Andrew's Live Bible Study: Faith over Fear Series - Finances - Paul Milligan and Billy Epperhart

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hello and welcome to a very special faith over fear live cast that we're doing this is not our usual Monday and Tuesday we have a live cast but this week we've scheduled live cast all week long and right as we were coming on here today probably not more than 30 minutes before this the governor of Colorado just put a mandatory stay at home order in effect and so we're still assessing everything but it looks like we're gonna have to cancel our next two nights of live cast I just want to announce that we've been advertising it all week and we had some great things planned but we're gonna have to cancel that but let me say that I believe that this is so much God that he put this together tonight because you know not only the virus and the effect that it's having on people but the economic impact as president Trump said it could be worse the cure could be worse and then sickness itself worse than the problem and so we are so blessed of course we got Carrie Pinkett with us and he's the vice president of Karis Bible College and all of our world outreach and she's typically with me she's our hostess with the mostess social we are gonna have questions and you can actually interact but I want I'm just so through I believe that this is so much good because we've got Paul Milligan with me Paul has been a friend for decades he's been on my board I think for close to 20 years if I'm not mistaken and he was the CEO of our ministry until just the last couple of months I think it was December or something like that and he ran the ministry from 2014 until just the start of this year and he's now retired but he's still on my board and he still acted and then Billy Earhart is the current CEO and both of these men are millionaires they have made it in the business realm they have business experience and they're both invested in the stock market and they have a lot of advice about finances and you know I was telling them before the rhod cast that is one thing for me to save them the Word of God that God is my source and you know give and it'll be given unto you and things but they can interpret what President Trump is doing with the stimulus package that was just voted on earlier this morning so I think that this is God that put this together and it's also God that God has given me to have I think the best men that we could have possibly had and I think that this is going to be a real blessing to you tonight to be able to hear their input on the financial side of all of these things that are happening and I know that there's a lot of people panicking over the virus but there's a lot of people panicking over finances and then what is this stimulus package where's the money coming from how is it going to affect everybody what's the long-term effect of all of this yeah things like that so right before I get to them Kerry tell them how they can interact if we are going to try and leave time for questions so what makes this such a powerful time is not only are you gonna get to hear from Paul and Billy tonight but we're also going to do question and answers and so whatever form that you are watching on right now just go down to your chat section and on that chat section you can send in any question we're gonna try to get through as many as possible tonight also our prayer ministers are standing by so we have the best prayer ministers that I know of they're filled with faith they're gonna be able to pray and agree with you whatever you're going through so feel free to call them seven one nine six three five eleven eleven we have them open twenty four five days a week and so we still even with the shutdown we still have a way that we're going to be able to take your phone call so not just tonight but anything that you're going through we look forward to praying with you agreeing with you administrating the word to you so please call that helpline so and let me just say that Mike and Kerry Mica's Kerry's husband and Andrew works the senior vice president of our ministry these guys have done such an awesome job and did you know that they meant all day today on what would happen if the governor gave an absolute mandatory stay at home time and they've already got things going I won't get the details until after this broadcast but they told me preliminary that we are basically going to be able to keep the ministry is going with the pendant tours stay-at-home man Porter and we have 542 employees here in Woodland Park let me also say that we aren't laying off a single person we are keeping everybody fully employed we are paying them and up until this point we have been operating at a hundred percent capacity putting everything out just on Monday they came to me with a problem that if the governor mandated everybody stay at home you know what could we do and we discussed that for $15,000 buying a piece of software and then I think also there's computers that we had to buy we could keep the phone ministers fully employed at their home so I walked through there today right before I came over here and they're already training everybody on the computers how to work from home and it looks like that the phone center is going to continue operating and we beat the curve we devil can't stop us we are doing an awesome job and again Paul Milligan laid the foundation through all this we doubled since the time he took over he built the capacity he's the one that put these people in positions and now Billy has taken over and I just praise God I think God's doing some awesome things in this minute I've been in business for a long time been a CEO for almost close to 40 years and I've had good people work for me I've had some of the best teams and I think ever existed but this ministry God has blessed you with the most incredible people on this planet I mean Mike and Kerry and Andrew works in these senior man I'm leaving a lot of people out you know all of them are just ultra professionals you couldn't ask for anybody any better they're smart they're quick they they're intuitive they they see things ahead of time they look around corners that's what it takes to be successful in business consistently through through good and bad times you know something you can make some mistakes during good times and get away with judicata during bad times don't work and so that's one things I'm excite about watching Trump the last few days you know I was just telling Billy I said this guy is running this country like a businessman I see what he's doing he's building a recovery from this thing as a business plan can you just expand on that a little bit because I'm sure people have heard some of the things and they wonder about is this the right way yes approaches yeah what I seem doing is you know think about other recessions that we've had if you look at other is saying I've been through several of them in my 35 or 40 years yep and we made it through the worst ones we made it through five or forty years in business not 35 or 40 years old I'll that's true but just in case anybody was one but here's the point I think that needs to be made that's really important about President Trump whether it was Obama's recent depression she want to call that recession or George Bush first or whoever it was what would always happen is they would do