Andrew’s Live Bible Study: Faith over Fear Series - Psalms 91 - Andrew Wommack

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[Music] hello and welcome to a very special edition of our Tuesday night live Bible study I'm here with Carrie Pinkett she is our vice president of our ministry of Karass and our guest what is the official thing world outreach yes all of our offices I think we have 16 offices around the world and so her and her husband Mike are just a vital part of everything that we're doing and so man praise God we appreciate you joining us tonight and this is a special edition because based on the kovat 19 virus and all of the things we're dealing with there's a lot of fear there's a lot of apprehension about it and I'm gonna be sharing specifically from Psalms 91 things that will build your faith and I know that I in Carrie and many of us here have zero fear about this it has not affected us and you know praise God I just learned yesterday in a meeting with you and Andrew words that we are operating at a hundred percent efficiency even though we have 52 percent of our staff is now working from home we haven't dropped a thing we're answering all the calls yep it's awesome it's it's awesome we're just having a great time God's blessing us and if you have struggled I pray that you've tuned in tonight to receive some encouragement because I'm gonna share things with you from the Word of God that it encouraged me and the same thing will work for you so Gary share with them some things that are gonna have special broadcast all week long just to be able to counter all the negative things amen if you joined us the last Tuesday I know that we had a huge response so thank you for tuning in and lots of people were able to receive encouragement and so what if you missed it this last Sunday we did faith faith over fear with Andrew and friends we had John Tesh Jesse Duplantis and pastor Duane sheriff it was awesome man I got fired up listening to it it was so good and so we would encourage you to go to a WMI net and you can see the the archive of that it was absolutely tremendous it'd be a great asset to send to someone who is dealing with fear but what we've decided to do this whole week is have live streams this whole week so you'll be able to have a Tuesday night live Bible study every night of the week with us we have some really special things planned tonight Andrews going to share on Psalms 91 and then tomorrow night we have Billy epic art and Paul Milligan Paul Milligan was our former CEO here at Karis Bible College and Andrew mic ministries and then Billy epic art is our current CEO and they're gonna be talking about finances and how to deal with finances and look at all of that during this time and so that will be tremendous for you all so then on Thursday that you know the financial problems is President Trump said that that calls the cure could be worse than the virus the virus and finances are a big problem right now so this is really gonna be timely to have that they're both multimillionaires they know what they're talking about they weathered some things that there's some great scriptural guidance for you in this amen and then on Thursday night pastor Greg Moore he's one of our instructors at Karis Bible College the director of Karis Bible College he's going to be sharing how do you minister to children families and non-believers during this time because we're surrounded a lot of people are surrounded you know shut in with their families and this is a great opportunity guy can use and just do some really great things in your families during this time and then also on Friday Ashley and Carly Tara des they're going to be ministering on healing so fear can touch you in multiple different ways whether it's financial whether it's your own health whether you're concerned about your kids or family or your grandparents or your parents and so this is just a activity this week just to counter fear on all the levels to see where you have your victory so we encourage you to join us at six o'clock every night for the rest of this week we have some really special things playing for you that's going to be a great time so these are all special things that we're doing just to help counter some of the negative things that are being said you aren't hearing very many positive things in the news and so we are extending these live cast and Sunday we had I think at one time we had 15,000 people viewing at one time and I think a total of a hundred and nineteen thousand yep these I don't know what all that means but yeah it was good it was a lot and people got encouraged and you and John Tesh she's one of the guys that was on and of course he matter of fact John and Connie are probably watching right now so hi to Johnny Johnny Cash and Connie sellecca but he he said that they had a hundred and I think nineteen thousand views or something like that and if you add those two together that's over two hundred thousand people that saw this and he he deals you know in the secular market you know he's been on Fox and all of these things and he says that that's more than some of the news broadcast yeah get a good dose of faith and get you ready for your week this is awesome so besides the things that we're gonna do every evening also our prayer ministers are standing by not just in the evenings tonight to pray with you but throughout the day we have 24 hours a day five days a week our prayer ministers are standing by so call us if you have anything that you would like prayer