THE TRUE GOAL | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (October 10, 2021)

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[Music] hi i'm seminarian rasi junana from the diocese of novoliches join us at cardinal cheeto every sunday on the word expose on chess company i am aristotel from teresa join us in cardinal cheeto every sunday on the world expose on just from tv i'm earl gerard v fryland from santa ana manila join us in cardinal cheeto every sunday on the word exposed on jescom tv friends greetings of joy and peace i trust that you are well please continue exposing the word with us every sunday subscribe to then watch and share the word exposed on your feed thank you [Music] ciao mabuhay you are watching the word exposed let us behold jesus the word incarnate revealing himself to us in the sunday readings we are on the 28th sunday in ordinary time and in today's gospel jesus exclaims how hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of god there was a man who asked jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life he has been observing the commandments from his youth but his face fell and he went away sad when jesus told him go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me friends are we ready to let go of our material possessions and other things to follow jesus what are our priorities [Music] a reading from the book of wisdom i prayed and prudence was given me i pleaded and the spirit of wisdom came to me i preferred her to scepter and throne and deemed riches nothing in comparison with her nor did i liken any priceless gem to her because all gold in view of her is a little sand and before her silver is to be accounted mire beyond health and calmlyness i loved her and i chose to have her rather than the light because the splendor of her never yields to sleep yet all good things together came to me in her company and countless riches at her hands the word of the lord [Music] fill us with [Music] fill us with your love o lord [Music] fill us with your love o lord [Music] [Music] and we will sing for [Music] that we make wisdom return o lord how long have pity [Music] fill us with [Music] fill us with [Music] that we may shout for joy and gladness [Music] make us glad for the days for the years when we saw evil [Music] fill us with [Music] let your work be seen by your servant and your glory by your [Music] children and may the gracious [Music] prosper the work of our heads for us for us fill us with [Music] [Laughter] and we will sing for doors and we will sing for [Music] [Music] a reading from the letter to the hebrews brothers and sisters indeed the word of god is living and effective sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating even between soul and spirit joints and marrow and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart no creature is concealed from him but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account the word of the lord our true goal i hear it said many times that our world today seems to be aimless we do not know where we are going there there is a state of general confusion directionlessness so maybe our readings could help us find again our goal and set our priorities right this is a mark of wisdom true wisdom in the first reading from the book of wisdom we have a portion of the prayer of solomon the personification of wisdom he prayed for wisdom he prayed for wisdom why because of his mission as an anointed king of god's people look at that his goal was clear to rule god's people as the true servant of god and he knew that he needed divine wisdom for that the clarity of goal so he said he preferred wisdom to scepter throne meaning he preferred wisdom to his authority and his regal position he preferred wisdom to gold and silver the riches that his position would automatically give to him he preferred wisdom to beauty and health he preferred wisdom to a long life that would have extended his reign as king his goal was clear for the goal of serving god by being a good and wise king he set his priorities now all of these things that he considered secondary were good and might be able to help him as a king but look at his wisdom he knew what was the priority and what the other things the position of those other things in reference to the priority and what happened to solomon he says all of these good things that he let go of were also given to him he did not look for them he looked for wisdom but god gave him anyway those good things and with wisdom we hope he would not get distracted but we know what happened to solomon there is that temptation he also got distracted he lost his sense of goal the goal and lost a bit of wisdom but we but he prayed he prayed and his prayer should be ours in the second reading from the letter to the hebrews we have an idea of what the jewish christians were experiencing the recipients of this letter they were losing interest in jesus and in their faith you know that that happens one day you are very fervent in the in in following jesus another day you you don't feel any interest anymore so at that moment the the author wrote to them reminding them to cling to the word of god for it is the word of god that will bring them back not only to jesus but to themselves the word of god will reveal to them the depths of who they are and what their hearts really long for so through the word of god hopefully they will set their eyes back to their goal to follow jesus and to be people ready to take the path towards jesus my dear brothers and sisters when you feel a bit lazy when you feel a bit discouraged please turn to the word of god for new energy and not only energy physical energy but spiritual energy that will help us be wise to look at life again as god intends us to find the goal and for the goal be freed of any other attachment [Music] the proclamation of the holy gospel according to mark as jesus was setting out on a journey a man ran up knelt down before him and asked him good teacher what must i do to inherit eternal life jesus answered him why do you call me good no one is good but god alone you know the commandments you shall not kill you shall not commit adultery you shall not steal you shall not bear false witness you shall not defraud honor your father and your mother he replied and said to him teacher all of these i have observed from my youth jesus looking at him loved him and said to him you are lacking in one thing go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me at that statement his face fell and he went away sad for he had many possessions jesus looked around and said to his disciples how hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of god the disciples were amazed at his words so jesus again said to them in reply children how hard it is to enter the kingdom of god it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of god they were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves then who can be saved jesus looked at them and said for human beings it is impossible but not for god all things are possible for god peter began to say to him we have given up everything and followed you jesus said amen i say to you there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and