Andrew Tate Interviewed by Piero San Giorgio

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hello everyone this is Peterson Georgia today I have the great pleasure to host and rotate Andrew L oh hello hello good to see Frank Hey look you'd probably need no introduction for any English audience but as most of my viewers are french-speaking although they do I hope understand English you have been four times world champion of kickboxing you self-made millionaire and entrepreneur you've been celebrity in the UK and you're extremely politically incorrect and these are all things that I like so that's why I wanted to talk to you is awful I've fought in France three or four times and I the French are our fighters man the French are proud especially when you when you're English they want if they want to be certainly want to beat you but yeah my French is not so good but everything else you said it's completely correct good definitely not politically correct I'm yeah fighter and I do a few other things so and indeed you you have been in the last few years I reckon developing web coaching and how did they find what you do now because your website is really cool but but how do you find that yes so I was on Twitter I wasn't really big on Twitter all until Donald Trump was gonna be elected and I was a big Trump fan I believe that politics needed a shake-up I needed we believed we needed someone who was not simply a member of the league most of these politicians have done nothing other buffie politicians they haven't done anything else their whole life has just been a llama politician they're all way through Hillary she was she was being groomed to be president since day one and I thought the establishment needs a shake-up so I was Pro Trump that's when I became big on Twitter and I guess the reason I grew quite large before I was banned the first time I've been banned six times as of today I'm banned again this morning uh-huh woke up and I was bad so um I I think we grow so fast ourselves very personal people try and hide behind their especial Twitter's a lot of add-on accounts or they're trying to hide where they are and stuff but I was very open about Who I am where I am why I'm doing I think I grew quite big following and people could see you know I was running around traveling across Europe in my lambo and picking up chicks and doing all this crazy stuff and I started getting asked lots and lots of questions like how you get girls how do you make money or about my body language by all these things so I decided to put together courses that teach people will I learn and well I know because I kept typing out over over again a lot of people want to pick my brains and see if I know something and that's why I put the courses together that ronk Arbortech calm so we've got that now and they do well I can genuinely say I have never had a negative review with surprises even me because I know they're fantastic courses but there's always someone who's going to complain I've never had so when you get where you got the let's say the content the experience the what your teaching is well of course I will actually I must say to my audience I will actually try one of the courses because I think they're they're they're pretty pretty unique so I will try them so I let people know how it goes but what's interesting to me is that you know anyone can say you know I'm going to teach life to everyone else but but you seem to have a peculiar background in a peculiar approach so what makes you what makes you confident that you're what you're teaching what you're saying in those courses is actually is actually good for people and actually works for sure I've lived I've lived a life which has been highly polarized so I've been completely broke like my family my mother and father when they broke up we ran up in the social housing our whole fan my mother and and my brother and my sisters well four of us was in one room we cost with Kosovan refugees and refugees from Africa this is in lumen England so I've been completely completely broke and I've also been rich I've been a nobody I've been to somebody I've been trying to get girls when I had no money and no one knew was and when I was a millionaire and everyone knew was the world champion I've kind of lived on both sides and when you live on both sides you start to identify common themes certain themes are universal so in my course I say that women are emotional sponges if you're in a bad mood your woman's going to end up in a bad mood in a real [ __ ] mood and you come home and you really need support and for her to cheer you up you might try a little bit over a couple hours by the end unit apart because they absorb your energy this is why they like funny guys because if you're humorous and you're funny then they feel happy because you're happy and they pick up on it so we start to notice well you can do this when you're broke you do this you're rich but this stays the same you start to notice these patterns and I think that's what it is that that's sorted with the girls kind of thing and and the love is just living a very varied life I've been to 72 countries I've done a lot of stuff I've always been too brave for my own good I've been Iraq and a whole bunch of places I shouldn't have been and you just learn a lot of things and I kind of feel like I apply them I'm quite logical with how I did my life they work well for me and everyone I've tried to give advice to they welcome back and said yeah hey you know what you're talking about so it's just it's just been a matter of experience and I like I'd like to think that I learn a lot of stuff the hard way and I can save some people some time you know I have one guy who hit me up and he said up you know how do I know if this girl is trying to gold-digging me or not I did a Skype with him and told them my stories and girls were trying to get money from me and all these things so I think it's good you know that you know why not share my mistakes you got to make mistakes to learn and I've made it to you I've been plenty I'm human so I didn't put of all the course accident now you so actually I would put the link to your to your website in the description of my video and I must say that am I the only one notice that your logo of the Cobra doesn't look like a Cobra doesn't it you know what I had gone through man but the story of this websites been a nightmare I've gone through sorry web design teams and stuff like that I kept the indie platform this and that so it should be a Cobra maybe it's something else well it looks like a Cobra but also looks like a like a [ __ ] I didn't ever noticed but coincidence okay now let's go back to another serious topic which it is in fact is that you seem to be one of the reason you put it in incorrect is also because you indeed as you mentioned that you support Trump as I did your views of the of the world are not the ones that let's say the the mainstream