agreement on seven one nine six three five eleven eleven this is a great number as well to give to friends and family if they are struggling and they have no one to talk to her don't know who to talk to this is a great number to give them so they can get ministry so I think that's awesome also everything that's going to be happening this week we're gonna have notes for so a WMI dotnet slash Bible City if you have not signed up ever for our Bible study notes you really want to do it this week because you're going to get a whole bunch of great information when you sign up then what we're able to do is we're able to send you the notes of all the teachers every time that somebody ministers on Tuesday night but then again all this week we're going to send those notes to you so that'll be a real blessing and if you when you do that you also register to receive a free gift and this week we have a very applicable book is harnessing your emotions by Andrew Wommack and it is phenomenal I would encourage you to get this book if somebody needs it order it from our helpline they'll be able to help you with that last week we had lessons from Elijah and Michael Michael Chen you won that so Michael we're gonna get that book out to you so we just have some great things we just believe in you guys we're here to minister to you and we're so glad that you joined us tonight so and you know it says in Isaiah chapter 26 verse 3 the Lord will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon him because he trusts a--the in him and just as this book is all about harnessing your emotions you know there's a lot of people that honestly the way they try and have peace in their heart is to pray and ask God to remove all of the people who rub them the wrong way remove all of their problems and when something like this virus hits that is beyond their control they feel justified and just falling apart like a $2.00 suitcase but if you keep your mind stayed upon the Lord and what he's promised you you can have perfect peace through all of this and this is what I want to share out of Psalms chapter 91 there's many many other scriptures you know last week if you joined us and you can go see this on archives if you didn't but I dealt specifically with 1st Corinthians chapter 8 and talked about not only what we believe in us personally making it through this but we are part of a community and we have to recognize it not everybody even believers we got a lot of unbelieving believers people that aren't really operating in faith and we can't just impose our faith upon them so anyway we talked about those things but tonight I wanted to go specifically to Psalms 91 because this is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible there's 16 verses I've got four pages of my life for today's study notes here on 16 verses and so let me just read through this I'm gonna come back and and deal with portions of this in more detail but in case you haven't heard this I think just the reading of the scripture if you will open up your heart this good Minister faith to you and could make a huge huge difference so Psalms chapter 91 says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust surely he shall deliver thee notice the word it didn't just say that he would deliver it says surely this is something you can count on this is not just something that's for a few people for the elite for the super Saints this is talking to all of us surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence the Amplified Bible and the NIV Bible both say that this noisome pestilence they translated as a deadly pestilence man this is relative to where we are today there are people fearing this and yet this is a promise that surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler of course this is a word picture here of like a mother hen you know when a storm comes rain or anything like that even the Sun just anything that could injure her chicks she puts her wings out and the chicks run under there and she protects them and this is saying that we can hide under the shadow of his wings and it says his truth shall be thy shield and buckler Jesus said in John chapter 17 verse 17 thy Word is truth John chapter 14 verse 6 jesus said I am the way the truth and the life so this is saying that you know a shield is for protection your buckler is what they were talking about it's a small shield it's for battle the Lord will protect us when we're under attack in verse 5 thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that that flies by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness now think about this the wording of this is so applicable to us today we have a pestilence a worldwide pandemic it's an invisible enemy you can't see who's got it you can't see it coming and that's one of the reasons that people are so afraid is because they just they they don't know if they're exposed to it they don't know if you know by touching a person something's going to happen and so it says the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday so I believe that the significance of this the the pestilence that walketh in darkness talking about you can't see it something like an invisible playing something that's transmitted so this applies perfectly to us and it doesn't matter if it's something that you can't see or if it's something that's happening in the noonday Sun and if you you saw it coming God is gonna be your protection for all of this in verse 7 it says A Thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee man that is an awesome promise now I'm going to deal with some things most people say well this is not my experience and it's not the experience of any Christian that I know I'm gonna deal with this apparent conflict between what the scripture is saying and what most people are experiencing but you just need to let this soak in don't go to interpreting the word by your circumstances that is a terrible method of Bible interpretation what you need to do is interpret your circumstances by what the Word of God says as it says in Romans chapter 3 verse 4 let God be true and every man a liar you need to come to a place to where God your word is true I'm reading to you from Scripture and I'm gonna give you some examples not only scriptural examples but examples of people that have applied this that have literally stopped the plague you know I remember reading the story that the Black Plague that it happened multiple times there was multiple times that the black plague went across Europe at one time it killed one third of Europe's population and 95% of the people who got the plague died did you know that the coronavirus is really just the opposite it's in the United States it's 1.3 percent that it contracted it have died in Italy it's up to 9 point something right at ten percent but you know there's multiple reasons for that and an older population some people have said that they also are reporting all deaths of the elderly whether they you know they're just assuming it was coronavirus but anyway in the United States 1.3 percent of the people who've contacted it vadai compare that to the plague had 95% mortality rate and yet I read an example of a man who is a pastor over one of these villages in Europe and the plague was just sweeping through the countryside and anyway he went out and stood on the boundary of his village and he took Psalms chapter 91 hmm and he says father I am standing on this no plague will come nigh are dwelling and he spoke his faith and commanded that plague to stop and it's the only village that I'm aware of that nobody died not a single person got sick not a single person died because they stood on the Word of God yeah I know many of you are thinking well I'm not sure that you can just do this across the board like this I'm gonna deal with this and more detail but this is exactly what these scriptures are promising that no plague shall come nigh our dwelling only with our eyes will we see others suffer and it's not that God is a respecter of persons and that God is you know gonna punish other people but not punish you God has extended these promises to whosoever will but not everybody is complying with this not everybody is believing this I would say that probably the vast majority of people are operating in fear even believers there's a lot of fear associated with this and you know another verse that really applies here's first John chapter 4 verse 18 were perfect love cast out fear if you are fearful you have not been made perfect in love and I'm not saying that to condemn anybody but really one of the takeaways from this ought to be that if you are in fear and the scripture I started with Isaiah 26:3 if you aren't in perfect peace then it ought to reveal to you that you know what you have not been depending upon the Lord the way that you should and the way that he wants us to depend upon him it's not that God is just going to go out let me say this that there's some people proclaiming that this is a judgment of God and that God is sovereign and that nothing happens but what this is his will and they believe that it's God that's caused all of this disruption and all of these deaths that is not true I can guarantee if God was to judge the world you wouldn't have to scratch your head and say is this judgment of God you wouldn't know it you would know it this isn't a judgment from God this is a virus it has not been contained and there's reasons for that that's not my purpose tonight but you will only if you stand in faith on Psalms 91 you will only see this in other people it will not come nigh your dwelling is what this scripture says and in verse 9 it says because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling that's what I've been talking about it for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone did you know that Satan quoted these verses in Jesus temptation you can read that in Matthew chapter 4 and in Luke chapter 4 he quoted these verses trying to tempt Jesus and Jesus expertly recognized the deception because here's what the devil did he quoted this verse where it says he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways when the devil quoted that to Jesus he left off to keep thee in all thy ways which this specifically says that the angels are there to protect us when we are walking in the ways that God ordained this isn't saying that this will work if you go out here and rebel at God and just throw the door open to the devil he comes to seeking whom he may destroy to steal kill him to destroy this isn't a promise that at anytime and under any circumstances if you have just messed up and given Satan total access and control of your life that you're going to have all of these promises so Satan conveniently left that out when he quoted this and then in the next verse it says they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone he added some words there and over in Luke chapter 4 he said lest at any time you dash your foot against a stone which again doesn't apply you can't go out and just be in total