some political things to try you know to make their base be okay but what was going on Obama didn't even respond for months even after the last issue we had with us what was it the SARS virus or one of those I mean totally different response to how these things happen but well here's here's what's important other presidents have met these kind of things with the slow recovery zone periods of time I mean Obama in 8 9 years yeah we suffered under that thing mm-hmm because he did not have a clue how to do what he wasn't a businessman you know and and he didn't have the skills he didn't have the people he had political hacks around him he didn't have people that knew how to do these things what Trump is done is look at what he's done this bill will get us through three months if you saw Steve minuchin that was Steve Newton's plan was to negotiate this thing with Congress to get us through three months the 600 what they call unemployment on steroids $600 a week is going to help get people in small businesses restaurants those kinds of things through this period of time when unemployment and that's very helpful well here's what that stops that stops people from leaving businesses going off and not being able to be connected back to that business so unemployment rate takes a long time to ramp back up where if Trump keeps the employees connected to the businesses through unemployment and through you know contact that they've talked about with with the businesses right then it's a very quick it's a very quick recovery much more quick than it would be otherwise and so what he's done is this whole thing looks to me just like a business plan he's laid it out and now what he's starting to talk about which is exactly what he should be talking about is this unsustainable you cannot sustain this economy on what we're doing right now okay and there has to be a balance between those two things and I think what their plan is you know they pretty much said it but what their plan is they're going to bring the the economy back online region by region so you may have areas of the country that are not you don't have a lot of cases you know not hit it near as hard as New York or Washington or Louisiana or California and so we bring them online first and then he uses the data from the public health officials to decide when to do these others so it's a ramp up I think over about a 90 day period of time and he's going to start it as close to Easter as he possibly can and as Christians the the thing the point I want to make is as Christians that we have nothing to be fearful of anyway there's no anxiety in this for us I mean Christians should be acting differently I mean I watched I watched on television there's three women were fighting over toilet paper in a store I mean it doesn't get any more ridiculous than that that's that panic man and as Christians this is an opportunity for us to show the love of God and show how God wants us to respond to this Christians should be giving my wife and I have now floated about the last 10 days look for places to give people to served we need to go get groceries for elderly people we are elderly people go get our home but we have the ability to go do this so just serve people get your mind on serving other people and you won't be so worried about this virus and yet and then and then find places to give I mean we have a and we have a young lady does our hair and whatever whatever it is get around a lot that do your housework you know come in clean your home whatever it is give you got to keep the money moving yeah keep keep giving as God has blessed you and if you don't have the money to give then go serve mmm but there are things that Christians can do to show that we're not gonna respond we come in a different spirit it's a totally different spirit than the world the world system is you know it just tries to fall apart I'll tell you this much I am impressed listening to vice president Pence and Fouts you and these people talk about how the American companies and American people are really stepping up to the plate that is exciting they're rallying but on an individual level you know when it's at the grocery store or wherever it's at act like a Christian okay you know fight over toilet paper you know it's a it's a simple thing to see which people are have God's peace because you know what peace rules through patience and if people have patience whether it's for getting groceries or the things you need or what just be patient God's God's promised us he's going to take care of this is nothing to be worried about and then yeah I think the other thing is if we're praying we need to pray for President Trump the team we need to pray that there's a quick recovery we need we need to hook up with his Easter go and that that's a goal that it probably has to be flexible for several reasons but still we can pray with him and agree with him and his team that these things are going there's lots of things Christians can do coming in the opposite spirit than the world is doing man and have a real impact on what's going on listen I know look I've set in the room with vice president pence and listen to him he's one of us guys this guy is born again and loves Jesus and man man having him in that position is not a light thing pray for him and then because he's a brilliant guy God Jesus and so let me mention here introduce Billy that he has been a pastor of multiple churches he has been in real estate and that's where he made his money at and he has a ministry called wealth builders and just last Saturday you had a conference call I guess I did I did a zoom like tonight a live stream anyway he took his people that are in wealth builders and and counseled them about things and I think both Paul and Billy are invested in the market which that's not really the focus of what we're doing here tonight but he counseled his people and both of them are just telling us that they're back in the market they're beginning to say this is gonna come roaring back so anyway Billy what are you like you know I would say you know follow up where Paul was that there's no question that that President Trump was put here as president in this nation right now I want to say for such a time as this because what happens when we have a pandemic like what we've had or what we're in the the medical issues and the disease issues are serious however people are panicking but one of the things that I want you to realize is that when we start closing down cities and closing down States because of valid medical reasons so that this thing doesn't spread what happens economically which is what we're talking about is it actually becomes a forced recession so in other words because businesses begin to contract employees for example without the stimulus don't get paid and so what happens is we end up in a in a forced recession where what Andrew said earlier the cure sometimes becomes actually worse than the problem so what what President Trump is done because he's a businessman and he understands economics him and Stephen Newton have put this stimulus in to basically cut - to basically combat this forced recession that the medical requirements are causing and really the real negative effect besides obviously businesses being hurt but people being unemployed that that piece of unemployment is what really becomes the gasoline for a recession and of course then