ __ ] ha like but let me just we gotta save the turtle right like who gets angry and doesn't curse and just says positive things if he dropped like an n-bomb in the middle of it i'd be like okay this guy really yeah yeah he just was the best guy yeah like we got to save people's lives and their college education i have a theory that i think that was a pr move yes okay so white you're jewish though yeah no you're not jewish right that's what i said most people how do you think you get away with saying everything that you say that's a good question pretty edgy not once have i seen hashtag cancel andrew schultz they've tried they tried a lot but then eventually you just kind of like stop because you're like we're not gonna get him out of here i also don't have like this is the first time in a while i've done anything with a network so it's like the first time that you could like put pressure on a network to get rid of me like when you're putting out your own stuff like you're your own boss like you can't cancel me and then i don't put on youtube or something like that like that's what i'm gonna do but yeah and also i think we just go at everybody like they start to get it you know like uh i don't think that we're unfair like i'll literally just make fun of anybody you also never you also never apologize yeah because that's the easiest way to get cancelled yeah yeah like why would you apologize if you're real what if you're really sorry no that's a reason all right i apologize right yeah but what if people tell you you should be so no no because it's like everybody's gonna be a little offended by something right you know i mean like if you make a joke about i'm trying to think like animals or whatever like your buddy that was here right like spencer probably doesn't like those jokes about animals because he loves sharks because he loves sharks that was weird can we call him i i saw him the other day he looked healthy i know you're gonna that was a perfect well no just like uh they made a list this is funny they made a list of the best fake is the most teary influencer apologies of 2020. look at this what's this they like they like broke them down i haven't seen all these but there's that guy in the middle dawson what's up with his face so he what he what did he do was he like snowboarding or something no what do you think it looks like he looks like windburn he did so he made some he made some pretty sick comments it was it had to do with pedophilia and something like that like that like okay this one's okay least concern [Laughter] most organized receipt folder go that looks like george go back to that well that's george perfect that's george that's a face what i'm addressing everything this one best best washing detergent oh they're just hella clean mr clean in his clean life and clean sheets [Music] most genuine jenna marbles that makes sense least accountability test you see that [ __ ] that's a shame yeah because he needs to put on a turtleneck bro yeah yeah well you just stop making he just no he doesn't even he didn't put on a turn like he just went away he don't even exist he went go whoa he went and visited pangaea he just said no more he's underwater now jeffries what worst least [ __ ] given what's this wait can we play that dude i i haven't watched any of these oh what is this they're apology videos what is that they [ __ ] up that's a guy or a girl uh i will not answer this question i refuse to attempt to answer this question what is it it's both yes is the only answer anyone in this room will feel comfortable getting come on with this what is it yes does it have a penis or no yes it has a penis but it identifies as as not having a penis seems like a good time to put hand sanitizer on i don't know but just could you give me something to put him in his mouth hey open up so speaking of sniffing [ __ ] this is a lot of sass right there's a lot of sass look i kind of want to see this what if i told you that she's worth that what if everybody welcome back to my channel oh she's got it now i've been silent for a very long time i know that's very rare for me i've taken a lot of time to do a lot of stuff but i don't understand she identifies as she he he identifies as he well there is an answer here that doesn't affect you in any way if you just answer it properly it jeffrey i don't what is the proper answer [ __ ] [ __ ] someone give me the [ __ ] it [Music] what does he want to be he i'll call him whatever he wants he yes that's a fine ass dude yes that's perfect as far as dudes go as far as dudes go pretty fine is that all correct yeah just because i feel like why is everybody scared here i'm out i'm not i'm just trying to make sure i get you can't get canceled if you don't know what if i told you that he he identifies as she is worth more than rogan from what for what what does she do what does he do makeup makeup dude you see how confusing this [ __ ] is bro bro we might bro we might need to go to that [ __ ] we don't have netflix whoa i didn't know i didn't know it was like this what wow 200 million oh no the same one says schultzy's worth two hundred okay rogan got that bro yeah rogan probably got that but nah so what's up she sells makeup 200 he sells makeup you have to get the program that's right honest particularly can i say something that to me is branding right if you're a he and you do makeup good enough to be a she right ugly chicks are gonna go well imagine what i could do with that so you see what i'm saying like if a dude could become a like uh do you know how bad it is just imagine it you're some [ __ ] ugly girl and you're seeing a guy become a hot girl you're like holy [ __ ] that's way further than me becoming a hot girl because guy to hot girl is this far right ugly girl to hot girls this far i know how far he's got to go i feel he's a guy and then sometimes you look at him and he's like all right [ __ ] a little fun ass i feel like this is okay i feel like this is okay like george get back here yo tony tony this is me i'm like yo can i am i can i laugh at this like i looked why can't you laugh i don't know he's wearing all the makeup he's got he's trying to trick