media's expect from from anyone who's who's in the news or is a celebrity at some point yeah what's what's your view of how the world is going today my view is very simple and my view is that I think humans have a very long history and in that history there's been certain themes which have reigned universal and now we live in a modern world where they're trying to turn everything upside down saying that that's going to be good for society so I give you lots of examples so gender roles men being in charge and woman being semi submissive and respecting her man that's how society has always worked though just how much always work it's how it's always worked everywhere so this is not some idea that got shared because you had the Chinese the Ming Dynasty and the Aztecs on other sides of the world doing the exact same thing so in my mind I think it's natural human nature for men to have a certain role in society to be a warrior and be certain things and a woman to be certain things I almost think one is better than the other I'm not being horrible I'm saying both are equally important I'm saying that men have a certain duty to fail and women have a certain duty for and the fact that every human civilization ever has done it the same way since the dawn of human time means that especially as from the fact that we've gone from a small tribe of a few thousand to populate in the entire world I'm saying maybe it's probably a good idea but now we've come along in the last 10 years that that's a terrible idea men need to be like women and women need to be like men and I just said go my everything was fine how can your few years of study and some psychological study garbage to all of human history I say this because I know in an abusive way but if I was to I got warned be quietly inspect didn't be quiet go ahead and if you do that now you said something long that's terrible I see why is that terrible I'm very happy with who I am I was very happy with how I was raised I'm happy I lived in a world of discipline I'm happy I knew boundaries since the dawn of human time every time a kid made a mistake you go smack we still built the pyramids we still went to the moon so tell me how you're gonna come along now and say if you touch a kid he's never going to function correctly ever when every child was raised the same way to me it's just crazy so I think the world's gone on a relatively young man I'm 32 I think the world's just gone so far off the deep end in very recent history in the last 10 years you've seen the world go off the deep end liberal left-wing and sanity and they're trying to think they can come along and correct human nature as he was going to build some utopia and all the problems of the world are the inherent mistakes of man toxic masculinity and the fact that men are patriarchal and all these everything that got civilization ahead everything that everything that saved lives everything good that's a rapid throw out the window because what we need is we need men to put more wigs on and cry more often and girls to be in charge I just think we came up with this [ __ ] sorry to swear that's my basic worldview bro it's just like I don't know where these people come from and I don't know why he won't listen to them it's crazy and at the same time the import millions of people watch we are big time in the patriarchy this is the thing I don't understand there's a massive positive dissonance there's a massive disconnect with the logic of the left the logic of the left is that all men are bad especially patriarchal oppressive men and that women need to be empowered and men need to shut up while also importing as many patriarchal medicine but the huge intellect disconnect is hard for me to even get my head around and in my mind I really put this down to to just a huge in my course when I talk about girls I say that it's very often your woman will start an argument with you to see how you react I think this is like an evolutionary thing they want to kind of poke you a bit and see if you have any fighting is you of them but you haven't got enough firing you to fight with earth you're not firing you to protect her so they want to see how far how much they can get away with if the gateway with too much they won't respect you anymore and I kind of feel like this is just society these are just women in power as a whole trying to test all the men of society when they come along and say if you're a straight white man you're bad and we'll just doesn't say anything back I think it's just a huge test you know they're waiting for us to say shut up but this is not enough people to do it you do it I do it too many people who don't do it I think what they do is they go okay we go away with let's push the boundaries some more let's see how far we can get do they get to the point where you have white men typing on Twitter all white men are evil yeah we are living again in a very racist society which which is which is very very strange especially my generation you know I was born in the early 70s there was there was no racism anymore and now it's coming back and I can see the difference when I was a kid you know everyone could talk about everyone I mean you could joke about Jews about flags about whites about everyone was the thing it doesn't show how salt people have become like a joke is now like you can use your jaw I mean is extremely hard to guess no one guesses it because I'm part black I'm part Native American and on part white yeah I'll tell you now I got more bigotry directed at me for being heterosexual if I say on a straight man I like to have sex with women I could call misogynist I can't call dangerous are you called a rapist just just for being a heterosexual male who enjoys female company I get called bad names if I said I'm a man who likes sex with men that would be encouraged oh good good tell everyone good where's you know some people will just talk about bigotry the most bigotry you're gonna experience in the world today is if you're an alpha male who enjoys having more than one girlfriend you're going to experience plenty of bigotry and it's crazy to me because this is this is natural human nature the reason I am here it's because a man and a woman had sex the reason you are here this is how the whole world populated and now that is deemed as evil but pointless pessimistic homosexual sex is deemed as progressive that's an amazing thing but it doesn't lead anywhere doesn't create like there's no lobsters don't create the legacy involved it's just it's heaven ISM which is fine I don't see why heaven is about populating the planet or you know a loving family it's really it's really messed up and you know I can get conspiracy theorists and I can come up with my own kind of reasons why all this is happening but there certainly is a link between falling testosterone levels and men between the fact that these nations are being absolutely not really overrun and then trying to