ANATOMY OF CONFLICT | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (September 19, 2021)

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[Music] the word exposed suggest calm tv horas [Music] domingo and the word exposed i just come tv [Music] can just come tv balance [Music] see you there everyone friends greetings of joy and peace i trust that you are well please continue exposing the word with us every sunday subscribe to justcom tv then watch and share the word exposed on your feed thank you [Music] [Music] you are watching the word exposed let us behold jesus the word incarnate revealing himself to us in the sunday readings we are on the 25th sunday in ordinary time in today's gospel jesus tells his disciples if anyone wishes to be first he shall be the last of all and the servant of all but how will we become servant of all by receiving a child in jesus name children during that time had no status or power or civil rights they are vulnerable and marginalized by their own society who are these children today look around brothers and sisters so many of them waiting for someone to receive them being servants of the non-significant people in the world is a sign of greatness in jesus kingdom [Music] a reading from the book of wisdom the wicked say let us beset the just one because he is obnoxious to us he sets himself against our doings reproaches us for transgressions of the law and charges us with violations of our training let us see whether his words be true let us find out what will happen to him for if the just one be the son of god god will defend him and deliver him from the hand of his foes with revilement and torture let us put the just one to the test that we may have proof of his gentleness and try his patience let us condemn him to a shameful death for according to his own words god will take care of him the word of the lord the lord upholds my life the lord upholds my life [Music] oh god by your name save me and by your mind defend my course [Music] for [Music] seek my life [Music] the lord upholds my life [Music] before god is my helper the lord sustains my life freely will i offer you sacrifice [Music] the lord [Music] upon the lord upholds my love [Music] a reading from the book of james beloved where jealousy and selfish ambition exist there is order and every foul practice but the wisdom from above is first of all pure then peaceable gentle compliant full of mercy and good fruits without inconstancy or insincerity and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from is it not from your passions that make war within your members you covet but do not possess you kill and envy but you cannot obtain you fight and wage war you do not possess because you do not ask you ask but you do not receive because you ask wrongly to spend it on your passions the word of the lord an anatomy of conflict i use the word anatomy because uh we want to dissect the components of what we call conflict unfortunately even in the midst of this global pandemic humanity has not yet abandoned conflict or creating conflict situations so instead of resources time talent being poured into addressing this general emergency money talents are being poured into fighting conflicts and for what our readings for today may help us understand how conflicts are generated and how conflicts should be handled and faced by christians in the first reading from wisdom we see a classic a classic depiction of how conflicts are generated especially among people who try to maintain power the first reading starts with someone saying the just one the just one should be silenced because this just one tries to correct us so you have a mentality that refuses to be corrected every correction is perceived as an assault every correction is perceived as a criticism and if someone is so insecure that that person cannot accept correction then what happens he plots to silence the one correcting and to the point of putting this person to the test let us take revenge on him let us torture him let us even try to kill him so that we would know whether this person is really just and let us even test god this just one claims that god is with him that god will protect him let us try that let us try that let us test god let us see whether this person is really just let us see whether his patience is without end and let us see whether god will come to his rescue look at that mentality and this person this mentality does not does not hesitate to be conflictual my dear brothers and sisters this is frightening huh this is a frightening mentality but it is a mentality that is at the heart at the source of conflicts now before judging other people let us look at ourselves do we entertain such thoughts too are we agents of conflicts too testing others and even testing god the second reading the letter of saint james you know tells us in plain language the cause of conflicts it says jealousy envy they're related when i am jealous i am afraid to lose what i already have wow i already have this person but the other might get him or her away from me so i am jealous envy why does this person have that and i do not and so i start coveting what the person has and according to saint james this is at the root of conflict i will kill i will destroy so that i could get what i want unfortunately i will get what the other person has and so i will eliminate that person st james says but how about asking ask god or ask the person to share what the person has but we do not ask or if we ask we ask for the wrong reasons we ask out of envy we don't ask out of goodness and so conflicts start my dear brothers and sisters let these first two readings lead us to self-examination and also examination of the social conflicts they come from passions they come from mentalities they come from drives fomented by jealousy envy and the lack of humility to be corrected now the choice is before us will be will we promote conflicts or will we create situations of peace [Music] [Music] the proclamation of the holy gospel according to mark jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through galilee but he did not wish anyone to know about it he was teaching his disciples and telling them the son of man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him and three days after his death the son of man will rise but they did not understand the saying and they were afraid to question him they came to kaparnam and once inside the house he began to ask them what were you arguing about on the way but they remained silent they had been discussing among themselves on the way who was the greatest then he sat down called the twelve and said to them if anyone wishes to be first he shall be the last of all and the servant of all taking a child he placed it in their midst and putting his arms around it he said to them whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me and whoever receives me receives not me but the one who sent me the gospel of the lord an anatomy of conflict we have been trying to delve into the readings of today in order to understand the sources of conflict because our world unfortunately uh is uh experiencing so many conflicts uh pope francis even says that we have a world war peace meal you know a peace here a peace there and uh yeah and it is usually the poor the helpless and our world creation that are the first victims of conflicts we