Interview with Kickboxing Champion Andrew Tate

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hi everyone PD Mangan here and I'm here with Andrew Tate who's a world kickboxing champion graciously agreed to my interview and I'm really happy to have a lot welcome Andrew coming on thank you very much I'm glad the beer so so Andrew you can correct me if I'm going off of what I read on Wikipedia and and he's from remember you saying online mainly on twitter andrew is a three time old kickboxing champion and he is 31 years old he is from originally from Chicago Illinois in the United States and he currently lives in mania although he's coming to us from Copenhagen Denmark today so absolutely Andrew what first of all about your your origins you you grew up in Chicago and your father was a chess master it's so yeah so so what what I'm wondering this is Lisa the question that becoming a kickboxing champion seems like an unusual deviation from the you know from having a father as a chess master and and so I I would have guessed that you would have been expected knowledge for example I assume if I'm wrong then you had a more or less middle-class upbringing so so how did that all work out yeah so I I actually started with chess so I started in following in my father's footsteps I was a state chess champion for Indiana some age of 12 or 13 so I was I was a chess kid as it goes so I played a lot yes from a very very young age and I think chess is actually probably the foundation for a lot of my beliefs in life and I know it's a bit cliche compare life to a board game but chess is one of those things where all of the responsibility for the victory or be lies firmly on your shoulders you never hear someone talk about because of that it's you and only you and if you're victorious it's because you saw something your opponent didn't see and if you lost it because you missed something and all of the responsibility lies from down your shoulder when I started with chess very young to me it was very easy to transition into something like fighting where's it one-on-one there's no team involved it's a hunt and personally responsible but to me all the things I found appealing in chess I actually found appealing and fighting so to me they are quite similar forms of war as such so yeah I start with chest and then we I grew up I she grew up just outside of Chicago in the very top of Indiana and Gary in the end which is the murder capital of the world time the murder half of America at the time much so I grew up there and then we moved to England dad split up when I was about 12 so when I moved to England my chest career kind of finished because I lost my coach and then I moved over to the kickboxing side of things and um that's it I started fighting I never intended on being world champion I just intended on fighting and things happen and I come and you win and or you know it you know you're fighting for world titles so that's how it all worked out right well so that's that's interesting because I play a little chess though know where you're at any you know gastic level and and also the but you know my favorite spectator sport is boxing so you know it's interesting similarities there yeah individual sport so you said I believe that you're 16 years old when you when you first first went into a kickboxing gym or started kickboxing or something like that in and you know what what got you into them why why kickboxing - did you did you see people kick boxing did you did you know people or or were you interested in in get your building fighting skills for real life or how to network yeah I mean best left a massive void in my life when when when my dad stayed in America me and my mom and everyone went England England doesn't have any of the chess scene that America has they don't have any of it's not in schools - no tournaments all the things existed in America I was a big part didn't exist in England so for a few years I was adapting to the new country and such and then I knew I want to do something with my time something constructive I actually started playing drunk I just picked up a drum kit and start playing drums but annoyed me that if I was going through life and I told someone I can play the drums they say okay shown you can I say well I can't cuz I don't have a drum kit I don't have drumsticks there's all these things I needed and it sounds stupid but in all sports if you play football you need a ball you need a net you need a team that I thought I learned to fight is something I always have with me my hat which was the basic motivation for it I didn't really care about kickboxing boxing mixed martial arts nothing it's just by complete coincidence gym I walked into was a kickboxing gym and that's how it went I walked in there and I said I want to learn to fight and my coach is a Bosnian Special Forces he fought in the Yugoslavian flicked he's been shot eight time interesting guy he said well okay let's go and that was it and from there it was just a brutal twice a day it's three or four hours a day just brutally and I just stuck with it when most people wouldn't and um ended up winning some fights so that's how when I start at age of 16 I became a world champion for the first time at 23 and then I want my last four at 2800 explains quite a long time well that's awesome so so getting getting into that what what sort of you know I can imagine some some young men going into a gym like that in a kickboxing gym and you know getting getting their ass kicked and and then thinking well you know maybe this isn't for me and so you know what what does it take what kind of persistence what do you have to be telling yourself to you know to go from a beginning kickboxer to to becoming a champion a few years later and this and this is among reference back to chest once again this is what and where I'm skirt-chaser well or even if you need a coach oh you even need a peer to tell you somewhere along the line you made a mistake you can't lose in chess without mistakes so you'd go back to the drawing board you'd analyze everything you try and find the mistake and this was always my mindset towards anything I walked in there I've got my ass kicked and I left and thought now why did I lose well I need well