feminize men every every chance they get I was saying this earlier to my mom I'll say this literally an hour ago I was talking to her and I'll have to find the picture in fact let me find out my phone right now if I can find it quickly and show you and it was a parenting magazine here it is my image by the way second I lost your I lost your image I can hear you fine but a lot of image okay so look look at this this is the last six months of a parenting magazine the last six episodes of a parenting magazine you can see it clearly on camera but episodes there we have two men a gay couple with kids we have a woman on her own we have two women we have six months in a row on a parenting magazine there is not a single normal family have kids you've got two guys two girls but a bunch of girls it was why can't you just have a normal family now and I think so far with acceptance they've gone into promotion of all these abstract lifestyles you can never see a normal life they probably notice also that their sales are dropping because people don't buy the magazine anymore because no one can can project into an image that doesn't fit you know it's like it's like I'm gonna take a tangent here but it's like you know whenever at least in Western Europe and we're talking about the difference between East and Western Europe but if you go to the West in France in the UK or the u.s. whenever there is an advertising showing a family one hundred ninety percent of the time it's black man with a white woman and this is not is not corresponding to reality and and then they complain they say well oh well people people not buying my brand or like Gillette you know they they they try to show a woman as a man as as as weak and and and really strange behaving and then they will complain that people are not and are boycotting the brand well of course you you're you you're giving the finger to you to your customers absolutely when they they think I think that this signaling of some kind of virtue is more important I say this all the time I say to my mom I said why every single TV show every single TV show I'm all homophobic I have no problem with gay you sure if you want to be gay be gay just remember me and I don't care but I don't see why there must be gay sex in every TV show why do they think okay we're making a TV show we must have a gay person like three percent of the population is gay or something whatever it it's not 100 it's not you're not gonna find it on TV every single group of three people there's some raging homosexual I don't understand why and it's just some kind of weird promotion if they're trying so hard to prove their accepting and they're going on to promoting why not promote a man falling in love with a woman and having some children why not promote the most basic biological thing and this is what the world needs I thought t-shirt the other day I think that's why I might have a band and the future is gay productive members of a society that's the only future there's no future which is it's interesting because there was a novel of science fiction novel of the 70s by author Joe Halderman an American author and he imagined in the in the future maybe a century from now that hundred percent of the people in the world would be gay they would be selected to be gay and that children would be made based on those selections of as well they would be made in in in vats in vacuum in something and and therefore and they say well when when everyone is gay first of all we can control population and then you know no one is no one is fighting anymore because well which is a mistake because he probably never met any lesbian couple but anyway he said no one was fighting in that book and and and therefore they could control population having having everyone ammo sexuals it seems very dystopian but but something's going on even now in the West all of the population levels are declining so we're losing people now yeah we've gone so far with and this is what happens when when countries become developed and I can complain about this behind 32 I'm having kids probably this year but 32 late have your first kid in terms of pile up in biology I could have you to 21 you know so I'm guilty of this as well but you're in the you're in the modern world the Western world you get a career you want money you want fast car you got this you got a lot more choices so do the women and it slows down the reproductive rate and and that's a you know that's just a side effect of economic prosperity which is fine but you also have to do something to combat that I mean because that's what I love this immigrations down to encounter declining population levels and they think oh okay we'll just Latin ignorance well the problem is the immigrants still they still have six or seven kids sure you get out right it's not about you can look at it surely mathematical standpoint if you go look at about politics or ideology all that's by the by pure math is gonna dictate that a hundred years you're not gonna find any white people anywhere I'm a brown guy so I mean a brown guy myself I'm not saying that you know brown is better than white I'm just saying white people left because it's long enough kids you know and this is a reality we live in now you go to Nigerian you know it's crazy and liberals come along and they seem to think we need to let them all in because their own country is terrible but that's that's that's the worst idea ever I'll see you to a liberal the other day and they're saying well if you were then wouldn't you want to leave wouldn't you want to come here and I'll say yeah but the point is is firstly only the most energetic members of society are going to manage to make that trip so the people who are coming here they're not their best and brightest but they're certainly the most energetic and ambitious and you know what do you know as well as I you don't have to be the smartest person in the world if you're ambitious and you're energetic you'll usually find a way to do something you know so you've got people who are ambitious and energetic and good physical health who could go and carry bricks or build a school or do something just bailing on the country leaving the populations over there are still increasing cuz they're having kids faster than we can accept them so you're not fixing any world problems you're keeping the country's poor by taking away all their physical human energy and you're letting in a small fraction which is destroying our society while their population is still increase faster than you can save the others it's just bad this is universally bad it's just like it doesn't make any sense but these people are driven by compassion and lit up driven by logic and they don't use their minds they do use their brains until it's too late and then something terrible happens and like oh now you live in you live in Eastern Europe I think in Romania and you've seen in countries I know well I've been