LOVE IS GREATER THAN HATRED | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (January 30, 2022)

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[Music] hi i'm gus lilu and we're from minnesota usa join us in cardinal chito every sunday on the word exposed on just on tv thank you and god bless japan from singapore [Music] so the word [Music] thank you friends greetings of joy and peace i trust that you are well please continue exposing the word with us every sunday subscribe to jazcom tv then watch and share the word exposed on your feed thank you [Music] [Music] you are watching the word exposed let us behold jesus the word incarnate revealing himself to us in the sunday readings today is the fourth sunday in ordinary time our gospel reading today follows the one proclaimed last sunday jesus announced the fulfillment of the scripture but this also surprised those listening to him at the synagogue they were amazed that their neighbor the son of joseph spoke those gracious words then jesus told them of how the israelites rejected the prophets of old their kinsmen this filled the people with fury they pushed him out of their town and even tried to hurl him down a cliff do we listen selectively do we want to keep jesus only as a convenient commodity [Music] [Music] a reading from the book of the prophet jeremiah the word of the lord came to me saying before i formed you in the womb i knew you before you were born i dedicated you a prophet to the nations i appointed you but do you gird your loins stand up and tell them all that i command you be not crushed on their account as though i would leave you crushed before them for it is i this day who have made you a fortified city a pillar of iron a wall of brass against the whole land against judas kings and princes against its priests and people they will fight against you but not prevail over you for i am with you to deliver you says the lord [Music] the word of the lord i will sing of your salvation i will sing of your salvation [Music] i will sing of your salvation i will sing of your salvation in you o lord i take refuge let me never be born to shame in your justice rescue me and deliver me incline your ear to me and save me i will sing of your salvation [Music] i will sing of your salvation [Music] be my rock of refuge a stronghold to give me safety for you are my rock and my fortress god rescue me from the hand of the wicked i will sing of your salvation i will sing of your salvation for you are my hope o lord my trust o god from my youth on you i depend from birth from my mother's womb you are my strength i will sing of your salvation [Music] i will sing of your salvation my mouth shall declare your justice day by day your salvation o god you have taught me from youth until the present i proclaim your [Music] i will sing of your salvation i will sing of your salvation i will sing of your salvation i will sing of your salvation [Music] [Music] a reading from the first letter of paul to the corinthians brothers and sisters strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts but i shall show you a still more excellent way if i speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love i am a resounding gong or a clashing symbol and if i have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge if i have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love i am nothing if i give away everything i own and if i hand my body over so that i may boast but do not have love i gain nothing love is patient love is kind it is not jealous it is not pompous it is not inflated it is not rude it does not seek its own interests it is not quick tempered it does not brood over injury it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth it bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails if there are prophecies they will be brought to nothing if tongues they will cease if knowledge it will be brought to nothing for we know partially and we prophesy partially but when the perfect comes the partial will pass away when i was a child i used to talk as a child think as a child reason as a child when i became a man i put aside childish things at present we see indistinctly as in a mirror but then face to face at present i know partially then i shall know fully as i am fully known so faith hope love remain these three but the greatest of these is love the word of the lord love and hate yeah we know this combination and we want to affirm that love is always greater than hatred in the first reading we hear again the calling of the prophet jeremiah and what love what love the calling of jeremiah you know started from the womb of his mother so god has already loved him loved him to mission loved him to his place or vocation no right there the beginning of his earthly existence he has been enveloped by love divine love and we call that love a vocation a specific vocation to prophecy to be a prophet but god out of love for jeremiah also told him the whole truth that as he proclaims god's word of love for the word of god is always love even the the painful messages from god are delivered to us out of love the word of god is not meant to degrade anyone it is not meant to inflict pain just for the sake of inflicting pain no the word of god is a word of love and if it inflicts pain it is in order to call us to conversion to wake us up and it could be painful but it is a word of love so jeremiah is the bearer of the word of love he was being loved will proclaim love but what will he get hatred hatred from the people and the leaders he will be dismissed and we know he will even be persecuted but god assures him you will continue to