everything's affected businesses because people aren't trading other things are affected and Andrew I brought just so we have a frame of reference this is not too technical this just gives some history on where we've come I'll hold this up and I think they may have a slide for it but it looks like this I've used it before but it's and I don't we have an internal slide we can put up guys right there but if you look at that black Monday back in 1987 of course none of us were old enough to remember that I remember it well but but the recovery of that was two years and five months just to get back from the drop of one day one day one day the economy dropped and it took two years in two years and five months the Russian debt crisis which was really and I know it's on here and I put it up but really it involved the Asian debt crisis as well and and it dropped the market dropped 25% and happened in July of a 98 and it lasted for seven months and five days that led us right into 99 which is where the dot-com crash in 9/11 happened of course right after that started December the 31st 1999 and the whole market went down 53 percent and it took us now they're they're saying 15 years but we recovered up through that and then there was a global financial crisis that we all know is the Great Recession it took six years and six months but the market dropped 48 percent and here we are right now with the the corona virus pandemic in so far as of the time that we printed this has dropped 33 percent now there's a reason I'm bringing it up there's a reason because President Trump knows how and he's addressing the economic side he's getting he's getting criticized tremendously in the liberal media because he talks about reopening the whole thing by Easter but the truth of the matter is what he's doing is he's combating this forced recession that the medical pandemic has caused to happen and in my opinion is brilliant so I just I brought this this next chart just to show people how fast that it has fallen just in about three weeks this is the market this is this is a chart of the S&P 500 going back to last year and you can see how tight its trading all the way across that line in other words there's no big variation and value you see how tight that is and if you see how tight that is I'm looking at the monitor right now intentionally because I want you to see that but then you see how fast this market has fallen you can see that but now and I talked about it being down here and I believe right now we're getting close to the bottom now I'll address the bottom of this but where I believe we are andrew is in what I call in what's being referred to in the media as a v-shaped recovery and it's because of President Trump and what Paul Paul said was true a lot of the presidents have made those decisions politically he's making this economically for what's best for the American people so if it's really important I'll only talk about the unemployment side of that plan the other side of that business plan that besides unemployment are the loans to small business to maintain their payroll that's correct so in other words they're not own employees there so there's going to be part of this is going to be addressed with unemployment and a lot of that is addressing people that have already applied for unemployment right so you have to dress them differently right the people who are still working are still attached to their companies are going to be they're going to be addressed through these small business loans they're thinking but they have to agree to keep these people on our payroll and keep them employed for this 90-day period that minuchin talking about and Trump knows that gives him time to bring to get the pound anybody here's a question I am like if your small business and the government gives you a loan and loan means it's going to be repaid with interest yeah no they don't forgive them yeah they're gonna forgive the loan you know what makes it well it's not well there's all that upfront cuz they're protected they're hedging a bet but they're gonna forgive it if you abide by it so wait bye-bye bother by the terms like that I can say when I heard the word loan I was thinking man if my business like if if I had to have help paying my employees we have over a million dollars a month in payroll and if I got a 10 million dollar loan and had to pay it back that wouldn't be well and I'll be honestly if I were still a small business today and this was a situation I would reject alone yeah I wouldn't take it that's good you didn't need to because what one thing is because because that you're burdening this besides the recession then you're burdening the taxpayer and you're burdening your company to have to pay the labor it's easier to me to believe God and go through this but some people are tough sighs but some people against the stimulus the Trump knows if he can get the stimulus in and get money flowing in the economy keep people employed then the next thing that's going to happen I'm going to show the next chart and I only have three charts so I'm not going to burden them I'm almost done but I want people to see how the markets come back if we can go to the next to to the next chart that looks like this and you can see how it's already bumping up now for anybody watching and I'm sure we have many financial advisors and other people that are watching you know we may not be looking yet completely at the bottom of how far down it will go but you can tell how this whole crash has been driven on two things the pandemic and the news about the pandemic this is not an economic crisis it can become an economic crisis if people stay unemployed and things are forced but Trump is making great decisions so if you look at that chart and I'm gonna look in the monitor because I can see it better but if you if you look at that chart Paul and I were talking before we came home we believe and we're both invested we believe that there may still be a lower place to go but when when people are talking in the media you hear President Trump talk are you here Steve Nugent minuchin talk is the Treasury secretary they're talking about a v-shaped recovery and what that means is you can see how fast that it came down they're talking about it going up almost just as fast on the other side make a V instead of it go down and then grow up slow it goes back up quick and so Paul and I neither one believe we may be completely at the bottom but years old the reason we don't think we could here's what could happen that would take it further there's there's been some expectations put out there about when we'll hit the flattening of the heart when the curve starts down on the other direction if that happens around if Trump hits this stuff right if God's grace in his decision-making hits these things right then we're going to say hard V recovery he's a sharp BAM but it could it could go past if it went past Easter a little way and there was some bad news about an uptick in cases whatever the market made me made me gyration so do we have anybody they would put out bad news and make what do you think about them trying to stick in all of these stimulus things that they I mean this stuff into the stimulus that they've been after and unable to do though that's all playing a political game when when the country is in a major design that's how bad it is totally a political game that's kind of sad