I got tired okay I need to run why one oh he hits harder than anything stronger he's faster than me his his jabs quicker than mine he said and I just broke it down for why am I losing um and when you when you look at life that way you construct it and you break it down into the rise you know what the battle plan is I see this all the time like on Twitter and stuff you're like all my life [ __ ] my life's [ __ ] I'm like why look like oh because x2 I said and I'm like well if you know why it [ __ ] you already know what the problems are why are you coming to me for advice but what do you want me to do about it you know what the problem is you know I'm overweight why I don't know well you eat too much I need to go to the gym you know why you're overweight you just don't wanna do anything about it so with me my whole mindset from a very young age is working out where the mistakes are made and rectify them and and in my first day in the kickboxing gym I got knocked out clean it sleep but um I was back the next day with my gloves saying look [ __ ] you ass in Tyler was the person and I just didn't want to give up that easily you know I've never been the kind of person to give up on something I really want to do and I knew if I applied myself I'm a firm believer in hard work and that was it really just quitting didn't cross my mind at any point the absolute truth it never even crossed my mind so that's that's awesome I I was thinking yeah you know a long time ago I used to play chess with a guy just just fun game this guy was really good and he beat every time and and he told me something he once he said you know to get good at chess you really have to want to win and and you know and I thought yeah you know I guess is just a fun pastime and and you know and that's that's why I lose yeah so so I can see where we're you you know you're talking about they're in kickboxing yeah you really you want it you want to win absolutely that's the great thing about fight sports is that you can't pass to fight sports like you're either gonna get your ass whooped your whole life or you're gonna be doing the ass whupping because one does wonders right they're gonna do it you need to do it you know so I decided I was gonna be a fighter and I decided I don't want to get my ass kicked as simple as that you know in the gym I mean I've had plenty of injuries you know I've lost fight something I've been hurt in the gym all those through it but you just have to have that that attitude towards reflection and reconstruction and self analyzation and and no room for self-pity because that's where it goes exactly what you said about people wanting to quit they quicks they feel sorry for themselves they go I went the gym they're better than me they beat me I can't go poor me poor me and that I never I've never had that mindful I've never had before me mindset not for me guy so it's always like okay they beat me wrong I'm gonna done to change some things I'm gonna go beat them you know and this is just the way I was really raised I was raised with this with this you know maybe maybe it's the chest maybe it's the nature of chess and chess tournaments and the way I self-analyze or maybe it's just you know my upbringing Dutch but it was never a poor me situation it just didn't exist in my household it's just wasn't the thing it was that rough this happened to me poor me it was this happen to me well I'll do something about you know and just how it's always always been to me it comes so naturally I find it amazing this men especially more than women living their lives up there with this self-pity and this hanging on the shoulders I think what how can you exist in that mind frame I don't understand how you can be even be remotely happy with yourself the existing that way well okay that's interesting that gives us a good segue into what I want to talk about what you wrote on Twitter the other day about basically you you you said a lot but but I think the the the important thing to my mind was he talked about self-pity and excuses and how how people have had this self-pity and excuses so now what what you just said was you were raised that way you you know you you you were you never thought otherwise and so what what okay so we're gonna be hopefully a lot of men will be watching this this video that we're doing here and you know what would you say to somebody who you know who's had this mindset their whole life who said well I I can't do this because of you know like you say XYZ because of this excuse or or that and you know what would you say to them how can you use that mindset what do you do the key the key is this first thing you need to do is you need to find people who do not listen to your excuses like if I ever tried to say an excuse to my dad or anyone look you just look at me like so you know like that's like that matter I'm even even when I was fighting I thought I was fighting out pretty for my fight I had a really bad ankle I [ __ ] my ankle up and I couldn't run properly I said to a mirror like my coach I said I can't run probably my ankle that uh he goes okay let's just call your opponent and tell him that you know you have an excuse so he has to go easy on you because he isn't going to he isn't gonna give a [ __ ] about all your excuses if I get in the ring with him and he aims to kill me or hurt me as bad as you can he's not gonna pull a punch or think I better not hurt him because because he couldn't train probably he doesn't care and life is the same all your excuses do not change life hitting you as hard as it can get you your excuses carry zero weight and these people who are excuse makers they have these holy of these support networks of people around them who listen to their excuses oh I can't do this right cuz that's why I said yeah it's true you need someone to say no you can do it you just don't want enough this is the absolute excuse me makers have become in the habit of using excuses because of people who will listen and I've never had anyone who listened to my excuses and life is exactly the same I say to people all the time you know people go oh yeah but this this this this and and they have their reasons for whatever and I just sit though you know you can sit and we use weight