experience love from me you will never be loveless i will support you and this love will sustain him as she faces all the hatred that will be hurled on him in the second reading saint paul sings of love this is the famous odd to love ode to love and saint paul tells us that without love all the other things that we are able to do our gifts our talents our accomplishments amount to nothing even if they are good in themselves even if they are useful in themselves without love as the source you know of the activity and as the motor of the unfolding of a gift we gain nothing it amounts to nothing it is love that gives value to all of this and one one example that saint paul talks about is prophecy which relates us to the first reading the prophet jeremiah even if i have the gift of prophecy and knowledge of all things and if i could speak in tongues and i speak well eloquently but if i don't have love then it amounts to nothing maybe i will just add to the noise around here this is a good reminder to all of us prophecy true prophecy is rooted in love without love it is not prophecy it is not speaking on behalf of god prophecy is speaking on behalf of god and god is love so even if you have to say painful things let the motivation be love without love prophecy gains nothing for the prophet and for the others love and hate what makes us sustain hatred what makes us go move forward even when we are hated only one thing love [Music] the proclamation of the holy gospel according to luke he said to them today the scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing and all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth they also asked isn't this the son of joseph he said to them surely you will quote me this proverb physician cure yourself and say do here in your native place the things that we heard were done in kafar naom and he said amen i say to you no prophet is accepted in his own native place indeed i tell you there were many widows in israel in the days of elijah when the sky was closed for three and a half years and a severe famine spread over the entire land it was to none of these that elijah was sent but only to a widow in zarephath in the land of sidon again there were many lepers in israel during the time of elisha the prophet yet not one of them was cleansed but only na'aman the syrian when the people in the synagogue heard this they were all filled with fury they rose up drove him out of the town and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town had been built to hurl him down headlong but he passed through the midst of them and went away the gospel of the lord [Music] love and hate even if we say love and hate we are not putting them on an equal footing love is always greater than hatred and hatred can only be overcome by genuine love in the first reading the vocation of the prophet jeremiah is presented as a love story god loved him from the very beginning of his existence in his mother's womb and this love brought to his calling to be a prophet to be a bearer of the message of love of god not his own message of love but the love of god but he will be met with hatred but god assures him i will be with you you will not be loveless and it is the love of god that will enable the prophet jeremiah to face the hatred and persecution that came his way his love is greater than hatred in the second reading saint paul describes to us the dynamic character of love and we are familiar with that but saint paul also tells us that we may have the gift of prophecy of knowledge of speaking in tongues of healing and even the boldness to give of ourselves to death to martyrdom but if we do all of those things without love then we gain nothing nothing so true prophecy is always rooted in love and when the prophet is faced with opposition it is his love that will enable him to conquer the hatred and the opposition to god's word in the gospel saint luke gives us the continuation of jesus's preaching in the synagogue they were astonished they were they were in awe the at the the the talent and the wisdom the gracious words that came from jesus and they recognized him he's one of us he's from nazareth he's the son of joseph he is one of us now what do you do when you have someone from your own town who exhibits such talent such goodness of course you feel proud and uh maybe people will start to look for blood connection oh he is a relative it runs in our blood the talent runs in our blood and before you know it we want to control this person and say you are ours we love you but stay within our parameters but jesus saw through them he saw through their hearts and their attitudes what was the real intention and he told them look no prophet is accepted in his own town you appreciate me now because of my talent but if i start prophecy now prophecy with love you will not like me anymore and then he teaches them another a dimension of prophetic love the love that god wants a prophet like jesus who is not only a prophet but the word of god made flesh what is this love that god wants the prophets to proclaim it is universal love not clanish love not what we call partisan love love only for my group love only for my family love only for my my town no universal love and jesus wow speaking now as a prophet teaching them about love said look during the drought you know elijah was sent not to a widow in israel but a widow in sidon and elisha the prophet there were many people afflicted with leprosy at that time but who experienced the healing love of god assyrian neheman so you want to control me because i'm from nazareth you want to own me because i am the son of joseph but i tell you i am