so let me just say when we're looking at this I don't want to get too technical with all that but I really believe we're coming back and sure in a short period of time three to six months I think it's gonna be sunshine everywhere economically I think economically could be over with the worst of this could be over within three weeks and basically we would and then it's going to start coming up and as it comes up it comes up quickly so there's a lot of questions should we invest now all these kind of questions so what Paul and I we were talking about this if somebody already has experience and understands right now this this is like my you know my wife Becky she gets excited because she'll go to buy furniture or clothes or whatever and she'll come home and tell me how much money she saved right because it but because there's this sale you know she didn't tell me how much she spent but she'll tell me how much she saved but the reason I'm bringing it up is right now this stuff's on sale and there are assets of all kinds that are on sale and the only thing I'll say quickly and then we'll kind of shift in the bone is that stocks right now are getting cheap they may get a little cheaper and so if you already have some experience in the stock market through an IRA or 401k or some other thing then the other question then it's a good time to know how to buy and what to buy the second thing is if you're if your portfolio went down I'm talking if your portfolio has gone down during this crisis just be patient don't sell into the downside and don't panic it'll come back up and so I just want to encourage people that are watching whose 401ks and IRAs have gone down and they don't know what to do but I want to encourage you to do is just stay patient and these things will come back so that's a practical answer so many people and for me to say this because I'm operating in faith believing on the word of God but you're saying this on just a contracted slip so practice I believe that everything is pointing towards a recoveries and is just you know somebody who's standing in faith we mean absolutely but the difference here let's be real clear the difference is most of the people that are higher partners that are probably watching us right now have are invested in a 401k or an IRA so they've got managers that they've already given what their level of risk is and so that's being managed and and most of the time it's probably managed well yeah I'll say that most 401ks have gone down close to 20 percent mm-hmm and that's real 20 percent real they had a hundred thousand in your 401k it's now 20 percent smaller it's an 80 grand and some of them so you know so they're out there some of them going down 30 to 35 percent so what we're set but if you're an individual investor you've got to know what you're doing to go back into the market where I you know what I usually look at and I'm going to give this advice because I'm not qualified I can I'm not licensed to give advice but looking at blue chip stocks that give that pay dividends like the suck of Walmart Walmart gets it goes down the mix or Apple goes down in the mix because everything goes down in the market but these guys are coming back on the convex wrong and so like Billy said you're buying it on sale down here right it's just cheap is it's probably gonna be for a long long time but you need advice to do that kind of thing not not from Billy and I could yeah this isn't really about yeah we're not trying to we're just going to get people respect yeah and let me just say that our partners have been super and during this time that we we've had over 50% of our people working from home and our partners have stepped up and just like yesterday we had a 60 thousand dollar gift and a $50,000 gift and I don't know the motivation mind but I bet you it's our partners just absolutely the stuff and so they're there so in seed so our people know thank all of you yeah thank you Paul man he has overseen this ministry for five years and we've been through three building process our assets have gone from what do you do your members not only twenty or thirty thousand are thirty thirty million to a hundred and twenty twenty and twenty million over five years under so Paul has seen this minute that you don't you know what you know and God used our partners to do that absolutely I mean what during the listening I remember those those days of having to manage cash through three huge buildings Romania smile I remember you know let me just before we came on the air what do we need to do about stuff and I like to call I said Paul what do you saying Paul what it was like yeah and I were talking this morning and I kind of hinted to him you want to go back he said absolutely [Laughter] you've started 16 corporations you had thousands of employees and yet I've heard you say that managing this ministry was a bigger challenge the biggest challenge in my life it absolutely was because well I'll tell you why I mean I I know this ministry inside out and I can tell you why it was more challenging my aerospace engineering company especially you know we focused in you know eight ten different areas I mean things that we had control of with standard contract standard ways of doing things we knew you were for f21 f-35 f-22 so these are projects they're not small projects but they're well established well defined the rules are in a fault right the parameters are there to follow it's a very very mature industry Andrew Wommack ministries isn't one of those diverse organizations I've ever been around you got your hands in every thought kinds of things all over the world we run her weave on we run a college system with 6507 over 7,000 students worldwide you don't just wake up in the morning and hope that goes and what we're doing while we're doing that while we're building that God told you to build hundreds and now 20 million dollars worth of assets and the contracts and the management of the construction company and then course God's grace was involved knowledge and it's a it's a long story we can't tell but I watched a god I mean there were weeks Andrew commanding him saying to you you have enough to deal with there were weeks where we'd be four days away and we didn't have the cash it did not exist two days it did not one time you came to me and said we had 12 hours of working capital and I praise God what I thought I was operating by faith in my businesses yeah I really did I'm not being honest in my heart yeah I thought I was this man this man's idea what is my faith it's different it's different everything you do in this mysteries by faith or we don't do it you know man and so it took me about two to three years to okay I'm just gonna have to I'm not to learn how to do this differently God's anointed Andrew he's given him and his Andrews unwavering compromise I'm not compromising God's Word what God told him to do I saw that then is the strength that's what gives people the faith absolutely to do the impossible and to join in and there's no reason he should be successful this world everything the world says you have to do to be successful he's done the opposite they did the opposite right and I think the thing that makes it so unique problem what I was you did over the years and I'm seeing it now is a lot of people see Andrew Wommack ministries they see you on TV which of course is the big deal but if they really understood