weight loss for an example I when I was training I had lots people ask about weight loss these things I don't know I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as you about nutrition and all that stuff I just trained my ass off and ate clean I didn't know the ins and outs of people go oh yeah by Canton's late because this this and I say look you know if you ate less cat you worked as hard as I do in the gym you would not be that size that that's a fact so you can come at me with all your excuses about how you have no time and your fire in others [ __ ] or you do it because some people they just see the result they just see someone who's in shape or someone who's not in shape they don't look at you and see all your excuses and all your [ __ ] that no one's interested no one time to listen to them so you just have to push forward and be successful regardless so wide Sage's to the excuse makers is next time you catch yourself using the excuse for something pay attention to who's listening to you because there is still in taking your garbage you coming with your excuse come at me with your excuses and we'll see how long they last because the truth is I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care I'm not interested you either want to do it or you don't want to do it and if you really want to do it you'd be doing it already so this is my my belief system completely in art Lee especially on Twitter it looks people saying I really want to do this but I say no you don't because if you really want to do it there wouldn't be a buck there wouldn't be a buck you'd already be doing it you know so these people because they just get in the habit of having people take this mindset hey you're right you don't have to a G X because of your excuse and it's garbage it's [ __ ] and and and the point in my thread was we're all on the same human time scale you know we're no lucky lift 80 miss Nighy you know you've got a certain amount of years and how many years you're gonna spend same excuses and praying that you know people gonna believe you it's okay you either gonna do it or you're not gonna do it and and then it's gonna be the end so what what the [ __ ] you waiting for that was that was the point the thread really right right yeah you know I think that's the best this tremendous because I just just regarding you know using myself use example and how I've got life you know these these kind of excuses like like this happens because this someone is someone is overweight because of this reason or something like that you know this is it's just totally pervasive in society as a whole right and and if you know mice myself it's only been in the last you know let's say ten years or so that I've you know really with the advent of the internet I suppose come across people like yourself who have this this attitude you know in in most cases it's just you know you grow up you you go to college you get a job and you know you go through life and you don't aspire for much more as long as you're making a decent living pervasive the word you use pervasive I love because that is absolutely correct and it translates across everything it translates across everything I know I I have some some beliefs that people call me crazy for like I say you know I've had people come in so I'm depressed and I like well I you know I'm depressed that's why I'm the fat lonely guy with no girlfriend say no do not took you're not you know you're not fat and lonely because you're depressed you're depressed because you're fat and lonely you've got the wrong way around you know and what you're using is depression as an excuse a facilitator to avoid going to the gym to avoid fixing your life because now you have a ready-made fully packaged excuse that Western society buys a heart be or where he can't do anything about his life depressed oh this kid doesn't one of the hey be has ADHD or this person doesn't want to do this you know it's all these prepackaged excuses that people didn't pull out their part and say this is my reason for doing my life's wrong and it's garbage I refuse to believe any of it I'm sorry I refuse to believe any of it you know it's completely down to you to build the life you want to make when I had my my twitter account a tweet on my brother's now and I had mine Herbert I'm terrified that the internet went knocks when I said I believe in depressing situations and I believe in feeling depressed but I also believe that it's down to you to fix it I don't believe that pumping pills all day is gonna fix that problem I believe that you need to change your scenario so you're in a scenario that makes you happier when I said this basically I basically said clinical depression as its current yeah the footage sold is this big evil monster that comes out of nowhere I don't believe that [ __ ] most people are depressed or just living lives are unhappy with the world went nuts people were going crazy so desperate to defend their mindset I'm and I'm saying I think immediate thinking why are you so desperate to defend the thing you say cripples your life you say depression cripples your life and you are desperate to defend it you're desperate convince me that is real and convince me how dangerous it why are you sticking up for this city this is what's ruining you you know if you were half a man and they're coming and you're suppose you depressed you wouldn't you'd fight against it with everything you've got you'd say [ __ ] depression I'm going to [ __ ] depression I'm doing you fight back instead you're sitting at your computer typing at me a happy person telling me I need to change how I think this craziness to me and it's because people religiously defend their excuses it religiously defend their ability to absolve responsibility if they have a way to get rid of the responsibility and pass it on to someone else they'll defend that with everything they've got because it's because if they can't defend that they have to face the reality and they have to look in the mirror they're gonna be really really pissed off so they need to just go oh no my life since I'm a black person from the ghettos of my life's pad I'm half black I grew up in Gary Indiana my life on that oh I'm you know I'm from exceed your mother