living and working in Eastern Europe most of my life you you've seen different within the the east east and the west of Europe are the main difference in what made you choose to live in Eastern Europe and then let's say stay in the UK there are huge differences I think too many people unless you've actually spent extensive time in both you may not notice that there are huge differences and and the differences are ideological and I have my own theories as to why they are but there's a few things life is harder in Eastern Europe in general at a harder life it breeds a more logical person you know it's easy to be an emotionally driven person when you're born you live in your parents house they buy you a car you go to school you study are like I mean of course you you're the body real trouble really trouble because everyone stressed is relative everyone that's stressed but my point is you're not living the hard we need money today to eat today life and Eastern Europe is people who still do that and when you live that kind of life you're more logically driven you're more sensible secondly Eastern Europe is still more religious than Western Europe and I'm an atheist person but I respect the fact that the best countries in the world were built on Christian traditions I believe the best countries the ruble bill in the Christian traditions so I have respect for Christianity at least up to that point I respect the tradition of Christianity I like the idea of seeing churches around me I respect all of it because if new societies I like so even as an atheist I understand how important it is to have a national identity because we never religion you have a national identity you can rally by when you have an agnostic or an atheist country then you like Allah let them build their mosques we don't care we're not religious before you know it the national religion is another religion because you don't have your own you notice and then you end up like the Western European so they're more religious on top of that I think maybe it's a hangover from communism which is still in recent history but family units are stronger I've been on dates with 25 year old Romanian girls and they say ah I've got me home at 10 my dad said so at 25 you go to England you find a 17 year old girl she's drunk out of her mind after sniffing cocaine 4:00 in the morning shoes off fall asleep in the street yeah because because the families aren't together in the West we think we can police certain things like we think old before you go in the nightclub show your ID you know scan everyone's ID at the door so we have them all on record but you can't police things like societal values and family values you can't police this in Romania you go after Maine you'll see a 17 year old girl go to the club have one drink two drinks max and walk home with grace you go to England you see 22 23 year old girl drunk out of her mind throwing up in the toilet and it's only in England she had to give her ID and Iranian oh I'm cured how else you don't even ask because over there you still have family values families still stick together and this is the thing what is a country a country is a society what society it's all about groups and it all starts with a family a family is at the very basis of a society and then you have a larger group and a larger group it goes off you destroy a family you just wear the fabric of everything I think it eats you your families are still together back you know it may be Sanger from communism I'm on Teixeira days but they're less divorced and people respect their parents more they don't want to upset their parents you know like even in England we have these TV shows in England now with these teenagers go oh wait these islands like they you know TV reality show they go into these islands and they're all [ __ ] each other on TV and stuff I was watching it with one of my Romanian girls she said never in a million years with a remaining girl 17 have sex on TV never she would never be able to walk down the street again wasn't even these girls are famous to come back to Instagram but 2 million followers who are in the newspaper like just we've degraded so far as a society under the name of progressive progressive progressivism and it's just like where is it ditching us you know what are we gaining I don't I don't see the game I think we can still I don't see any gain and destroying families I don't see why that's going to benefit us in any in any way so there's a huge difference between the west and the east and on top of that another thing I think it's a combination of factors for this maybe it's a combination of the fact Soviets turned up and gave him a hard time maybe it's the fact that they were fighting the Ottoman Empire for such a long time but they're more hostile to forums and you know what I respect that take a story man my brother and I were in Moldova next to remain a country puno little snowflakes right yeah well we're in Moldova and and a few remaining guys have done go to Moldova it's a lot more like Russia it's a lot few years behind us and we went anyway sooner brother we went we found some girls and the truth is this Moldovan men know there is zero reason for American men to be there besides women because they're beautiful so and the average wage in Moldova is like 250 bucks a month so be interested or welcome down the street with these three girls and this guy starts screaming to the girls in Russian why are you with American men why youth American men and their argument started before you know it this guy at four of his friends start coming over and then some more guys dial apart and me and my brother was surrounded by these 20 guys luckily we diffused it we were just like look look we can fight we're fighters but 20 against two you know [ __ ] lose so we're like sorry so be supposed to us and left but and too many that's a bad story but in other ways I kind of sit and think this is their country their Moldovan men and they see American men walking around with three of their beauty queens you know we get paid shitload more than them and they're hostile the problems we have because if you tried to go run their citizens over with a truck and then go preach the same ideology the next day in a nice building how long do you think your building would last so I try to respect them for being that way they're more hostile because they've lived a harder life I'm not fine with me you know I understand is their place and I respect their place and I'm a busy and I believe that something against people visiting the West but they should show respect you know and nobody does they just [ __ ] on it and I think that's our fault for being weak and I like to go to countries where they don't let you do that if I try to burn our Romanian flag you should show respect to the places you are that's well I believe anyway no that's interesting now where do you see the West glowing because let's face it for