rebellion towards God and give Satan total access to you and then expect God to bail you come on come on every single thing that's not the way that this works and then it says in verse 13 thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample underfoot of course Satan is compared to a lion 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 8 Revelation chapter 12 he's compared to a dragon he's also compared to a serpent and a young line is when they're their strongest when they are you know in the prime of their life this is just saying that man you will be able to stand against the devil regardless of what he throws at you even if it's the coronavirus if it's the covet 19 virus and again please don't anybody misunderstand I am NOT making light of this I am NOT making light of people who have died I think if I remember correctly there's up to 4,000 people worldwide that have died I think it's over 600 in the United States and for those people who have experienced this this is a tragedy but you need to put this into perspective and I listened to President Trump today and I was really encouraged because he made this exact point himself I've been making this in all of the things that I've done to talk to people but he said that there was between I think it was I think he said 30 to 70 something thousand people who have died of the flu this season already and then he said that there's more people that died from car wrecks than that and yet we haven't taken cars away we haven't closed the economy down because of the flu and again this is not to say that those people who've experienced this and have experienced two loved one died in it that's that's a good thing I'm not saying that we shouldn't take this seriously but we need to put it into perspective and recognizing that driving in a car is more dangerous then the covet 19 and again only 1.3 percent of the people who have gotten it in the United States have died from it and so we need to put things into perspective this is not like the young lion in the adder this isn't one of the greatest plagues that have ever happened again I'm doing these things by memory if I get some of the details wrong forgive me but just two days ago I looked it up in the Spanish flu that hit in 1917 I think killed over 20 million people in the United States 20 million compared to right now we're at 600 now we haven't seen the end of this but I don't think anybody is projecting anything like this so my point I'm baking I'm not saying that it's not a serious problem to those who have been affected but I'm saying that this isn't the worst thing and this is promising that the young lion and the adder will we overcome Satan and all of his strength we will be able to overcome him he goes on to say because he has set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he hath known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation you know here's another verse over in Exodus chapter 23 and verse 25 it says and you shall serve the Lord thy God and he shall bless thy bread in that water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee amen this didn't say that he would just heal you when you get sick okay and I actually teach an entire course in our Karras Bible College on this that there are people that they just allow sickness to come they look at it as it's flu season you know it's allergy season and they just expect it but when they have something happen then they start believing God and asking him for healing and that's better than not believing God at all but I teach that the best is when you start taking these scriptures that he will take sickness away from the midst that no plague will come now your dwelling only with your eyes will you see the reward of the wicked and I actually teach that you can come to a place that instead of allowing sickness to invade you and then resist it and get it out you can actually put a faith shield around you and you can stop sickness from coming at you I am NOT the perfect example of this but in 52 years matter of fact yesterday was the 52nd anniversary of the night that the Lord called me into the ministry and changed my life and in 52 years I have had sickness twice that happened because I just totally depleted myself I did stupid stuff and I got a cold and that's all I've had in 52 years and that wasn't really sickness that was stupidity I am mortal and you can't overextend yourself your body just you wear yourself down so anyway my point is I'm not the perfect example of this but I believe I'm seeing this work in my life and I say this all the time that no germ can touch my body and live and I believe that you know there was a man named John G Lake and he actually had a healing ministry in Spokane Washington and for decades he was actually Spokane was voted the healthiest city in the United States they actually shut down one of the two hospitals not because he was against doctors but because they didn't need it he had a healing ministry and people would come to him and they prayed and saw so many people healed that they honestly just didn't have the need and they shut down one of the hospitals and anyway they were dealing with some kind of plague or sickness and because he was so successful in this area he was actually given a medical license and so they had doctors helping the people who were struggling with this and dying and one of the symptoms was that they would convulse and foam at the mouth right as they expired and as they were dealing with this one man who you know convulsed