icepad so was i for a large portion of my life but I've heard every excuse and it's all [ __ ] and people just want to keep him as his blanket to hide under and that's why I don't use to buy them I refuse to fire them absolutely and Western society you use the perfect word pervasive it's absolutely through and through everything people do it's just just tinged with this oh but I can't because but but [ __ ] garbage garbage that's that well that is a fantastic Andrew I agree the thing about depression you know that I posted something myself recently I wrote an article a while back about depression being physically being inflammatory right where is this information come from basically diet exercise sleep and so on so these are all ways that you can you know you can take care of it and you know and I get this pushback they say no no it's a chemical imbalance in the brain and so this is this this you know they are wedded to this idea because this is one of the prepackaged excuses a depression the reason depression is so violently defended is because depression is a universal excuse for everything depressions do all questions to cure all excuse for why you're out of shape why your marriage is falling apart why you're an idiot why you're broke why you ain't paid your mortgage why you don't go to oh every every single bad thing in your life you can pull out the one cure-all excuse freshen that's why it's so violently defended and even the point you made about about diet and implemented inflammation of course if you're fat you're eating [ __ ] you're not training that and and this is my exact point depression as it's currently taught is that you can be going through your life and your life can be perfectly fine and absolutely out of nowhere for no reason from the sky something's going to [ __ ] your brain to a level we can't function I don't believe that and if that was the case if it was the case the way they're teaching it in the Western world depression will be universal across the human species how come those countries where no one has this garbage and it's something that you can't help and it's nothing to do with your environment nothing to do your diet nothing to do with your mindset why are your in countries where they eat good and they don't live in a victim culture are they not all depressed explain that to me it's something that's been manufactured and people just don't want to accept this but this is their cure-all excuse there are people going through their lives and their feel against all criticism they ever receive is depression that's their shield why why is X Y Z wrong with your life I'm depressed Lester shield they don't wanna lose their shield when you point out they need to eat better and loads the gym and look after themselves no no no that can't possibly be true no they they neither shield no it's not my fault it's come on no Aaron and my life's just been crippled by this terrible thing garbage absolute garbage man and it's pervasive and depression depressions abortions are great ones as a cure-all for everything but there's worse things like I my own and this is a family issue one of my cousin's got diagnosed with ADHD or one of these disorders or something and I said if it's my cousin and I said to my uncle I said if you were raising him the way dad raised me his ass wouldn't be talking back I'm telling you you can say he's got whatever he's gone well he had put his hand in fire cuz you know he's gonna get burned he ain't repeatedly put his hand in fire he knows it's a consequence he's living life without consequence now he's act like a little [ __ ] maybe your consequences for acting a certain way he might think twice that's how I see it like new Colossus excuse to your kid to be an idiot you expelled from school we need to drop the garbage your [ __ ] discipline your child this is craziness man it's craziness it really is the scourge of the Western world I have a meet you on on the world because I live in Eastern Europe which is a former it was a communist country you know in the 90s it's only 25 30 years ago and there's certain hangovers from communism which are still there is technically a poor country etc etc but things like discipline things like gender roles things that all these things are still very firmly in place no one there is just there's no victim culture there is no or we're all depressed there is no kids acting like idiots there's none of this [ __ ] because family units are still together and and you know you can't you can't the [ __ ] your dad's in the smack you in the mouth so it's just like you know like in the Western world we've forgotten so many important things we've gone so far off track and they're all interlinked everything from the excuses to why marriages are breaking down town kids are being raised everything is interlinked and it's all falling apart and I find it amazing especially like when Twitter to me I say is like a social experiment I can scroll through Twitter old lade see some of the garbage people tweeting I'm like do people think like this look is this a people glute leg lid and you read some of these things like oh you can't do this you can't do that and we have we have people out there now trying to rewrite human history and the way humans have always been raised my dad's if I [ __ ] up my dad hit me now people can say that's wrong I'm happy with who I am in the life I live and I'm happy I was here he didn't beat me wasn't abusive but if I [ __ ] up I'll go here and people are saying that that's completely wrong I sit and I just wonder I think throughout the half a million years of human history kids have been getting hit throughout the 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s kids got hit everyone was fine wall still here we still push forward we still went to the moon we still built all these great cities I know you want to come along now and say that all of human history is wrong and we can't discipline kids anymore you think you know better like like real you know there's anyone else seem to disconnect here okay oh [ __ ] I think III think that you know what one thing in the Western world as opposed to Eastern Europe where you are is that you know in a sense we have a luxury of being able