the depth and the breadth of what this ministry does worldwide I mean it is mind-boggling in the and just in the three months I've been in this position there's things in the organization that are happening where people's lives are being changed impact is being made around the world that it's even hard in a web sin our big website we have to really convey all of the impact that this ministry is having and so that's one of the things is it's the variety of things that are going on it's not just television even though we think out for that but there's so many other things and I'm discovering them every day honestly we need to take some questions but let me just say this we found out just last week when Kerry mentioned something on our Tuesday night Bible study a week ago I had my team research it and we have 200,000 hours worth of free material on our website if you listen 24 hours a day or watch these videos 24 hours a day that it takes you 22 years to go through all of it and if you listen eight hours a day it takes 68 years that is three brenth and that's all free we know we have a few other things very few things that are for sale but those are the freebies and that's tremendous amount of material and stuff it is really phenomenal what God is done it is listen to God and the people that I know we say this a lot you want it's hard to realize the importance that unless you're inside this ministry not just the quality of the people the the expertise that exists in this organization we we've got people that I listen I've been in business for a long time they are the best and there's only one we God sent them here none of us could Superman it would have nothing to do with any of us except God's God sent Andrew exactly what I need I just wanted I like to bring this point up because I think it helps give our partners confidence in what God is doing in this ministry and and and one of the things I like to do is give our partners a warm fuzzy with the fact that's what I always did when I was CEO I'm saying talk about what got the miracles God's performed in the in the finances of this ministry and how God's doing what he told Andrew he would do everything God told Andrew to do we have accomplished yeah we've done it and there was no reason for us to there was nothing nothing in the natural said oh yeah we can see let's make it happen like in 24 hours away from having to make a 1.2 million dollar construction payment we have 400,000 I actually talked to you that night he said a salary for him but did you know that Paul and Patsy gave more per month than what their salary was Billy our heart has come in and taken over and I was going to transfer the salary to Billy and Billy says I'm not taking anything for doing free Mike and Kerry when we promoted them in 2018 to be in vice presidents they came to me and said look it's not about the money if you want to decrease us if you want to decrease our salary where though fine you just do whatever and this is just samples it goes way deeper than us and let me tell you something in an organization if you can do away with envy and self and bishan that's it I'm telling you you can do anything you can accomplish anything because on the backside of that the word tells us in James that every evil work comes on the backside of that and it's the evil what not that we haven't had some issues and problems yeah okay because we've had some people that didn't have where there is no ox the crib is clean but much in have anyway we got some questions we yeah we have some really good questions we're gonna try to get to as many as possible so I Vinnie asked this on chat he says what suggestions do you have for retirement tensions that have been impacted Wow wow that's a tough enough carry so retirement pinches we don't know yeah so we don't know if what he's talking about or they're talking about is a fixed pension or if they're referring to their 401 K right is it ERISA plan you just said retirement pensions sorry okay th the question we'd have to have more information answered yeah really truthfully we would so with 401ks and IRAs just stay steady now if it's a pension plan like what we would call a fixed pension coming from a company and and it's controlled by a board of directors and that kind of thing that kind of thing you're just going to have to wait to see what happens with it but in the in normal and the normal retirement programs just stay steady let me say this right this might be an opportunity to do this just go check and see what because what you do when you sign up for this plan you you give them a profile and it and it delineates the risk that you're willing to take it's just a good time to go check and see what you've done a lot of people forgot right well let us pray so long ago it's been so long ago go into your plant administrator and say can I look at my risk profile let me see where I'm at ask questions about how the management is being done of that ERISA plan how the decisions are made about the stock buys and when how the investments you made what what investment vehicles exist just get you a better idea where you're at with that's what I would suggest yeah it's good it's good so James pH just asked this do you know if if you're someone getting Social Security if you still get a check from the government with this stimulus package based on my understanding of it you do still get a check even though I think I mean that's something we're gonna have to verify so I don't know Paul I'm sorry changing my battery do you know if you're someone getting social Social Security if you still get a check from the government with this stimulus package you know what I don't know the answer to that I don't either good question now there are there is there's income qualification on that check I think it's a ninety nine thousand well if you're not over that you know if you're over that if your income is over that then you don't get the checks the 12 v the 1200 ollars per individual and the $500 for a child I mean obviously their checks going to steep keeps coming in so I would think that they would if they qualify income wise but these are good questions and so gives the opportunity to do some more research on this so wholly royal princess on YouTube asked this she said I am a small business owner and applied for unemployment as an employee I'm the only one in my business as it is a salon was this an error yet she filed for unemployment she applied for unemployment as an employee I'm the only one in my business she shut the business down no I would say no she is not that's not a mistake why not sure why she thank you mister she's asking as an owner could she file well the question is did she take did she take those points did she take her income as a 1099 or a w-2 if she's taking it if she took her income as a 1099 she needs to check but I think there were provisions in this stimulus that had to do with 1099 employees mm-hmm I assumed that she was an employee of her own business that's what Billy's say mm-hmm is she an employee on a w-2 with her own business or is she on a 1099 if she's an employee then she did the right thing yeah excellent so then we have another question here from Ruthie she says so businesses have to pay their employees even when out of work with this loan that's that is correct they have to keep the payroll in place you know if you get money meaning if they receive