us he knows what he's doing if i wear a yankee hat are you like do you like the red socks no no you know who i like right i like the [ __ ] yankees so he's dressed he's dressed in a way that makes you go you like dicks or not buddy like what's the deal like he is being misleading if he's still a he is i'm wrong and you look at me with that i'm wrong to walk up you you look like a fine ass chick right i'm wrong to come up to you like yo no no okay so okay so let me just let me just pull us back a little bit yeah from that person and from the [ __ ] is going on no no because the question you're asking listen you're stupid you walk around with boxing gloves people are going to assume you're boxing right yes and you can't be like whoa why the [ __ ] you think i'm going boxing just don't wear [ __ ] boxing it's the stupidest thing ever and then we got to be upset about that the question you're asking is assuming gender 99.9 percent in life you're right 99.9 literally i can walk around this video i'm going to assume people's gender and i'm going to be right yeah but but sick that's what certain people are trying to stop cat [Laughter] this i just is understand why it's hateful like why do we jump to hate why do we there's no confusion there's no room for confusion okay i think that's the i honestly think that's a problem that's what i'm the i'm yeah so guys cause i've been confused before and i got trouble for it you're allowed to be confused okay i'm going to give you the i'm going to give you the answer and i don't want it just because i want it no stop i'm confused salty listen to me you got me confused good on you no the pro stop put on your shoulder that's what you were doing with the makeup listen to me go the pr the difference here you got my charge does you're right but the difference here is we know these people's uh pronouns you do right i don't like i don't know if yg is the one where i want to take like my political uh where i want to get like my political advice from because it's too easy to discredit right it's like you say [ __ ] donald trump but you're also talking about killing people [ __ ] [ __ ] you might like the remix with g eazy and macklemore more you know that that's a thing right that is who he had on the official remix no it is i swear on my life i could be yeah it was at least malcolm and i'm pretty sure it was jeezy too oh that's funny that's where you got it you know people tell you you look like him a lot yeah man you know what's so funny this [ __ ] got too famous people used to say he looked like me i remember he was coming up and i was on mtv so they would be like yo who's this guy who looks like andrew and who is this uh i've never seen these two people in the same place we used to always get tweeted and then this guy got so much more famous than me and now people are just like yo i think this is easy yeah i remember i got a girl's number once i text her the same day yo what's up it's schultz and she was like oh she really thought that was cheesy that's incredible you should have ran with it no bro i gotta get [ __ ] on my own name yo you don't you don't always well my favorite gag that you guys i don't know if you have ever like really thought about what the gag is but you guys in wax on brilliant idiots for those who don't know waxes uh charlemagne's gigantic security guy he's super funny but he's like the size of a [ __ ] house and he's you know he's he's a funny guy but what schulz will do is he will say you know i think you're homophobic and they'll say hey i'm not homophobic and you start saying man you're starting to sound a little gay he gets even more offended by that and then all of a sudden he starts talking about why he's not gay you're starting to sound a little homo god he just jumps right back into it you had him on a loop for like a half hour defending himself charlemagne's getting super into it too and it's like i remember that because that's like in high school or just in general teasing somebody that is like the name of the game right there and it was just so good because he doesn't want to call himself either and you guys were just torturing him with it and he didn't know how to get out of the loop oh dude it's old school high school it's like that game we played back the day about like sucking dick for a million dollars oh so you want to psycho dick exactly exactly right so it's like you set up the center that's so funny do you know what i'm all right we would spend literally 30 minutes setting up a scenario where our friend right now but check it nobody knows you suck the dick it's in the forest and like you know the dick gets sucked in the forest does it really get sucked like we just set up this crazy listen the guy dies immediately after his body decomposes nobody knows you suck the dick and then finally he's like ah i probably suck dick in all of us like don't [ __ ] do a a dick for so yes this would be this is our fun game that we play with whack landmark but we should we should do that more films should be focused on selling tickets in america no that's the special is called schultz in america saves america america i know that's home team yeah that's who i care the most about right i'm grateful when people in other countries listen and are cool and are really appreciative of the comedy right but don't get me wrong these are my people here right we're talking [ __ ] about us yeah like which is why i get annoyed when you have like the the olivers and the nose and [ __ ] like coming over here it's like why do you care yeah why do you do you really care no it's about well it's about you you want cheddar right yeah so then stop trashing half the country when you just want money right like alabama's a punch line to you right you've never been to alabama no they just like to say because everyone sounds like this they automatically go well he's you know he's a hick he's a dummy you know you know that's i think burst said this a while ago burr was talking about that he's like if i hear one more foreign [ __ ] i'm same with the what's it called the borah sasha barack cohen yeah [ __ ] yourself go [ __ ] yourself i love you he sucks the guy