to do that we you know in Romania you said 25 30 years ago the communist country there's you know leftover poverty and so on and you know that poverty imposes discipline you know and when when you can when you can do what you want when you can lead a life of in discipline when you have your excuses and you and you suffer a few or no consequences from this as far as well still got my job or I still got the you know welfare check coming in or what have you then you know then it's going on so um you know so you you went into you went into kickboxing and you you persisted into and eventually becoming world champion well what would you say to someone who well let me put it this way obviously a lot of other guys would kick boxing right and they didn't all make it yeah and so there there's you know there's some level of talent innate skill I I don't know how you look like you're very big I don't know how tall you are but yeah you got you gotta have some of that so what what do you say not not just in kickboxing but in any field of endeavor somebody somebody really wants to do something but maybe they don't have the talent is is another excuse or how do you see it in her valid talent certainly helps but I'm telling you it doesn't matter whether it's golf it doesn't with his kickboxing does matter whether it's chess anything else 95% of his hard work there is no talent without hard work you can't realize talent an hour because even if you're gonna argue that I'm more talented than someone else that's fine but we have to have both them the same hard work to realize that if I've done hard-working this guy eight years Palin you know so so tablet is talent is a slight edge after the hard work so people say this to me a lot like people to Auto take you have money because you you're lucky you're a fighter my love lucky I'm a fight that's easy chocolate mean I'm lucky I'm a fighter eating getting up and running and training and breaking bones and literally risking my life and losing ten kilos in a week and all these bushes is easy like people don't like connect but all you have you challenge it I say how would I know I'm talented unless my [ __ ] trained for all these you don't know these things so absolutely I think the difference between those who are truly successful in something and those who are a lot of it's down to just the basics of your life in order like I am I one of my biggest assets is is my brother I'm very lucky to have two my brother me my brother are closer even than twin brothers we work together we live together we train together we share a bank account we'll never live apart like and and I was always lucky to have someone like that because I always had that masculine energy around me to keep me focused on the right things like am I split up with a girlfriend or something nothing could distract me from my mission you know me my bro we're always getting stuff done so I was lucky in general a lot of its down to just who you surround yourself with how you view your life and your and your priorities and your relationships and stuff you know the number one thing I've seen from a lot of fighters who fall off he's just shitty girlfriends man I've seen too amazingly talented dudes just just lose careers cuz the girlfriends interview and she's giving him stress and he's trying to keep the relationship work in and this is sometimes I say I say things about girls and women and stuff and things on Twitter but I've seen it I've seen I've seen probably the number one thing I'd say that ruins my career especially can can be a toxic relationship because distress you're under you're a very masculine environment is very testosterone fueled then you're under huge stress for your upcoming fight and then your girlfriend wants attention too and it could all just spiral down into nothing so there's a lot of little things but just me personally I always have my house in order I always had my priorities in check you know I I always just decided you know I'm gonna fight it's going to be the number one thing I do I'll never have anything else that equals this and boy in regards of importance because it's my life it's my health by safety is everything so I want you screwed at prioritizing like guests and it's the same with everything if you prioritize something you're going to do well at it it doesn't matter what it is if your number one priority in the world is scuba diving you're gonna do a lot of scuba diving you know who put it in Vince if it's better with seven or eight you ain't gonna get much done so it really is just down to just just just prioritizing and I think a lot of people in fact I'm gonna say this now what a lot of people want they don't want what they think they want they want the benefits of what they be saving long so I've realized like people come to me and go I'd love to be a fighter and I say no you wouldn't oh yeah what I'd love be able to fight and say that's not true cuz you don't fight so it's not true like oh yeah but I'd be able to do X Y Z I feel more confident than se yeah yeah but you don't fight so what you want is all the benefits without any of the hard work and and what's crazy about days there's not a single skill in the world where I wouldn't take the benefits without the hard work or something to come along like the matrix and plug my brain in say do you want to know how to be a [ __ ] freestyle ice skater well yeah sure click the button in the act and ice skate now but I don't want enough to go and learn it you know I'm coming front this is how people are people I want the betting I want they think but they don't want any of the war and everything else that goes into the benefits which is which is a garbage mindset because if that's the case I want all the benefits of everything I wish I could play basketball and all these others [ __ ] stupid things I'm not gonna do and you could just download it it doesn't mean anything it's easy if it's easy everyone can do it the only reason they have values because they're difficult to attain the stories they have any value and people don't want to do that connection like I wish I could fly it was I believe you want to be able to fight without ever training that means everyone can fight so then who gets to [ __ ] does