money are there limitations on businesses as to qualify as to get that money yeah I'm sure there is I haven't seen any particulars on that I don't know how there that I don't think that I don't clean their niche in small business but how about Boeing or somebody they've that's a different program yeah they've got 500 billion set aside to the larger floors with larger parent residence cruise lines hotel and it'll be totally different the government might take an equity position with them in other words they'll own part of the company that's I heard somebody today was bowling or somebody that reject would reject the loan if there was equity involved yeah which I would - right but the truth is that'll be a different program done differently the small business is like we're talking about here with this young lady Downes though they wanted so long businesses opening the work there's no what you're saying right there would it be good for the government to become have equity in these companies getting that kind of a government takeover yes but it's been done many times what's been done several been done several times been done is the problem the problem is is the impact that happens if they go under and so that's what they're trying to prevent to keep the economy going I tell you what just from my standpoint I'd like to hear you guys speak to this but if we would had somebody else in as president I heard one of the representatives wanted to nationalize all of the hospitals and take them over and I think they would have been input in national health care they would have started taking over the airline industries we would have been a socialist country of trumpet well it is unusual it is unusual that we've had to have this level of stimulus this quick but that really is somebody who's a businessman not a socialist because a lot of times on the political spectrum conservatives are not far that kind of thing where we're actually given money the issue is is this pandemic was forced on us so the only the only legitimate cure are economically is getting keeping the money moving because if the money stays it's not going to be a recession it'll be meaning if it contracts it's not going to be a recession it'll be it could be a depression here I want is a very good one let me let me explain like this many many socialist governments communist governments but social like Venezuela let's say those kind of socialist governments have used businesses being in trouble as an excuse to nationalize them and that's what your there's a danger of what you're talking about and this rep who this representative was that said that that's the doorway that gets open sometimes towards socialization I'm totally against the government taking equity positions in these companies and most of these board directors will not have no they will they will reject the loans here's the only time it happens it happened with General Motors because they had no choice it's either the government takes equity position and takes and gives you the money to stay alive or you don't exist anymore well you know I have no plans a little taking any money I don't even know if they'd give it to a religious organization but my fear would be that if I didn't take money and keep my employees play that the government would have input into controlling running yes sir and I don't want to give them any controls yeah yeah now one points I'm out for these small businesses I this this rule own to keep your payroll in place is different than what we're talking about number one I trust the Trump administration Steve minuchin that they say they're gonna forgive these loans they know that these small businesses cannot recover and pay back the loan at the same time they're businessmen they know that and so they're not going to give small businesses alone to keep their payrolls viable and turn around and then let them then let them go bankrupt it would just be weird they would lose the money they put in to begin with anyway so I don't want people who have small businesses to get concerned about what we're talking about about the government taken over their business that's a totally different being questions but here's okay here's another question where's the government coming up with two trillion dollars yeah you know a lot of questions about that where does money come how does this affect the taxpayers it oh well they understand the scope of it and how and how large it is and if you break it down and go more granular down in and then come back up you know they're coming up with - Steve minuchin on Sunday said Fortran because he because he wasn't sure how long the effects of the pandemic would have the economy the amount again isn't the main thing where is a coming up with this money the Federal Reserve oh they're coming in money well it's not it's not actually being printed it's it's a balance sheet transaction it's electronic and in other words the money's not see there so yes so some of it yeah there's this increase our national debt yeah yeah the answer is they are printing it yeah and there's there some that's not pretty this has the most of it is they're printing this has a potential of having long-term damaging effect but on but the balance of it is is that printing the money to keep the economy afloat is a less negative effect printing the money and doing that then if you went into a great another Great Recession or into a depression so it's mad it's basically a risk reward calculation that they're using in order to make these decisions Paul I like talking we have a lot of confidence in those guys that are making this decision most of the in hesitation is saying this because I don't know how much most of this money will come back dude there's a certain there's a 20 to 25 percent number probably just in taxes mm-hmm just base that come back okay so if they didn't put the stimulus in at this level see other stimuluses have they haven't done this with it Obama didn't do this it was like giveaways it was just political candy it was giving away this goes into payroll taxes come back to the government and so a lot of this gets recovered what you're talking about is the two trillion is for small business unemployment insurance and those kind of things it's four trillion provides that okay it's six trillion that that the Federal Reserve has sliced out and made available as to go further than right to clear to keep the economy liquid and to keep money liquid meaning for big businesses and the other thing yeah a couple more here piss fine Charmaine asked this she says is it wise to invest in real estate as opposed to this volatile market so a number of questions about realist a billion the truth is the good news about real estate is most of the time real estate does not really go down now it did in the Great Recession and it did in the Great Depression but real estate typically value-wise holds up well I'll talk to you it holds up well during a recession now here's what happens if unemployment tremendously increases which is what the Trump administration is trying to keep from happening then real estate will take some kind of hit because it's dependent on meaning paying either rent or paying mortgages or dependent now they're doing some mortgage forbearance and there's been a lot of questions about that but typically speaking real estate will hold up in a recession what I will say if you're an