every one person like you or me or you know Paul Joseph Watson or or or others there's there's a hundred that are cooks and that that just bowed down and that do nothing so when you see this going bro I don't like to be a pessimist but I mean I speak to these guys I speak to Paul juice and Watson and stuff and there's a lot of guys who still you know they believe they can turn the tide and I'm trying to I don't want to be a pessimist but I kind of think the fights over in many ways because something drastic would have to happen right now we don't have another 50 years it would have to happen right now and the national sentiment isn't there you have people at Tony Robinson trying to point the truth out and the people he's trying to save are telling them he's a racist this you look him up like it's insane these people are not ready to be unplugged from the matrix so I kind of feel like in many ways in the West especially it's over and it's just going to get worse and worse and worse I don't know what the future is I know that if I was alive in 200 years from now I'd probably be in Singapore or Hong Kong or you know Ukraine or somewhere where they just resist absolutely this globalist mentality that's clever where I'm going to I'd end up and the two degrees yeah I mean I didn't run away to Romania I left England for my own reasons but I I'm not even mad at the at the people who are conquering the West because my view of the world is very much that the week is all I've always conquered they've always been conquered by the strong the strong I'm always won like I'm part Native American so when I'm in America we talk about how the white man stole the Native Americans land and I sit and say no white man won the fight yeah and this is the reality of the world every country border you don't have put embrace into it even in Africa black on black humble country border has been decided by conflict and the winner got the border they wanted so you can't deny that conflict is right to something because it's how the whole world's always worked so is the Native Americans to stop infighting and didn't band together and killed a few settlers when they first turned off or when they started to fight back that was their problem they're too busy fighting each other and got the [ __ ] together smart and they won the fight if you win the fight you win so when I look at the westin I look how weak our institutions are our weak our justice system is our weak our mentality is and I sit I see us being conquered I can't be mad at the conqueror it's like well this is the nature of Earth you know what we're just we just become weak as a society you or me we're one man a one man going through so much society we no longer have any and he's strength left you know we don't even lock people up if they did they do these crazy things and in England you walk around with a knife and your immigrant you go to court and say I didn't know it was wrong cultural differences sorry and you don't you don't go to jail yeah it's crazy and then you want to blame them you gotta blame us if you look at Dubai for example I was in Dubai recently to buy so it's all they buy it's all Indians and Pakistanis and people from other countries do all the work there but they have zero problems when people disrespecting them and zero puddings with crime because they are so stringent do you make apple mistake you lose your visa you make a fool mistake you go to jail for basically forever you respect our land or you leave why have we done the same thing we can still have immigration I'm not saying no immigration I'm not saying no immigrants I'm gonna be gracious I'm saying force them to respect the place they live but we haven't done it and we refuse to do it I'm trying to do it makes you a bad guy me and you were bad people for trying to get some respect for our ancestors but the great men who died in Europe to protect our land we're bad men you know what can we do desperate to be conquered it's funny because I I did I did a video on exactly the same topic last time I was in Abu Dhabi just near next to Dubai and word word for word I think I said exactly the same thing so it's right it's quite funny well because it's it's the reality right now absolutely in you as you may as you may know I am i right best-selling books about survival but not the survival in the woods and and how you [ __ ] on the floor and and and very that and the under the grass it's really how you how you put survival strategies or you know your family your communities whether you should you know move away from the cities in the countryside and build estates and or Oregon change countries things like that now what are your thoughts because I've seen that you're against gun control in in general and and and that is a linked topic what you think about about survival and and indeed if things go bad what you think people should do to prepare and and how actually does this link to what you're also teaching people to do yeah absolutely so the gun control issue if I actually like the idea of living in living in a society without thumbs but I also understand that that's very in America especially I mean the people who preach for gun control America are stupid because the gun saturation is so prevalent that if you outlaw guns that means that people who obey the law won't have guns and criminals who by nature of being criminals don't give a [ __ ] about the law will still have gun stripping away the rights of a law-abiding citizen to protect themselves because everyone's gonna criminals will have such easy access to guns bizarre everywhere banning guns don't make them vanish and people always go oh yeah but in England they ban guns in England they never had a fraction of a percent of the gun saturation to have in America so it's stupid comparison so it's dumb so yeah America you need guns I like the idea of living the society where there are no guns but that's even getting impossible now in countries they're banned there's still shootings don't stop of course you know so the criminals you're a criminal you don't obey laws so making a law against something it doesn't work like you know it's crazy but yeah as for survival man you gotta be anti fragile especially in the world we live in nowadays because even me personally I've had for bank accounts closed about my paypal closed on at six Twitter's ban about you job they ban me everywhere everywhere because I don't know why I said one day but I end up on some list and now there's one abandoned which is fine but it's kind of like I've had to take steps to prepare myself for that and and for a long time I was kind of sitting there thinking how do I learn to live off the grid and like hi and I realized that in the modern world that's nearly impossible so wives got instead is I put myself on as many grids as I can so I did the opposite all you know what they're to take my english passport I love a romanian and an American