it mean anything anymore you know like the difficulty is is well it gives the value to the skill and and people are so shunned from the difficulty there so like shying away from the difficulty but they still want the skill and they don't understand that the skill don't have a value for this in the other way I'm at a consensus for my rambling do you know you're totally making sense I think it's a great point I think you you're really putting putting this the idea of talent into perspective that it's only developed by the hard work and you know maybe if you're talking about you know I don't know what if you're going for an Olympic gold medal and everybody's everybody's trained equal if you're in the top 0.1% of the elite you know yeah you can say well yeah maybe that guy's got an edge because he was born with it but anything else you know you're talking about you you you and even even at that level the night they did the 99.9% hard work to get to that point so acai I think that's a great plane and I think that you know people you know I did I I don't really haven't really those turns i you know but i i think you're right i you know you gotta you've got to just you know that you've got to do the hard words you to develop the talent I think that's rotten you got a grind out for a long long time to find out if you're talented you know you got to you gonna do a good ten years of hard work before you can even look back at me am i talented or not you got first know and and people but I want the work and and the number one thing man is for me personally I see a lot of people on Twitter I'll be message me and they say all these things they want and they don't understand that it's the basic is facing economics Gold is valuable because it's hard to attain like having a nice body is valuable because it's hard to have a nice body if you can have a nice party at the click of a half then no one would give a [ __ ] so all these relate I want this I want this but if they don't want to work for it well that's that you're trying to defy the law of capitalism and economics along with being lazy like that's just not gonna happen all the things you want only have a value because they're hard to get and and that's and that's not going to change the second they become easy the debt in the future when they invent a pill that gives us all six-packs no one's going to give a [ __ ] how it I totally totally I just need total agreement area yes everything valuable is valuable because it's scarce because it's hard to get otherwise otherwise it wouldn't be valuable I mean that this is what you know people who try to make excuses for the way they are like saying but basically long lines of this way that I am or the way people are is just as good as the other thing you know it's totally illogical because it isn't just as good things that are more common are less valuable and and the thing the things that are more valuable take hard work or like you say gold that perfect example is valuable because it's scarce and this is the Western Wall but this is the Western world we're all the same it's all the same but I don't know about an America but while it's in English they're trying to convince people that B in fact isn't unhealthy you know you could be fat and healthy you cannot be morbidly obese and as healthy as someone who's not morbidly obese I don't give a [ __ ] what you say or what [ __ ] sign should I pull out that's not possible let's run 100 meters and let's see if you want your bowl a little bit uh theory to the test let's go do it you know like it's good but they just took everyone's the same everyone please because people completely absurd everything must be fair and it's not the same life's not fair and that's that [ __ ] people being the same and things being fair actually completely different two people can can attempt the same thing fairly and one can fail and one could succeed but if someone succeeded say they look at them ago well that's not that's not fair that's not fair and they try and drag him down again it's just really it's a crazy mindset and the most dangerous thing about it is that only exists in the West if you go to China where they're building all our stuff but they have all these huge factories and stuff you think you can walk around there and say I'm depressed you can walk around there and say oh that's not fair there no one gives a [ __ ] it's that's how it is see what I learned to swim you know and just and there's people out there who are surviving on even in Romania where I live the average wage is about $500 a month and the prices really aren't too different America like the price of a can of coke or price of a meal it's not too different people are [ __ ] surviving man and they surviving the houses they got cars there reason good we're a good shape they go to the gym their nails done I'm like how the [ __ ] because it because they don't they're not waiting for anyone to come save I'm not waiting for a politician to give them a tax break they're not waiting for a welfare check they're not blaming the Republicans that are Democrat who does just like it's down to me that is what I got you gotta make it good you gotta make it do you know and it's really it really is crazy if all mine says is strangest fare mine saves is completely our analogy I like to use when I had my old trip when I was getting constantly attacked pillows verified once your verify on Twitter it becomes a completely different place because you can select to only see interactions from other verified people so all the verify people are constantly [ __ ] and arguing each other although nobody blue checks and no one's heard enough a constantly bucket pickering so as soon as I got their phone I studied all these assaults for me weird like feminists and he's [ __ ] weird people and I'm like I I made a point is that I've you ever played the video game The Sims ever played the beginning I have never played it no video game we build a little person and you make him move around whatever and you choose the little person's attributes at the beginning of the game and I'm saying if life was the same as this video game if you can choose your attributes the beginning nobody would choose to be fat weak in you know