and he foamed at the mouth one of the doctors looked at John Lake and said aren't you glad that we have a vaccination against the and John Lake just said who's got a vaccination and this medical doctor just panicked like you can't be dealing with these people you're gonna die and of course John Lake knew that he wouldn't understand but he said no germ can touch my body in live and this doctor just of course dismissed him as being a religious kook fanatic and so John took one of these slides that you put under a microscope and they just wiped that foam off of the man's mouth who had just died they put it under a microscope you could see the germs moving in there and then he just touched it with his finger and boom instantly everything was still and he made a believer out of that doctor and you know what all he was doing was claiming Psalms chapter 91 this isn't exceptional this isn't just for me or for a few people this is a promise to anyone who dwells under the shadow of the Almighty so let me ask answer a question here some people say if these promises are true how come we don't see this today well first of all we do see it maybe not as much as we should but I'm a living example that with the exception of two times that I was just absolutely stupid and overextended myself I've been walking in Supernatural healing I prayed for people who had AIDS who coughed and spit on me and I don't have AIDS man I have lived this I am not the perfect example I haven't arrived but I've left it's working in me and I tell you there are a lot of people that this is working in we just had that service on Sunday Kerry was with me and Jesse Duplantis is of the same mind and and I have no fear and because of it I'm around people if I get around people instead of me catching their sickness they're gonna catch my wellness that's the way that I believe and some people think well you're arrogant no I'm just believing Psalms 91 that's right but if this is true well then how come we don't see this in every person there's people that really love God and yet they get sick and problems happen to them it says here in Psalms chapter 91 verse 1 it says he that dwelleth in the sea great place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty now that's a key right here verses 1 and 2 are a key to all of these promises you have to be dwelling in the secret place of the Most High it didn't say that you visit there this isn't some place you go once a week this isn't a 15-minute devotion that you have and again I'm not against us going to church once a week I'm not against us having a devotion but there's a lot of people that just give God that token bit of their lives and then the rest of their life they are plugged into the world they're watching things they're reading things they are listening to music they are thinking things that are completely contrary you know John Tesh was on our broadcast Sunday and John said something at the very end of the broadcast you know he has a radio program and he and Connie emphasize a lot of hygiene and health type of things which is great but he said he's practicing he was likening this to how that people won't touch they're putting distance between them they're washing their hands they don't touch their face and they're practicing all of this physical hygiene John said I'm practicing faith hygiene yeah it was good yeah and this is what a lot of people aren't doing they don't realize that every word that comes out of people's mouths not only your mouth but the mouth of other people is either releasing life or death proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue it didn't say death and life and a whole bunch of useless words that aren't you know dangerous at all they're just normal no everything you hear is either life or death and we need to practice some faith hygiene to where we quit listening to the doubt and the fear of other people and you have to dwell in that place not just visit there occasionally and then look at verse 2 these things go together it says I will say of the Lord he is my refuge in my fortress my god in him while I trust but this is a major thing right here and again John Tesh has a great testimony about this he just wrote a book entitled relentless which I read and he's talking this is one of his major chapters in there and that is that Jesus said whosoever will say unto this mountain be removed you have to speak to the mountain not talk to God about your mountain and this is where many people are going wrong they're asking God o God protect me from this virus or if you've already got the symptoms o God healed me but that's not what the Lord told us to do he gave you authority he said in Matthew chapter 10 verse 1 that he gave us authority over all sickness over all disease to cast it out and then in verse 8 he says go heal the sick cleanse the lepers raised the dead he didn't tell us to pray for the sick he told us to heal the sick which implies that that's under our control it's under our Authority and the way you release this authority is by the words that you speak so you could say it this way that Psalms chapter 91 and all of these promises are a voice-activated you have to speak your faith and you know I've had some people criticize me because I say that no germ can touch my body and live and people immediately well you know you you could get sick and then what will happen you'll look like a fool for saying this if I was to get sick because you know of some sickness or some play it doesn't undo what God promised it just