Andrew "King Cobra" Tate Fight Doc

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[Music] [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] Andrew came to me when he was I think 17 just short of yeah 17 nearly 18 he um of course he grew up in in America so as you know then in the their schools they do wrestling and all lots of different martial arts I think he did a bit of Judo and karate and Sun boxing um nothing like in particular or too much um well basically I remember him and his brother basically buttering that badly they to call a taxi to get home they only live 5 minutes away from where we used to train or where I used to live so um so he came a long way you know you can't Andrew is probably I don't know the in the last 5 to 10 years possibly in the last like yeah 5 10 years the number one person and he made massive ways just for the UK and on the fight team like full contact you he knocked so many people out and he had some good fights he didn't really lose either for a long time he I mean the one fight recently the last fight obviously in the fusion he lost by knockout as was first time so he's coming back now from a knockout so we'll see how he will cover there by I I know he's okay cuz he understands you know everyone gets caught and is the way it works and the guy didn't catch him well and there's nothing you can do you know once you emotionally it's fighting is a scary thing you know if I had my way and I could build myself as an individual I would have never chosen to be a fighter I think fighting is one of those things that you're either cursed with or you're not unfortunately I was born with a mind that is hard to occupy and I find everything boring I find the cinema boring I find clubbing boring conversations family dinners festivals holidays all the crap that everyone enjoys bores the life out of me the only thing that keeps me mildly entertained is something which is so dangerous that I'm scared I totally understand why people climb out Everest I totally understand why people jump off to all buildings and that's exactly the same reason I get in the ring because without it I just live numb and bored all of the time I could win 20 grand at Casino table and still be bored it's just it's just it's just me so I every single time in the up run to a fight I think why am I doing this what am I risking my life for what have I get a broken hand or a fractured skull or whatever but you know I I don't feel like I have a choice but to do it you know it's just just who I am so I'm scared but I'm ready I'm ready um David R obviously from France he mixes it up he does boxing K1 muai MMA basically he's very versatile he's built like a brick house as you would say in the UK um possibly with too much muscle so he's I think way slower than Andrew um I know my upcoming opponent I know quite a lot about him I was with him on a reality TV show um last year in Macedonia he's a tough guy he's a strong guy at my level everyone's tough everyone's strong everyone's game everyone wants to fight you know you're not going to find anyone at my level who doesn't really want to fight and does hit hard that's not the way the game is so yeah he's got two arms and two legs he can fight I can fight that's what it is I'm I'm not too big a believer in individualistic regimes or plans you know I do press UPS he does press UPS you know I do running he does running everyone does the same kind of thing it comes down to the individual comes down to the brains of the individual and the attitude of the individual dep comes down to who wants it more and it comes down to who lands the shot first that's how it is so I've trained hard I'm sure he's trained hard but I'm ready to fight [Music] [Music] up [Music] h H up guys people here 15 uh we're here in St panr International just waiting for the train to go to Belgium haven't eaten in about 2 days and very very nervous so can't wait to get the weigh-in done and then I can eat whatever I want um and then tomorrow tomorrow will try and turn these nerves into anger and it's fight time I'm starving everything seems to take forever I'm irritable I'm annoyed I want to eat now it's been two days now so standing around for the last 30 minutes everyone's on the phone stuff the force feeding bag is full of goodies for him as soon as we waiting he can staff his face afri now I'm hungry so well we were supposed to be weighing in um but the driver took us directly to the hotel instead of the weighing which ends in apparently 5 10 minutes but and his opponent hasn't weigh in yet so the official the guy who's running the show to find out whether or not they skipped aways tomorrow be hungry over the minut uh the problems with the weighin yesterday weigh-ins are never straightforward because you're trying to cut so much weight I had to lose a stone and a half to make my fight weight um it's difficult because you don't want to cut too much because it's so hard as it is so you can weigh yourself on certain scales at home and be on weight and then when you get to their scales you're not on weight so usually I like to weigh myself on the scales that I'll be being weighed on to check and if I am over I can go for a run or something and sweat some weight out but this time uh there was traffic and the driver took us to the wrong place we arrived late etc etc etc uh so when by the time I got to the the weigh and I had to just wait in and I was a little bit over um which is usually a massive problem but luckily my opponent was a little bit over too um by about a pound or a pound and a half so they they they let us slide but otherwise I would have been in a lot of trouble so very fortunate um first time it's ever happened to me being overweight but something because I couldn't check so but yeah done now today we have the first uh infusion live event uh that means we have six fights uh broadcasted live all over the world and always won a World title and uh tonight we will have the 61 for women uh and fusion have both ma female as male divisions and uh we are planning to have 10 events this year in 2013 it's Unique it's got uniqueness about it um he's an intelligent fighter what I noticed about him is he can change the trajectory that was a hard word to say for me um have a punch he a very intelligent pack but he seems to he hits at strange angles that most Fighters don't see it and he's not the biggest punch not the hardest to puncher but he's the most accurate yeah he's very precise slick fast good movement confidence um he's he's good for TV he's very good for TV yeah very good uh the interesting thing about Andrew Tate is that he's a good fighter but he has the American nationality as well uh most of the fighters standup fighters from America do not have such a good level because uh most of them go straight into MMA and uh Andrew likes to to do the kickboxing style and he's pretty good at it and most of all he's an attractive fighter to watch infusion like Tate as well so we got to pump him up like him as a product this is a good platform for Andrew I think he the only person that really has got near enough a show based around it which it is so he's he's got a very good platform to um launch himself into stardom that we believe is capable of yeah yeah um now that I've weighed in I feel a lot physically better but I'm a lot closer to the fight so mentally I'm a lot more nervous um