eternal life in the age to come the gospel of the lord our true goal now this period of the pandemic which has really revised or changed our styles of life our perspectives you know might lead some people to a loss of direction in life we are already hearing some reports of you know depression discouragement you know and and so we need during this moment and hopefully after this moment uh a new sense of purpose finding our goal and setting our priorities right the king solomon prayed for wisdom so that he could be a good king and he let go of other good things for wisdom but god gave him wisdom and all the other things and we hope he he would not invert the priorities you know it is a disaster if a leader loses his sense of direction instead of becoming a good leader he gets enamored of riches position fame ah that is a disaster in the second reading we have the jewish christians being reminded by the author of the letter to the hebrews that at the moment when they're losing interest in jesus they should turn to the word of god for the word of god will almost give them an experience of a joyful pain for the word of god will penetrate their hearts their bones to wake them up and lead them back to their goal jesus and the kingdom in the gospel a man approaches jesus with a beautiful question what else what would he do to inherit eternal life very clear goal eternal life and jesus referred him back to the word of god just like in the second reading the commandments of god do them do them so jesus believes that the word of god especially the commandments of god are a way to reach the goal everlasting life this man said that he has observed all the commandments from his youth this is a very good man how many of us can claim that but then jesus said okay you need to do one more thing [Music] go sell what you have give to the poor and then come follow me follow me and the man felt sad for he had many possessions mighty brothers and sisters this is an important portion what was the goal that jesus was setting for him for this man the goal was not just to sell everything that he had his the goal was not just to lose all your property and give to the poor maybe the man did not hear the final goal come follow me you said you want everlasting life ham follow me i am the way to everlasting life and the path now is not just the commandments the path is also divesting yourself of the riches that might distract you from following me and serving the poor unfortunately the man left dear brothers and sisters what is our goal do not think that because you give arms you uh donate and then that you have already achieved the goal the goal is following jesus the goal is following jesus saint paul in his letter to the corinthians said even if i give everything up even if i allow myself to be burned if i don't have love i gain nothing so please do not say to others oh i donated to this institution i gave money to this and then they're all good but the goal is still following jesus if it is not to follow jesus and to show love to the poor then we are just using our good acts in order to promote ourselves rather than the kingdom that's a time when we need wisdom so that we will be clear about our direction and priorities the word has been exposed let us now fulfill it [Music] [Music] in the previous episode we recalled where the miraculous medal devotion began our lady appeared to sister catherine laboure in the chapel of the daughters of charity in paris france in 1830 in one of those visits the young sister was instructed to have medals made after the impression shown to her the medals were produced two years later upon the permission of their archbishop now a prominent image in the medal depicts our lady crushing the serpent with her feet this image reminds us of the book of genesis where god told the serpent who tricked eve and adam into disobedience [Music] the image presented to sister catherine then is an affirmation of our belief in mary's obedience which helped pave the way for the incarnation of the son of god through her active obedience and participation in god's work mary gave birth to the son of god incarnate in jesus who in his own active obedience and participation in god's work triumphed over disobedience and its fruit death sin and death as stated in the scripture entered the world through the serpent so when mary gave her yes to god she also put to shame the serpent who had wanted people to say no to god going back to genesis mary's fiat was prophesied as the first strike to hit the serpent and the ultimate strike was the resurrection of jesus the serpent and its legacies sin and death were defeated by the obedience of mary and jesus the offspring of eve and adam [Music] now another prominent image on the medal is the inscription o mary conceived without sin pray for us to have recourse to thee the dogma of the immaculate conception was not yet defined during the apparitions in 1830 it was providential that his teaching contained in the invocation given to sister catherine has become widespread partly due to the medals some decades later in 1854 pope pius ix promulgated the apostolic constitution in the fabulous dayus defining the immaculate conception [Music] the miraculous medal devotion is in harmony with the dogmatic declaration o mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee [Music] we have prepared reflection points for you please share them with your companions the first point is what are the basis of your priorities in life the second point is how can we convince the youth that following jesus is a priority papanum [Music] heavenly father you have blessed this humble program with a decade of mission on air you have gifted it with the talents hard work and financial support of many generous people so that as your word is exposed many more may know love and serve jesus lord jesus be with us always your production staff and partners your viewers and benefactors that we may not run out of courage zeal and charity in fulfilling our mission daily and when our limitations and weaknesses surface please ask the father to send the holy spirit to purify us and set our hearts on fire with renewed faith hope and love so we may serve you for many more years to come amen friends thank you for your company we pray that the word of god would find fulfillment in your life and his blessings be always upon you and we hope you could be with us again next sunday here on the word exposed [Music] of your name [Music] is [Music] let us [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: JesComTV
Views: 10,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thewordexposed, Jescomph, Jescom, Psalms, Cardinal Tagle, WordExposed, Religious, Inspirational, Catholic, Cycle B, Gospel, Readings, Mass, Homily, Christianity, Cardinal Tagle Sunday Sermon, Cardinal Tagle Homily, Cardinal Tagle Youtube, Cardinal Tagle video, Cardinal Tagle message, Cardinal Tagle show, Cardinal Tagle homily today, Cardinal Tagle mass, stella maris, I will sing forever, 500yoc, 500yearsofChristianity, giftedtogive, 28thSundayinOrdinaryTime, Marian
Id: fHwp7i6SEbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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