means I wasn't dwelling in faith in that area I wasn't speaking it I spoke forth my doubt and fear it doesn't void the promises of God if I can't live up to it these are promises from God and I'm telling you that we have scriptures you need to go through because I've run through this just as quickly as I could we want to leave some time to take some questions and answer this but you need to go back and read this and not read it like it's for me or for somebody else but this is for you and recognize that the whole thing is dependent upon you dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty not visiting but living there and then speaking forth your faith if you aren't confident enough to stand up and say no plague will come nigh my dwelling only with my eyes will I see others get sick from this but it will not affect me and if you think well I would never say that then it won't work for you you're getting exactly what you believe you just don't believe that I can do that I just don't believe that I have that authority well then it won't work for you but if you can accept these promises this is tremendous Scripture and because of this this is the reason that I don't have any fear I'm practicing and I'm following the guidelines that the president put down and the guidelines that our governor has put down and I'm following this really for the sake of other people but for me I could go out and a hug every person I see and it's not going to affect me because I dwell under the shadow of the Almighty now does that mean that we don't use wisdom you know a couple of weeks ago I was in church and there was a man there who was obviously sick he was coughing sneezing and I thought about you know she's not minister to him because this is you know by this time everybody was talking about this coronavirus and I thought would Jesus minister to him and I said absolutely so I just laid hands on him he says I'm sick and I said I don't care and I grabbed his hands I laid hands on his head I prayed for him and then I went to wash my hands so I'm not saying that you ignore these things but I'm saying that I am NOT operating out of fear and I am NOT limited to only a physical natural answer the president said today that they started testing of this malaria drug today in New York State and the promises of that working or very positive they've got other things that are working they have new testing now they're going to do things and what I'm saying is on Monday if they come up that's the day that they're gonna re-evaluate this 15 days is over and if Monday they came up and said we've now got a cure for it did you know everybody's fear would be all gone why because men came up with a physical answer to it I'm telling you that right now before men figure this out God figured this out thousands of years ago and gave you promises that if you'll just mix it with faith you can be just this confidence you can be just as secure as if there was a vaccine for this as if there was a treatment for it faith is the victory that overcomes the world and you do not have to wait on men to come up with an answer God had an answer before the problem even existed man that's awesome so anyway that's a quick rundown of Psalms chapter 91 I hope this helps you and I hope that you will receive this as an encouragement and study this and say it take this song and speak it out loud until you get to where you can say it from your faith instead of what you heard Andrew say or somebody else say yeah I think that's the difference when people say well you know I just believe what Andrew believes or I believe with Kenneth Copeland believes and it's got to become real it's gonna be like the man who said I cast you out in the name of Jesus that Paul preaches and the demon said Jesus we know and Paul we know but who are you demons beam up that's right so it has to be personal yeah the devil is gonna tell you Jesus I know an answer I know but where's your faith yeah this needs to become your revelation I think that's when you get a revelation of God and who he is towards you and that's why it says perfect love casts out fear you just realize you know I am loved of God I am loved of the Father and because of that as a father he's gonna protect me as his child and boy that just raised his faith in you and you know I didn't take time I was trying to rush through this but over here and I think it's the seventh verse I'll just do it now it says because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high the habitation it says there shall no evil befall thee and let's see there's another verse right here because he has set his love upon me that's down in verse 14 because he has set his love upon me therefore while I deliver him and and that's talking about the first verse said because you dwell in the secret place of the Most High this will happen now it says because he said his love upon me so that's exactly what you're talking about yeah welling in the secret place of the Most High dwelling in his love amen cast out fear that's awesome well we've got some really good questions so we're gonna get through them as much possible I'm sorry at the beginning I forgot to tell you just go down to whatever form you're looking at go down to the chat section so if you have questions we'll try to get through as many tonight as possible but what's nice again we're gonna have the next three nights to answer a whole bunch of questions so you'll want to join us if your question doesn't that get answered tonight so JMC 9.99 says this