investor a real estate investor out there watching you can look for some bargains right now during this time I'm not going to tell you they're going to happen here in the next week or two depending on how far it goes out there will be some there will be some opportunity to invest but real estate typically holds up good in recession and another question here from David Lee he said is it a good time to refinance when talking about real estate well it is what the interest rates we have so right now the money this is the cheapest money it is well the Fed rate is zero and then your borrowing rates are in depending on whether you're we're first first time in our history into negative negative interest rates so we're at zero we are practically know what that and up here I said what does that mean that means you have to pay the bank to take your money that's correct no the bank pays you so basically how to - the Fed is paying the banks to take their money yes that's exactly what's happening and so in this case the answer is yes refinance and let me just say this before I get off of it Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. is coming Saturday I'm gonna take a lot of technical questions on Finance if not not just about IRAs and 401ks I'll cover that but real estate stock and open also business so we're going to talk about that more technically tonight we've kind of kept it a little broader so I'm talking about so they can go to the I was told right before this and that you go to the Facebook page Billy upper heart Facebook page is it's a public page and on there they'll direct you on how to get to it or you can go to wealth builders org either one and they'll direct you and we're gonna take some time Saturday morning and really talk about some real specifics we're just kind of hitting the high notes right now yeah I think that was one it kind of the last questions here is just a lot of people are asking what are some resources where do they go and who would you advise them to listen to to really know how to start investing since they're beginners and it's a good well if they're beginners one of the things you need to do is I encourage you to find a good financial advisor we have some recommendations once again on our website on wealth builders org you can go on there and see right on the top and there's a drop-down you know it'll tell you where to go we actually have a new thing we started called wealth builders investment services and so of course we have in this and that one we have licensed people who are actually there to advise you on what to do we have you know and we could do this off air I wouldn't under this one we have an advisor to the ministry right born-again Christian has been an advisor for a long time I've worked with him for years because the ministry owns and gets a lot of stock donated to the ministry so we have to well we actually beste to right here because we have one that takes our stock in Colorado Springs Greg yeah then we have another one that's in Atlanta that is handling the Karis endowment funds scott cason case so Greg young is here in Colorado Craig is just fantastic yeah and he's a he's a smart investor also so they've got some resources and if but if they're let me just say if they're beginning their beginning really beginning investors they need someone to help you have to do not you look don't you cannot jump into the market without understanding that today and guys like Greg Young here in Colorado Springs with wealth advisors there's a knife yeah we call it wealth investment services we use our investment advisor primary when his name Chad Frandsen he's in California and it's just somebody that worked that has been Chad we love Chad he's awesome he's a tech as a Indian football player graduate and Chad knows what he's marketing but yeah but he also follows Chad will work with me on what we consider to be the primary investment advice right now these guys these guys have liabilities kind of like a CPA or something they've got liability with what they do that's gross so you can you know you can have a better confidence in them you know this has helped me I've gotten some questions answered I understand what they're talking about a lot better so it's many more it's tough to answer questions in this forum to the detail that people Romanians help me I think the main thing that I that I want it's just that you know look we all have a personal relationship with Jesus man that's where our strength comes from the Lord promises to give us peace peace that passes understanding so sometimes you know and this kind of thing is going on it's hard to understand everything but you don't need to understand no you just need God's peace yeah and the way and the only way you're gonna get God's peace and keep it is to stay your mind on God you know I just listening to the news I mean I'm just trying to get enough information to stay in form but the negativity in between the one it's just horrible it works on your mind I don't I hate to flood my mind you know the Bible says that you know where God talks about keeping our minds you know they stayed on him that kid that working he is the Greek word for Mayo which means like a military garrison yeah to be complete I mean that's the way I want my mind guarded like a military garrison not like an open sieve it's over everything comes through it so I really highly recommend get in the word you know look up every word every description you can on peace and and God gives us the responsibility to let not our heart be troubled yeah it's our responsibility it's not gonna be happen to you because you want it to you've got it you've got to take action to make sure that you're guarding your heart and mind against either because like Andrew was talking about earlier there are liberal media and Democrats and everybody else out there who are just they want nothing more the detectives they would love to see the economy crash just to take a president sacrificing millions of people to get rid of that's ungodly that is ungodly and we need to pray against that but can I get one more word of practical let me just say this 2nd Timothy 1:7 says God's not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind so the front side of that is God has not given us the spirit of fear so we don't panic or operate in fear the last part of that God gives you the sound mind and one of the things I think for all of us nobody saw this thing coming like it like it's coming and one of the things that I want to encourage you with is the sound mind part that during this time keep the sound mind that the Lord will show you the next step or the next half step that you're supposed to take in this time before your life financially we can stand up here and talk about all kind or sit up here talk about all kinds of things but the Holy Spirit is the teacher of the church and he'll help you in this time and then let me just challenge you with one thing don't be afraid of finding out what I call the law of wisdom or wisdom don't be afraid of learning things you don't know you develop more of a sound mind and instead of taking this time to panic or taking this time to be afraid take this time to develop in your life economically or financially learn some things about finances or economics maybe you didn't know before and develop a sound mind and use what the Satan wants to use as a crisis is