lack confidence no choose any of these things all the things that one are saying are okay now it's normal to sign it's okay if you had the choice you would all choose to be big tall strong confident individual none of you would choose that the life you're currently living and what they're trying to do is instead of rectified there they're the things are not happy there rectify their problems with themselves they want to put a spin on it and convince the world that it's good it's good to be obese it's good it's good to be it's good to be depressed it's good to be to lack confidence it's good to be this it's normal it's normal there's something wrong with you Andrew because you're toxic we mask your that you have the problem you'd have any some point in the finger the other way and if really if people of people were given a choice from the offset no one would choose to live all these no one would choose to be fat unhappy lonely and depressed no one would tick those boxes so when these people are trying to put a spin on it and convince the world that it's normal I don't buy it for a second I mean I refuse to buy it and I just don't buy it this is probably why I pissed so many people off I won't even entertain their [ __ ] for half a second they're like oh yeah I brought my bed okay don't care nobody haven't heard me don't wanna hear so don't give a [ __ ] don't care I can't stand it but yeah pervasive the word you use man perfect word perfect yeah right right it's okay I was thinking about this this idea of some people have you know what the psychologists would call in an internal locus of control versus an external locus so so an internal locus I I mean I can already better example but you you you know you you you believe that you know everything depends on yourself nobody's coming to save you you know it's like like the people you're talking about in Romania that make five hundred dollars a month but they're getting by because they know nobody's coming to save them it's all up to them and and versus the external locus of control which is all these conditions around me are affecting how I am and what I'm able to do and so on I I think in in the you know in the Western world this is the more more again that were pervasive that it's a shift to the external leap and so I you know I find most crazy when you speak of of control one of the very few things you have control over in this world because we we can't control very much like even even we can we can do our best to maintain healthy but you can still be unlucky you have a brain hemorrhage you can still get hit by a car game and control your personal safety you can't control you can't control the weather you can't control if your company you work for is gonna shut down you can't control if the government's going to change always one of the only actually have control over is your state of mind this one's a few things you can affect directly in real time you can wake up pissed off and sad and you can brush your teeth and you can make a coffee and go you know what [ __ ] yeah I'm not sad I'm gonna [ __ ] man and you can baby you can do that and people they know you can I said yes you can that's one of the only things in the world you have control over you don't have control over anything else and that's what that's where life starts from it starts from in your head every movement you do with your body starts in your head the weights we lift starts here we get up and we prepare ourselves to do it it all starts in your mind that's the only thing you actually have control over and if you refuse to control that if you refuse to control the only thing you can control and then you want to complain in that life kicking your ass ass well what the [ __ ] did you think was gonna happen you know you think there's other people out there in the world who wake up and go you know I want to make Andrews life better no one wakes up giving a [ __ ] about my life but me no one wakes up and goes you know what I really wanted I really want to get Andrew a hot girlfriend sorry I'm gonna go out my wait I'm gonna read no one's gonna do that so you're like you're saying about these external control mechanisms people like oh I need this to do this so I'm hoping this happens for this people are praying for all this [ __ ] no one is coming to save you there is no superhero to your life there's absolutely down to you and your state of mind but all these things are gonna say I'm a massive Trump fan I'm a huge Trump fan but I also understand that under Trump who I believes the greatest politician ever but my life isn't really that dramatically - my life hasn't changed I mean I enjoy what you can piss everyone off I'm happy there because I think he deserves to be there I respect him but my life day to day hasn't changed like that's the biggest political upset you could possibly hope for and that's the most massive in politician we've ever had and and still my life hasn't changed so it's do you think so anything else is going to change your life and certainly you think some other presidents gonna change your life or some other change from some other [ __ ] down to you absolutely and the only thing you can control is your own mindset this is why I don't understand when people say I lack motivation see you lack motivation to do what to live a life worth living you have that on motivators you rather have a [ __ ] life [ __ ] you I just don't understand it I'm like you're waiting for someone to come along and drag you to the gym every day for the rest of your life that's what you want you want to message me on Twitter and me convince you to go and fix your life that's not my job and that's no one else's unless you're gonna start paying me money then I'll think about it but otherwise unless there's some finance involved the only person who's going to give you the motivation you keep looking for is yourself and and once again down to absorbing responsibility getting rid of excuses looking in the mirror and just taking responsibility for your life in your actions people don't want to do it they don't want to do it even like crime you watch crime in criminals who stuff like oh yeah I shot him in the face ten times but I'm from the hood like like that's an acceptable