and an Estonian passport if they're gonna freeze my Estonian bank I'll have an English bank so everything else everywhere about seven driver's license or passport so now I put myself on so many great that it's hard to stop me doing anything so like I have my driver's license taking two months ago I just gave them some random one no you think my Estonian license drive on my Romania you know it's not one I kind of ant you fragile eyes myself like no more green I can think that it's worked pretty well but yeah you gotta be prepared to survive and the reality is especially as a man in the modern world you love it it's down to just your mindset and I know a lot of people teach this and say this but I've loads of guys come to me and I go this is hard that's hard I don't know where everyone want this idea that Mike was supposed to be easy anyway I don't know where everyone got this idea that Mike was supposed to even be fun who said that did you ever get a handbook at the beginning that said life has to be fun you must be happy so maybe you're just exactly I was saying suddenly the boot is don't think that exactly exactly right so maybe we're all here to suffer a little bit and that's what it's all for and I say you need to view yourself as a hero because then the suffering makes sense you know if you watch any superhero movie there's suffering every superhero suckers so if you see yourself as a hero then the suffering has meaning if you give yourself meaning to suffer and the suffering isn't so bad that's the reason I fought I had a react broke bones I you know I cried I was nervous I was scared by suffered for a reason I have rural titles so I say to these people you can either suffer and be somebody or suffer the pain of being a nobody you're gonna suffer so which one do you want you know but we live in a society where they're there cuz they're trying to feminize man and destroy their warrior instinct we left with all these men with just just empty vessels just sad because I'll give you another example I say to one of the why about a guy who like coach 101 and I said the Romans melted rocks made swords and walked in random directions without Google Maps just walked around till they found a village and [ __ ] it up because there's something instinctive inside of men you need to conquer I almost think we need to do that you need something to concrete even objective we need attacks in a mission and you got man without mission is a stop man it doesn't matter if you're climbing Everest it doesn't matter if you're collecting stats through the matter what the [ __ ] you're doing you have to have a mission and there's people out here without missions and this is all down to just the feminization of man and telling men that the more madly they are the worse they are as people and if a man buys into this he ends up miserable because he's miserable book is one he becomes unattractive to females that's the first thing that happens when you become a little [ __ ] you don't get a girlfriend which sucks and secondly you just end up eating up all this propaganda and what's actually scary is just another thing I was arguing liberal about just before about bandits they were I said this to them and they say well yeah that's true but the world would be a safer place if men are you know this toxic masculinity dangerous and I had to completely disagree with them I said you're completely wrong every time there's danger you need a big strong brave man you do not need a man who is versed on gender inequality you do not need a man who marches a feminist rallies you need a man who's ready to do the right thing even though he's scared to do the right thing with water that's the first thing and the second thing is this is a really pissed her off it is the truth men are taught from a young age to control our emotions and women are women are more remote women are more emotionally incontinent than a manís they'll show their emotion quicker and easier and they think by teaching men can be more like women they're gonna have a whole bunch of men who just cry all the time are really soft what are you gonna have our men who are violent we're gonna have school shooting yes rapists you can have men who can't control the other side of their biological urges this is what's more dangerous than anything you show me a man who can't control his emotions that's a dangerous man so this is the thing they think they're promoting something of a thing they're promoting something valuable all they're doing is removing a man's sense of duty and honor and telling him well if you feel like going and raping that chick just give in to your emotions it's a shame Plus if I may say I'm allowed something here but which is which is if if you have to fight an enemy or or even if you have to do business and you're in the team if one guy is emotional and ends up crying on the side he's a liability to to whatever you're trying to do and if you put yourself into a conquering if you're a conquering you know war bad or or or tribe and you you go into place and you have two different kind of guys one guy who says I'm gonna die till my - I'm gonna fight till my last breath to protect my my my tribe and I may lose I may die but I will fight till the end and the other end or you have another guy who says hello please don't kill me and he goes on the side and cries which one you might spare yeah sure sure we'll keep and if you say well you probably you would say to the guy who is fighting I'll say look you found you fought valiantly we want you lost but here's the deal you can join our tribe because we're gonna keep someone like you but not the guy who was crying this is the thing you know I'll tell you God's honest true story I swear to god this is true mostly about four years ago and I don't know argument I don't fight him straight I don't like it professional [ __ ] I don't want to find the street with some guys and the guy and there's three guys it was me and this other guy who I didn't know very well and they started threatening me and the person I was with sorry shake himself getting afraid and in front of these guys who want to attack me I said if you're gonna be a [ __ ] just leave I'll do I'll fight them by myself [ __ ] off because I I'm better by myself than with a coward yeah I don't need a coward beside me he's worth nothing he's he's a liability to me and the fact that I told my friend to [ __ ] off in front of the three other guys made them think well okay this guy's and actually defuse the whole situation yeah by things like but I meant why I said I'd rather be alone than with a cow I think another story is another girl's shoe story this is one week ago I was asleep in bed and it was about 12:30 at night she's in London and I was staying in the house with my girlfriend and my brother was in the other room and the door Bell started ringing 12:30 night dingdong ding-dong she wakes up like was he the [ __ ] sounds like