I'm not sure if this question has been asked but here it is how would Psalms 91 apply to believers who have not renewed their minds to the point of knowing that they know that they know and believe Psalms 91 works for them how do you do that well it's like verse 2 says you have to say of the Lord he is my refuge and if a person has heard this but doesn't really believe it and doesn't have confidence in it they won't speak it out yeah and so it doesn't really apply to a person who's not in faith you have to be strong enough in faith that you can say this and mean it from your heart over in Romans chapter 10 it says in verse 9 if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved and then verse 10 says for with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made it's not just saying these words but then not believing it yeah and it's not just believing it but then not saying it you have to believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth and when you get your heart and your mouth in agreement then every one of these promises will come to pass this is that your tongue is like the rudder on a great ship that it will steer so on that note MTL and chad asses what words can i use to bring peace to unbelievers who are in total panic and Survivor mode words that I can mutter to reject their negativity and fear in front of them or going into another room to pray you know I think that Christians are too concerned about unbelievers misunderstanding them and so they hold back and they try and sneak up on them and just put I think sometimes it's just good like when people say you know we're all gonna die and you say no germ can touch my body and live I think you ought to just hit him with the fool ray even they will be shocked and say what are you saying let me give you a testimony of this that just last Wednesday it's less than a week ago I was scheduled to speak at a meeting at the Broadmoor and they had 350 people registered to show up while only a hundred showed up because of the virus and the Broadmoor went ahead and did it and the mayor was there and he was one of the speakers so he sanctioned it it's not like we broke the rules but they had 50 in one room and 50 in another room and everybody was sitting long distances apart in any way I was talking to the lady who put the whole thing on and she was saying man are you scared by this and I just did exactly what I'm talking now I said no germ can touch my body and limb she goes what and I quoted some scripture and she says you think that works today and I told her I said I saw my son raised from the dead after being dead for five hours and she nearly fell out of her chair and I mean within five minutes she says I'm type 1 diabetic she showed me she had a pump on her that she had to have stuff pumped into her and she says please pray for me and in five minutes I prayed and I said now look I've prayed for people and it takes 21 days and their blood sugar comes down and I said you just do whatever you feel peace about within five minutes she took that pump out and threw it away she says I'm healed I'm totally healed and I didn't sneak up on her amen and I honestly believe that we are too concerned about other people this is an opportunity to let your light shine don't put a cloth over it and just let a little bit shiny Buller in darkness you need to give them the full thrust of what you believe and people reject you that there will be people received yeah well and that's the thing I think people are waiting for the supernatural moments you know to share their faith this is a supernatural moment it's people are hungry and people are in fear and boy when the enemy comes in man we we respond to it with boldness and they don't want somebody who's just a little bit less scared than they are and and they want somebody who's just totally do you're looking for something different well the enemy would love to do is not only just get you in your house and get you away but that when you are out with people to shut you up to shut you up in your house and to shut you up with your mouth and just where you just I don't want to offend anybody and I don't want to boy this is a time to speak out absolutely speak life speak joy be bold don't hold back amen so Elaine on Facebook asked us she said how much of the news should we really believe I would say very little of it yeah you know let me let me refer you back to the bird flu the avian flu it's called different things in different places but I was over in Scotland when the they were killing poultry you could see them stacked up 20 and 30 feet high and I mean smoke was rising up and I was over there and they asked the leading expert in the UK they said can this mutate into something that will affect humans and he said Oh without a doubt it's no question about if it'll happen it's just a matter of when a matter of fact I heard that exact same thing said about this coronavirus and and anyway he said it might be one year are a maximum of two years one-third of the world's population will die from avian flu and exactly two years later I was back in Scotland I was watching BBC news and they had a report that there had been a total of seven I think it was either 7 or 12 deaths in people worldwide and it has never become a factor and so anyway what I'm saying is people would say well you've got to be worst case scenario you've got an error on the side of caution one of the things that's happening with this coronavirus is that they are taking these extreme measures and I'm not