uh obviously there's a lot to think about the problem is with this sport it's not it's not a team game you can't rely on anyone else if you're having a bad day and if you lose you don't just lose you lose and go to hospital so you know it's very nerve-wracking I think lot of people underestimate exactly how scary this sport is and the better you get at it the more confidence people have so you say things like oh I'm fighting I'm fighting someone really good and they go oh don't worry Tate you're the best you'll smash him and it's like yeah it's easy for you to say um and thanks for the confidence but I much appreciate when people are worried and concerned because the better you get the better are the people you fight and the person I'm fighting has trained as hard as he could for the last 12 weeks and dedicated his life to beating me just like I have dedicated mine to beating him and you know it's going to be a hard night it's going to be a very hard night and even if I make it look easy uh trust me it wasn't and I'm I'm really nervous about it I'm really intimidated so every Fighters different some Fighters don't care some Fighters are angry you know and some Fighters it doesn't bother them but we're all different and I'm I'm a thinker as a person I'm quite an intelligent individual and unfortunately that means that I'm not ignorant enough to think I'm the best thing in the world I know I'm fallible I'm a human being and I can break like everyone else so anybody who thinks Fighters aren't nervous uh before they go into the ring and that they're all sort of um they're all uh you know Iron Man so to speak uh they're wrong Fighters get really nervous get scared um obviously bad things can happen me and Andrew have both been at shows where people have died in the ring and been killed so yeah uh everyone has nerves but the moment you get into the ring and and the bell goes it's like something else takes over all the nerves disappear they're out the window and then it's um then it's fight time and especially after the first one or 2 minutes once you work out how the guy fights you you're you're confident in yourself if you're going to win or if it's going to be a hard day so yeah the nerves disappear very [Music] quickly yeah just getting more nervous it's same like um if you have um Warriors before they go to war you know they start putting all the paint on and all the preparation sharpening the tools or cleaning the weapons and so on and so on or or or two pit bulls you know just before they get released you can see them Lions whatever just keep on going left or right left or right cuz they can sensor and then once you let them go that's it they they do what they do what they're trained [Music] [Music] for place he knows you're going be at least scared going to be be scared he's going to get beat break the man's [Music] heart [Music] he isn't going to touch you he's not going to touch you way too [Music] slow it's just there [Music] here inter with you can move from [Music] here and hit hard that what's that Russ you haven't G what's he you haven't G nothing doing the JS and the crosses everyone why you're the best you're going to look this man up nothing on you nothing on [Music] you kog Division and we'll be contested over three 3 minute rounds introducing to you firstly fighting out of the blue corner he brings a excellent record of 35 28 wins 22 of those wins coming by way of bko with only two losses he is representing the USA please welcome Andrew the key Cobra [Applause] CH and opposing in fighting out of the Red Corner he brings a record of 31 round [Music] [Music] [Music] one three rounds of action your judges have reached a unanimous decision your winner fighting out of the blue corner from the USA Andrew the king cobra [Music] the thing is it was good the guy was just Mar making it very over you know he was kind of you duck he duck so start tactic work I should respect [Music] [Music] I won but I fought I could fight much better than that I know I can I wasn't at my best at all um and uh I'm very self-critical and I'm very hard on myself so not happy about that it feels like a lost to me to be honest feel as if I just lost but oh well still one I guess is what it is well everyone else liked it so no one else why I think I fight do I enjoy it no do I enjoy training no do I enjoy cutting weight no no am I nervous yes do I think to myself what am I doing yes completely unfortunately it's one of those things you're either born with you're not and the only way I can explain it to try and make it make any sense is that if I'm not doing something which is either extremely difficult or extremely stressful I'm in a Perpetual state of crippling boredom I can't explain it I see other people live their lives and they're like oh I can't wait for the weekend cuz I want to watch watch this movie I think who cares about a movie you're looking forward to the weekend for a movie looking forward to the weekend to get drunk like these things to me are so mundane they mean nothing and if I don't fight if I'm not in a situation where I'm stressed or worried or concerned I'm just perpetually bored and boredom is crippling if you're an intelligent person and you've got a good brain on your shoulders you can't just sit there bored you know so most smart people take the academic group to avoid boredom and they learn learn learn learn learn but that's never really interested me either although I've always been an intelligent guy and I've always done well academically it was it never really interested me and then I see people climb out Everest or jump off buildings or do Bas jumping or the guy who jumped from space people think what's he doing he's crazy I understand because some people can't live normal lives some people cannot just function 9 to 5 office job get drunk at the weekends that is not for some individuals and it's not for me so I have to find something which keeps me physically tired enough to stop me going a W um and mentally tired enough and I've chosen fighting because without this when I'm not in training I wake up every day and think okay what we going to do today it's 9:00 a.m. on a Tuesday I'm bored everyone's at work I'm bored and I'll end up doing something crazy I'll either end up drunk or or on the Euro star or you know it's just it's just a random lifestyle cuz I'm constantly looking for never- ending entertainment and it doesn't exist I think the only thing that could stop me fighting is if I had enough money to constantly entertain myself unless I'm a billionaire I need something that keeps me focused and keeps me occupied in life with fighting I have to train twice a day and I have to train hard and the stress can be the stress it brings in every aspect can replace fun and my mind is occupied it occupies me it's the only way I can try and explain it it occupies me and I could never stop doing this even if I lost a 100 fights because I'm not built to live a normal existence I can't do it I couldn't just have a kid with some girl and sit at home and work a little bit and relax I've never relaxed my entire life I don't know what relaxing is it's just not me
Channel: Lukeyo
Views: 497,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Fight documentary, Enfusion
Id: gtiakYGocW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2013
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