it's 12:30 and night so I go and I knock on the door see I had my door I thought the doors the Trista Trista something's up sign he gets up before jeans on the go downstairs straight to the point man I'm a combative individual I don't [ __ ] know these people are run straight to the kitchen go to knives you look out that we go to the front door we look out the window it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] delivery man who was ringing the wrong door mm-hmm well when we went back to go to bed the girl said to me she goes I loved you and as I watched it was you didn't act scared you didn't take all the plead you just went and got a knife in sympathy because that's the reality of the world [Music] you know they might be trying to break in might be five of them I'm gonna [ __ ] weapon on the Mickey if it was if it was guys I wouldn't meet you're gonna die here and try and intimidate them away the reality but most men nowadays sit in bed [ __ ] themselves this is the reality you know and and I have a sense of honour even if I was sure to die I'd do the same thing what else am I gonna [ __ ] do this is how I've been raised as a man but we've destroyed that in men now no sit in bed and cry with your girlfriend discuss gender equality and send her downstairs it's crazy and you wonder why we're being destroyed by people who come in from another nation you know they're just being overrun with basics we've lost our gender roles we've lost man I'll tell you now watching World War two documentaries is enough to bring tears to my eyes I watched what these people went through you know you washington i watch one the other day about these guys in desert in the desert who walked eight days to try get to french-controlled chad from libya eight days the guy tried to bite his own wrists with his teeth to drink his blood he was so dehydrated and he survived I look now and I see people crying over tweets it upsets me like people have lost their scope of reality in many storms you know it's crazy now when you when you mention indeed your experiences in fight and whether professional or in the street but also you know you you you explain a lot on your on your videos and on your on your on your programs how you approach woman in and for men all of these activities they have one thing in common is that at the start what prevents you to do all of that is fear and you need to conquer your fear and I'm actually writing a book on this and I'll be very interesting to have your your point of view and your opinion Linux on your experience on fear and that fear is [Music] until you experience it you know you don't experience it so fear in many ways it's just anticipation so what you have to learn to do is especially in many situations is understand that what you're anticipating is one unlikely or to not important so if you go to a gladiator okay you're scared of course the outcome can be very very bad if we're gonna approach a girl if you do it respectfully and kindly the worst that can happen is she says go away that's the worst but people liked it they build themselves up and they anticipated this is where the fear comes from what is this what is this nothing Bad's gonna happen but they just have this anticipation about it me and Tristan have this rule thing I've heard other people say this before but if you we see a girl we now we've trained ourselves it takes five we train ourselves if I see a girl I want to approach I do so within two seconds I see a girl back cuz if you sit you think about it you end up being off who's that person maybe their boyfriends over there oh she's talking about she's on her phone now maybe and then you just [ __ ] that never happens so it's like I've learned now that my book to girls excuse me sorry I don't interrupt them sorry you were absolutely beautiful if I say that it's very difficult or to say to be negative yeah thanks thank you bond with my boyfriend okay no problem which wouldn't say that nice to me it was a positive interaction she bought a compliment she said thanks everything's fine people anticipate these weird scenario so what's happened is guys have gone up to girls and they had a bad experience and it's just shaking their confidence forever but what's crazy is this the girl you went up to she forgot all about the experience choosing and remember it so you're upset by something she doesn't even cross her mind ever again so it's a non-event like what do you upset about who cares I mean I get stupid before everyone has but the girl the girls happens to them so often it doesn't even stick in their mind so you just caught me like yeah you're beautiful opportunities are beautiful and that's what all fear is it's anticipation of something that's really not important you know you got to learn to just get rid of the ego a little bit and be like whatever you're never gonna have a hundred percent success rate who you are you know you just copy be yourself fellowship you hold as long as you're respectful what's the worst that can really happen that songs about and you're in your different business ventures how do you well obviously the combat the the fighting is as you described but how do you how would you put that into the business when you start a business how does the how do you know we know and I've had this this is myself you know how we can be scared well I don't know it scared is the world but sometimes we we anticipate as you said the you know the cash flow projections problem and the I don't know the permits the the law etc etc so how do you tame that so what I try and do is whenever I try and start anything now is I try and start it as he balls broke and the reason is this I tried lots of businesses when I had no money and when they failed as most of them did I only lost time the time is important but you lost a bit of time but what happens is when you start to make money then you start launching things and you start losing money you can't lose money if you don't have you know so when I was successful with my first business I started with no money now if someone comes to me does I want to start a business okay how can we do it for zero euros zero oh but we can't there must be a way find a way or as little as possible and the way I do I do that because I believe many good ideas will find a way to float themselves if I start a coffee shop and it's gonna be a successful coffee shop and I started on bare minimum money after a month I should have made enough money to pay for the thing to pay for the rim if I start a coffee shop but I need to put in one hundred thousand to keep it open then then what then what am i doing just so my view of business now is very much like I get a lot of people who come to me and they say ok we need this much money for this look if it's a good idea we don't need any money if it's really a good idea or a fair enough you might to rent a premises or something you know where I'm coming from people especially