excuse you've got you shot him in the head and like what the [ __ ] do you mean you're from the hood who cares where you're from you knew what you were doing you know once against people got people who got their excuse card ready that's that's the Western world man right right for me following people like yourself and and you know some others on Twitter it has been tremendous for me in that you know people people talking like you as far as you got to motivate yourself you got to do it yourself nobody's coming to save you and so on for most people this kind of other attitude that we've been talking about it you know it's everywhere and they they don't you know it is just so easy to to fall into what everyone else is doing and and they they don't they don't have people like yourself telling them this that they are you know it's all it's almost it's crazy but it's almost like people don't even realize that that they they can do this they need you know they need a you know if kick in the rear you know you to understand that that it's at all to them if they want to change they've got to do it themselves absolutely like I I'm I'm I'm 31 so I haven't got any kids yet but in the next three or four years all have kids and let me tell you something they ain't gonna come to me with no excuses about nothing and it's it's down to how you're raised you people were raised with an atmosphere if I come up with a good enough excuse then I don't have to do it well right good enough excuse it's okay I haven't achieved this that that's the [ __ ] that needs to go is to people I I don't listen to excuses and people call me an [ __ ] I see myself as the absolutely opposite I'm a philanthropist when you come at me with your excuse and I tell you to [ __ ] yourself I'm being a nice guy you may not notice it you may not see it I'm promising you're being nicer to you than about to sit there and go oh yeah okay yeah I understand nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] get to [ __ ] work that's how it is you know so completely madness it's down to the mechanisms it's also like a lot of if taunted the people you hang around with man if you look you hang out with a bunch of winners one of our making excuses and you having a group where you know you can't pull out the excuse cards no one's interested and then you're gonna change your mindset you look at these people who are making excuses and they're depressed and stuff so one guy was depressed and he used to send me links he put in the forum and the forum was depressed for him was like so what you hate your life when you're depressed and you sit there all day talking to other people who hate their life where is this gonna go like we're good where do you let you you don't want to talk to me because you think I'm an [ __ ] well I'm happy and I'm moderately successful so maybe you should want to talk to me maybe I'm the guy you should be trying to talk to maybe you should be listening to me not the other people who hate themselves what the [ __ ] you listen to what they say for you know so people are just just lost and sometimes the only way to be shown the path is just to be just to be filled to [ __ ] off singer swim I love the sink or swim analogy man's cleanse this tub sometimes that's how life works do it or don't do it but that's it but or don't do it my coach said that's me for one fight talking my ankle will suffer earlier I can't run I can't run you to fight or not yeah goes that [ __ ] run that was the conversation there wasn't no well let's go to the doctor it was like fighting a fight yeah then run deficit between unless people are looking at trying to live in his gray area you thought you're in the gray area sis do or don't that's how I believe well that's awesome I I think we're gonna wrap it up here now I Andrew I well I wonder why so I want to ask you just just one or two more things so what's what's in your future now what do you what do you have plans for I'm I'm considering a comeback to fighting I officially retired but I might be coming back next year and do five or six more fights so we're gonna see why that and then so I might be coming back to fight you know and I want to have kids I'm about 33 34 so I've got a couple more years of running around being a playboy in acting silly that's it man I sit on Twitter sometimes piss the world off and I trap you know I do a bit of work and stuff but all in all I'm kind of enjoying I had such a rigid framework to my life when I was fighting for so many years I'm kind of enjoying now being a bit of a vagabond and just living in hotels and sleeping in and and dumb [ __ ] cuz for ten years of my life I always had something hanging over my head I always had the pressure of a fight in my mind and now that's gone so I'm kind of enjoying it but I'm also kind of missing the pressure so maybe I'll go back and we'll see I mean one of those kind of limbo periods but all in all man I'm just I'm just waking up each day I wake up and both my arms move and both my legs move that puts me the good moved on I've seen too much fucked-up [ __ ] there's too many people in the world now who their houses are getting bombed somewhere in some country no one cares about and you know if you wake up and you and the people you love are still alive and your arms and legs are still moving that's enough reason to smile have some breakfast and just enjoy life and that's how I look at it man I just just try and stay super positive and just be a happy guy and that's about that man that's a that that's a perfect lesson there wrap up with you know thanks so much for coming on and you're really great talking to you I think your message is fantastic no excuses it's all within you it's you no one's coming to save under your control and and you've totally showed that that that's a case you you've made yourself into a world champion and the man you are and it's awesome I think so yeah thanks so much okay we talk to you later I'll stop the recording now
Channel: Sun, Steak, and Steel
Views: 60,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, kickboxing, motivation, success, goals, no excuses
Id: JC8220eBMy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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