he used to be a really funny we all liked it it was super low brow like you're 12 years old you see a guy like do the dumbest the easiest joke possible yeah it's the easiest joke possible but you're brave so we let you do it it's fine yeah yeah yeah and then he's on the [ __ ] golden globes or one of these stupid awards shows going like i use my comedy to expose hatred and bigotry and it's like stupid british accent and uh and then i'm like oh my god is this guy taking him so seriously yeah he has like stop hate for profit is on his twitter you do it for a living right it's how you got famous literally how you got famous you you take advantage of kind americans who let you in their home they let a stranger in their home right and you make them look stupid and then when they sue you you let the lawyers handle it yep you cuck you don't handle that [ __ ] at all and then you make millions of dollars yeah and it drives me [ __ ] crazy yeah who the [ __ ] are you yeah beat it you don't like it here beat it get it out nobody asks you to come here and tell us we're racist we know we're racist that's why we came here so we could be racist like what does he think he's exposing he's like americans because that's racist and sexist really no you don't say get out of tom pal here's a question right here from somebody who obviously this is gonna decide if he wants to be you or nick who's obviously not gonna play the extra superman this is our uh christmas episode so we have some uh christmas related topics okay cool you're okay you have staying glad to be here thanks for the invite uh listen i got a king understanding for y'all decorating for the holidays he barely opens i don't mean i'm sorry it so i just recently got back from college just graduated and i'm back living with the parents north pole state and this is just what i got to deal with i mean there's so many decorations there's decorations hiding decorations oh this is just mom's house so i'm just wondering guys uh you can't understand it decorating the inside of your home for the holidays love you guys gang gang buzz buzz he wouldn't even open his jaw to speak he was i sound like an aging boxer dude that was unbelievable that was unbelievable that he thought that he should have that whole video played out of things but i couldn't stop watching because i was like am i going to see his tongue or i don't think he has a tongue that guy i think he's hiding the fact he didn't have a tongue look at him see if he has a tongue he's a shark bro yeah right look at this i've never seen a shark tongue there's nothing there's no shark tone my boy mike cannon mike feed i think we're talking about that they're like they don't have tongues it's just a hole yeah why do they need a tongue it tastes good yeah right if it's there no no time no no it would be cool if our tongues were flavored though wouldn't it flavored tongues get your little barbecued tongue a little barbecue time i just have it all day were you playing ball so you could take that barbecue ball people like damn what you eating you know like oh just having a little bit of myself it has a brand new netflix special out now called schultz saves america he's one of our favorites it's andrew schultz hey good to have you back what happened to the uh the other guy we don't [ __ ] talk about it all right and put that thumb down oh no what happened who was on when you were on spit he was vegan yeah yeah who liked animals a lot well i like meat all right and i'm here you're good you're good everything's fine i'm not saying we should have the other one back but he was fun like for banter he moved to michigan and remedied student debt what have you done this year ah not that uh did he really do that that's what he did yeah destroyed all of it really well he attempted to with the bus yeah no luck yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but but he's editing a documentary about uh reforming the education system yeah he didn't want to help yeah he seemed like he wanted to help her and that's what annoyed me about him that [ __ ] pissed me off that kid what did we argue about sharks he said he likes sharks oh yeah who the [ __ ] likes sharks who does like can we call him don't don't defend this i liked you initially no i don't defend sharks that's what i'm talking about they sneak up on you yeah i don't even [ __ ] they don't even tell you when they're coming back that's got great eyebrows this [ __ ] guy dude way better than spencer i don't even know spencer had eyebrows he doesn't yeah he's consistently like this worried about [ __ ] yeah this guy's intense he's worried all the time like a [ __ ] muppet this guy right here dude look at this guy bro wow thank you very much puts i'm leaning into what they thought there was an ongoing joke it's a joke or whatever but it's okay if it's not take it up with netflix all right we got new spencer over here full of [ __ ] hair spencer had no body hair that spencer didn't he can we get he has probably has less body hair no i got i grew it back because my friends make fun of me i did because i was a swimmer no no i don't understand no you know you were i understand you look like a swimmer just got off rogan literally just stepped out of rogue yeah yeah we did rogan yesterday why are you here i just like you guys i was going to ask you it was cool to see you do a warm-up on a smaller show that's what i had to do it's nice yeah i had to get the nerves out bro i don't know how'd it go was it good it went fine can we get to aha i'm pissed off at mike sure because he has no [ __ ] etiquette in this group text you really suck so we asked a couple weeks ago uh we wanted to see who's out there our fans and get some new blood in the culture corner just uh see see who's out there and this was one of our can we just pause for she's got very in uh very sweet looking girl but she's on my teeth yeah there's i feel like she's missing the teeth that go after the big teeth it's all big no it looks like all big teeth no fangs are coming too quick i think she's missing these two teeth no i think she has all big teeth she's fine yeah really yeah i'm not mad at her okay no i'm