christians should be able to understand and to confront the roots of conflicts and as saint james says in the second reading so justice but who sow justice those who work for peace in the first reading we find conflict generated by people who refuse to be corrected instead of admitting their faults they will eliminate the ones who are correcting them and even test god and test the patience of the just ones in the second reading saint james points to jealousy envy but that is not the way of god the way of god is peace and those who sow peace so justice as well and they will reap the fruits of peace in the gospel jesus continues his cathy cases his teaching of the disciples about his being the messiah and he is quite firm he is the messiah according to god's plan and he with deep faith complete faith in god has accepted his being a messiah not according to the dictates of the world but the messiah according to god's ways he will suffer he will be ridiculed he will be put to death but he will rise again from the dead now according to saint mark the disciples missed the point they did not understand his teaching but they were afraid to ask him or maybe they were reflecting but afraid to be clarified by by jesus himself to be guided by jesus himself you could imagine them this is hard teaching do you want to follow this type of messiah huh why did you join him all of this murmuring no but they were afraid to ask him but it's good that they were talking about it but to reveal their lack of comprehension you know came this moment where jesus asked them what were you talking about what were you arguing about and their response shows their lack of comprehension they were arguing the beginning of conflict and they said well they were discussing who was the greatest again a conflict situation argumentation focused on who is the greatest when you talk about that who is the greatest what will follow then is am i greater than you and you greater than i i cannot accept that then conflict begins what services would be envy jealousy and the pride not to give up my prerogative so even the disciples of jesus got into conflict missing out on the teaching of jesus that he himself will not engage in conflict for the sake of conflict he will absorb the conflict out of faith in the messiahship that god wants him to accomplish then jesus teaches them a lesson he tells them that in his kingdom the greatest should be the last the first is the last and the greatest is the servant this is a different measure of greatness and he calls a child in their midst for it is by be becoming like a child that you enter the kingdom of god there are so many conflicts in families in schools in politics so many conflicts among those who are trying to influence opinions that's why there is bashing there is fake news there is destruction of the reputation and the good names of other people there is false reporting but no admission [Music] of of an error all of this generates conflicts and an atmosphere where everyone just wants to fight back not even knowing what they are fighting for let us follow the readings for today admit our pride and stand to be corrected admit our streaks of jealousy and envy and start appreciating god's goodness to us start appreciating celebrating the goodness of god in other people and together let us show peace through justice let us be great by being children and not by being bullies to one another the choice is ours the word has been exposed let us now fulfill it [Music] [Music] in earlier episodes we reflected on the first four sorrows of our lady as steps towards spiritual growth in this pandemic times the prophecy of simeon and the flight into egypt teach us that listening as mary did leads to discernment and trust in our companions the loss of the child jesus for three days and the meeting with jesus on the way to calvary teach us mary's reaching out to and meeting the other in humility which cultivates empathy today let us look at the crucifixion of jesus and his being taken down from the cross what could we learn from these sorrows of mary the gospel tells us mary exemplifies important aspects of faith in these sorrows acknowledging and feeling the pain is perfectly fine in fact it can be healthy according to psychologists because we are able to understand and handle our feelings and mary's grief did not negate what she professed in her magnifica god remembers his promise of mercy she is a witness to god's fidelity so this evil unfolding before her may hurt but cannot erase her faith in the faithful god so brothers and sisters another step to spiritual growth in the way of our lady is to remember when did god fail to provide what we truly need when did god not lift you up from anything weighing you down through the people you encounter so let us be faithful also to god who is faithful by continuing to believe that he remembers his promise of mercy let us not let evil that causes our sorrows win god's fidelity will have the final word it must have been excruciating for mary to behold and touch the corpse of her brutally executed son when they removed him from the cross [Music] in her embrace of her son's mangled body we hear again her fiat thy will be done if this is what the angel meant if this is what simeon meant thy will be done again remembrance remembering our yes our fiat sorrows brothers and sisters call us to remember god's faithfulness and to remember also our fiat in our lady we learned that saying yes to god comes not only in good times but most especially in sorrowful ones our lady of sorrows pray for us [Music] we have prepared reflection points for you please share them with your companions the first point is how have you challenged and tested god's ways the second point is are we ready to embrace the ways of god that are different from ours [Music] heavenly father you have blessed this humble program with a decade of mission on air you have gifted it with the talents hard work and financial support of many generous people so that as your word is exposed many more may know love and serve jesus lord jesus be with us always your production staff and partners your viewers and benefactors that we may not run out of courage zeal and charity in fulfilling our mission daily and when our limitations and weaknesses surface please ask the father to send the holy spirit to purify us and set our hearts on fire with renewed faith hope and love so we may serve you for many more years to come amen friends thank you for your company we pray that the word of god would find fulfillment in your life and his blessings be always upon you and we hope you could be with us again next sunday here on the word exposed [Music] i will sing forever [Music] is [Music] let us [Music] um you
Channel: JesComTV
Views: 10,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thewordexposed, Jescomph, Jescom, Psalms, Cardinal Tagle, WordExposed, Religious, Inspirational, Catholic, Cycle B, Gospel, Readings, Mass, Homily, Christianity, Cardinal Tagle Sunday Sermon, Cardinal Tagle Homily, Cardinal Tagle Youtube, Cardinal Tagle video, Cardinal Tagle message, Cardinal Tagle show, Cardinal Tagle homily today, Cardinal Tagle mass, stella maris, I will sing forever, 500yoc, 500yearsofChristianity, giftedtogive
Id: nvmlPQUPhG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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