I think business is not dangerous when you're broke because you have nothing to lose business is dangerous when you're in the middle and you can lose all the progress you've made yeah this is where the mistakes come in so I mean I'm not super wealthy or anything but now on that point where I try and say yeah I'll start anything but I'm super reluctant to put my money into something I'll try hard you know we're all do just not what it takes I've done crazy things bro I've started new limited companies to get leases knowing that if I don't make money understand Stangl beliefs whole company go under this three-year lease I'll pay one month and if it doesn't work out go through this company which I'm just going to close put more money and maybe next month more money I'm very logical I'm great I played chess for a long time my dad was a chess grandmaster I played chess as a kid so I like to look at the world with a very logical point of view what's the best move to make if after a month we have not made a penny then you know what maybe I should try somewhere else so that's I think that's the biggest thing people need to do you need to dedicate your time and stuff but a lot of people seem to think you need all this money to start a business and especially on the internet you need very little yeah you're gonna do an online business you really don't need much you know you need you may have to learn some things yourself you know or you might have to find a student who hasn't got much money we'll do it cheap but there's always a way 50 grand you wouldn't need to do that just shill for those who listen to us this was excellent advice I've been I've been and I still am business owner of a few businesses and I you know when you're young don't spend money starting your business just do it make this advice is excellent when you're my age 47 you may say that then time is more precious than money so then I couldn't lose as much time as before it's a different different story but certainly when you when you want to start business is young and probably your attitude is better if it keeps even even when you'll be all like me but because because if you if you don't have that discipline to not you know to not take that financial risk you you will end up with the financial risk and you will end up pouring and having enough in these money losing businesses there are so many people end up in through thank you do what you have you have to be ice-cold about it man like a lot of people it's easy to get emotionally yes so much work in I put so much time in but for me I am very much like I don't care of myself Sam I don't care of myself bricks I don't care what it is my emotion is about how much money's at the end that's my emotion so if something's not working it's not working that you have to be that way sometimes you got to be strong with yourself I know it's hard to come up with ideas and such you may think we'll this the only idea I have but if it's not a winning idea it's not a winning idea you know but yeah I mean there's a lot of people on Twitter especially who say like don't have a job ana-lucia I don't agree that there's nothing wrong with having a job but I think especially now in the age of the Internet I think anybody can start our YouTube channel for pennies storms saying something of value start offering a little product at the end you can always find a way you know to build an audience cork some attention and do well these are things that cost nothing you know so I think there's always a way if you have that enterprising spirit I've tried a thousand things that they were I'm lucky I didn't I didn't lose any money you know I just I just tried things and didn't work if I needed I did it on the bare minimum doesn't have any money so I didn't have any money to lose so I was completely broke so I've tried lots of other things that didn't work but and I think back now happy I didn't have money because if I had money I would have lost I would've lost the same boat or lost a bunch of money thinking if I put money into work and most times it doesn't you know great ideas don't often really that need money that often you know especially with online stuff so yeah that's why I say about business there's nothing wrong with having a job nothing wrong start something on the side the Internet's a fantastic resource you can do a lot of stuff online but yeah just try and do it as cheap as you possibly can and you gotta be ruthless in this game you know as well as I do Buffy Brewster sometimes man it's not easy it's certainly not easy to make money nowadays but sometimes you gotta be ruthless sometimes you hire staff and everything's going well but there's just no money there you just gotta be like sorry undertake thank you very much where can people learn more about you so I had a twerp about band this morning so the best the best place to go is my youtube I hope you that'll be around for a while it's not that big but it's Tate's speech me the play on hate speech I was actually I have an email about that from the British authorities for having an opinion not allowed to have an opinion over here um yeah so Tate speech on YouTube and my website is Cobra Tate calm on the Cobra Taylor calm like you said we have the courses and I actually teach a very unusual business I know but it made me a lot of money which is the webcam business I made quite a lot of money with web caning and how old that goes I mean I could talk about that forever but in fact I will skip a final point on it I find it quite interesting that all the problems we've highlighted in this podcast I've actually contributed to how I've made my money like beta males are the males who spend money online for female attention and I had a business where women would sit and talk to men online so it's actually quite interesting to me how they all benefiting me financially in the end you know we're in a strange way I'm all saying I'm glad the world's this way but I positioned myself there you know I mean with webcaming it's not all because you have a lot of guys who just you know want to sit there and chill and talk and uh you have loads of young men 19 20 never had a girlfriend their lives you know just sitting there sending away their inheritance money and it's just it's really crazy and that's how I made my first amount my first large amounts of money and I teach that business as well on my on my website so if you can make money that way you can make money anyway I guess that shows shows that you're the right place at the right time it can be done so excellent thank you very much and we'll talk again absolutely
Channel: Piero San Giorgio
Views: 50,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piero San Giorgio, Andrew Tate, Survive, Personal Development, Fear, Big Brother, Kickboxing, Entrepreneur, Mindset
Id: LL1hTeyEb0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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