actually key that next half step or next step to propel you into something that's better so God will take what Satan meant for evil and turn it around for good and let me just mention again that we've now extended our phone hours 24 hours a day five days a week and this is my priority we just got this mandate from our Colorado governor just before we went on the air tonight and he's mandating that we stay at home but praise God my staff saw this coming and we have put some things in place that our prayer ministers are going to be able to answer the phone from home them so we are going to keep our phones open five days a week 24 hours a day and if we can help you please call and let me just also say to those of you who are partners with us again how much we appreciate you because I haven't put out anything asking for help and yet people have just been giving extra and we are going to keep paying our employees and we are not going to take a government alone again I don't even know if it was available but I wouldn't take it anyway I'm depending on God to speak to our partners and so if you're a part of this thank you for what you've already done and thank you for standing with us and we're gonna come through this stronger than we've ever been man Andrew cannot cussed I want one last thing you know I know this is this may sound a little strange there certainly sounds strange to the world but during during I don't mind times of crisis I know that sounds crazy it's an opportunity it's an opportunity to for us to really show God's grace and his love and what he's done in our life joy comes up in me during these times amen look I don't mean hope people take that properly but what happens during times of crisis when you totally fix your mind on God and you're totally given to your relationship with him is you'll maintain inner peace despite external chaos and you can maintain your joy to this time it looked for opportunities don't be fearful and scared and worried about getting toilet paper God use something else and forget about some what I'm saying is look for the opportunity use your relationship with Jesus during this time don't give in to the world system let it have its fit and you just win peace maintain your peace do what's right look if you can't do anything else if all else fails just give give and serve you can't outgive God and you never get yourself in a bad position of giving and so look for but you got it like my wife and I've done the last few days she just said to me she I've got it I'm gonna think about who we can go serve people that we can buy groceries for and take to whatever you know there's so many different situations you can you could serve people if Christians will do that then the love of God has a chance to manifest amen and that's there there's what I think these opportunity there's opportunities here to be to learn things financially and even make some money and all that that's not near as important as showing the love of God to the people that you're associated with and while you've been part of our ministry for 25 or 30 years and even though you didn't take over the CEO until 2015 in 2009 when the Great Recession hit is when God spoke to me about I needed to build a Karass Bible College and I started the largest expansion we've spent a hundred and twenty million dollars on bid on buildings in the last 11 years and it was during the Great Recession it was a crisis right and did you know it was the greatest opportunity we ever had and because I operated in faith people were drawn to this ministry while other people were operating in fear and it turned out to be one of the best I just finished a teaching in the men's advance workshop and also in the business school and it's talk it talks about exactly what you're referring to it's it's operating in the kingdom of God instead of the world system you people have got to stop looking at the promises of God in God's Word and then go to the world system to try to make them happen that's not where your promises of God are going to happen they're gonna happen to you if you operate in the kingdom I'll never forget you calling me during that time and same with the other board of directors we need to approve the by we approved the buying of that hundred and fifty six acres across the street over there at the worst possible time anybody could be buying anything should've been right yeah we spent millions of dollars what we did we bought it for pennies we do everybody else because it was an opportunity it was a ten million dollar piece of property and we bought it for what was exactly for me and it actually started it was offered at twelve point something million the first time and you know people would would tell you were you crazy you can't do that during the recession well don't tell Andrew or god that's a kingdom of God principle it's giving and receiving instead of buying and selling and that's what happened during that time it shot the ministry into the second chronicles 16:9 the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth seeking to show himself strong on behalf of those who are perfect in his side and if you acquit listening to the ten spies Network and instead start listening to God and take steps of faith it just like draws the blessing of God towards you because he's looking for people to show himself strong I was young and now I'm old and I've never seen righteous begging bread I think this has been really I think that this was the Lord that established this on this night in dealing with this exact situation so hopefully this has been a blessing to you and again if you've been a partner with us thank you for that and if there's a way that we can be a blessing to you we have people at our phones right now seven one nine six three five eleven eleven call and we'll be glad to help you pray with you give you materials do whatever we can check out that website two hundred thousand hours worth of free stuff on it and I will check out gosh gospel truth TV this is awesome we've got some we have some content we've got our God with us and the heart of Christmas is also on there so as your kids are around the house as you guys are doing things I encourage you to get on that that's just going to just activate your faith my kids we're doing homework this morning and singing trust him in the middle of a truck and the in the middle of it we have our business shows on Saturday mornings right to 12:00 go from 8:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays and watch gospel truth TV it's nothing but business program hey man so we've got a little bit overtime tonight but I think I believe it's the Lord plus they've shut us down for the next two days so we just but I would stay in touch with a WM net if there's any new updates if there's any new things that we decided to have to put out definitely keep keep going to a WM I dotnet and so if we have new things if Andrew does anything new it will be on there amen thank you for joining us god bless you then praise God we're gonna come through this stronger than ever before in name of Jesus you can eyes alone you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 13,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7SDepk_iiRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 22sec (3682 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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