bringing a love which goes beyond our town the love for outsiders love for those whom we in our town probably do not recognize aha and what did he get hatred they wanted to throw him out of the town and even push him off the cliff but jesus the bearer of universal love past unharmed you see my dear brothers and sisters we will face many trials when we love and when we bear the message of love and sometimes even from our own families our own relatives and our own town we will not get a good hearing but what will sustain sustain a profit what will sustain a disciple of the lord love without love we will gain nothing we will stop i know many people are feeling tired because of this pandemic that doesn't seem to end but i tell you let us not just look at the depressing things look at also how the pandemic has awakened love concern in many people in our health workers families among civil uh servants the volunteers in the church mean there are a lot of manifestations of love and sing the praise of love for it is love that will conquer all the anger and hatred in the world the word has been exposed let us now fulfill it [Music] last week we began our series on jesus science of healing we started with the experiences of the blind highlighting the experience of the man who was born blind in john's gospel jesus did not only open his eyes and restored their biological function but also his eyes of faith which enabled him to see the light of the world jesus something that the crowd and the pharisees refused to see and recognize today let us look at the experiences of the lame that they were able to walk again is another sign of god's salvation do you remember the story of the man at bethesda who was lame for 38 years the man had given up hope because he had no one to put him into the pool when the water is stirred up they believed that the pool in bethesda was miraculous what did jesus do he approached the man and asked do you want to be well of course he did but he no longer hoped because someone else always gets down the pool before him jesus instructed him rise take up your mat and walk [Music] the man became well he rose and walked this encounter illustrates that jesus approaches those who have lost all hope despair is a form of lameness an incapacity to rise and to walk in his mercy he restores hope and health this is a sign of god's salvation it is god himself who will walk towards his people it was jesus who approached the lame man at bethesda and when they saw each other in the temple jesus came to the man again [Music] this would make us ask is his illness caused by his sin the gospel writer does not specify but our experience and knowledge show the practicality of jesus's words since has men have many forms for example gluttony could lead to detrimental health problems wrath and anger and hatred could lead to serious injury to oneself and others so jesus's reminder is appropriate now there is another interesting encounter with the lame the paralytic in capernaum i'm sure you remember his story his friends brought him to jesus they opened the roof and jesus saw their faith that came with their effort child your sins are forgiven he said to the paralytic rise pick up your mat and walk [Music] how can we make sense of this let us take this beautiful insight from pope francis [Music] so [Music] the grace multiplied not only physical healing but spiritual healing too because people came together in faith hope and love to help a paralyzed friend isn't this an image of what jesus would say later in his ministry for i was ill and you cared for me the paralytic and his friends their faith and concern were a sign of god's kingdom jesus affirmed the presence of god in their community by his words and healing let us pray for the same grace amen [Music] we have prepared reflection points for you please share them with your companions the first point is how can we imitate jesus in loving even when rejected the second point do we keep jesus for ourselves and for our con convenience or do we share him with others [Music] heavenly father you have blessed this humble program with a decade of mission on air you have gifted it with the talents hard work and financial support of many generous people so that as your word is exposed many more may know love and serve jesus [Music] lord jesus be with us always your production staff and partners your viewers and benefactors that we may not run out of courage zeal and charity in fulfilling our mission daily and when our limitations and weaknesses surface please ask the father to send the holy spirit to purify us and set our hearts on fire with renewed faith hope and love so we may serve you for many more years to come amen friends thank you for your company we pray that the word of god would find fulfillment in your life and his blessings be always upon you and we hope you could be with us again next sunday here on the word exposed [Music] the wonder of your name [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes
Channel: JesComTV
Views: 8,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thewordexposed, Jescomph, Jescom, Psalms, Cardinal Tagle, WordExposed, Religious, Inspirational, Catholic, Cycle C, Gospel, Readings, Mass, Homily, Christianity, Cardinal Tagle Sunday Sermon, Cardinal Tagle Homily, Cardinal Tagle Youtube, Cardinal Tagle video, Cardinal Tagle message, Cardinal Tagle show, Cardinal Tagle homily today, Cardinal Tagle mass, stella maris, I will sing forever, 500yoc, 500yearsofChristianity, giftedtogive, Epiphany of the Lord
Id: n1vW45ONxOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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