not mad at her i'm just i can't stop looking at that yeah she's got that bone hinge baby it looks good to me i hey brendan it's anna from south florida ooh too far uh miami no you know what she tells you a kid right now crazy submit to be in the culture corner mira porque hablo espanol today i speak spanish i am the funniest person in my friends group if i do say so myself and um i have done a few open mics however due to the pandemic i can't really do that anymore so i would just love this opportunity to meet you guys and be a part of a show that i love um you know i got them haters did she say there's a trunk in the back yes well goddamn j in the tray baby hell yeah um what you think schulte i i don't know what's going on do we make fun of them do we just listen you can light them up whatever you want it's submit at your own risk i think you light them up if you think that's what they deserve is that the culture of the show yes oh i understand these are your biggest supporters you look at it i think that we don't roast them but we roast them if there's something to be roasted like there's not much there yeah she has the same front teeth all around but yeah yeah yeah yeah that many teeth he has pixar teeth she looks like the dad from up look at her teeth go back to the beginning of the video it's not bad dude i want to see her chew into a baguette and just tear that [ __ ] apart oh yeah right he's like i don't know what to do with that yeah she has the pixar teeth oh [Laughter] look at the damn chart you see [Laughter] that's your face okay so what do you think about ben shapiro who won't stop he's so nerd first of all ben is the most hilarious nerd for sure facts no feelings back still feeling you have a yarmulke on your head facts no feelings facts no feelings is this facts right here is this facts did the candle stay lit for eight days ben facts no feelings bro he could out you want everyone to hate you he get out talking no it's [ __ ] kick it out guys [ __ ] he could talk faster than you he asked her about one topic he started talking about [ __ ] and he's like oh well it doesn't actually get wet dude what's the free market say about [ __ ] he's a nerd shut up ben he just goes to colleges and beats up when [ __ ] 19 year olds had just learned about marxism you're not smart right he went on one he went on one legit talk show with the bbc and got smoked did you guys see that when he got smoked by that scottish dude literally he got in his feelings then right oh i'm getting out of here i don't have any more left right yeah of course he left who was the who's the host oh yeah the british the british guy it's unbelievable anyway that's fine shout out to ben have you had him over here yeah yeah he's been on shout outs have been good for you ben you figured it out thug life or whatever facts not feelings yeah just think you know you know what i've realized about myself and this is what we were just saying is um again my reflection of how i feel is based on how the person i'm with is feeling about me right so if i'm with this girl who might be [ __ ] dumb and that have nothing interesting to say no life experience whatever if she's not if i'm not feeling like she's into me all of a sudden i'm lacking confidence in saying the things that i want to say talking about the topics i don't want it all of a sudden you're distant as [ __ ] right right exactly so it's this f and i know intellectually i'm in that moment i go why am i questioning myself you [ __ ] idiot you're 33 you have a home that you bought you know what i mean you want something from her even if it's just the affection that might eventually be 20 years old nothing nothing in her life but she has a vagina i want to enter so i'm mumbling my [ __ ] words so how do you feel about cameron and jim jones i don't give a [ __ ] about this [ __ ] so and it's it is on some level like on some level you it's it's very annoying that like my worth could be changed in my eyes or at least emotionally yeah and then you bust a nut in her face boom you're all of a sudden you're at the top of the [ __ ] mountain and they want your affection and you all of a sudden are like damn it's up to me i can i can handle this however i want bro i'm telling you and for me it's even before the nut bomb the [ __ ] out super lit right just [ __ ] up nazis dude bro how could you not but that's like the last like that was the last war that we were probably in where there was like a definite bad guy yes yes dude i'm saying like every other war now is like a little murky it's like vietnam's like yeah we're going to give you freedom but are we you're always when you look back everyone except for that one world war ii when you look back at korea vietnam you should i look and i'm like damn we were being bullies what's going on [ __ ] weren't even doing no crazy [ __ ] yeah we were just and then the next one was like damn we just wanted all that oil yeah wait i looked the other way at that because his home team yeah yeah well cause not because we're it's the boys of course yeah i'm saying if we need some oil then that's what it is we try to play five dollars again [ __ ] 89 let's go treat your women better middle east why do you think we did that to pay why do you think we did what we did to pangea bro that's literally what we do we're like oil's getting expensive who's treating women bad in the middle east that's how it works right we ain't [ __ ] but with the nazis they were bad and we went in there we were just murking them yeah [ __ ] them up and they're homies too the japanese yeah they try to join up and make a make become friends and [ __ ] bro yeah that was just wow man japan is a wild place you all been in japan oh you know [Laughter]
Views: 149,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, comedian, yin yang monkey, andrew schulz funniest podcast moments, tfatk, andrew schulz tfatk, theo von, this past weekend, andrew schulz theo von, podcast compilation, funny moments, the fighter and the kid, tigerbelly, whitney cummings, good for you
Id: zzwxD461ZEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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