here to second-guess them and say that what they've done isn't right or anything like that but I am saying that just as President Trump said that sometimes the cure is worse than the disease itself and if we just keep extending this thing there are gonna be more people die from the poverty and the problems that this is causing then by the flu and so it is being exaggerated worst-case scenarios are being put out there and I can't give you a percentage on what part you know how much of the news you should believe but I would think it's a miniscule amount not very much I love how you've said it before you talk about this 10 spine Network is that there's always going to be people it's like you know remember the 12 spies went out and ten came back and said yeah it's everything's you know it's beautiful but there's giants in the land and they're gonna be destroyed we're only two had faced and said God is well evil don't forget what he's done so I think that's what you have to do you have to you can hear all this negativity but you get to either side with the ten spies and oh you know the Giants are going to consume us or our God is bigger and so you're gonna have to listen with that discernment or not listen at all if that if that's affecting your own belief well it's again like John Tesh was saying we need to practice some faith hygiene and anything that causes you fear and unbelief and anxiety and takes away your peace you're being polluted you're being contaminated and you need to get away from it and we're commanded that any thought that exalts itself above the name of Jesus we're supposed we're supposed to it's not our pastor job or somebody else's job to cast that down and encourage us and soothe us we're supposed to take authority over that say you know what that's not my inheritance Sutton it's not what the Word of God says over me Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 says no weapon that is formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn and I believe that it's using weapon and tongue interchangeably words are weapons death and life is in the power of the tongue and it says you have to condemn it that means that if you hear somebody saying everybody's going to get this you're gonna die you have to immediately condemn you have to negate those words and if you don't those words have power they're like seeds and if you don't counter it it'll enter into your heart and it'll begin to start springing and bringing forth fruit the scripture says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Romans 10:17 unbelief comes the same way by hearing but it hits hearing things contrary to the Word of God and when people tell you that there is no cure for this that right there is unbelief yep there's no cure in the natural but Todd's got a cure by all stripes you were healed perspective 99 8 98 to 99 percent of all people who get this survived yeah it's not the worst thing it's not as bad as some of the like Ebola came through and yet we survived that SARS and Mars and all of these different things the flu the Spanish fluid and the plague and all of these things this is relatively mild it's more contagious than many of those things are but the survival rate is way up there you need to counter that fear that's why we're having these Bible study a men well we had some great questions a lot of you have asked some and so we've covered a lot of them but we're gonna continue the rest of this week so again Wednesday tomorrow night we're gonna have Billy EPPICard and Paul Milligan they're gonna be sharing on finances Thursday how to shirts with your children families non-believers how to be bold with that and then Friday again on healing cuz we've had some other questions just on healing that you're even struggling with sickness outside of coronavirus how during this time do you really see healing happen not just for corona but for other things are believing for so you're gonna want them you're going to want to join us and one other thing I'd like to point out and we've been emphasizing this the last couple of days if you're stuck at home and if you're looking for something to do I've heard that Netflix has gone up to did you know we have over 200,000 hours of free material on a WMI net and we figured that out that if you listen 24 hours a day that's 22 years worth of watching 24 hours a day and if you go eight hours a day at 68 years so we got plenty for you and your family to be doing there's videos on there there's yeah the yeah they've got with us right now it's so powerful on gospel truth TV check that out it's not only Andrew but Andrew and so some of our other incredible ministers are also on there they're speaking faith and life so you'll get blessed on all levels so you choose what you put in you amen so thank you for joining us I believe that this has helped you tonight we have people standing by two phones seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and if your faith has been quickened the scripture says two of you if you agree on anything it'll be done so you could call and get prayer and I believe it it make a big difference god bless you we'll see you tomorrow night for Billy Eberhart and Paul Milligan on our extended Bible study you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 70,350
Rating: 4.9253159 out of 5
Keywords: #AndrewWommack, #AndrewsLiveBibleStudy, #BibleStudy, #Jesus, #Faith, #Grace, #Bible
Id: qn384SNO1AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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